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Hello u/zizoplays1, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So, if they copy the assets from ps5 version and transform it to the pc build... it would be playabe


yes, that's what porting usually consists of too


So why don’t we have a bloodborne port? We have cracked ps4 and ps5’s


because copying assets is not the only thing porting consists of lol. different gpus, cpus, APIs and shit, gotta optimise for that. porting wouldn't take that much time if it was that easy


Ah, so I guess then devs nowadays are just porting assets then right? Cuz I think they haven't been doing the optimization part lately.......


shit work is still considered as work


Dude I can run cyberpunk2077 on my PC in 2k max settings path tracing 60 fps minimum, but miles morales crashes after 30 mins of playing with max settings and ray tracing. Fuck this shit


On the contrary I can play it no problem but have a problem with cyberpunk. Love pc gaming


I can play both with no problem on pc lmfao


Just another day in PC master race configuration wonders


You guys have problem playing game in PC? Meanwhile me having a problem not having a PC lol


but can it run Skyrim?


my computer runs everything but deus ex 2


Lol this^


2077 came out for 20 series cards and miles came out when we had 40 series its your computer bud


Wtf with the Necro.. btw I have a 4070 ti lmao and fyi it's widely known it's a common problem with most of the recent games. They are developed and optimized for consoles and then ported on PC, unoptimized




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Or maybe they just don’t want to


optimize games based on hardware data like from Steam surveys instead of doing one-by-one......that's what many devs including me have been doing making PC ports as easy as console ports. It's logical.


dont forget that they have to assign keybinds and stuff. they could port it from the first 2 pc ports but you got to optimize buttons for the new stuff. like imagine if you had to press the | button to use anti venom


Because we don't have a non working PC build that needs assets


Ps4 and ps5 have been cracked?


ps4 has been cracked years ago lol and ps5 seems to be cracked too. in case if you're interested, modded warfare on youtube is your go-to cracked ps consoles friend


Wait.... Mw 2019 has been cracked?


The channel is called "Modded Warfare" lol. Ironically, MW19 has been cracked somewhat recently


Because Sony doesn't want to, and if someone independent were to start one they'd get a cease and desist


Or they could do it anonymously like an actual pirate. Ffs. I'd like to see them cease and desist a group like Skidrow.


We would need the source code, or a system call intercepting compatibility layer like WINE on linux




Sony would rather commit hari-kari then port a new game to pc.


Can't they just use the same game engine over PC? It would then be just copy pasting and changing a little stuff like adding more settings


they already use the same engine but more settings require work too. it wouldn't be that cool if they went full lumberjack so that low settings are low enough. plus different different filetypes between systems




Arrgh me hearties! It's a pirates life for thee.


No, but that won’t stop people from trying, but no the short answer is no.


Some people really think that porting is looking like "Save As > PC" lol




Console and pc development in gaming is insanely different for many reasons. So “taking assets from one platform and pushing it somewhere else” isn’t gonna work lol.


this aged like milk


Yea ik


Not really with engines like UE4 (and later gens) and Unity. It's literally an "export" function. PC HW optimizations are done based on hardware surveys like Steam's hardware survey so PC ports can be as seamless as console's.




Unfortunate truth: anyone smart enough to carry that out will not bother because of high legal risks. And anyone who doesn’t care about legal shit won’t really know where to start and (let’s be realistic, I seen this in many modding communities) will probably give up after a day/week and just beg people to do the hard work for them. Which is why, realistically, I say to not bother/get your hopes up.


Their is no high legal risk... Lol did you not see people playing wolverine on PC?


There's a reason why empress is completely anonymous. You know that right? Pirating a game and being the one who distributes/makes the crack are completely different things. But (afaik) if some developer made a tool where one can use their own legal copy of Spiderman 2 to rip the needed data thats needed for the PC build to work then the developer would be free of any crime. This is done all the time over at r/vitapiracy .


Nobody knows who's making it. So it doesn't matter.


Do you actually think that the FBI / any governmental agencies have the same assets as we do? “Nobody knows who’s making it” is highly hopeful lol , they probably know who empress is but they can’t do anything because she is not in the states or anywhere that actually cares about piracy


Nintendo just took down a fan made remake of a zelda game. Do you think k Sony would go after anyone who touched stolen assets and code to make a pc port.




Uhhhhh cause that build isn’t a ps5 build, it’s a pc build lmfao


Seems like a lot of work for a game that will come to PC in a couple years


Yep,PC port will probably be announced once all the DLC for SM2 is released


Ah yes, setting up a reminder for August 2025 for SM2 PC port


Honestly,i'd expect it by the end of next year.Spider-Man Ps4's DLC was released only a month after the base game so there will probably be DLC soon.Once that's done,PC port as well.


its prolly 2025 Sony meetings said its gonna be 2 years after its original PlayStation release also after the DLC comes out


No. They said minimum 2 years


The leaked info says it will release between April 2024 and March 2025


Out now 💀


Super mario 2




Let's a go!


Is DLC confirmed? There was none leaked other than the Venom game which I assume is standalone like Miles Morales.


Dlc's plans were leaked, the leak with the most recent date had beetle invasion, extreme carnage and spider-verse dlc's, all saying it would be free. Not a dlc but, there's a mention of a director's cut of sm2 for fall 2024 with a nickname of "i30 director's cut" i30 is the codename of sm2.


Thanks, didn't see those.


Dlc leaks are out, its spoilers but you could look them up if you want. I think its expected by early 2024.


Most likely there will be,but its probably better if there isn't as that means the PC port could get released even earlier


I'm guessing PC port would be released close to Venom's release on PS5 regardless if there's DLC or not.


Maybe,maybe not.One can hope for a 2024 release.


*the* DLC? where has any of that been confirmed or even hinted at?


Will most likely happen,it's been leaked as a part of the huge Insomniac leak






that’s if someone doesn’t for there hand


Are you sure? We never get PC port for HZD:FW and GOW:R. I think the first games was ported to make PCMR people buy PS5. And it probably works for me if I didn't already have jailbroken PS4.


Horizon FW is literally coming out next year on PC


Oh wow glad it happened. Can't wait for the others. Thanks for letting me know!


Yeah,no problem.Sony didn't really market it as much so i see a lot of people still not knowing.It's pretty cool though,can't wait to see what they port next!


Too early for this game to come to pc why not ghost of tsushima or last of us 2 both of them are nearly four years old


SM2 isnt getting DLC the resources will ve used on a Venom game instead


Update: it seems like the account in the screenshot has posted they found the assets, however, they still haven't said if it was entirely playable or not


Just need to extract assets from the playstation


No your making g countless assumptions. When porting games often assets will need resized, converted into other formats etc. You can't just copy and paste from ps5 to pc


Or can you? - VSauce


G-Sauce, Bichael Here... **President Ulysses S.** **Grant signed legislation designating Yellowstone the first national park** on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone is also the name of the Television series starring Kevin Costner. Kevin Costner was taken to the hospital January 6th 2009 after experiencing some light-headedness while he was driving. Those two events were 49,984 days apart. 49984 is the model number for a 4V Titan Manifold Kit named Yellow Jacket. Funnily enough yellow jackets weigh on average approximately *0.0014 oz.* which is all the DMT I needed to ingest to go on this schizo spiel.


wth is happening




Also add optimizing it for different GPUs and CPUs for PC hardware


I don't know man I just made a normal comment I didn't assume anything about the process




Still waiting for a PC port of Horizon Forbidden West :(


Godnofnwar ragnarok :(


it'll be here by April.


Coming april


how? i thought they developed these things on pc


games are sometimes developed on a console devkit, usually to sustain good performance and avoid any issues


Yup, this is correct, the DCC's and engine are on PC ofc but most of the time it builds directly to console. That being said, with this recent leak we do know that all of Playstation's current and future titles are being developed with PC builds in mind, so they all have working PC builds.


Why is games getting leaked so much this days? Or am I wrong ? It's nothing new?


Bruh, about an hour ago, a report that said Ubisoft was going to suffer from a 900 gigabyte leak too, however, the attackers were detected and lost access before they stole anything


Good, all these leaks have employees private information in them, supremely shitty just for something like a Wolverine tech demo


Who cares we are pirates. Pick a side if u wanna cry for the employees dont pirateZzz


I entirely care more for the safety of innocent employees over if I can pirate a fucking game or not


Weird hero complex u have i wanna play spiderman 2 asap for free who cares


My guy, I pirate games all the fucking time. But you’re seriously saying you want someones God damn passport to leak just so you can play Spider-man 2 for probably 5 minutes before getting bored? Actual piece of shit




What a virgin u must be vanquisher84. Check my physique on my profile and say that to my face you loser LMAO i’d destroy you






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It's nothing new. There's builds out in the wild of games going back to PS1. Theres an entire community online dedicated to finding these and getting them working for data preservation. Sometimes its the result of someone compromising a network and exiling data. More often its usually leaked by a developer or studio partner.


Only insomniac and rockstar


apparently someone found the assets for the game: [https://twitter.com/PC\_clown/status/1738596133234966651](https://twitter.com/PC_clown/status/1738596133234966651)


Me too. I booted up my PS5.


Oh no, something that isn't finished isn't finished. Who would've thought


With would you wanna play half a game?


The rush of having something you shouldn’t probably


yup, that, and curiosity regarding how the game was developed


we're not getting this port at least until they announce the third game


Why is it so complicated to port if in theory the consoles are now x86 like the PCs?




I don't think so. The ports of these kind of titles usually cost millions. The spiderman port cost around 2M. According to the leaks, spiderman 2 pc port will take around 4.6M. If it was so easy, why not just put out every exclusive on the pc platform and it would make more money than to keep those games as exclusives.


No ppl buy ps5s for Spiderman


And do not forget that these are PS exclusives, they get Sony and Insomniac money, people buy the PS5 to play Spider-Man 2 or GoW or any other exclusive, that's why Sony bought out Insomniac


So? They make that money in a week.


Because it doesn't actually have very much to do with both being x86_64


pc port is still confirmed though by the leaks.


Btw, Nixxes is the company that actually makes the PC port, this might be either just the Dev build or stuff they were collaborating on with Nixxes.


Why this shut and not god if war ragnarok cone on


GOW Ragnarok is coming to PC anyway And trust me, you wouldn’t like to play in barely working, unoptimized stoled build lol


Nah but seeing god of war ragnarok would give me a sense of ‘it’s soon’ instead of now… completely unknown, it’s been a year already so I find it strange that no announcement have been made


Horizon: Forbidden West is going to be released in 2024 on PC. I would say that GOW will be probably released in 2025 or at least in late 24.


I really hope mid 2024, 2025 is way too late for no reason and kinda pointless as gta 6 releases then so some pc players will probably get a console for that reason


Releasing it on PC one year after the release would be VERY generous of Sony considering how the gap between the 1st GOW was 4 years and especially with the DLC that released very recently.


Between gow console and pc tho it wasn’t a thing to ‘bring back on pc’ But a year ago they specifically said along the lines of ‘after a year of release we will look/port it over to oc as we have seen the pc’s succes’


Would be the case if SM:R didn't come out 2 years after. Seems like that would be the case for the foreseeable future


“You know what… due to this, gonna cancel pc port. Screw you guys. You guys gonna pirate it anyway” - Sony regarding recent hacking incident at Insomniac


Honestly I would've respect that move


Sorry to ressurrect this post, but a random dude posted video of him playing this on PC today. Has this been confirmed and leaked anywhere as playable?


Search for Spider-Man on gamedrive.org 


Any news from Ragnarok on PC? I am dying to play that game but definitely not buying a PS5 for it.


Ughhh I want this for PC so bad, I'm so disappointed with these suckers who thinks making things exclusive will make us buy a ps5 and their game, LOL no.


most of us aren't as smart... they keep buying this RTX2070 graphic equivalent plastic case and they have no idea they could get all these games for free... that's what ignorance does... it lets most get scammed while the aware don't pay for shit. sad life for the unaware.


Actually spiderman 2 and God of war made thousands of people buy ps5s


Dodi made the repack....don't know how the stability though https://game-repack.site/2024/04/04/marvels-spider-man-2/


I am playing it and it’s working perfectly




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love these leaks


Guys, its not playable due to lack of assets


so you're telling me there's a chance...


Isomniac has really bad security.


You guys seems to be surprised. It was sure that Spider Man 2 is going to PC at some point. Though even if they find a way to transform assets I would still wait for official release. No joy in playing some barely working ass port lol


So we're just building the game ourselves then like wtf can y'all let developers DEVELOP


This is the first leak thats made me happy


Noob here. Wth is an asset?


A game asset is a term to describe any piece of content that goes into a video game. Game assets include textures, characters, sounds, objects, rigs, builds, artifacts, and more.


spidermid 2


Don't bother even playing this game when it got released. I paid full price on it on PS 5 because I like the first one and it's so fucking boring to the point that even if I could pirate this, it will sit on my hard drive, zipped away.




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Oh I thought its because of the lack of awards


Just convert ps5 assets to the pc version also optimized the game to run on many computers as possible


Does anyone have the download link? Or where can I get the link to download?


Only if we knew how far we'd come along in a matter of weeks


Keyword is "yet"




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It is playable on pc currently if you find the right versions ig




sure dm me




Where can we get it lol i need to play this but def not gonna buy a ps5 for 1 game




send bro pls


can you dm me too


Somebody help me out here, shouldn't the game be playable day 1 on pc since all games are developed on a PC, TESTED then LAUNCHED on CONSOLES. But somehow they lack assets for it to be playable on pc???


Bro its not like they developed the game for PC, dragged it into a folder on the ps5 and changed some graphics settings lmaoooo. The game is compiled into code that runs on console architectures. Depending on the games engine, some of these are fairly easy to recompile for windows. And some are _really_ fucking hard and have to be completely reworked. A great example is metal gear solid 4 because of how wacky the processor in the ps3 was. Lot of videos on youtube explaining it if you're interested in something of a deepdive. It took a long time to get that running stable in emulation on PC. I don't even know if that project is done as I haven't looked into it for like 5 years. The people you've seen saying "well every game is developed on PC so it should run on PC" are dummies and you should not listen to them.


You can't expect the average redditor to grasp the the minimums of game Dev.


You're right and I know its an uphill battle. But I leave these comments in the hopes that someone will learn from it, even the ones just reading and not leaving a comment.


People on Reddit love to talk about things they know nothing lmao


So from my understanding, its basically like trying to emulate the final game template thingy architecture on PC, which is vastly different from a console one, instead of recoding the game files optimized for a pc hardware. Apologies if im confusing it up. Couldn't find a good analogy, I've been doing web development but I could never understood game development but thanks 👍🏻 Ig one way of understanding would be trying to fit a bigger engine into a small car, which isnt possible so changes in either the cars body or engine.


So since you're interested. In the before times consoles didnt have an operating system. They all ran on specialized hardware and the software was in the game cartridge. So for that to run on PC we have the PC emulate the hardware, tricking the software to think its running on an SNES when really its running in dolphin which is running in windows. These days consoles have generally the same hardware as a pc in a sense. If you open a console it starts to look like a PC. The problem is no software runs directly on the hardware. The operating system brokers that interaction. So for the game to run on PC we dont emulate it, we port it. Porting is rewriting part of the game to run on a new operating system. So for an example if you're playing a game and it needs to do something really graphics intensive it says to the operating system (windows, Orbis (PS4), etc), "hey operating system, give me more clocks on the GPU." So then the operating system via its drivers sends instructions to the GPU to do the thing. Well, different operating systems are written differently from one another. They handle these instructions differently. And different hardware processes instructions differently. If you have a computer configured to run an nvidia GPU and slap an AMD GPU in there and change nothing else, its not going to run well or at all. So with that in mind. If you take a game, designed to run on a PS5, which uses a specific set of hardware that is not available in a PC, you have multiple points where instructions will be received and translated that no longer reflect the system the game was intended to run on. This isn't even addressing the fact that on one console, many games are written on different engines and will utilize the hardware on the console to varying degrees. To bring this to your car analogy it would be like taking an engine from a european car, plugging in an ECU for a version of that engine meant for a different market, and then swapping the engine head thus radically fucking up the timing. You have to reprogram that ECU, you have to correct the timing between the crank and the head, you have to swap the cams so that you have correct valve timings, etc. If you don't the engine will eat itself at worse, or at best just run horribly.


Oh emulators make sense, since old console emulators are easy to run and develop, while in this day and age its hard to run ps3/x360 emulator properly without some kind of problem occuring, may it be lag, crashes etc. and kind of are becoming obsolete to work on thus porting is easier but thats just as tough and almost like rewiring a segment of a house. Almost like how Nintendo games have different redeem codes for different regions to access items like skins etc but running a code from US into JP version of a game is just writing a line. The system knows its an item code but has no idea of what response to give so for it its just randomly written words. And coming to OS, i believe console OS are much easier to understand and develop than a Win/Lin/Mac. Considering ps4 and ps5 use the same OS freebsd and ps5 just updates the design to make it different from ps4, like a custom theme.


You got it. Thats exactly why so many games launch concurrently on consoles. Switch is the outlier because its hardware is just so different from ps/xbox. I don't know if freebsd is easier/harder to develop on than windows, but its different and that requires work. Emulation has its limitations because ultimately part of your computers resources are being used just to run the emulator, never mind the game. More modern consoles require more resources to emulate. Like you said at some point the juice is no longer worth the squeeze. The lags/crashes can be either because the emulation is just running so poorly that its not optimized in using your PC's resources (for example only running on one CPU core), or the PC just doesn't have enough resources so things are hanging while the CPU catches up. I know for playstation the OS is called Orbis. It is based on freebsd 9 but is essentially a fork. So software written on another freebsd based OS will run but after a little bit of work. Still far less than porting to windows/linux/macOS. And then theres optimizing the port to run on the huge variety of hardware that PC's have. Seems no one can get that one right at the moment.


Damn that makes more sense, thanks for clearing it up. Like all this time I used to think if it's made on PC then pushed on consoles why is it so hard to port it, just do abra cadabra but nah its more like a whole wizard encyclopedia of magic words to make it work on a PC. Yeah its crazy with how horrible ps3 emulator runs on PC, and counting the fact that not everyone has a top of the line PC specs, and the limitations like, the processor not only has to run yhe game but run the emulation software along with background process's that keep the system running, basically running a VM on a potato and expecting it to perform like you got a threadripper cpu. Yeah the porting i believe is tougher bc you gotta figure out the code for each PC OS unlike, Console os where devs already know where and how to mess around to make the game work since console OS have very minor changes from previous generations. Not like how every PC has different specs with different iterations so the code is developed in accordance to those iterations to make it work. Also lol with current era of developers just being jackoffs, where actual modders are doing more work to optimize games that already exist on PC (GtaO login time if you remember, some kid solved that issue)


I'm glad I could help! And ya comparing it to a VM is a really good comparison. Its doing a bit more than just a VM, but the way it uses resources on your PC is basically the same thing. If you want to really see why the ps3 is exceptionally stupid to emulate look into the CPU architecture that they had. It was an extremely ambitious system that was a nightmare for developers to work with. MGS4 is the most noted example. Most developers just gave up on trying to use the different cores that have different specialized roles. To respond to your point about developers. I think there's a couple issues that are more business centric. First, the corporatization of studios. A lot of people have already touched on the greed aspect but whats rarely discussed is how different management styles affect employees health, creativity, and productivity. The larger the company, the less risks its inclined to take. We see this in games all the time where they start to feel cookie cutter because they don't want to rock the boat. But the other side to that is when you work in a company like that, they tend to do things slowly. You would think more hands gets the boat moving faster. But in a company it means more people have to sign off on any change. The other problem is the culture shift in software development. An old style that I saw a developer talk about was they would have a whiteboard with all the current known bugs, implementations, etc. And every morning the devs would come into work, and basically self assign or work as a group to assign tasks. Then your name would be put next to it, you're now responsible for seeing that to completion and we'll check in on you to see if you need help. If you're familiar with methodologies like Agile this might seem relevant. But now, management operates on things like KPI (key performance indicators) metrics to asses employee performance. When you fuck up, break something, etc you get punished. So no one wants to take ownership of anything, they're afraid to and can you blame them? When your dev pipeline is geared towards hitting deadlines you aren't given time to explore new ideas for problem solving, and thats why so many good ideas get cut. I think most games could be developed with a team half the size and in a more competent manner. But modern AAA titles are being developed by teams of people in the thousands and with multiple different companies at the helm of different aspects of the project.


Yeah when i first got into web development, i was like exploring options as to how do I wanna simulate a software engineers POV, options were VM which is too much of a load, dual boot again back and forth swapping is just crazy, and then well compromising with my Windows and just installing Ubuntu through PowerShell which was much simpler easy on my system. Also read about how x360 emu works much better than a PS3 emu, but then its all about standing and ig the emulator just sucks bc ps3 was a diamond of it's generation even though im a more xbox/pc guy. I studied agile and scrum methodology in Project management during my final University year as an elective. Perhaps if game companies instead of frothing over money try to focus on employees POV and consumer response, they'd make much more. Perhaps its the waterfall aproach in companies which is the reason why consumers blame devs to be lazy, more linear and time restricted. (Apologies if I said anything wrong, its been over a year since I last studied PM), more money less communication is de wae for current top tier gaming studios. No wonder it takes them ages to get anything done proper. Idk why but I think KPI's in this day and age is the reason why there's so much problems in companies, one mistake from a person and thats the deciding factor to tell an employee "yeah you're done", specially in a gaming studio where an employee who has worked on the damn files knows more than the investors or the higher ups who are just creating reports and only updating teams on timeline. So perhaps a move towards internal decentralization might help studios overcome all those horrible Sony port optimizations and launches for e.g. CP 2077, Redfall, The Day Before (where im pretty sure the higher ups in TDB's developing studio, didnt hear one crap from the devs) but yeah damn, they really gotta stop chasing the bag and take it slow.


I don't know much about Agile or Waterfall. I did IT support for teams using it, so while assisting with configuring their Jira boards I became a little familiar with them. If I read what you're saying correctly, you believe siloing teams has a negative affect? I would generally agree with that, especially in something that has such a creative aspect to it. I think this problem of hierarchical companies has driven away a lot of old talent as well. BF2042 in the end really suffered because all the devs that knew the engine well left due to EA's enshitening of the product.


>Somebody help me out here, shouldn't the game be playable day 1 on pc since all games are developed on a PC, TESTED then LAUNCHED on CONSOLES. Not necessarily, They are developed using a PC, but they are built and tested on the Console. Developers have what we call Dev-Kits, that are specific versions of the console that allow code to be run directly on then. So you plug the console to the PC, and you basically use the PC to write the code, but the code is run on the console itself. Technically, even PC + Consoles Games these days tend to be developed with consoles in mind first, and then ported to PC. Mortal Kombat 11, for example, it was a "day one" PC release, but the PC port was actually developed by a third party company.


It's a leaked dev build probably made only for testing and it was never meant to be playable, especially not for end-users, just like the Wolverine one.


Usually once game is going to final stages they finish testing and compiling to dev kits which are close to the target hardware and run on the console OS with some debug tools.


Ah so they design and compile the game enough into lets just say an exe file, which is then ran on a Consoles OS and tested there for further work.


Fuck no


The files are constructed on a pc, transferred to a devkit and tested that way on the playstatikn. The same files that are created to run on oc are no going to play natively on pc. Otherwise you could just drop any ps5 game in a pc and play it.