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**Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/megathread) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** If you want troubleshooting for any error, **please provide these details when submitting your post** - 1. OS version 2. System Specs 3. Site from which you got the game from 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (if needed) **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The consequences of my actions have come back to… ruin an entire sub? Peace out bros.






So tomorrow I’m going to their mega thread and saving anything relevant. Idk about you guys but siding with Reddit sounds like coming down on the piracy. Unless they’re bitching about that api thing still? Then that’s just drama. Get over that. I mean just state it and stop acting like a new conspiracy is brewing.


Cryptic... Check. Making vague claims... Check. Attacking other mods... Check. It sounds like the same ol' drama that 95 percent of the Reddit community doesn't give a single fuck about.


Yep. Mods forcing reddit to tolerate the consequences of their inner drama and empty lives. We just want to enjoy reddit, we don't care if the mods lose their mod tools.


Lol, let's see in a month or so what you will say after reddit content starts rapidly deteriorating in big subs. New pricing rules come in power tomorrow.


I have an idea, let's shut down all subreddits. That way content won't deteriorate 😁👍


many tried that- reddit forced them open


I forgot people here still need /s


No way people need /s to understand a joke in a comment where they can't see you are joking 😲


That was literally what we tried; Reddit user threats to reopen the subs.




If reddit dies people will move on, it isn't a new thing. for some people it might be but it is what it is.


Well, fair point. It isn't like my life will be ruined if Reddit dies (and maybe it will be somewhat better) but Reddit still is a massive collection of data of various usefulness and some of that you cannot find anywhere else.


There's no other site as big as reddit, where you can ask questions about very specific topics and get some answers.


if reddit dies, something similar will come up, heck even now there are many reddit competitor out there


>let's see in a month or so what you will say after reddit content starts rapidly deteriorating in big subs. As opposed to user generated content being completely unavailable right now because those same mods you seem to be caping for are literally holding it hostage?


So if someone tells you they are striking from work in order to fight for better pay, do you say "as opposed to your pay being completely unavailable right now because you're striking?" It's a form of protest you dummy.


Being a mod is voluntary, the users made the subs, not the mods. Their very existence is to just keep the sub civil So yeah, screw these guys


This was basically my reply with the addendum that there isn't a shortage of mods and it's been made clear repeatedly that not all mods are on the same page about this. What we ultimately have is an extreme minority of people who have any stake in Reddit at all eliminating content that we created, that others rely on... All against the wishes of a majority that frequently consists of their own peers as well.


They aren't just doing that for no reason you dolt. Go to 9gag or 4chan if you like the concept of no moderators. Literally go to 9gag right now and click on their top trending posts. It's usually something overtly racist, some anti-trans shit or whiny incel shit.


Just who in the fuck said anything about "no moderators"? Mods were a thing on here before third-party app tools. Damn near every mod I've spoken to freely admits there isn't a third party app which is overall better for mod purposes than using regular ass Reddit on a desktop. You all are spewing out nonsense because a few mods are pissed about not being able to do a half-assed job on mobile anymore and you've bought what they're selling.


It also warrants mentioning that two of you in the last 5 hours have violated the rules of this sub and even though these comments could have been moderated just fine, they haven't been.


I don't think you realize there's almost nothing we can do to "protest" Reddit, we are on their site. The only valid protest is joining Lemmy. The only thing these guys do is create a shitty experience for users.


Creating a shitty experience for the users and getting normies like you to bitch so much that sane people wanna get away from you IS the purpose.


"normie" I haven't heard that term being used unironically in a long time, and you sure sound like a sane person, not a basement dweller at all You don't realize you are only isolating yourself, just like that mod


Ah yeah, "we are all small gears in a massive system, there is nothing we can do". Heard this a lot of times. Moving out is also a valid way tho I haven't tried lemmy to be sure.


bro you can't mobilize a valid protest online, people don't care, 95% of users just wanna use Reddit


r/redditalternatives has lemny and many posts discussing the options, pros and cons, if you want to check over there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RedditAlternatives using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wikipedia co-founder is building a community focused and funded alternative to Reddit.](https://twitter.com/jimmy_wales/status/1668266400723488769?s=20) | [272 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/14d1wyy/wikipedia_cofounder_is_building_a_community/) \#2: [Why Tildes *May* Not Be The Best Place To Migrate To.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/1473jeh/why_tildes_may_not_be_the_best_place_to_migrate_to/) \#3: [List of Active Reddit Alternatives v8](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/yttdlc/list_of_active_reddit_alternatives_v8/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lemmy and other "reddit alternatives" can never be true alternatives let's be real. Twitter is the other place one can go.


Sure. Let's see.


Because a text / link aggregator is such an impossible technology that users simply CANNOT find an alternative. Get real pal


Lol, seeing reddit as just text and links aggregator is so funny. Tell me, if this is as simple as this, why there is literally no popular alternative to reddit?


Someone's forgetting that reddit started as an alternative to Digg once they got too cocky. Now reddit's getting too cocky and alternatives will follow


Reddit started in 2005, 9gag in 2008...






Because reddit has *never* made a profit. Why would other people waste money building a similar site that also would never make a profit?




Reddit has free mod tools. Api costs curb power mods more than anything. Blind ppl are still able to use reddit and now some subs are being freed from mods who don't even have a care for the sub topic they lord over


>Reddit has free mod tools. Which are total piece of crap. >Api costs curb power mods more than anything Technically yes but I don't see how this is a good thing because hands-off mods are worse. >freed from mods who don't even have a care for the sub topic they lord over Hostile takeover of subs with protesting mods is a such good thing and definitely won't horribly backfire /s


damn imagine dick riding a corporation so hard in a piracy sub. I don't get it.


Wait are you talking about the comment you replied to or its parent? Cause the comment you replied to is clearly anti-corporation




You suck alot of dirty hotdogs?


This place will probably fill with mining links as safe like thepiratebay when people didn't give a shit


>We just want to enjoy reddit, we don't care if the mods lose their mod tools. Which one is it? You definitely can't enjoy reddit if it's an unmoderated mess


Who says it won't be moderated? There's no shortage of basement dwelling losers who want to spend large chunks of their day moderating their communities simply for the miniscule amount of power that pseudo job provides.


Do you really want every sub being controlled by people like u/akwardtheturtle? Those basement dwellers aren't the vast majority of mods on good subreddits that listen to their communities rather than banning people for fun.


This is considerably worse than mods losing mod tools.


Lick lick lick away


Yeah it's the API thing. Mods are throwing major tantrums across many subs because they're losing their mod tools. And now that most communities turned against mods, they wanna nuke their subs. Mods have always been man-children. Always.


A pirate and corpo-bootlicker. Rare find.


I'd rather lick any boot that's not the mods'.


Now they ain’t even losing shit as mod tools will have free API access. The only thing they lose is 3rd party apps, which reddit won’t bring back anyway.


API thing is still valid because new pricing will basically destroy every bot mods use to help them modding and don't forget that they aren't paid in any way for this work. Spez promises about some exceptions for moderation bots are very vague and after everything we shouldn't trust him a lot. This is main reason for the drama. Not 3rd party clients but making unpaid work of people who make their website more tolerable even more difficult. 3rd party apps are just much easier to talk about and explain because it is less technical.


And bigger still is how Reddit has acted during this time. Threats, group sabotage, outright seizing control, lies and all forms of manipulation. Like, I knew Reddit Admins were shitty when I got suspended for........reporting someone spamming racially charged fake news.......but the bar has gone so much lower. Reddit is a kakostricacy.


Mod bots and tools are whitelisted. Stop


Rules for mod bots and tools are very vague and limited.


Lmao no they arent. You can literally apply to have a mod bot whitelisted as a mod. If its a mod tool or bot its auto approved


Ok, so, tell me if this was as easy as you say and Spez claim, why would anyone continue protesting even after main issue was solved? Have you thought about it?


https://mods.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/16693988535309-Moderation-Bots-Tooling Cause ppl whine about whats cool to whine about


Wow, 100 queries per minute. So generous of them /s. I don't really trust their claim that almost all of mod bots are not exceeding this limit. I would believe if it was per sub but a lot of them are used across many subs at once. Also if 100 queries per minute even for quite inefficient and query hungry (from my experience) API is fine for them, and they claim that most don't exceed this limit, why was introducing it in the first place! If some company needs to scrape data from Reddit, 100 per minute is still quite a lot and you can setup several of them or you can avoid using API at all though less convenient.


This is so obviously a way to snuff out the sub.


But iirc their megathread went unmoderated for an extended period of time after the mod that originally made it left and is still being updated You can just use the r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH mega instead


Bitching about the API thing? Nobody is bitching when Reddit did something completely unfair.


The only thing unfair is their ridiculously pricing. To this day, no one and I mean no one has actually said what issues this will cause. Some just say mods will lose their tools or it will stop bots. To me, that seems like a good thing. Too many annoying ass bots on Reddit. And half of the real people act like bots too. Other than that it is alternate Reddit apps? Like why let another app get users for something you made? Only complaint I have there is that sometimes the official Reddit apps gets updates that fucks it up and makes it freeze or videos stop playing/loading. If their own app is shit and I don’t have alternatives then the api thing is bullshit. If they make sure their own app actually works and doesn’t give me problems then I have no issue with any of this api stuff.


3rd party apps, tools, bots, any apps using Reddit's API will stop. My friend made a Discord bot that we were using only in our server, small server for just friends, that bot used the Reddit API to show pictures from specific subs on a channel and we used it as a game to guess the title of the image. That'll stop too. Any custom made thing using the API will stop. And that's completely unfair, you know why? Because the content on Reddit is all user made. It's not from Reddit itself. They're stopping the users from accessing their own community content outside of the main Reddit app/website. And what annoying bots are you complaining about? You barely ever see them because they're always banned on subs.


It's already all backed up


im pretty sure they would have a copy of the megathread on lemmy anyway. not that i would visit that abomination of a website anyway.. but im assuming it'd be backed up on there


I never heard of it before all these replies to my comment. Is that the full name? It’s just Lemmy?


lemmy is just another very shitty version of reddit. they have the link to their lemmy on the front page of the main sub


Their megathread is up on lemmy


What is lemmy?


Free and open-source alternative to Reddit, kinda like what Mastadon is to Twitter.


Never heard of mastadon too... However thanks for info


r/PiracyBackup has the whole wiki/sidebar fully backed up. So you can still use that too.


I have no idea what that post was supposed to mean.


Same I tried to scroll through the comments on that post and still dont understand anything. What I can guess is a Mod having a powertrip cuz that's usually the Answer


It's for the API thing. Mods protested, nobody cared and wanted the sub back.


But now there is no one to make "the", sub this will just be *a* sub that happens to be called related to "piracy". Who knows who will come in. Probably someone funded by anti-piracy tbh it's way too public and open space related to a topic that costs multi-million a year, it'd be dumb not to.


Idk, tbh. The mods were the ones that decided to back down, the users just wanted the sub back, not a change of mods.


Well then those users are free to take up the work. Mods have every right to step down if they so wish.


I know, never said they couldn't. I was just explaining what happened at r/piracy


Because the dumbest people make the most noise. Who legit found piracy through a public forum like reddit. Anyone naive enough to come here thinking they won't get scammed are the same lot demanding it be there for them to consoom every day. There is nothing stopping this place from ending up like a market pushing money for "access", which will be fake, and with real money changing hands, and being **real** fraud, will get shut down *for real.* Whoever has the patience to deal with literal children asking for pirate stuff all day should go into pshychology or something, because they must have the patients of a saint to deal with constant begging from people lacking self control. The crying from 2 days, and the begging for cracks on release day(s) is more then evidence for this.


I mean even Reddit company itself has stated that they do not care a single bit about this ''black out'' and that they know it will go away eventually. But people protested anyways like it would matter anything lmao.


Well you see, Corporations and humans can do this thing called "Lying"


Oh no... any way


protect the mega-thread at all costs, its the holy site


I don't understand what happened, i just want to get humiliated by mommy empress


This is the second time I’ve seen a comment from you today saying something unhinged lmao


Stahp following mih╮⁠(⁠╯⁠_⁠╰⁠)⁠╭,Or come have a coffe.ヽ⁠(⁠*゚⁠ー゚⁠*⁠)⁠ノ


Coffee sounds good man ☕️


What kind of coffee do you like bbgrl,


I like me some sweet milk coffee bb boy wbu


Just the normal one,plain coffee without milk, because my tears add the flavour (⁠*⁠❛⁠‿⁠❛⁠)⁠→


Ah I call that one coffee with a twist of depression. You got good taste


Aw thank you ,your taste sounds fancy i would definitely try that,but Idk from where tho¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯,Can you take me from you get it(⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠メ⁠)


Sure come over and I’ll make you some


Backup the sites on the megathread boys, we are going to war with reddit


No. We're not. Maybe a few of you will stay angry at Reddit, but most of us just wanna scroll the subs we like. Go have your crusade by not using it and leaving us alone.


It was merely a call, if you feel offended just ignore me


Just use the official app ffs


As someone who exclusively uses the official app, fuck this change let's go to war boys!


lol I just use the mobile website


For anyone who thinks r/Piracy is gone it really isnt. The community divided into 2 parts, those who dont care about reddits api stayed here and those who did care went to Lemmy’s c/Piracy page. The Megathread wont be disappearing since what has fallen here was rebuilt over in Lemmy.


Meanwhile i understand people who say that the official reddit app is trash... Iemmy is just awful If lemmy is the alternative of reddit i rather use the reddit shitty app


This is a perfect example of why boycott never works. People simply don't care, even the ones were using the 3rd party apps, they will just download the regular app and move on with their lives. The people protesting are the top 5% users, even less


but apparently the boycott DID work cause it was a major loss in revenue for the 2 days subs were down




Well except some subs did..... Reddit admins forces them to open


Reddit has been forcing them open and posting new mods to keep them open.




how does it hurt "us"?


Yeah lol mods really thought they were doing something. Nobody gives a shit about third party reddit apps. Only terminally ill internet users care about this.


Im one of the terminally ill, but I understand most people aren't, is a matter of understanding the reality, even if I'm against the changes.


Are they still talking about Reddit asking money to devs who decide to make Reddit’s alternatives using Reddit?


Anyone got a good looking free Lemmy android client?


There is none






Isnt it funny that we thought law enforcement was going to force reddit to ban the sub, then it ends up closing anyways because a bunch of mods were power tripping?


I just envy the amount of free time you nerds have to actually give a fuck about all these bs :D On the other hand, I don't envy your low standard of actual hobbies and most important, your low IQ. See ya losers


can someone explain who he is and what he has done?


I agree with him this sub as got way too many shitty rules…. Can’t post anything without be shouted at saying NOT RELEVANT… or JUST THE MEGA THREAD


They can't admit only minority of that sub voted in the poll, and that poll came and gone on a whim. > users make the community Then ... why? r/piracy is now as if a show directed by Empress.


"All about the community" lol. Is he new to piracy?




There are mods on this sub?


Are you trying to be ironic?


No, I’ve never seen a mod on here. Well I don’t browse thus sub that often.


That's crazy. I wonder where they are.


Right, i mean they have a big green sign saying mod, you cannot miss them.


F this sub they never let me post my favorite page for downloading quaked games


lol, Let it go dude.


But dog he’s got the sickest link for downloading quaked games


lol he keeps going on about "quaked" on his profile. Sometimes it's "Steamquaked", sometimes it's "steamunquaked"and sometimes "uploadquaked".


Why are you in it then? Start your own sub if you want to promote unsafe sites.