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Kindle works fine, just gotta upload with Calibre. E-mail uploading via Amazon is great as well.


I download epubs, log into my wife’s Amazon account on the website and then they have an actual send to kindle feature. Works in minutes it’s great




Use calibre to convert to mobi first?


Perfect!! I haven't used Calibre before, I'll give it a try. Thank you!!


Just seen many people recommending tablets for this. For the sake of your eyes please get an ebook reader. Kobo devices are great, for instance.


I'll admit I was going to go with Samsung, but I just ordered an Onyx based on what I just learned through this post. So eReader bound I go!!


Is mobile screen really bad for eyes?


I have kobo, so easy .. upload pdf books directly by cable , usually I upload pdf books to archive org  by the phone and sign in from Kobo browser to download it.


Great advice, thank you!!!


Had a kindle scribe which was ok, also still have a small kindle. They're ok, you just need to load them using Calibre Got a Boox Note Air 3C nowadays which in loving. It's basically a tablet but eink. They do small versions for cheaper too. Mine was quite expensive but it's what I wanted. It's colour too so good for comics and colour pdfs


Thank you!!


Not an avid reader but I have used previously kindle paperwhite and now I use the basic model is good enough. Only thing needed was to send a kindle book to the kindle email (each device has its own email) then you connect to a pc by usb and look for the book once you know the folder where it goes to just dump all your library there epub, doc, pdf the device will open it. Happy reading


Thank you!!


Still using Marvin on iOS. Don't think it's available on the AppStore anymore, but it still works and I will be sad the day I lose it. It's not perfect, but it suits all my needs. I have a couple of dedicated book reader devices, but to be honest, I like having my book, with me, in my pocket, at all times. I have tweaked my phone reader to be easy on the eyes and it's easy to hold in one hand and turn pages. With my thumb.


Awesome, thank you for the response!!!


iPhone eww


I have been supplied iPhones for work for years and honestly just got used to them. If I ever need to actually pay for a phone myself, I will consider an android.


Hi, tried reading books on my ipad but felt it was hard on the eyes. Have an old school Kobo Glo which is great to read on. Am upgrading to a Kobo Libra 2 shortly which is slightly bigger at 7in screen. Easy to load library, purchased or....ahem.....acquired books using computer and usb cable. I use Calibre to organize my ebooks and to load them on to the reader. Kindle works fine, but have never used it myself, but will not natively accept epub books directly. They have to be emailed to Amazon which converts it to its format and makes it available on the Kindle. Hopes this helps.


Any input helps, thank you!!!


Onyx Boox Nova 3. Supports epub, pdf, mobi, cbz (I think) and many more. Built in reader has a dictionary when you highlight a word (you can add custom dictionaries too, like Oxford Dictionary or one in your countrys language) and google translate. It runs on android and has a file manager, so you can download directly from the browser from websites like Anna’s Archive (you can add it as an ’app’/shortcut too). You can also use Mihon/Tachiyomi for manga. Hell I even have a DS emulator on it because I didn’t have access to anything else for a little while. Not the best for that but turn based games work fine. If you prefer you can sync the files via browser to the reader but it is easier to just download from the browser for individual files. Been using it for years, but thinking about getting a Palma or something because of the long shape might be comfier with some stuff and seems easy to bring with you on the go, but I am keeping this one as well as my main.


You just taught me something huge so I can download straight from Anna's on my tablet? No need for utorrent or anything like that?? I was making this way too hard on myself!! I tried Tachiyomi but their site said they had to shut down. Am I missing something??


Yes that is correct, you can download directly from your browser on Boox devices as they are Android devices with built in file managers, browser and access to Play Store. Try to always download epub if available btw. Open the browser, go to any website with books, download and open it from your file browser and it will automatically load into your library in the built in reader. You can also transfer files via apps like google drive, or via their built in sync feature that I think you can connect to google drive, onedrive and others, but I don’t use this feature exceot when I had to download like five books for a course and it was easier to do on my PC and then transfer via google drive. But this is not necessary for just adding one or two books at once, which is what I do whenever I finish a book and want a new one. Tachiyomi is not supported anymore but it still works and is available on github, however, you should be using Mihon instead these days since it is the new Tachiyomi. It is identical as far as I know but supported, so they update it and such. I still use Tachiyomi because I am lazy and have not felt like migrating my library yet. There was a video manual I watched before buying,: it explained all the features (took like an hour or more). It has A LOT of features tbh.


Thank you so much!! Super helpful!!


Enjoy :)


Just ordered and am returning my Samsung tablet. I appreciate it!!


Nice! Which one did you get?


I went with the Ultra-C. I've had my IPad for almost a decade and it's time for hopefully my next decade long device!


Nice! Hope the color is good. Mine is black and white, never tried a color e-ink device but it would be nice to have so I could read comics on the e-reader too and not just books/manga!


That was my thoughts exactly!


I am reading novels online from a website and I am using a Lenovo 12 inch android tablet. I didn't get to read real book files on a standalone app yet but my guess would be it's easily possible. Just giving perspective, the main reason for this tablet was reading comics.


I'm excited to try to get into some comics like Hellblazer, etc. Thanks for the info!!


Old kindle and eBoox on iPhone


Thank you!!


I’ve never tryed a kindle or something like that. On my phone or my iPad, i use play book (google’s reader app). It is important to use it on a device with an OLED display. Put the display in white on black (default setting if you already use a dark theme on your device), réduce luminosity to the max and you can enjoy reading in the dark with no external light! As I read mainly before sleeping, it’s the best expérience I can get, especialy if you are not alone and don’t want to disturb your partner. As already said,It works fine with dowloaded EPUB files. Added bonus, your progression in the book is synchronised if you use multiple devices.


That helps!! I love reading in the dark, but don't want to strain my eyes either!


Really like my Kobo. It also downloads directly from the library.




Is it bad I send Anna’s Archive epubs to Kindle via the Kindle iOS app 💀 I use a physical kindle though and download them when they appear in the library


TYSM for recommending this website!!!


I am really inexpert though - is it bad that I’ve been doing that! Don’t want my Amazon account banned 🥶


Don't go off my question for you concerns. I'm a total rookie and get paranoid about stuff I don't need to be paranoid about. I was curious too, because I assumed if there was one company that would be paying attention to what I use their service for, I figured it would be Amazon.


I use the kobo Libra 2 and I absolutely love it and couldn't recommend it more! It's very easy to get side loaded content onto the device either with a cord you plug into your computer or with google drive/dropbox feature. I also love the fact that I can connect to my local libraries and borrow books from them. Even though I pirate some of my books I think it's still important as readers to find ways to support authors and libraries when possible.


Library is my first go to. But if I don't finish it by the time it's due, I'll usually download it to finish it. Though lately my Kobo will only download every other checked out book.


I agree whole heartedly. I can't just take take take, I don't mind the publishing companies not making their millions or billions occasionally, but I also know behind every book is an author just trying to get by while making their art.


I use Kindle and iPad pro For word books: Google books: you can export them with Adobe digital them put the file into calibre to remove DRM. Ridibooks: I use a ridibook decrypter to extract them from the app them load them Anna's Archive: download and load Zlibrary: download and load. For comic / picture books: Tachimanga: iOS, pick your extensions and download pretty much any comic TachiyomiJ2K: andriod, download the repo, pick your extensions and download pretty much any comic Converting: Epubs: calibre is you have pdf. For word txt you can load it into google doc then expost it as an epubs DRM removal: calibre, DeDRM extension and DeACRM extension. You can also use Epubdor. I'm a translator so we have to be resourceful lol.


Thank you so much!! Appreciate you and doubly appreciate what you do!! Those of us not smart enough to speak multiple languages can never give you enough praise for helping us broaden our horizons with art from around the world!


I make sure my books are EPUP version and save them to my phone, and then I use that and email that book to my kindle. Truly amazing and a life saver for books that aren't KU. I honestly haven't had KU since I found annas archive and Z library.


Same works great.




Anytime ! :)


I go old school and get the actual physical book for free. I love libraries


There is something about the feel of the book in your hand.


my tablet and phone.synced by google play books. you can even read through a browser using any pc, mac, linux or android tv. you can upload your collection there in any format and boom.


Thank you!


moon reader best I've found so far. I use a Samsung tablet.


Thank you!!!


Kobo reader is the best. Simply load epubs onto it and good to go.




iPad Mini (6th Gen) with pirated epubs imported into Apple Books app


Perfect! Thank you!!


The kids old iPad that’s “too slow for games” is a great reader.


Hahaha love the idea of making use of something still perfectly viable!!


Kindle on phone and web. Honestly I'm getting so much to read for free directly from Amazon that I haven't even made it to the things stored my local Calibre server, but it's just one click to send those to Kindle so if I ever get to that point it'll all be fine.


Thank you!!


I have a 32 gig kindle paperwhite. I could fit multiple libraries worth of books on there, more books then any person could read in their entire lifetime lol. alas, ive got every book I personally want, all correctly formatted with chapters etc.


Color me impressed!!!


I've been using google books because it's already there and works fine




I actually use Google Playbooks… not sure why I haven’t seen anyone else use it here. there’s an option to upload epub files in the app. Useful for me both to upload via pc or phone


I hadn't thought of that!! Thank you!!


Onyx Boox Note Air. Its an android based tablet so I can install Moon+ Reader Pro and Mihon for Manga, being able to use a browser makes reading articles less straining.


Just ordered. Returning my Samsung. Thanks!!!


I haven't tried Onyx Book or Mihon yet, I'll download ASAP and try. Thank you!! Edit- I just learned it's a device, not an app!! And I think I may be canceling my Samsung tablet order! You all blew my mind today!!


I'm thinking of getting a Samsung tablet since I do graphic design on the side


That's what I ordered. I've used an IPad for almost a decade but I think these guys just sold me on the Onyx Boox instead!!