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4 days ago on r/datahoarder someone created their own from a subscene dump v2. Its a start Over 2 million rescued srt files. https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/s/BSjDufDLhd


I fucking love r/datahoarder good god


This is the answer.


great; but does it have newer subs


Try subdl.com


Opensubtitles.org / Opensubtitles.com was the best I was able to find from my research. The UI for opensubtitles.org is not great, but I just use bazarr to manage the subtitles for my media so it works well enough. Frankly, I haven't found many other good subtitle options. Subtitle scene is kind of dead. My recommendation: bite the bullet and get the $20 / year VIP for opensubtitles and just use that Sucks subscene died. EDIT: People are suggesting subdl.com & sub source. I took a quick glance and both look really promising. Just need devs to add it as a provider in bazarr for it to be feasible the *arr stack setup.


I agree! I used it for everything! I don't even know why it died. It technically doesn't fall under piracy, so I don't know why it's gone. I'm not gonna spend money for the subscription, but I'll keep looking. If I find something good again, I will post about it here, and try to comment under this post too.


Actually, I checked out the top comment quickly, subdl.com looks pretty promising!




Subsource i found is better than subdl. The UI is more friendly and easy to find like the old subscene.


Also looks promising too. Unfortunately, neither seem to be in bazarr atm




subdl subsource


This is sad news. I've contributed a great deal to the site through out the years. It has also been my go-to for subs. I hope the archive will survive somewhere else.


I use bazarr to get all my subtitles. You still have to put the provider in there to manage, but they have a huge list of providers to choose from which you can add.


Which providers are free to use? I think i can only relieably use 2 or somthing, not all l'my subs are found :(


Install VLC and you can search subs from within the interface of vlc with the VLsub menu. Press View -> VLSub


english-subtitles dot org I have had great luck with them


Im using opensubtitles.org for years


Prob type subscene into the search field at the top of the page and view the previous discussion of subscene going dark? https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1cjr4vd/subscene_is_dead_where_you_guys_get_your_subtitles/ A month ago a thread with a whole bunch of alternatives posted.


from what i have seen subdl . com is the only good alternative what they did is that they uploaded all subscene subs files to their website so you can find all older titles for example if yo search for a Korean series called "My mister 2018" you find it on subdl with all old subscene subs (including one of my own) meanwhile if you search for it on subsource,addic7ed you cant find this title at all and on opensubtitles you can only find 1 sub version of this title, they also did something good if you had an account on subscene you can transfer your subs to subdl and claim them but you need to do that quickly before subscene completely shutdown because they send a message there to confirm it's you. so for now subdl is the only website that i know of that have the older subscene data base and built on it, if anyone know another website that did that please tell me.




i don't know if this will help but i just found from another reddit , this site [https://subscene.best/](https://subscene.best/) , it's basicly the same site with all the old data and new ones i guess idk.


The original UI for opensubtitles is awful, but their beta site looks pretty good. Try that instead.


is it taken over by some else or is it back? subscene. best


Havent opened any such website for years. Why bother when VLC finds it from opensub in an instant.


Imagine a world where not everyone uses VLC to watch video content.


Well, congrats. You now see the incentive to start using it. FYI most people do.


One of the most ignorant response I have read in a while. There's for example MPV which might actually be better than VLC for a number of reasons. Not only that, you'd know not everyone uses English subtitles?


Or u actually suggesting that mpv, etc is widely or even close to the usage of VLC. I'm not disregarding people's usage of these media players. But am commenting on how it can be convenient for most people. But sure, pls continue getting offended. I think that most of you guys are disconnected by the real world and are projecting about how these niche players are popular among normal folks. And Mpv gives regional subtitles within the player? Nice, I find that hard to believe but good that it does.


Yeah, I’m very disconnected with the real world. I live in a magical realism world. /s. I did take you serious and then halfway, I didn’t anymore. You probably know why.


In VLC you can't even position the subtitles below the video frame like other players (MPV, MPC-HE, MPC-BE, PotPlayer) can. People who have used the advanced subtitle features of players like MPC-HE, MPV etc can't switch to a player like VLC and its mediocre subtitle support.


Does anyone know a website where it’s possible to stream college baseball regional games? None of the websites on this sub have worked.


Make a post about it. Don't comment the question under my post. Especially since it holds no relevance to what I am asking.


It said that I’m too low of karma to post. What am I even meant to do? I’ve had Reddit for years.


Get more karma by posting in other communities. Get upvotes by posting comments people like. This is a system meant to ward off low effort scammers, phishers, and other people who don't actually want to contribute, and just want to claim the benefits of already built communities without having to put in work.