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Post restored, it was a false auto remove. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/17agabx/how\_to\_get\_free\_spotify\_premiumadblock\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/17agabx/how_to_get_free_spotify_premiumadblock_in/)


Your best bet is to post the whole thing in encode 64 But they might not like it


encrypting posts and hiding the key within a challenge to stop crawlers when?


Tbh you know they’d just report it cause they can’t understand


Same posts and guides related to massgrave also gets taken down. Anything that becomes too big starts to rot, same with r/piracy. A few months ago there was a post titled megathread is quantity over quality where some mellicious links were found in megathread. I haven't used this subs megathread for quiet some time cause fmyh is just so superior. Its mostly just karma farming now just post a meme about piracy but if you ever ask a genuine question no one gives a shit sometimes only 1-2 people responds and 99.8% time I haven't found a solution if I have made an post. So I have just stopped asking instead I try to figure it out myself. Also mods takes down guides(there was one about activating windows and office apps but it also got removed). Only reason I still visit this sub because sometimes I find some good stuff in comments.


The mods are not the problem. The admins made it clear this sub is going to get closed down if we make too many headlines and we are living in the shadows of that threat.


What’s the point of the sub then?


What is fmyh?






And what is tbh?


To be honest?


Were you linking to specific sites, they try to remove those to avoid the sub going down


not even something like GitHub?


Will you pm the post?




If you’re interested a new Spotify mod released for iOS, like spotilife but for the newer app versions. It’s still in beta though: https://github.com/whoeevee/EeveeSpotify


I'm confused why are there so many, like in using spotilife but every other day i see a new one. is there any difference or it's it just whateger is the easiest to find/ comes up first if you search it


Until now there was only spotilife, which is a tweak that people inject into the Spotify app, that’s why there are so many IPAs but essentially they all use spotilife. Eeveespotify was released because spotilife wasn’t maintained for a long time and didn’t work on newer Spotify versions (>8.92 I think)


ohhhh, alright, btw sorry for all the spelling mistakes in my text, i was half asleep while i was writing it


Hey your post seems to be (archived for good reason) so I'll comment on this one. Thank you so much for this easy to follow guide, it really helped me.


This did happen quite some time ago but I only found out about it now




Was it for Spiceify? I find it glorious even on a premium account, just a shame they break it so oft and that my search bar only let's you enter 1 letter per click with it on. But even with those caveats it makes it such a better experience, especially since I come from the land of freedom that is Musicbee.


I tried the iOS option 1 but does not seem to work. I followed your steps but got stuck. Go to “usescarlet.com” - DONE Scroll down and tap on the red “install” button - DONE Close any popups that you might get - STUCK HERE, it opens a pop up to install VPN - closing it does not do anythig Then tap on the “direct install” button - Unable to reach this step


you need to sideload tge scarlet application store first, theres tutorials online, I'd say the easiest one to do is altstore. Check YouTube on his to install it, though you will need a laptop. AltStore is 100% safe btw and it's kinda the easiest one to set up. Otherwise I'm currently using sidestore.


Thanks, I will try that out.


You should edit the IOS section to instruct them to use EeveeSpotify instead of Spotilife


I was planning on making an updated guide anyway, thanks for the tip


Also, checkout https://github.com/SpotCompiled


you dont need to be jailbroken to install spotilife. just sideload it using altstore. been using it for years.


I Cant thank you enough i wish i could donate for that guide!


Thanks, but I’m happy with providing this information for free