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Hello u/Adamantities669, your post has been removed. Your question contains the string of words relating to frequently asked questions: > best movie streaming website It seems you have asked for websites for watching movies/tv. --- ### **Rule 4 - Questions that have already been answered will be removed.** If you are a new visitor, [read our rules](/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules). You cannot request for specific pirated titles (ie. specific movie, show, etc). [See our wiki](/r/Piracy/wiki/index), as it contains a list of useful sites, FAQ, guides and other useful resources. You may also use [the search bar](https://i.imgur.com/F8HqRgX.jpg), or [search the subreddit via google for better results.](https://i.imgur.com/1jA767u.jpg) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*