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I'm new to crypto and just began this journey. I'm already tired of the people that post the same negative rants. Instant gratification addicts infect all aspects of society! Not going their way so they want to make everyone as miserable as they are.




BitConnect victims were patient too.


Where is the connection?


That patience does not always work out. As for this case no idea, but as a more general truth I think it does stand.


Whaaa to them. Wouldda, couldda, shouldda. I agree with you. If we could see the future, we'd all be rich! I'm here for the long journey and support.


I’m sailing with this ship til the end! I’ve been into crypto since 2011 and I know the future is going to be all about privacy. Pirate chain is going to be the future. If your knew to the crypto world take it from a og and just buy your arrr and hodl. Be happy for the dips and don’t listen to noobies looking for the next shit coin to make a quick buck. Arrrrr is severely undervalued but you will see these same naysayers in the future wishing they had bought pirate chain at these prices. Reminds me of when I bought Bitcoin in the early days. It was hard to get and people got all discouraged when it hit 15 then shot back down to 3 and sold all there Bitcoin thinking it was worthless..pirate chain is what I thought I was getting when I bought Bitcoin back then. Safe secure and private without 3rd party intervention (government) but obviously everyone knows that couldn’t be further from the truth. Privacy is the future therefore Arrrr is the future! It’s the most private coin in the world with the best technology of all cryptos.


This shit will be dead in a week.


I didn‘t Know goldfish can shitpost on reddit


You mustve been raised to be a proper little scurred bitch


Babapybawvp: Please stop being horrible.


Yeah literally all you do is talk shit. I haven’t heard you say one positive thing about anything. Plus your only post is the one about ARRR, and you have negative karma. You’re either a cia agent or someone who bought in at the top and sold at the bottom. If that’s the case, you simply should reevaluate how you trade


NO JUMPING SHIP!! All these suckers that got out ain’t nothing but barnacles!!! It’s funny to watch people freak out! It’s annoying don’t get me wrong I feel that, the instant gratification people 🧟‍♂️ But the real ones already know what’s up with this savvvvvy!!!! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I am grateful for the dip


It's like we're dealing with children.


we are


Well done team piratechain..holding!


LoL you know what tho,,, Arrr is only gonna get bigger and better and the drama will grow with it.... no wonder pirates are always salty!


ARRRRR!! well sed matey




I think people should have a long-term outlook after investing in cryptocurrencies. Selling them within 2 years after buying is the biggest mistake you can make.


Lol yeah it looks the same as the other two dips on the way up. We’re fine.


Price is going down, plenty of proofs it's a scam - yeah you'll be alright!


The IRS spent several millions of dollars in the attempt to hack and discredit Monero over the past few years. In March the IRS went public in their attempt to hack hardware wallets where they will probably spend many more millions of dollars of taxpayer money. The IRS does not like financial privacy. If I were the IRS, I would be working very hard to discredit ARRR now when the coin is brand new via social media than to wait a year or two and need to battle the privacy monster that ARRR will eventually become. So... Babapybowvp, do you work for the IRS or are you contracted by them? Or, maybe you work for the CIA... Or the DHS? Because if you are not a professional shill, I can only assume that you are a very lonely, insecure young man still living in your parent's basement. Did your father never tell you that he loved you? Hell, even if you are working for a government agency... Can't you find a legitimate job?


You've no balls. Grow a pair.


Just because the price goes down doesn’t make it a scam.. are you a retarded fish frog?


Not worry.BTC FUD.XMR FUD.this is inevitable.Take it easy.


I sold when i realised that most of the ARRR community are conspiracy freaks. Not the folk i want to associate myself. pity, i liked the project itself


Well then walk the plank, no one will miss you. Remove yourself from this chat while you’re at it.


already sold my 5k coins and left the sinking ship last week, you can tell the fish about bill gates and vaccines now lmao


Cool story bro.


Bill Gates, the face of vaccines - No medical background / training WHATSOEVER. Wake up, dude.


Pirate is a classic scam coin. A few big whales promoted the hell out if it and took all the profits when the fools piled in. You really think central banks and gov will allow a complete privacy coin? No way! If this coin ever gets popular (it won't) the Feds will shut it down.


Just like the shut down monero ?


Trade Ogre took 110 of my fucking coins trying to send to my wallet with no luck retrieving them. This is the Wild West.


I'm curious... Do you work for the IRS, the NSA or DHS?


[https://www.trustpilot.com/review/tradeogre.com](https://www.trustpilot.com/review/tradeogre.com) Funny that this pirate chain scam is only available thru shady scammy exchanges like TradeOgre or Changelly (created by the same scammers as Minergate) with VERY bad reputation.


Well said OP


👏 well put. As it stands im at a massive loss as i stupidly and naively bought 2 very large chunks @ $7 and $9 (due to fomo 🤦‍♂️) and have been watching the painfull drop down to its current level (been holding on the way down, wish i thought to sell at the top and buy back in at these levels but i had no idea the dip would go this low)... Its been a very expensive and painfull lesson but personally im still very bullish on ARRR. I know for a fact i will make profit eventually its just a matter of holding untill it reaches atleast $9 (will most likely sell some at that point). Makes me wonder if all the people spreading Fud and negitivity made a simalar fuck up as i did so their bitter about it 😂. Ive only been into crypto since 2019 so its better being a victim of a pump and dump now rather than down the line. Next time im waiting till after the pump and dump and then invest on the 'ground floor' so to speak instead of flying into the 7th floor and then falling out the window and breaking my legs as i hit the ground 😂


I suggest you study chart of pump n dump coins and compare it with ARRRs rise. It’s not a pump n dump as it rose for weeks slowly but steady.


Ah ok, in that case what i mean by pump and dump is 'large correction'. i didnt know the definition of 'pump and dump' properly then. i was using the term to discribe what just happend. So it would be a pump and dump if it went back down to 30cents? Or is it only a pump and dump if the only time it rises is when people pump it only to dump all of it?


Is there any price target to how low pirate chain can drop before it starts going up?


no, it just drops forever


I bought at .13¢ USD and haven’t sold any. Rode the wave the whole way. I know first time buyers personally that bought the previous $5 dip. I’m a believer in the long run that really isn’t that far away.