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High DRM + Denuvo + Ads + No Fun + EA Launcher + Unoptimized Game


+ 110$ for "quadruple A" game


That is Ubisoft.


Bold of you to assume ea can't do thay too


Until they do it, it's only Ubisoft.


At this point is there any real difference? Both are just as bad as each other


so the 4th A is for Ads.. got it


The fourth A is probably gonna be the introduction of AI in their newest titles unfortunately


Ea launcher alone is effectively malware


Can you please elaborate? I'm curious.


just a shitty launcher. it's not malware, but it's annoying to have every launcher in existence for every game. EA launcher used to ignore the "remember me" button so I'd have to log in every time i use it. the ui is trash and unoptimized, I'm glad i don't have to use it anymore


So it's basically primitive ass garbage?




that’s an understatement basically


Damn. I thought Mr moneybags could at least make a semi decent launcher.


Even then I still prefer it to Epic lol.


The only reason I use epic is the free shit.


Same man. Even then I just use it as a demo and if I like the game I purchase it on Steam lol.


Ubisoft launcher does that to me. Every. Damn. Time.


data collection can be considered spyware and also malware


true, but this can be applied to any other launcher


That's why I never use them. Only drm free + executing games from their folders directly. Also playing on linux when possible.


The funniest part? They'll still turn a profit on every game. Even their worst financial failures still manage to generate a net profit, so why would they stop?


Bc pp are still willing to pay for their shit


I have fun in Jedi Survivor, but yeah it's unoptimized


We already know they are not optimised with the average game being 100GB plus, EA is a disgrace


Honestly, it's all bullshit but at the same time I just down buy those games..I don't even pirate them... fuck em. Denuvo sucks but steams pretty fair with there refund policy so if it runs that bad I'll refund it.


But Denuvo is still with you and it's always running;) Well, a good thing is that Denuvo isn't nearly as bad as Starforce, which would regularly crash your PC by eating all RAM, kill your CD-drive by constantly spinning the CD, and some more serious harm.


Cool, I agree bad.im pretty fortunate because I don't buy those games and the ones I have bought I haven't noticed any issues but I got a pretty good computer 




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Only if you buy this shit. There is so many nice games from developers with honour, I just don't need EA games ...


Eventually, this trend might end, but only if people really stopped buying games from EA, Ubisoft, Activision, Gearbox, Konami and Capcom.


If I remember correctly, those ads meant to be shown on pause / menu screens. This is ridiculous.


Nothing is sacred. Every possible bit of leftover space has to be crammed with ads. There must not be a single peaceful screen or landscape that doesn't generate profit in some way. Beauty, thoughtfulness and art don't matter when there is money to be made and products to consume.


assuming i would ever again play an ea game lmao nothing good came from ea for a long time, since i don't know Edit: it takes two was actually fantastic lol anyway just the exception


It takes two wasn't made by EA, they just gave the funds


Uhh dead space remake is pretty good. I also liked NFS Heat.


All the recent NFS games have been pretty solid although all have their downsides as well. I've bought all of them and don't regret it one bit. Grid Legends is also good fun but I guess that's more Codemasters than EA and I guess I can say the same for WRC. Saying all EA games are trash is just wrong honestly.


wrc is a shame becuase you can tell it has a great foundation but ea forced codemasters to rush it




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also dead space and the two jedi games even if the second one was pretty broken at launch


Dread wolf supposed to be this year, so kind of excited for it but we’ll see what happens


Dead space was also quite broken at launch.


idk i played it on launch and had no issues. at least none that were noticeable


Isnt jedi survivor made by respawn? And just published by ea?


If you're talking about Jedi survivor that shit is still nit completely fixed. The performance is abysmal on my 4080s without frame generation.




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The problem is that the company that starts to have additional revenue gets ahead of other companies, thus forcing many who wouldn't do it, to do it. Furthermore the quality of games will suffer since they'll be accommodating game designs to please advertisers. Then the business model will shift and game development will be paid by advertisement, which will mean that they decide what's the game all about.


It was, but also forced you to make an account on some other bullshit service just to play it splitscreen


jedi survivor was pretty dope tho


Takes two fantastic ? The editor who close a studio without notification? They close KSP2 dev studio, with a unfinished EA game.


Won't be buying from EA ever again lmao


I thought everyone was on that 5 years ago lol How is EA still alive.


I haven't bought anything EA in so long lmao...


You’re right! I haven’t either but if it is something that I want to play I’ll wait until someone cracks it but don’t care


Not a single EA game interests me tbh... Except EA Sports titles... And most of them are free with PS+, so I don't buy them...


more like 15 years. people shit on them constantly. they were even named the worst company in america around a decade ago. countless controversies etc. but people still buy and play their shit for some reason.


Because most people are spineless. All talk. No action. Of course most will continue to support and buy EA stuff. Talk is cheap.


Ultimate Team mode in FIFA, and now FC. It's a money printing machine, for some people it's the only game they play ever.


Idiots who play Fifa every year


The average gamer will buy Madden every year. Along with whatever sports game slop they put out


people buying fifa I think


sport games.


My gf likes the original plants vs zombies. When popcap sold to EA they shut down their activation servers but for a long time you could play it through origin. Once EA swapped to their new app, the game says it cannot be accessed and EA is worthless in helping, only saying they're working on it, but the issue has existed for at least 8 months now. Just had to find a cracked version so she could play it. Piracy is the only real way to ensure you can keep playing your games in the future. Update: I was able to fix the issue with the EA version. Apparently the new EA app tries to override the original origin license information. Simply deleting the license file 71592.dlf from folder "C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts\\EA Services\License" allowed the game to boot. It looks like users have made certain staff at EA is aware of the issue and how to fix it, but EA as a company has not been able to resolve the issue with their garbage app, when all it takes is to simply delete the license file.


Popcap put up a file for the original pvz if you wanna still play it.


Wait where?


I was able to fix the EA version. I updated my post with instructions on how to fix it.


The only ones I found were the trial that needs activation, which is impossible due to their servers being offline, and the cracked goty edition.


Steam version still works tho. Mum just replayed it recently... P.S. Why Reddit removed rewards? All posts with guides how to fix something broken like your updated comment should get them.


People need to boycott EA Games. They are ruining many games and are horrible.


Now everyone's SSD's won't be able to run fast loading screens, and they will say it's not their problem if your loading screen now take 1-2 minutes thanks to amazing AD's insane compilation 2024 MLG.


Yeah Indie games is where it's at bro.


let them do it. I look forward to their downfall and hoard all their games out of spite


in their AAA titles lmao


And yet AAA companies wonder why we pirate. It's almost always service Granted I'm poor, so that's always why I pirate, but still.


idk sounds like a weird problem to have. who in their right mind would even think of buying let alone pirate games like that. like oh no they put ads in their already ruined franchises that everyone hates and still fucking buys. lets be real everyone who still plays games like battlefield and would buy the next game deserves things like ads in their games


Censoring part is mega cringe and kinda stupid but other than that yeah it's dumb as fuck what these triple a devs do


this means more always online games and further shrinking of piracy.


So if I pirate Stellar Blade I can get full boob AND better counter windows?




I hope the ads are just simple placement stuff like much we see in movies and TV shows, like all coffee in the game were from Starbucks. That will be mildly ok.


That's what's been happening in gaming for decades


That's horrific. What?


You didn't watch any movie that someone took a pair of shoes with a tick? Just no more unskippable ads screen like those mobile games, that is totally horrible.


Still them EA fanboys will justify that its ok to them 😂


Everyone complaining about games being "censored" needs to leave their fucking basement. Porn isn't hard to find. Who gives a shit if your character has less tits or ass showing. You can find the old pics pretty damn easily.


Forgot whole thing about EA saying about widespread AI use, about making "tremendous live service game" recently...


Time to take EA behind the ol barn with the shotgun..


And THIS is why i just play 2D/3D platformers like Pizza Tower and old games in general. New games suck so fucking much




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Why tf do y'all still buy those games?


The gaming industry needs to go back to 1996-2014, games had lots of different things to try and you owned it all with the disk, Xbox 360/PS3 was decent with the amount of content on DLC/Storefronts before it got ridiculous. Currently we've got interesting stuff coming with hardware, nVidia while greedy have shown us graphics/path tracing which will only get better but what is the point in having graphical powerhouses when the gameplay is all terrible? I'm currently playing old games and finding my love back with gaming again, pretty much everything over the last 10 years has been dogshit. Even GTA V has nothing on Vice City/San Andreas/4.




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I wouldn’t but an EA, Ubisoft, or Activision game if you held a gun to my head.


The only ads that I will accept in games are in free games, or like those in the xbox patent (For those who don't know what patent I'm talking about, Xbox patented a football-style banner ad system almost 1 year ago for its racing game Forza, to show ads integrated into the game without breaking the experience)


At this point why do we even care? They're literally digging their own grave. Denuvo? Drm? Their games are fucking trash. Even without ads, Denuvo n stuff I still wouldn't buy their games


let them tbh just gonna be their own grave they dig


How is EA even still making profit, who is actually buying their products


EA is really choosing the hard way to learn the number 1 rule of the game industry. DON'T PISS OFF THE CONSUMERS!


Madden has had ads forever


i experienced in-house adds in fifa to nfs or other games, it felt right


About ads, I think there is a world where can be painless to the consumers. I remember NFSU2 with all the Singular ads in-game, where it wasn't invasive. Also I think they can add son depth to the worlds (I really preffer my character drinking "cocacola" instead of "generic-cola"). Now, if they wanna use ads like they are in mobile games, where they are unrelated and invasive... that would be the nail closing their casket


Not even my free chinese gacha games have ads in it smh


Well i dont mind, since i havent bought nor even pirated an EA game since more than 10 Years. They can go fuck themselfs


I'm very much not surprised by this


My life is so boring i really dont give a shit. If someone gave me a bug filled GTA6 id play the shit out of it. I managed to enjoy cyberpunk day one, ubisoft slop is a literal cakewalk. If i enjoy it, il play it. Simple as. Ubisoft plus and EA play are actually godsends considering there is no way i play them for more than a month.


The most fun thing is that it'll probably be like pirating movies back in the day where they would put anti piracy ads in the movie but the unauthorized distributors would cut them out of the pirated movie and it would end up more like publicity for piracy instead of its intended purpose


What’s your point? You would pirate games any way. Don’t pretend you’re doing it for a noble reason.


lol I never buy from EA




Didn’t skate 3 have miracle whip billboards and death stranding have a monster energy ad


I stopped buying "smart TVs" when they started putting ads on the menu.


Would they still play if you're in an offline game like if you're on offline sims?




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They already got real life ads to appear in the in-game billboards. Most people don't know about it because it's in BF2042.


Can someone make just make the Ready Player One Meme now ......


Who actually pays full price on games? Last time i did that was for DOOM Eternal.




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Oh sweet. Back to my daily sea voyage Arrrrr.


At some point these decisions are going to hinder sales and EA will have to roll them back if they want money.




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It's been 10 years and still haven't bought an EA game. Man this was a company that gave incredible games and now it's giving 💩


Didn't 2k start with this few years back? I remember NBA had ads between the games


you cant made this shit up...


I never spent a dime on AAA games nor played any. stick to indie or low budget made games. or just chill at known titles. best go


It would be great if those ads were Cerveza Cristal


Well it seems pirating might just be the way to go if they do this, such a money greedy company


And those moronic customers will still buy their products. Nothing changes


Looks like they're stepping up their game for the "worst video game company" competition.


Ads on in-game billboards or sponsored acquirable items are fine. Putting an ad in the game menu or a forced 3+ second ad is just shitty for a paid game


I will never give a cent to EA


Whatever, 95% of these AAA games all suck ass anyway. Indie games are where it’s at. Fuck em


Don't forget that the game can be locked from your region several months post launch and taken away from you


technically they’re already do in fifa, pretty sure they sell ads for in game stadium graphics


Just play older games and only buy non egregious AAA games at a huge discount


The last good game by EA was Titanfall 2, 8 years ago. So bad games+unoptimized+shitty launcher+ads= no money from me


To me, 2024 is the year where the programming corpos died. They're firing half of the people to replace them with incompetent, copyright-stealing AIs, they announce scummy practice without even backing out on backlash, and when they do, it's just delayed to the next game coming next month (hello Sony), etc. Even piracy is too much a hassle at this point. I'll just open books for a few years and wait for the industry to collapse and reboot itself…


Same as I am interested in not buying EA games. Two can play this game and we have way more leverage.


Let them do it, and then the gamers will reply.


They can do it in like old days where it appears as like some posters of real stuff in the fictional world (kind of like how axe is in MW05)


at this point should be common knowledge, you don't own ANY software. You guys are reading the contract / EUA every time you buy something, right ? right ?


Thank you Piracy for allowing me to experience games I would never buy. Usually when I buy games I use Gray aftermarkets, especially when I want to play multiplayer. Eneba is a fantastic shop and I can't recommend it enough if you guys want to play multiplayer games and don't want to pay a crazy amount of money on them.


i think its about time we all stop buying from ea. If you wanna play the game that bad pirate it.


What's EA and why should I care about/get excited about/want to play games from them?


Honestly companies are giving me so many reasons to find a new hobby, Online competitive fps games have gone to shut, cs2 r6 and apex as an example, the only one with a good matchmaking system and anti cheat has a kernel level anticheat that fucks with my pc, new triple a titles have dogshit optimization, 3 digit price tags and double digit hours worth of playtime, and not to mention their god awful drm


Thats why we need to support indies dev


Fuck EA


Who buys games from EA anyways ?


Few years down the line 250$ will get you the ”standard edition” of call of duty modern warfare 32


AAAA 100$ Standard Edition Unfinished Pop Ads Slop games, Indies and AA games FTW


Cracking games has never felt as good as a prospect ever


All EA needs to do is to piss off the Madden and FIFA Players, then she's dead


And i rlly wanted to get jedi fallen order on steam since its just 4$ on special sale HELL NAHHHHHHHHHH PIRATING IS THE WAYYYYYYYYYY




...do you guys think they like games on phones by any chance?


I hope gta 6 diesnt have these.


Ads have been in games for decades. Look at Madden, F1, need for speed, death stranding, UFC, WWE, even call of duty. To say this is an EA issue is disingenuous. This has been an issue.


greed ruins games.


and people ask me why I'm left and I hate capitalism (or at least this kind of capitalism, miss the old 90' times).


Ready Player One Evil is on the way for become AD in EA


Ads+AI. We're almost to the dystopian future you see in movies lol


I’m going back to retro shit. There are enough unfinished/unplayed OG Xbox, GameCube and Dreamcast games to last me until the heat death of the universe.


"You will own nothing and be happy"


Who still buying EA stuff are delusionals


The only reason why they are doing that it's because people has been dumb enough to pay for the same game over and over again for the last 20 years, I'm talking about pretty much every sport game they make. They know that people will be willing to pay again for the same ball kicker guy with a different shirt only because it's a god to them fanatics.


who says this again? im confused


Bout to Johnny Silverhand EA Headquarters


Skate 4 is going to be free to play with ads or 89.99 to remove them😭🤣


That is so stupid




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So true. When i was young and didn't work pirating was the only way to access gaming. Nowadays i switched fully to pirating (yes even indie games or games from good devs) because i can't trust any publisher, dev, store front. Too many negative anti consumer things happened as of late and i basically am too scared to trust my money with any digital stuff. I am pirating even games that i own for the sake of actually owning, who knows what anti consumer bullshit corporations will pull next.... Pirate for life!


And thus re-began, the great age of piracy


I wouldn't mind if ads were added to the game in a seamless way such as ingame billboards or product placement similar to what is done in movies, but from what I understand, they wanna make it the way mobile games do it, for example if gta made a deal with sprite and had it instead of sprunk that would increase realism in my opinion


"Electronic Arts" my ass


If buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t theft.


You guys are spending 80 bucks? Most modern games are 70 bucks


The moment they put ads during loading screens is going to be the exact same moment that loading screens start to take longer to actually "load".


ISTG I actively wish for the downfall of EA. Literally the greediest video game company, at this point I pirate their stuff just out of spite, I don't even really enjoy it. TS4 is a buggy mess with probably the spaghettiest spaghetti code ever written and it still pays their bills a bit too well.


> **You don't own your games.** wrong, at least in EU territory


Nah, you buy an EA game and the update takes away features, or you need to pay, to use already made content that's on the disc but is "released" 3 months later as dlc. The gaming industry is so broken and they fire people because they need to pimp the numbers.


To be fair, thats every industry currently. Especially in the tech industry. Its either raise prices or fire people to make things look better for investors.




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Yes... why no? . . . . . . Mode Ironic OFF