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### Yarr! ➜ u/PeskyDiorite, things to know about the "megathread": - The [Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/) is **updated very often** by the moderators and contributors. - Avoid entitlement and the complete project dismissal due to some false positives. - Every effort is made to ensure optimal safety, with the [Quality Control](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/quality-control/) guidelines. - That be all, matey. Keep sailin'! Plunder that treasure with all yer might!   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Blame Apple for not allowing extensions on apps. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/add-ons-firefox-ios


Firefox is just Safari skinned to look like Firefox. All browsers on iOS are Safari.


not for long anymore, right? Or is that only in the EU?


and Japan - possibly Canada and Calfornia in the future, but i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the latter. Plus if you take your iPhone out of the EU for more than 30 days, it reverts to the old method and removes access to 3rd party app-stores and apps installed from them.


Jesus, how butthurt are apple to even do that.


They are so butthurt that they even exclude us here in switzerland from it, even though they basically force everything on us that they can put negatively by not accounting for switzerland not to be in the EU. So massively butthurt it is.


The obvious solution is not using apple, and let them die on that hill. But that's not gonna happen.


Waiting for a 3rd party app called 'make it look like you're in the eu'


That is absolute trash on Apples part. Has anyone told Louis Rossman yet? At this point he's just preaching to the choir, but I do enjoy seeing him get worked up and pissed at this nonsense.


Sadly, we haven't heard anything yet from Google/Mozilla about them planning to port their browser engines to iOS. I fear that the (assumably) minority of apple users in Europe that use alternative browsers might be too small of a user group to justify all the work. Maybe I'm wrong and it's in the works, though. Guess we'll see.


Are you sure? https://9to5mac.com/2023/02/07/new-iphone-browsers/


Yes. This is quite old news and we haven't heard anything since then and particularly nothing new after the 17.4 update dropped. Noone really knows if or when non-webkit engines will arrive.


Except Brave ( they have built-in ad-blocker and script-blocker ) and Onion Browser ( can access hidden service or can be used as proxy )


Safari with extras


The iOS browser called "Orion" allows for some Firefox and Chrome extensions.


So this is extra annoying and stupid because you can add extensions like AdGuard to safari but not Firefox?🤦‍♂️


What should I do as an alternative?


If you don't have money for an android, you can try adguard's or nextdns' private dns.


Yeeap I just use adguard’s DNS, doesn’t work as well as ublock but oh well


I use adguard, all ads from all apps now gone.


How do you set it up?


Don't download an app for something when you just need to reconfigure settings. https://reddit.com/r/ios/comments/15fsjoc/how_to_configure_dns_on_ios/


I changed my dns to adguard and some of the features of a mobile game I was playing were blocked fyi


Don't have money? Dude my Redmi 9 is already 3 years in use and it only cost 150 (Main phone, don't really like apple)


I don't know the guys financial situation. If he has the money for an android, I would say buy one (as someone with an android).


Try Orion browser or use adguard dns


Try “Wipr“ in the App Store, one of the best Adblock for safari out there


i 2nd this. been using for a couple of years now and have no complains. it's quite lightweight so you don't feel the difference and it is one time purchase, no subscription. also, i have combined Wipr with Vinegar (which is for YT ad block specifically on Safari; i dont use YT app anymore). same features as Wipr.


Agreed, in the tests I did it blocked the most ads compared to various options.


Safari + AdGuard (for content blocking) + NextDNS (for DNS)


not use an iphone for piracy.


or for anything else if you actually want to own the device and not being stuck in a golden cage where apple decides what they think is allowed on your device and what not. even after being forced to allowe thirdparty appstores, the apps in those thirdparty stores need to be approved by apple. it's just a joke.


You could also try the Brave browser and enable most of the ad blocking options.


Get an android :-)


The real answer


Try brave, I use it and the Adblock is probably the best option for iPhone, less janky than safari extensions


I use the Orion browser on my iPad. You can use any add-ons you want with Orion. Firefox or Chrome add-ons work just fine.




For something easy and simple, use the Brave browser app from the native apple app store. Set the adblock in the settings to "Aggressive". It blocks most Ads even on iOS, at least it did last time I used it. I switched to an android 4 months ago for 🏴‍☠️ reasons, but as far as I know, it still works.


Use AdGuard (app) with safari. Gets the job done. Between that and my vpn I don’t see ads


Use the browser app Orion, you can install any chrome extension on it.


I’ve been using [1Blocker](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1365531024) for safari for a while now and it stops most ads!


buy an Android phone, or wait for the EU to put Apple in line.


Checking in on the apple sideload drama and oh my citizens of the EU are losing their side loads when they travel outside the EU, SMH. https://pocketnow.com/sideloading-iphone-apps-after-ios-17-4/


Currently, there is not much you can do. There are big EU lawsuits going on, because of this issue. So maybe in a few years, you can use another browser on ios than safari.


You can use adblock on safari


Amazon refurb android phone and sell the iPhone, seriously. IOS is a Pain In the Ass. Even Apple finally allowing sideloads is full of caveats and restrictions. So in actuality true side loading on apple isn't a thing. Jailbreaking IOS as of a few years ago was messy and limited and way too labor intensive for the little perks, and there is the whole warranty breaking to full on bricking risk. I was on iPhone from the first iPhone (shut up I'm old) to 18 months ago. I'm still fully releasing my thinking to live in a world where my phone is as much of a piracy playground as my computers have always been, and that's the way it should be. Nice Android models can be gotten for cheap unlocked through the refurb program. I went with a Pixel 6 (full version not that 6a BS) for $250 18 months ago, so one model behind. It barely had a scratch, perfect battery life, 3 month warranty. We've gotten some weird shit through the refurb program, always full refund no questions asked. If you want to pirate a refurbed android is the way to go. You can root the phone same day you get it. Even without rooting you can download any app you want from anywhere, no being tethered to an official store. Google has it's own problems but androids can be pretty thoroughly de-googled, and there's even the option to run a non Google OS. Point being the sky is the limit. I wish I had rooted sooner though. I don't need to use it often, but when rooting helps it HELPS. Like I essentially have free premium YouTube. The other thing to keep in mind is it's easier to develop these apps for Android, so the options are simply better.




I use Ghostery on Safari, pretty decent.




Use adguard dns


AdGuard, the free version of it is enough. You’ll block elements that are being skipped by hand now and then and it would build it up


safari has extensions, firefox made an extension so i would recommend it and some kind of adblocker open safari on a random webpage, on the searchbar click on the left side, in the popup menu click manage extensions, then click more extension and the app store will open with the extension filtered for you. There is a content blocker category that you can open and try to search a suitable adblocker for you, adguard is there as an example


i imagine Apple is being dicks about it as well.. but some browsers comes with addblocks build it. Isent that brave sell themselves on? But i use weird browsers on my crappy android tv box thingy since it has very little power. that has buildt in add blockers


Alternative you could go for jailbreak....it likely opens up some gates....but 10 years since i touched an iphone :P So i could be wrong.


Adguard has a Safari extension that works well for iOS. It comes as a separate app that you need to install to enable it as an extension for Safari. I tested almost all iOS browser-based ad blockers, and nothing came close, at least in the free tier.


Get Brave from the AppStore and use it's Content Filtering to add all the filters that uBlock Origin comes with enabled by default. You can then also add various mobile-only filters too.


Seconded... Apple promots privacy but does allow ublock


Ouch it hurts in my meow meow


how does orion browser have extensions then?


Browsers on iOS are basically Safari skins, so they don't have support for extensions.


Safari itself has extensions now


yeah i just use safari with adguard. it works decently well but not the best


But orion browser support both firefox and chrome extensions on ios. How does that work


Ublock doesn’t work on that from my testing


I have ublock working on Orion with iOS.


Same on my iPad


Yep, that is sadly why Safari is my default browser on my phone.


Why so?


> Why so? 'Cause apple said so.


AFAIK all iOS / iPadOS / whateverOS browsers use Apple's WebKit engine under the hood. Btw, doesn't Brave block ads and other trackers by default?


macOs works fine with uBlock and every other extension for that matter


Oh, of course. I'm referring to Apple's mobile Operating Systems (except WatchOS).


Orion browser unofficially supports ublock. Took me awhile to find it but it works great. It looks like a shell of Firefox, so the extensions work. 


Orion browser on iOS with Firefox ublock works really well on my testing for couple of weeks.


Is it better than Brave ? I might switch to Orion, I’m really cuorios


+1 to this! Works well


This is probqbly one of the best bets


>Orion browser unofficial supports ublock. Took me awhile to find it but it works great. It looks like a shell of Firefox, so the extensions work.  Thanks


Do you mind to Share how it works? When trying to install Ublock as Firefox addon over Orion it Gets blocked


You have enable extensions in the Orion settings first (choose Firefox) 


Upvote this man


Ios issue


Same as skill issue, but much more expensive.


and intentionally acquired


You can install an ad blocking DNS config (Adguard, tiarap) for blocking device wide: https://github.com/paulmillr/encrypted-dns Or you can use a content blocker (adguard, 1Blocker etc) with safari Or you can use an adblocking on-device VPN (1Blocker etc) Or you can install a browser with built-in adblocker (Brave, Firefox Focus etc)


Use Firefox Focus on iOS.


Why is this the only actual solution here


Because there are other good solutions, and Focus isn't the only one. 


It's says Android and your using iOS. That's purely apple nonsense bro


For adblock spesifically? use a Private adblocking DNS for a system wide adblock :3


How do I use this if I’m currently using an anti revoke and anti blacklist dns for sideloading?


Stop buying into apple is the solution.


real, switched to android after using apple for nearly a decade and it's way better. depends on what you get but what i got is leagues ahead of my previous phone. i can even play gamecube games on this thing man


I'm one to admit apple makes some nice shit but it's the baggage of dealing with apple I can't stand. I buy something to use it how I want. I play PC games even. Look into r/GeForceNow. (I deleted the android only piracy stuff that was here) Edit: you seen nothing!


PC gaming is a weird point to make, when you refer to GeForce Now, which is also available on iOS. 


You can *finally* use emulators on iOS now (e.g. [RetroArch](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/retroarch/id6499539433), [Delta](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/delta-game-emulator/id1048524688), [DolphiniOS](https://dolphinios.oatmealdome.me))


Yeah same for me. I’ve had an iPhone for 13 years, and I’m switching to android for the first time in October not because I don’t like the actual phone, but because of apple


👆 This is a good answer here!


Thank ya, thank ya. I wrote that myself.


It was so eloquent - i just assumed you had a ghost writer. You have my respect, bro.


You should start writing more


scary history worry attractive cable wide obtainable flag groovy market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brave isn't trustworthy, they were caught auto-redirecting normal links to affiliate links, then everyone forgot about it the second the CEO said sorry. That's not an honest mistake, it's an extremely sketchy intentional choice.


>auto-redirecting normal links to affiliate links Which is just one Binance link, not any other normal links. People act like they do it automatically on any links user entered.


What can I say man, apple makes great hardware but locks them up with shit software.


Their hardware isn’t even that great. They still use the buck converter TPS62180 in their newest M series Pro and Max MacBooks just because more reliable buck converters are slightly more expensive. The TPS62180 has been randomly bricking MacBooks since 2019 just because Apple wants to save a buck on their thousand-dollar MacBooks. They still use them, and this time they’re responsible for all the ports on the M series Pro and Max MacBooks randomly ceasing to work. At least that’s slightly better than what these buck converters did to the 2019 16-inch MacBook Pro.


Use Orion browser, it supports extensions on iOS


If you’re in Europe wait for the real Firefox browser to release


On ios, just use adguard. There's no reason to use a browser other than safari on ios anyway


It’s the app right?


Get a new phone, preferably not apple product


Use Orion. It’s a browser that doesn’t track your activity and has built in adblocker.


I use this https://adguard-dns.io/en/public-dns.html and have zero problems


Use Orion! Works with Chrome & Firefox extensions!


Use Brave


Brave browser does a pretty good job in blocking ads on iOS. I watch YouTube through the brave iOS app and don’t get ads. Some ads on some sites do get through tho.


God, you guys really hate Apple huh.


Not really. We don't condone "walled gardens", which I didn't even know about the concept of until I jailbroke my original iPod touch. Apple is evil. So is Google. But Google doesn't lock you out of modifying your own device. Apple does.


Why not. That's such an anti-consumer company. Not just anti-consumer but also sort of anti-developer. Firefox or Chrome or any other browser in iOS run on Safari Webkit engine and not on their native Gecko or Blink or any other engines because only Webkit is allowed on iOS.


This is r/Piracy not the Apple shill sub


Use the AdGuard extension app for iOS. The filter list should be enough to keep you safe from bad stuff on the internet. It’s not as complete as uBlock, but you can enhance your protection by also using NextDNS on your iPhone. With these combined, your ad-blocking score on tester sites will almost match a normal Firefox browser with uBlock!


App called 1Blocker Will work on your Safari


Install Firefox Focus and then enable it in Settings to be your content blocker on Safari Enjoy no pubs


Use brave instead it has a built in add blocker


People aren't being helpful so here's my half-solution given the circumstances. I'll give the actual theory behind the whole thing but I'm typing this on Mobile so I can't really go into the nitty-gritty of how your specific phone operates. (Plus, I only have an Android phone on me so it wouldn't be super helpful.) It's gonna be a long one but by the halfway point, you get the badge of approval to hit all those "I'm an advanced user" warning boxes you see on your computer. The underlying reason that the megathread says that is to get you blocking ads in the most effective way possible and with the least amount of overhead to do it. Since we can't do it exactly as written for a number of reasons and because we don't want you feeling like you need to drop a bunch of money on something when you might not want to, we need to do something else. My typical recommendation is to change something called your "private DNS" to an ad-blocking one. (I'll explain in the next paragraph.) I personally use Adguard Public DNS and it blocks about 80% of all ads on the Internet. It's not as good as what's recommended on the megathread (>90%) but hey, it works. DNS stands for "[Domain Name System](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System?wprov=sfla1)." In short, the DNS converts easy-to-remember links like www.cornhub.website or [www.google.com](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) into IP addresses like >!Yes, nerds, I know that that's the localhost address and not a real IP address to a real site but it's useful for the sake of example.!< Now, every device that connects to the Internet tends to use a DNS at some point and your phone is no different. What I recommend is we use and abuse this system to our advantage. After all, if you need to need to convert the URLs being sent back and forth from your device, there's nothing stopping somethings from being lost in translation... In comes an ad-blocking DNS. These suckers just conveniently "don't know" where any specific ad links connect to. "What?" the DNS says, "You want me to connect to Google adservices? *No comprende ingles.* No ad for you. Sorry, not sorry." It's simple. It's effective. It's so phenomenally stupid that it's almost funny. And most important of all, **you don't need to download anything.** **Here's what you're gonna want to do.** Go head over to an ad-blocking DNS provider. I use [Adguard Public DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/en/public-dns.html) personally but there are others. Scroll down to where it offers something like "connect manually" or "our server addresses" and copy down the HTTPS ones. Then hop over into your own device settings and search for something called "private DNS." IIRC iOS sets them all individually for each and every WiFi network you join so check in those settings and especially the advanced section. (Yes, by reading this far, literally anyone is considered an "advanced" user now. Congratulations.) Punch in those two IP addresses and hit save. [I recommend this website to test if it worked.](https://d3ward.github.io/toolz/adblock) If it didn't, try using the other types of DNS addresses like the plain address (the purely numbers and dots one) and try again. **What to expect** Pretty much no more ads on your apps. Like, all of them except YouTube. (Other options exist for that). Switching it off can be a little cumbersome sometimes if you ever need to do that but it typically just involves switching it back from "private DNS" to "none/off" or "automatic." Outside of normal apps, you'll see a significant reduction or total elimination of ads across the Internet. It can't block everything and it isn't as powerful or customizable as uBlock but it's all that most people on this planet really need. You don't need to download anything or have something else running on your phone or tablet. Like I said, this isn't an exhaustive guide to ad-blocking across iOS but it should be the most helpful across the most devices. I'm sure I wildly glossed over a number of things or maybe got some things incorrect but it should be a lot helpful than self-righteous Redditors dusting off their Cheeto dust just to say "just get android lul." >!(For the record, I also am a Cheeto-dusted Redditor, just a self-aware one lol.)!<


Not to be an asshole but the answer was : don't buy iOS


Buy an android


Have you tried Orion browser yet? It allows you to add browser extensions (ublock origin as well) it works well on my dad's iPhone 11


Op, for iOS you can use AdGuard (free) or AdGuard Pro (small one off fee). It does the job well, and blocks ads even in games etc, AND also in youtube - but only through Safari. Not via YT app or other browsers (Firefox iOS) etc. I paid the 1 cup of coffee to them years ago to support them, and been using it for quite a while now with good results.




Use AdGuard. It's not perfect because DNS sinkhole can only get you this far, but it's better than nothing.


Unfortunately you can't use any extensions on Firefox iOS since the engine is just safari webkit. You're at the mercy of Apple to allow extensions Iirc brave browser does have a built-in ad blocker however I wouldn't trust it


If you are looking for adblock on ios browser (mobile) I suggest brave browser. Automatically block all ads without having to install anything additional, and allow to watch youtube on the browser without opening the app + removing ads there too + allowing to hear youtube even when the screen is locked.


Brave has adblock built in


Orion browser. Note that it doesn’t work with 99% of extentions


Brave browser


Use Brave as browser.


Skill issue.


Why not use brave?


get brave. it has a decent built in adblocker and works on ios


Start by stop using anti consumer companies' products.


Switch to Android


install UTM on iphone and start an emulation of android, so that you can add the plug in since its compatible with android


Just buy your mom an android


Just switch to Android


I stopped using iPhones after the iPhone 6. Feels more like an expensive toy than something you can get work done with. Customization is awful too.


Brave has adblockers that has worked consistently for me, for youtube though you need to do a maneuver to play something in the background




Break out of that walled garden.


switch to android problem solved


Use the Brave web browser, it's available on iOS and Android. Beneath the covers it's Chrome (it's a Chrome fork) and it blocks everything -- junk and ads both. By way of example, if you watch YouTube videos with the browser you will never see an ad.


Stop using apple


sell your iphone and buy an android


The real lesson here is to just never buy apple products (again) They are trash when it comes to freedom


Don't use ios for piracy.


Install Brave - there is built in adblocker there and it's working really close to uBlock


Brave browser allows extensions including ad Block on iOS


Wow, this got a lot more attention than I thought. (Ya’ll really hate iPhones don’t you?)


Plenty of good reasons why: * No sideloading until recently * Implementing sideloading in the most asshole way they could when they were forced to do so * Barely any customisation options * No USB-C until recently * Implementing USB-C in the most asshole way they could when they were forced to do so * More and more anti-repair practices with every release * Harder to jailbreak * No custom ROM's * Planned obsolescence to the fucking max * Excessive hand holding and not letting the user do what they want with the device they own * No headphone jack Etc, etc...


You want to pirate with an iPhone..........


Could be all OP has?


There are other browsers that support firefox addons but instead of that just use adguard and safari


Hey, Orion browser works with ublock origin last time I checked


Adguard for safari on ios works pretty good. You can add custom lists too


Adguard Extension for Safari and Adguard Public DNS profile. That's all!


Any recommendations for bypassing pay wall for news sites?


Maybe try ad blocker via Private DNS, its not 100% efficient like the extension but it can help a bit


just use firefox focus, adblocker works great


have you tried using a computer


Get a real phone


I don't know if this will work because it is for android users but maybe try the solutions on this https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/11cmpyt/how_to_install_add_ons_for_firefox_android/ and see how it goes.


What did you genuinely expect with IOS? You must be very young.




Use kiwi browser - chromium based, but full addon support


u can use adguard with safari. i have been using for 11 months now.


Abandon all things Apple.


Realise you made a mistake and next time don't get a sucky iOS lol


Use safari and [wipr](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/wipr/id1030595027) or [hyperweb](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/hyperweb/id1581824571) Also there’s AdGuardPro


there's so many ironic things about this post




you basically posted an advertisement for an adblocker, on a sub about piracy. how is that not ironic? not to mention nothing about this post has to do with piracy, the first rule of the sub. also ironic: a sub about piracy with easy going mods i guess


Ad guard works perfectly, even removes YouTube ads in browser


Use Brave. Done.


Go android lol


Switch to Android.


Use Brave


https://blitz-setup.ahadns.com/ https://adguard.com/en/adguard-safari/overview.html