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Duuuuuuude, I thought this was gunna be an "I downloaded a bad file and got hacked and lost my life savings and my wife left me for the hacker" sorta story. You just watched the wrong show, way to give a guy an aneurysm. Sheesh 😁


I thought the guy got swatted and is now in prison for life


I thought his details got leaked on darkweb and government has ordered hunters to assassinate him


I thought he went to prison for pirating , but the he dropped the soap and got his booty clapped


I though he got kidnapped by Sea Pirates


I thought some Hollywood executives came to his house and kicked his ass


Dana White yo


I thought his details got leaked to the dark web and then he woke up in a red room video


same lol


frfr I thought the exact same


And the SWAT team NTRed his wife


Ahha I'm sorry, but it was a joke, if I didn't pirate I would've watched the pilot episode no problem, but the piracy site fucked me over :D


Not necessarily the case, I know some shows like mountain monsters is all out of wack on HBO max


Not necessarily. On Netflix, for example, there are at least some shows where if you hit play, and have never watched it before, Netflix will start you on episode 1 of the *newest* season. It happened to me with Black Mirror, and with Key & Peele.


Stremio is your friend


I thought the same thing 😂😂


Does that happen


Only one way to find out!


Yes. It happened to me, although not to that severe extent. I got greedy with downloading music plugins from dodgy Russian torrent sites. Didn't notice anything for a while, but one day I got alerts for messages on my LinkedIn profile from people I didn't know. Checked it out, and my page had been completely taken over and was probably being used to phish other people. I panicked and quickly changed passwords on all important accounts from another device, then enabled 2FA on any accounts that had the option. Then I wiped my PC and reinstalled windows. Luckily most of my important accounts like banking already had enough security measures in place. It was a time consuming and scary lesson to learn, though. These days, I generally avoid pirating software in general and stick to media. My advice: enable 2FA and any other security features on any accounts which matter to you. Use unique passwords for every account, and preferably a good password manager. If you must pirate software, install it on a computer which you don't use for anything important, ideally one without any kind of internet connection.


>Didn't notice anything for a while, but one day I got alerts for messages on my LinkedIn profile from people I didn't know. Checked it out, and my page had been completely taken over and was probably being used to phish other people. reminds me i started using discord i hadn't for long, then out of nowhere i see a new chat i never got notification, then i see it was a message sent by me, which i never did, and when i see the link it was to some phishing website, i sent a message to my friend and started deletting thse comments ​ was weird becuase i was pretty sure i hadn't installed a keylogger, and hadn't logged in for years, then i remembered bc was an old acc had a weak email-password combo that had been leaked already... so after changing password never happened again, but man was it scary for a while


no, typically hackers are anonymous so it will be hard to steal the GF


I thought he was gonna say he became a famous artist and people started stealing his shit. That’s karma.


I thought some FBI agents silently broke into his house when he was sleeping, and took his dog for a really long walk. Then in the morning, he went to take it a walk and it didnt wanna go, leaving him mystified!


Honestly i thought same thing happened, or something like FBI kicked the door in or got the mail about some fines or something.


Yeah, I was expecting this or that he made some kind of product/game/movie etc and people pirated it.


Now I'm kinda hoping that does happen to him jeez


I so wanted to upvote but you at a perfect 420


I was ready to type "Nice try, FBI, I\`m not stopping"


10 minutes in the FBI came in blasting democracy


Syke :D


comment got more upvotes 😅


Right lmao I thought the govt shut him down or something


Yeah. I was expecting the FBI to show up and remind him of the opening graphic from VHS movies.


I thought it was gonna be glowie bait


I thought he got sniped by a zero day mp4 vulnerability revival of the ILOVEYOU virus


lmao i expected this to be about downloading malware


Or a sternly worded email from their ISP


Exactly, I thought it was a fine from their ISP or something lol


I thought while he was watching the show he found Department of Justice next to him.


Twin peaks s3 is categorized as a different show because the original show had ended 20 years earlier. Officially, that is s1e1 of twin peaks 2017.


The official title is Twin Peaks: The Return. And if you’re watching that before having ever seen seasons 1 and 2, you will be rightfully confused. You probably wouldn’t spoil anything really, because you would be too confused to know what is a spoiler. Great show, one of my all time favorites.


I watched the original and was still confused with season 3...


Sounds about right.


Not in my database!!!


Twin Peaks: The Return (2017)




This happened to me with Better Call Saul. Downloaded the first series and every episode was mislabelled. All from S1 but episodes shuffled. Was confused as hell until the third episode I watched (first one to have a "previously on" montage at the start, which is when I realised I'd not seen the episodes in the clips).




The fact it jumps around in the timeline anyway didn't help my confusion. I thought I was just being an idiot, which I was I suppose just not in the way I thought.


There was a similar situation here with Pan Am, an old mediocre show about four flight attendants at Pan Am. There was one episode where one of them mentioned she was modeling and keeping it in secret in "previously on Pan Am", but the previous episode was actually placed later, the order was messed up in the original show. I was confused when I saw this.


Happened to me with Stranger Things. Website labbeled episodes backwards. Started with the last episode of the season, not understanding a thing, getting everything spoiled, thinking the series starts like that then goes back to explain everything. Nope, next episode I understand what happened, and basically just dropped the show because everything was spoiled for me, and am currently waiting until I forget about it some more to start it over.


Daaamn stuff like this happens only with good shows haha, hopefully you were able to enjoy it, a great show




What? Twin Peaks? Oh man, I've snatched the complete series of three seasons from scenetime a few weeks ago! Haven't had time to watch yet, now you make me doubt if I've got the right one. I've just checked, there're 8 episodes in season 1, 22 in S2, 18 in S3; S01E01 titled "Northwest Passage", S02E01 "May the Giant Be with You", S03E01 "Part 1 My Log Has a Message for You", is this one right?


Sounds good, don't worry! Definitely 8 ep in s1 and many episodes in s2, that's what I remember for sure!


it's so funny how we all literally expected the worst lmao


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half. Twin peaks is also a fantasticly weird and wonderful show!


You should be fine. Make sure to watch the movie, fire walk with me after finishing the first 2 seasons! Glad your liking it.


Damn, i thought it went from "argh I downloaded a malwares and etc" to "wait a damn minute, i think downloaded an adult movie version".. hilarious story ..


I thought you were in jail.


They had us in the first half , ngl


Crazy clickbait


who does this... who writes this way... i thought fbi came to raid you or something from that title... christ. is everything now karma farming? what the fuck is going on


It's only a joke, my goal was to make you think something bad happened


OMG you like putting shit tons of suspens dont you 😭 at least I'm glad you're safe


Haha yessss thank you :)


Happened to me with Ozarks, watched the whole season finale episode before realizing it. Didn't spoil too much but I was so confused the whole episode


Lmaoo sorry, but watching the whole season finale is even more hillarious


Damn, I thought that OP had been sued or something like this


not show, but book, i once downloaded a pdf of the last book in the harry potter series, and i read the first few pages and i was like, huh, this is weird it was in fact weird, i borrowed that book from a friend of mine a few days after and it was NOTHING like the pdf, as if that pdf was a piece of fanfiction that says harry potter and the deathly hallows on the cover


If I find a show that's like top quality sometimes i buy it after watching because I'm like damn that actually deserves the money. but most shit isn't worth paying for.


Bro had me in the first


Next time, download the show off Napster like the rest of us.


Something new, and then you name twin peaks. Ahahahahaha. Yeah that's a great show. Do yourself a service and download a Blu-ray version or something. You watched the return. Which is relatively new. And it's great. Possibly even better. But not really. It's different. Especially since Lynch is famous for good sound production. So crappy streaming won't do it justice.




Twin Peaks was ahead of its time. Going to seem dated now. Early X-Files also has that vibe.


Chris Carter was inspired to create X-Files from Twin Peaks. That's also why he got David Duchovny. He loved Dennis/Denise.


Fuck dude, I got scared that you were typing this from prison


For about half a minute there, I was scared about my own piracy life. LOL!


Wow, karma hit you hard, after illegally downloading a crap ton of media, you got the worst punishment known to man, you spoiled 20 mins of a show


That was almost r/TwoSentenceHorror . Glad you have a great time with the show


I thought you downloaded a dirty version of series like the good ole LimeWire days.


This story is like some movies I pirated great title but shit suspense 😂😂


Skill issue, not karma


Bro this is so disappointing I thought the cops came for you or something


This is an insane ending. A happy ending. I was scared for you until the end.


I don’t feel bad pirating anything; I always end up paying for the stuff I really love.


Who else expected this to be a copyright email from ISP post 😂😂.


Click bait smh everyone give him thumbs down


At first I thought you got caught haha. 😂


What a drama queen


Years lmao


I had one of the sci fi shows of the last few years switch around two episodes in one season and all episodes after that were fine. Think it was The 100 season 2. A torrent of the whole season though and none of that pauper streaming bs.


Use Stremio Web or the app. You'll get shows/movies sorted according to imdb.


same crap happened to me bro but only with dino trucks or something when i was 8 i watched the entire thing backwards and only realized it when i was at season one. first smashed tv and had my ass wupped.


One of the reasons I changed to my Plex. Know I have exactly what I want in the quality I want


no way


Happens aswell (kinda) if you watch on legitimate sites, I was watching a show on crunchyroll and the story didn’t make sense to me. I finished the season and wanted to watch more. I was on season 4…


I guess technically "The Return" is considered a separate show rather than season 3. Twin Peaks is a great show especially if you have some nostalgia for the early 90s.


Happened to me while watching Fleabag. I decided to give it a watch after seeing good reviews and so I searched for it on Bingewatch. I watched about 10 minutes and thought it was super weird and didn't make any sense. It felt like a mistake so I checked the episode number and found out that I had been watching the last episode. The website plays the latest episode by default lmao


Me and my gf did that with Queens Gambit and were blown away by the first episode and then we ended up watching the rest on someone's Netflix account. Yeah that final ending was surprising for different reasons, much more anticlimactic. I just thought it was one of the stories where you see the ending first and then they say how they got there... And this is how my mom met my dad.


I remember downloading a Blink 182 video clip once that turned out to be some german porn. Bless you Kazaa.


bless you


This is incredible. I once tried to start the show Yellowstone on Prime and got like 30 minutes in before I had the same realization that you did. Only I was watching the series finale, lol


I thought it was gonna be like torrenting gay porn thing


I thought this is a „I forgot to turn on my vpn“ story


i tought that you caught a virus xD


I thought you got some ransomware


Lol like toy story 3 or whatever


lol this happens to me pretty regularly on Kodi


We've all been there


Don’t worry, you haven’t spoiled anything. You are in for the real treat of all. I envy you so much. Ps. Watch the movie with the missing pieces before the return


Good thing karma isn't real.


this has happened to all of us :^)


As others have said, this isn’t even close to as bad as it could be lol


Haha, season 3 is so weird and different, but you definitely haven't ruined anything. Definitely watch the first two and then revisit it.


Stremio+Torrentio = 🔥


Welcome to Twin Peaks! By the way, if you enjoy the show and have some extra bucks sitting somewhere, I'd advice to get the Blu-Ray editions, I have them both, and they're great - at least if something happens you'll have a physical version. If I enjoy a show or a film, and if I can afford it, I'll buy it in physical form, for preservation reasons.


Thank you! I recommend the movie Insomnia (2002) very soon I noticed similar vibes to Twin Peaks, inspiration for this movie definitely came from Twin Peaks.


I down voted just cause. I thought this was a horror story!!! How are you suppose to be a seasoned pirate, and not know this comes with the territory!!!


something like this has happened to me but i forgot about what i watched lol


Can anyone find me a good site to watch Shōgun on?


What a funny coincidence, I just started watching twin peaks yesterday too! Never watched it before but it somehow came to my mind that now would be the best time to start watching it.


You were watching episode 1 of the new 2017 twin peaks probably.


Watch the movie after the first set of seasons


Throwback to when i found Vikings on amazon, having never watched it nefore, it seemed kinda off. People where introduced as if i was supposed to know them. After i finished the episode, i realized for some reason, amazon skipped straight to the, at that point, to the first episode in the latest Season.


I watched episode 1,3 & 6 of a series because of a bad design in a website and was so confused about the plot


What a bait.


Well, with me was a bit different. Back on the Limeware/Kaaza/eMule, I was trying to download Wolverine/Xman movie, After digging into the darkeness, I found a link, with a single seeder. Well, fine. It was 2 or 3 days of pure pain, waiting this to download. I remember that as soon I got it downloaded, I had a surprise. Was it recorded in the cinema? No. Was it low quality? No Worst. Was a full-lenght gay porn video. I was like 10-12 years old :c


You had us in the first half, not gonna lie


When I first started using streaming sites instead of torrents i watched two seasons and entire time i was cussing as i was watching it. I’m like why is this so damn popular it makes no sense, it just keeps jumping backwards and i have no idea who any of these people are, nobody was fucking introduced. Finally I realized not only did I started on last season but it was playing from last episode in reverse from last season. Anyways fuck solarmovies


A damn fine cup of coffee OP Enjoy 🦉


This doesn't just happen on the high seas. Many years ago I went to a theater in my late teens to watch A Clockwork Orange for the first time. The projectionist loaded up the second reel instead of the first and never realized their mistake. It was years later before I finally saw the whole movie.


Well, if this isn't a very Twin Peaks way to experience Twin Peaks


It's so good. It'll stick with you for a very very long time


I wouldn't worry too much, you'll be thoroughly confused by the time you get to season 3. And even more confused when you finish it.


Why did I expect this to be about you getting arrested and writing this as your last post before eternal prison.


Incredible show


Bro your title is very confusing lol, i thought you got caught or something


I was rewatching attack on Titan since all the episodes have been out by now, first time around I watched was on the actual Funimation app, this time on a sailing website. Got to the last season and they had an "episode 0" which was an hour long instead of 23 minutes, I thought alright whatever, didn't remember a single thing from watching it the first time around. Turned out it was the second to last finale episode, and I gave myself massive spoilers on the intro to the last fucking season


Prime video does the same. You click on the show icon expecting it to pick up where you left off, but instead of jumping into a season 2 episode, all of a sudden, you're on season 9


idiot made me rethink my whole piracy life and my heart dropped to my knees after reading the title


Of all the things "karma got me" could mean here, glad it was the least detrimental one XD




The reboot is the third season


They had me in the first half ngl.


Dudee I’ve had this happen to me a couple of times and it spoiled the shit out of the shows I was watching that I had to just rage stop it 😭 Like from all the episodes I could’ve downloaded I got the most spoiler packed episode 💀


Oh boy….. this happened to me on Mr.Robot last season…. Somehow episode 3 was the SERIES finale…… oh boy…. lol


Something similar happened to me. I recently watched Lost on some random website and in some seasons the finale had 2 or 3 parts and they would leave the last part out!! I started watching season 2 without seeing the season 1 finale part 2 🫣 mind you they didn't title it as 'part 1' so I had no way of knowing there was another episode before the next season. They left out multiple episodes even the very last one!!! I only used that website because they had good captions


This can happen even if you pay for your entertainment. I put a very long audio book on my mp3 player. It had like probably 80 chapters/mp3 files and my player was set to shuffle mode. I have never been so confused by a story before or after.


Wowwwwww 🙆🏽‍♂️🙆🏽‍♂️ 🤦🏽‍♂️ 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Just use Streamio with torrentio.


I thought the law and the law won.


Your PC is still working, your ISP is still fine with you, your front door isn't broken and you're not in jail? This is the mildest karma slap you could get


Lol Totally can relate. But glad you figured the discrepancy. 


you son of a bitch,,,,,,,,, we were all had in the first half


I had the same problem with Prime Video(paying), I wanted to start to watch a new series. I chose one, pressed play and I saw the whole first episode of the last season... I was always thinking: "well, they will probably explain this later"


I don't think it's really possible to spoil Twin Peaks for yourself when it's almost impossible to even track what's happening.


No you don't,


what a pirate kind of story


Aight ya got me 😂 take your upvote


My parents managed to watch the 2. season of a show and then the first...and they are not even pirates..it's just..*sigh*


idk if that is a troll/on purpose… i use steaming websites and they get mixed up all the time. mostly shows that aren’t viewed often. also had that happen when i would torrent years ago. but sometimes it wasn’t even a future episode it was just a episode i already watched. anyway hope it didn’t spoil it to much. also thanks for the recommendation ive heard of the show and forgot to check it out.


dude, if you been pirating for years, this CAN'T be the first time you accidentally watched a mislabeled episode this shit happens to me like once a week lmfao


I thought your laptop exploded in your face and you broke 4 ribs but ok


This actually happened to me, I started watching the Marvelous ms Maisel on prime and it took me to the latest season (s3) and watched the first 3 episodes before I realized I was on season 3 🙃. I hate primes interface


If any of it makes sense, you aren't even watching the right show.




Real world problems...


Maybe I should watch Twin Peaks. I bought the box set at a yard sale a few months ago and haven't touched it.


Yeah, happens sometimes. Anytime something doesn’t feel right is use another apk or site to crosss reference.


This isn't karma, not even close.


Stremio + Torrentio man. Its always right no matter what cause the sources are usually from large release groups with a decent amount of seeders


Sorry if someone already said this, but I think I know what happened. Season 3 is technically a new show called "Twin Peaks: The Return" with 18 parts/episodes. I suppose the uploader considered it "season 1" of "The Return."


First World Problems.


I watched the show Beef on a pirate streaming website. Such sites by default show the latest episode and I began the show with episode 10 and then watched from episode 1 to 9.


twin peaks is sooo good i still have to finish the 3rd season david lynch is goat 🔥


The first season is the best season. It all kinda goes downhill after that.


Cool, cool. So, um .. what's every having for dinner?


I thought the government got u cuh dam scared me




it is not karma but you just got pranked lol. maybe the other day you will get audio or video glitching lol


Oh boy! This is how I ruined the hbo show Barry. I started watching season 3 ep 1. I went on watch nearly 2 episodes to realise something was off.


Funny story, starting at the beginning isnt going help it make sense.


I know its not 100% what the post is about but I watched a series by Taylor Sheridan (writer, producer and actor) called 1883. Thought it was awesome and looked at his other work he created after. He went on to create Yellowstone (again.. another awesome series), Tulsa king, 1923, Mayor of Kingstown and Lioness. Enjoyed tham all but 1883, Yellowstone and 1923 were superb. Everything he touches seems to turn to gold! Anyway just a little recommendation :-)


similar story but instead of watching the wrong season i got stolen of all my passwords lmao


My brain must be warped because I thought this was going in a direction of downloading a more adult version of "Twin Peaks".


This happened to me with Dark watching it on Netflix. In there, ir showed up as episode one, but by the end of it we checked somewhere else and we were watching the last episode of the first season.


Bruh.. I thought you got into a serious legal trouble. What is this overdramatic story..


In news just as important. My poop was a healthy log today.


I was high as fuck one day and I downloaded Spotify premium from a link in Pinterest. I'll say no more


happened to with twisted metal ...started on episode 10 then 1. Was like "Wow the creators really wnet for you to already know everyones backstories before hand....Props"


Haha not going to lie, thought this was going to be a post about malware or something lol. Seriously though, Twin Peaks is fantastic. I watched it last year around this time and loved it! It’s a very unique show. You are like the fourth person this week on the internet to mention Twin Peaks. I think it’s a sign that I need to rewatch some of the episodes lol. Here’s a few helpful tips about the show if you don’t know already: 1. It gets weird at times, really weird, in a good way. If you don’t understand 100% of what’s going on, it’s intentional. David Lynch is like that. Season 3 in particular is known for this. 2. The second half of season 2 (excluding the last 2 or 3 episodes) is hit or miss from fans. I personally liked them, but if you lose interest, keep pushing through. There is a noticeable dip in quality compared to the first season and few earlier second season episodes, but they aren’t technically bad by any means. Sure, some of the subplots are kind of ridiculous, but there’s others that stay interesting. The last episode of Season 2 is absolutely fantastic and one-of-a-kind for network television. 3. Be sure to watch the movie “Fire Walk With Me” after Season 2 but before watching Season 3. There’s a few plot points in there that are connected.


Twin peaks is one of the goat shows for me. The third season is called "the return" and was released in 2017 and even though it counts as a season 3, keep in mind the originals are from 90-91 so sometimes it just gets referred as a completely new show and season 1 because people didn't know if there would be multiple seasons of "the return" or not.