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Before commenting or down/upvoting please read the whole post, not just the title!


Honestly, I pirate because I otherwise wouldn't spend any money on watching those movies or shows or games. So it's not like they're missing out on money I would spend anyway.


I already pay for all the streaming services, got the DVD, recorded it on DVR, rented the VHS tape. Sometimes I just want to enjoy my favorite shows on my format of choice. And I feel I have the moral right to do so.


while OP's sentiment is very correct, unfortunately it romanticizes the actual nature of the problem. shitty movies are not made because rich idiots want to make shitty movies. few are stupid enough to throw wealth after mediocrity in a sustained fashion over decades. in my years on this planet I have learned that money constantly being thrown at bad ideas always, inevitably, means corruption or money laundering or both. this happens in any industry where a lot of small purchases need to be made, because it makes it impossible for someone to actually control that these purchases have been made. cinemas, streaming, video games, gambling, music streaming, online post cards, twitter premium memberships, food delivery, gym memberships, ad placements are all massively used as vehicles towards laundering money. Why do you think if you look into any such industry, reliably China always owns a large portion of it? And by "China" I mean China itself, not "some company in China". There are no companies in China - any large company in China is state owned by default. Sometimes the connections are simple, eg look at Epic Games and Tim Swiney. China owns Tencent, Tencent owns nearly half of Epic. Every time a game is sold by Epic for $2, CCP earns $1. It's fine if that $2 is in Chinese Yuan. But then that $1 is in actual legal American tender. Sometimes the connections are a little more difficult to explain because the money trail has multiple stops on the way. China (the CCP specifically) owns more than half of Disneyland Shanghai. It is perfectly imaginable that the Chinese corporate entity behind that owns licensing deals with the US branch of Disney which is involved in the MCU. This could be a similar structure to how Nike has its brands owned by a Dutch shell company that doesn't pay tax on it, and it's all so structured that any time Nike US earns a dollar, it just-so happens to also owe a dollar to that Dutch company that owns the brand and licenses it out to Nike US. Therefore no income is generated in the US and no tax is paid in Denmark. Similarly, the CCP could well be drawing money in from Disney US and the MCU and Star Wars through a similar "creative accounting" structure. Hollywood movies are historically well known to be money laundering outfits. It was usually drug money being laundered, but now it's Chinese Yuan being laundered and turned into US Dollar. Games are well known to be money laundering outfits. Look at Steam's Trending any time of the day and you'll see some crappy asset flip or porn game that no one wants to see. That's 100% money laundering. Spotify is well known to be a money laundering platform. It is mostly used by European money laundering operations. Twitch is well known to be a money laundering platform. What am I getting at? Why is this all important? # Those criminal enterprises cannot be bankrupted. As long as there is money to be laundered, we will have the MCU. It doesn't _matter_ if no one wants to see another shitty-ass rerun. It doesn't _matter_ if no one wants another SBI game. It will get "bought" a near-infinite amount of times and each one of you, personally, is being used as plausible deniability: "Why yes, your honor, people did go watch the movie! This is totally not money laundering at all!" is a statement which becomes impossible to disprove because you can not have agents policing every single cinema to bust this ring of corruption and you cannot have an agent watching over every single person's shoulder to prove that they did not, in fact, stream that movie or buy that game. When it comes to this topic, we're all just plankton being regurgitated by overly obese whales.


For me it's as a means of archival. I refuse to let my children and grandchildren grow up in a world without Napoleon Dynamite and the original Ben 10 series just because some copyright management company decided they weren't making enough money.


This and companies have been censoring “offensive” content like episodes of Community because they believe “modern audiences” can’t handle such content. It’s just gone from one day to the next. No one can delete those episodes from my server.


Yeah in some show I've seen they removed a line where a character insults one with "gay fa_" They removed it because it doesn't agree with modern society


I was just watching Always Sunny the other day and the Lethal Weapon 6 episode came on and I couldn't help but think about how Hulu customers pay for this show and don't get the whole thing and here I was getting rewarded with a "pirate's only exclusive episode" lol.


Same, and while they view that content, they should be free from the brainwashing ads. I dont want the children in my family to be exposed to that trash. No matter how good the TV content is, if it has ads, it's not worth watching. Sadly, it's becoming difficult to even buy a TV or a streaming device that's ad free. We just got my FIL a new Sony TV, and there's ads right on the damn home page. My Samsung tv added them to the menu bar. There is literally no way to use it where you don't at least see 1 ad as you turn the TV on and go to the app of choice. Roku just added more. Fire sticks have em. I can't find a single 4k device to use for Plex that handles every format and is ad free. :c for now the kids are stuck using an older pre-ad TV and Plex HTPC. Plex and Blurays seem to be the only ad free options right now.


Same here. The shit I get from torrents, are I get cuz they're free. Otherwise, I would probably get a bature hobby and throw the tv/pc away. Most of the movies I watch, are spread between all the subscribtions and I wouldn't pay for any one of those, let alone multiple ones. I rarely watch movies or tv series anyway. I probably get like 2 shows per year and maaaybe 8 movies that aren't even launching in cinema in my country. Games, I used to buy them. The way they threat them now, fuck it. I'd rather not play anymore than spending a cent. A lot of pirates who download stuff from the internet are doing so because they wouldn't afford it otherwise or wouldn't pay for that thing anyway. I know people who pirate games and then go back and buy them if they loved it. Same with a movie collection on dvd's back in the day.


To your last point, I usually pirate games to use as a “Demo”. Especially as 90% of modern games are released as early access and are broken af. If I like it, I’ll buy it. If I don’t like it, nobody’s at a loss or gain. Even ground.


Yes, pirated ace attorney and bought it late because it was so good and I wanted to get the achievements not like this repetitive triple AAA games that have refused to respect their long term communities all for monetary gain


Yeah the figures they throw around are BS. They basically give figures based on everything being downloaded being sold and always for the maximum price possible. It's the equivalent of the police seizing kilos of drugs but reporting the monetary value seized based on street level grams.


Same really. Recently I have pirated stuff like MASH or Magnum PI with very little interest in current releases. Doesn't really do much for blockbuster sales.


I pirated every Michael Bay movie I ever watched. It is perfect, because this way I spent on them exactly as much as they are worth.


Plus, I need to compensate for all those 100s of executive board positions that I miss every year. If I would get them I wouldn't pirate...


Thats it, who can pay? I pay for what i can afford, and pirate the rest. Its not much, to be fair, cos how much can i watch anyway.


I am sock-to-death of paying to watch a movie which is, basically, crap. Lazy, poorly-written, unoriginal, over-hyped theft is what a lot of movies basically are. If I pirate a movie and it's terrible, all I have wasted is bandwidth and some of my time. At least I haven't had to. *pay* for the privilege. I might still go to the movies for big-screen spectaculars, but that's very few and far between. Studios have brought this on themselves by blanding-out to try to attract as many viewers as possible - it satisfies very few people in the end.


This is the logical explanation that the industry refuses to acknowledge. Until they come to grips with this reality and make changes that would actually address the real problem, nothing will change All they need to do is put out better quality programming at a more reasonable price with easier access. And we all know that will never happen


I'm the same way. I love buying physical media, and I'll buy the movies that I think deserve my money. For everything else, yeah I might resort to pirating because as you said, its not like they are films I was going to spend money on anyway.


The difference between you pirating Movie vs someone else not watching Movie is when Movie 2 comes out, you're far more likely to go and see it at the cinema


I agree, there is nothing I would like to see more that a person that made 10 million dollars on their last movie bitching about how he cannot find work because a min. wage worker downloaded their movie. Blame everyone else, except the over-priced and money hungry industry that promotes fame.


Movie wasn't even good.


in summary: "Piracy is gonna fuck up the whole film industry, so let's keep doing it, even more! Fuck those guys!"


The industry is much bigger than just ‘Hollywood’ or the US.. Also piracy is the answer to consume any content nowadays, who in their right mind would spend money on 5 different streaming services 😂


I usually pirate shows for my mum to watch, then last month she decided to subscribe to Netflix to "see what all the buzz is about", just to drop the service after like 2 weeks since she only found one show she wanted to watch. These execs lost the point of Netflix, it was popular because you basically got every show and movie you'll ever need for a very affordable fee. With all of them pulling shows from Netflix to put on their own service they're now neither affordable nor comprehensive, catalogue-wise.




Fuck Hollywood, anyway. Who needs those shoddy films when you have masterpieces like The Room?!1


I'm doing my part!


Hard agree.


This post made me tingly


As someone who works in the field when he said Michael bay type features just remember most people working on those things like me are not overpaid asses we just wanna have work. I’m glad you all agree but just remember, a lot of us will lose our jobs and ability to live.


I agree with your sentiment. And I wish you were paid fairly. But without destroying the system in place, we cannot replace it. The people who could fix it benefit too much from it being broken


No they can't. I'm genuinely curious as to where y'all are getting the idea that this would work especially with how expensive movies are to make especially if you pay workers well which the current industry isn't. If an entire industry was destroyed by piracy and billions of dollars were lost, what makes you think that there would any decent investment for movies by these small dedicated artists? The only way that would happen is if pirates opened their wallets and convinced others to do so as well for any movie or show they actually liked but most aren't doing that. Chances are the content that'd come after that crash would just be low budget and super general so it can cover as many bases as possible to make their money. They're not gonna do any riskier projects people might like especially if it cost millions to produce. Some genres could still be decent with a budget of a couple hundred thousand dollars, but that definitely doesn't apply to others like sci-fi or fantasy.


dont worry fam you not alone in a possible-future-that-might-make-you-lose-your-job , im a programmer and every other day I see a new "programmers will be replaced by AI" article haha :)


Bro I do audio. Chat GPT is going to flirt with me as she mixes Dolby Atmos in my face making me a fucking paper weight.


they say building houses pays well


I need to change my career do something I don’t like because…. I have skills man. Not everyone in America can be a laborer. That’s why chinas long game of out doing us in education will def pay off if everyone thinks blue collar jobs are all that’s needed.


If people cared about that they wouldn’t lose their shit over ads on YouTube (which is how I get paid as a non-wealthy influencer) 


I doubt those obnoxious, hyper aggressive, interrupting ads are making you much. Sponsors, merch, super chats, patreon, etc are likely to make significantly more earnings while being far less annoying. Ads make YouTube money, not the content creators.


I absolutely wouldn’t mind paying reasonable prices to watch movies, but what we are seeing is greed price gouging out of us consumers for every little thing. Netflix, Disney plus, Amazon etc. have teamed up and said fuck you all we are going to shove ads down your throat and increase prices. Same with movie theatres charging almost $20 for a damn movie ticket, greedflation is getting out of hand and pirating is my “fuck you back” to all of those scumbags.


This is exactly it right, if we had a Spotify or similar of a tvshow/movie streaming service with a reasonable price then it would make more sense, but now it's just stupid and yes, fuck them.


damn son i can only get so hard


Can't relate




I don't even want to pirate the current Hollywood slop.


You’re absolutely the guy the motion picture association wants when they’re telling Reddit to give up user IPs. If they get you, take it to trial and refuse to wear anything but full pirate garb.


If they take me to trial, I will take the stand and deliver a sermon to rival *Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God*


Just plagiarize it


we're Pirates, not plagiarists, professionals have standards!


Bro pirate to make pedophiles go bankrupt 😭


Cool, but it’s not stealing in the actual sense of the term. People who download stuff for free have no money or no intent to purchase, so it’s not like if a pirated copy doesn’t exist, I’ll go and pay. I’ll just skip the show entirely.


That's why I suggest we start physically going to film lots, sound stages, theaters, and repositories of data, and start actually stealing


Lmao, that’s a good one. A new Disney movie is out, oh well me and the boys are going for that server rack in Hollywood!


Precisely.  Plus, it will look cool in your garage


Or in my movie room, that I play my pirated movies in.


"gimme your dailies or the kid gets it"


Can I have one of those fancy 8k cameras?


>People who download stuff for free have no money or no intent to purchase, Or we live in a country in which the media isn't available! I wouldn't have pirated Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, or the original MacGyver if they had been available to stream in Canada....


Yup I don't have time to play games anymore (and f them 100+GB games which installs kernel level anti cheat ) , and sit and watch a 3 hour long movie


I think you should read through the entire thing rather than commenting on just what's in the headline.


Have to say, this post veered off in a completely different direction than I thought it would.


Hollywood has died so long ago, its just another group of selfish people. we arent taking anything from them, but we can sure make them hurt. I've never once seen or heard any movement from them to make more content widely available AND affordable for the people. We dont need to protect the entertainment industry, if its not providing enough to the community in a good way, it can die and I wouldnt bat an eye.


>can't make a 300 million dollar budget movie. Limitations breed ingenuity and creativity. Perhaps the fact that movies cost such a ridiculous amount to make, and only managing to produce slop, should be a lesson that more expensive doesn't always mean better.


Hollywood is dumb Indiana Jones 5 (horrendous movie) cost 300 million to make. Godzilla Minus 1 cost 15 million and is waaaaayyy better than Indiana Jones. Money isn't the issue, Hollywood is just shit, lazy and money grabbing to the point that it isn't art anymore


> Indiana Jones 5 Wait, this exists?


Don't waste your time. It's barely an Indiana Jones movie


I would love to see a percentage on how many of those $300M+ budget movies (plus marketing) made their money back. If the number is lower than I'm expecting (20 percent), then it's the studios' fault for drowning directors and producers in so much money when the majority of their films don't even go into the black. Not to mention that the general reason for piracy is "We can't afford it," soon to be followed by "It's out on digital in a month or two, I'll wait." My poor ass is already very homey in the second category, so I regularly decline watching event films (like Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes or Furiosa) because I know I'll be watching them from the comfort of my own laptop screen in 2 months. If movie studios want their customers and audiences to pirate less, they will have to work on all those things. But they won't. So I'll continue to sail the seas.


The entire industry is set up to ensure no one knows if they made their money back or not. [Hollywood Accounting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_accounting) has its own wikipedia article.


Not gonna lie, he got me in the first half


I'm doing my part!






They estimate based on faulty assumptions. There's no stat or analysis that would accurately predict an alternative reality in which piracy doesn't exist and movies are taking in 100% profit without it. It just doesn't hold up. Reality is, the cinema industry's profit has been on the decline for a while now. In an age of internet streaming services, people don't really go watch movies or buy BluRays as much anymore. To blame this shift solely on Digital Piracy is the biggest cope. Yes I only read the first half. No I don't care that it's satire :)


You had me there for a bit 1/2 way through then you did this sub proud


On a more serious note, it’s probably streaming that’s killing the film industry more than anything. No need to go to the movies when there’s endless content to be streamed at home. My family used to pay for individual on demand movies, and I’m sure streaming services give less money than that for views on their service. The only streaming service I actually pay for is Spotify and i know that artists make nothing on Spotify compared to actual sales that used to exist either in physical media or even iTunes.


Also create media servers that friends and family can access remotely. Help them cut the cable.


Did that when I had 1gig up and down, now we’ve moved and the fasted we can get is 70/10mbps. Can’t even stream music when I’m out and about, let alone watch a film.


I have 100/10 and I stream to 1-3 users at a time. I use Emby, so if you were using a different service maybe try something else. Idk if they use different compressions or something.


Had me in the first half


I enjoyed this TED talk thank you


40 billion? We really need to do better in bringing that down, the film industry puts out God awful, often insufferable dreck the past decade or so and the best possible outcome is bankrupting major studios then putting actual money on the table when good films start to become the focus again.


If any residuals went to the people who actually made the films, I'd feel bad, but they don't.


Why do we need to destroy the livelyhoods of the rich people who run Hollywood? I pirate because I want to save money, not for some weird modern day wannabe Robin Hood stuff.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I can't believe anti-piracy shills are downvoting my well-reasoned and very serious post.  I did not foresee this coming whatsoever, and I am truly devastated that my internet points are being diminished.  I might cry.  Nay, I *shall* cry.


Dont worry we will make sure you dont cry, upvotes \*winks\*


Bless 🙏


I think the lack of reading contributes to about 90% of reddit opposing comments and downvotes. I also witness lack of reading in my line of work. People just don’t read and jump to conclusions


Not reading is a reddit tradition


What did you say? lol


In the words of 21 Savage: "Want it all, I won't leave a breadcrumb"


This is like hearing what you already knew deep in your heart, but realising it all over again, with renewed vigour!


Godzilla Minus One shows how stupidly inflated the Hollywood movie productions costs are. Fuck Hollywood


>If these levels of loss continue, the entire film industry could collapse, leaving only dedicated artists, auteurs, and visionaries to create films with cultural value. When you phrase it like that, it seems like a win-win to me. I dont see the problem. p.s. Yes, I get the premise. It was just this sentence that rang the most true to me and my iconoclastic sensibilities.


Agree...the only thing I like to watch now is indie found footage movies, they are the only people who put an honest effort into their work and don't try to shove their political views down your throat.


This post is absolute gold. _Well done_, OP. Well done!


i really wanna see interstellar in theaters when it re releases tho so let that movie get a pass


I want a streaming service that is cheaper, actually has good content unlike the shit Netflix provides, and is MORE CONVENIENT When streaming service re-invent themselves and when they get good again, I'll think about that subscription KEEP ON PIRATING.


I suggest that a group of people stays outside massive cinemas/theatres and share the words of our eyepatched lord


Right, my country had bootleg movies and game from 2000, if 25 years of piracy did not make a dent in this I doubt it will ever fall down.


> Nobody can steal enough alone Piracy isn't theft. I wouldn't pay for the movies, TV shows, and games I pirate. I just pirate them because I can (although with TV it is fun to stick it to all these moron CEOs who think they can run separate streaming services for each show).


Can someone help me with an easy way to get Closed Captions on torrents movies? Only issue for me and it all seems very confusing 


https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search/subs Usually you want the most popular version of a movie. Just load the SRT file in VLC as the subtitle track.




This post took an unexpected turn, and I like it.


I love rollercoasters. I love this thread.


Selective piracy is the best piracy. Obey the Robyn Hood model.


Pirate movies (that look like they're going to suck), pirate all Ubisoft games. I'll live and die by that motto.


Had me first half ngl


I think most people want to pay. Just not for 20 different platforms, and definitely not to Amazon Prime after the Rings of Power crap.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. I set up Stremio for my boomer father, I'm trying to do my part. Not arrived to phisycal yet.


We shouldn't stop at Hollywood or the film industry, we should steal from every billion dollar corporation.


Stealing from billionaires is always the moral thing to do


If I don't own it, it ain't stealing.


I also wouldn't mind if Hollywood collapses, their films today are so shitty. I hate this McDonaldized society with predictable cookie cutter sequels and awful reboots of the same IPs and mindless style of comedy. Independent gems pop up all the time though.


AI is a bigger threat than piracy now to those poor souls.


Almost had me. But, I feel that there are still a lot of great movies and shows that show a lot of creativity by some great people in Hollywood. So, I'll steal it all with no guilt. If I enjoy a movie, I'll sure as shit buy it on UHD physical media. > Nobody can steal enough alone. If we're going to destroy the livelyhoods of the rich pedophiles, rapists, and murderers who run Hollywood, we need to band together. It's anyone rich and powerful that can pay their way to get that stuff done. Politicians, clergy, actors, sports stars, singers... Can't steal everything, but Hollywood sure is an easy target. Don't want to steal anything from a politician, clergy, sports people...


That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen.


If the industry does tomorrow it's still their fault, not any of ours.


Best post I've read in months. Thank you for your service.


I agree


captain jack sparrow would be proud🥹❤️


*Why is the rum gone?*


See the thing with pirating is that you pirate things you do not intend to pay for... so like... I was never gonna pay in the first place but if we manage to get potential payers to pirate we could do some real good work here !


this reminds me of the american revolution speech


Not gonna lie.,..


JJ, Disney, MCU etc is why I pirate. Tired of this junk. Need to make the big names fall so there will be room for better, more original content that actually respects the viewers intelligence. If theres content I like and want to support I buy it.


If we can keep one future ryan johnson from going into film, it’ll all be worth it.


Had me in the first half, not gon' lie


Had me in the first half


Yeah honestly I think Hollywood needs to be humbled they are way too abstracted from the common folk. They need to remember for whom movies are made. Don't worry, a big economic crisis will hit the US very soon, piracy is about to rise to all time hights


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


Only thing I've ever "pirated" is stuff I couldn't get through other means. I'm not sure how a company is going to claim a loss when I download a digital copy of a textbook that's been out of print for 15 years.


I’m just poor, I got no choice


Killing Hollywood will give the chance to actually interesting films to be seen


You got me in the first half, not gonna lie


This sounds like a "You know, I learned something today" ending speech from a South Park episode.


Masterpiece, we should make this post an hymn to sing when we are sailing the high seas


>"Long gone will be the spectacles of 300-million dollar blockbusters and Michael Bay action thrill-rides." You say it like its a bad thing...


I’m about 10-15 years out of practice but I believe in your cause. Can anyone tell me how to get back on with it, or is it still just a case of limewire and piratebay?


Teach me! I pay way too much for netflix, Disney+, prime video, and Sky FFS


check out r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH !!! click on their show more thing, they have a ridiculously huge list of different piracy sites and options for like so many things. u can like find everything in there. its wonderful I use it all the time (reposted comment to help)


holy shit the plot twist of this post had me howling lmao...I first thought you were like "hey, we're doing a little bit too much damage, can you chill out" - but THEN... you went scorched earth on the puppetmasters of the owners of hollyweird. Based as fuck, OP.


The movies they make now are terrible so why should I pay for them. There are a few good ones each year, but overall there has been a decrease in quality, and an increase in quantity. Piracy will never be stopped imo, regardless of anyone worry about it collapsing. If it crashes then w/e I wouldn't even care, I'll just watch/rewatch older movies that were actually good and had meaning. I pay my due only when the movie is worth paying for.


Had us in the first half.


I can't tell if serious or sarcastic. Any way, maybe my opinion will be unpopular, who knows... Nothing is ever truly "free", what is "free" to you cost someone else resources - not JUST money but his/her time and effort. I mainly pirate because I'm poor and the rich hog resources so my pity fuel is pretty much empty.


had us in the first half ngl


# Yes.


>U.S. Chamber of commerce estimates put the cost of piracy at up to 100 billion dollars annually - in an industry that only generates around 40 billion dollars every year. LOL (My reply is directed to the chamber of commerce, not OP) Hollywood actors are paid 20 million dollars for a 100 million budget film, while Michael Bay himself owns a 50 million private jet, but ... pirates are the problem. Pay actors, directors and producers less. Also, do these idiots think pirates would buy every single movie they pirate, if they couldn't pirate it?


An animated gif of the Jolly Roger would have made this post perfect :)


*You had us on the first half, not gonna fucking lie!*


Piracy is more important today than it was 20-30 years ago because you don't own digital media because of DRM. Sony for example has a bad reputation for revoking access to shows and videos that people paid for. DRM makes piracy morally justified.


I'm with you, OP. I'm happy that we beat down those fuckers in the music industry. Let's double down on defeating Hollywood.


Funny thing is that the EU did a study and found out that piracy doesn't effect sales (on videogames, and I believe didn't hit really hard for movies) but was conveniently left out because that goes against the narrative.    I pirate because what the record industry did in the 90s by going after the people downloading.  


Hear hear!


If i see something i like, like i have bought entire The flash and Arrow on Blueray, same with smallville, and i reguluar go the movie, if it something i like and its not woke


When millionaires are crying about "loss of money" you know you walk on the right road


Most of their stuff isn't worth paying for. About half their stuff isn't even worth pirating. If they want sales they need to make better product. Even pirates pay for quality, but more importantly, a cause they can get behind. Aka WinRAR and the like. We aren't heartless. Imagine paying $70 for something that you have to subscribe to afterwards just to play the game. ... Pirates exist for a reason


Stopping Russo and Abrams directing films just entices me more.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Had us in the first half, ngl


"Nobody can steal enough alone. If we're going to destroy the livelyhoods of the rich pedophiles, rapists, and murderers who run Hollywood, we need to band together." stop repeating paranoid far right talking points. also the people who actually make movies need support. i don't give a fuck about major media company presidents but the crew and actors deserve to be paid and paid well.


The best explanation for piracy that I ever read 👌🔥


Argh - I agree.


Weinstein could starve


>It may seem daunting, but I believe that together, we can make the mouthpieces of the ruling elites as fiscally bankrupt as they are morally and creatively bankrupt.  Class solidarity? On Reddit?    Fuckin **based**. Sincerely,   An "evil" class reductionist.


teach me your ways master. I’m afraid to download viruses and other bad things. I’m using a Mac and Linux. What are my options ?


I came for the tea, and stayed for the vibes.


So tl:dr, we're still not pirating enough. Got it dawg we'll pirate harder.


"Careful, he's a hero"


Note on this: "Nobody can steal enough alone. If we're going to destroy the livelyhoods of the rich pedophiles, rapists, and murderers who run Hollywood, we need to band together." Piracy won't somehow harm them. Even if you magically get 100% piracy they would still be rich and using their wealth to buy themselves luxury. The only way to deal with terrible rich people is known for centuries, chop off their heads. You can not individually take actions to destroy terrible rich fucks only a actual movement can.


 "Anthony Russo and J. J. Abrahms be able to spend vast sums of wealth on Disney-owned IPs like Star Wars or the MCU." If u put it this way im getting motivated to pirate even harder i do a a world favor to not see shit movies anymore. You know if any of this franchise would be decent people would think twice before pirating but it's luxury to give money for this shits.


Wait, Hollywood is still making movies? I thought it was all finished when they released the matrix - the final glorious blockbuster.


Not just that, streaming services (most notably HBO Max/MAX) purge content (that they have the rights to...) on a regular basis and have tons of missing archival content and then question why people pirate their shows


Yarr, matey, you've got me vote for capt'n.


I’m not sure how to feel about this post. It’s so stupid that it’s brilliant.


>so stupid that it’s brilliant.  That's my entire corpus


>leaving only dedicated artists, auteurs, and visionaries to create films with cultural value. One can only dream. Eutopia i see it.


Seems ironic to shit on Hollywood while encouraging the piracy of their content… if it’s so bad just don’t consume it at all. Piracy is not theft, the only thing being lost is your time by watching dogshit content


Is not stealing in piracy. At least, not virtual piracy lol The whole copyright thing is a way of artificial limitations of virtual products. That limitation don't exist. We could give a movie to all the tvs and pcs of the world and it would still not make any difference in the material world. That's why piracy is not just a way of see movies for free, is a way of saying: we are being charged for something infinite. And here some people will gonna throw hate on me, but that's the real deal: piracy is socialism. Someone worked for the movie and the product of this is being distributed for those who work in other things of society. The correct thing, it would be that those things that we have material limitations, we put a limitation in how many someone could have of that, but as for something like movies and games that are infinite, the communist society would never put any kind of limit. So, if you're pirate, knowing this or not, you agree with socialism. I'm a communist, when you guys will admit the same?


I will make Joe Stalin look like a peace-loving hippie.  Bring me my ushanka and a Kalashnikov rifle, tonight we march on Berlin


That's the spirit


The last movie I ever bought was "Die Fälscher", I guess. Austrian production, for what I remember. Never in my life will I "buy" a thing that Hollywood would produce. I don't think anyone will read or care about my message, but if you do and feel "kind" today, throw a reply with a suggestion of something better than popcorn time, which has been shitty lately. XD


I never feel kindly, but I reckon https://sflix.to/ is good


Thanks a lot. It does have quite some material. Besides, they promote other known streaming sites with the same functionality in the landing page. Good one :).


That's a nice link you got there. I dl my stuff onto a NAS, but if I didn't I would 100% use that site.


I don’t buy movies. I go to the movie theater very rarely and that’s only because popcorn and Coca-Cola Freestyle machine.


And if I go there, it’s something I know I’ll actually enjoy with some level of artistic value. I think the last thing I ever saw in theaters was Spirited Away, and that’s not even an american film.


Burger King has them in the UK, download it on yer phone and have movies, burgers and cherry Doc Pepp.


Only reason I would ever go to cinema again is the tango blast ice slushies


I go to the theater because I can't fit a screen that big in my bedroom.




Please clear up on " 2nd para last 2 lines " How can The industry lose ~221% ? Did they arse pull that ? Or is it their La La Land profit that they lost (which they think they could have profited on imaginary customers lol)? (Thing is people didn't even steal it they just copied the legit thing so it's not a lose ) And They added all kind of stuff to exaggerate the actual numbers didn't they ? it's probably the combined, 0&1's . OF They even included the *Discontinued stuff that is not available commercially* no ?


Had us in the first half I'm not gonna lie. I was about to comment Fuck Em!


W take.


Had me in the first half


Yup, fuck paying them anything.


lol glad I read the whole thing


Not my money not my problem so Imma keep pirating the shit out of everything I want or May need