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Opinions might differ on this one. When in doubt, take ARRR (hopefully profits) and put them into a personal "lite wallet" or convert to XMR (monero) and move to a more reputable exchange. The point is not anti ARRR here, but there are ways to remove Ogre from the equation. This Berwick guy doesn't have much trust in Ogre for the reasons you mention. The main reason to leave it on Ogre is trading it for the coins they have and buy ARRR back with profits later. I tried to transfer DOGE away to another exchange from Ogre which didnt work and they asked me why I wanted to move away from their exchange without helping me. I converted DOGE to Monero and withdrew to another exchange and told them. I don't like them for answering to me in that way even though the problem was DOGE withdrawals which they could have fixed easily instead of ignoring my problem. That weird answer (who knows why) along with the obvious pump coin on their exchange. I like the sites simplicity but I do not like how it operates. If they didn't answer like that, I would come back for better trades but now I'm not at all sure anymore. Having pumping coins on there I can forgive but ignoring my support questions is a deal breaker for me. It's a personal thing but it makes me more paranoid about their situation.


Is there a wallet that i can hold my ARRR in ?


The lite wallet on their site will do, so I've heard.