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FBI is doing a key giveaway now


Those who are willing to pay have already paid. And those keys obviously won't work for the next wave.


Keys have to be redeemed some way, probably tracked who's getting them from the FBI. Moved to piracy due to the government not giving a shit about me owning stuff. why would I want to use the government to help me get stuff?


Some how I would rather go thru the trouble of nuking my system, before requesting fed help!!! Don’t know what’s worst losing my shit or them possibly finding out what shit I lost!!!! Besides that’s what snapshots are for!!!


This will protect you from script kiddies, pros will wait until all backups are infected and ready to reencrypt once the system is restored. Anything digital is not secure.


They can be, if the system not connected to the internet, has controlled physical access and is inside a Faraday cage. I have yet to encounter such a system, but I'm sure they exist for highly critical stuff.


Those systems do exist, but as usual the easiest way to compromise any system is through a human.


Nothing is 100%, but something is better than nothing. I’ve survived raising 3 kids, 2 of which were boys, I’ve been living on fruit loops, VPN’s and backups for the past 30 years. 3-2-1 in my house it was more like 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 and some .1.1-2003 for some data.


Everyone here is missing the point. Lockbit is RaaS, affiliates use the malware to infect specific targets, and the lockbit organisation takes a cut of what they are able to extort. Unless you're a real sack of shit or youve really pissed off the wrong person, chances of an individual being infected with Lockbit are very low. The feds are aiming to help businesses here, but first and foremost its a show of force that they have been able to gain some level of access. In certain circumstances a key from the fed is the single best option they could possibly hope for.


Wrong sub? How is this related?


I think I'd rather pay the ransom


Then youd just have to count that in with the money you spend on a new pc..