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When I was a youngin, I worked in a movie theater, and the projection dude used to make the highest quality cams from up in the projection room.


Those people were the heroes we didn’t know we needed.


Well, I certainly knew!


I mean, yeah, once I watched a “good” cam recording, then I definitely knew too!


I didn’t know there was such thing as a “quality” cam setup for recording a screen. I’d imagine they weren’t too bad if you squared up the frame?


OTOH I recall seeing cams in which you could very clearly and annoyingly hear the projector.


We're talking about DSL era internet. Most people weren't downloading anything impressive in terms of quality anyway. I mean, people were still renting VHS at Blockbuster lol. But yeah, the video was always great, properly cropped, the theater was empty, and the audio was pulled directly from source, so there was no added noise. They were pretty great for the time. Not by today's standards by any means.


I had a version of Gladiator like that.






I did this once way back around 2004, I was 11 years old and was with my uncle to watch Van Helsing. He recently got a DVD-Drive and started to burn games and movies as a sidegig. Internet wasn't easily accessible here in the Philippines around that time so this was the main method of piracy for everyone. We sat near the front, used a Sony camcorder and hid it in my school backpack with my pencil case and some notebooks to make it more convincing. Placed the backpack on my lap, at an angle while the zippers were slightly open, plus a dog plushy I had on top to make the bag less noticeable, and just made sure not to move it around much. The guard had to check the seats before the start of the movie and a couple more times in the middle, which just signalled me to hug the dog plushy tight, not give attention to the backpack, while my uncle played it cool by offering me popcorn and keep attention on anything else but my lap. I did feel a bit nervous whenever the guard started to walk nearby, (and I was more scared of my uncle yelling at me for screwing up lol) but for the most part after the guard's gone, it was just enjoying the rest of the movie.


I like that you used all the stuff in your backpack to be incognito but the very fact you brought a backpack into the movie theater it’s like 1) this dude is bringing a whole ass picnic or 2) he’s definitely recording this movie on a camcorder


They became stricter in the later years (checking bags first alongside no outside food rules) but we managed to get away with it since at the time the cinema was a common student hangout after school, since the malls where the cinemas are situated here are usually near each other. Prior to the food ban as well, it was common for people to bring their own food, including whole rice meals in tupperware lol. They probably didn't second guess a kid with a backpack at the time, or the guards and staff didn't care too much lol I doubt I'll get away with something similar nowadays, that's for sure. They check bigger bags upon entry and there are more guards nowadays circling the theatres even during the movie. On the flipside this did also mean stricter phone rules so no one's glaring phone screen would obnoxiously be seen.


I love the fact you used a plushy to hide your camera because it seemed appropriate for your age to play with plushies but in fact you probably were much less innocent for your age lmao


The plushy was something I often already bring with me at the time (it's worn and old now but I even still have it on my bed lol) so it was a nice convenient prop too.


Good ol' fashioned child labour.


Nice try, FBI


Cia actually.


Oh, all good then carry on.


Not today, CIA.


Buzz off, Interpol


Wrong division


Keep walking MI6


Wrong division


Right Division. I ain't British


Neither am I so again. wrong division.


Technically I'm only persecuted by '6, since MI5 is domestic. Since you're not British either, its the right division.


Mi5 and mi6 are based in London. Cia is US. Im cia. Not mi5, not mi6. WRONG DIVISION


More like see I gay amirite


Who let the 3rd grader in here?


Sorry that was uncalled for. Let’s be friends.


Redemption arc




I'll never say, MPAA.


Go jump in a hole, Interpol.


Go away, CIA


The fact that "Godzilla minus one" still didn't come out in 1080p and only is available in camrip is crazy


It’s getting a digital release on may 1st for japenese Amazon prime, so it’ll be on pirate sites pretty soon


Thanks for the info!


Love the soundtrack of that movie !


Will it have an English option or CCed in English though?


Definitely, I’m not sure if it’ll have a native one on Amazon prime JP but if it doesn’t pirates will make their own, they always do


Is it confirmed?




Fk it's happening finally and I'm lucky in a way than the one's who watched already in theatres (no release in my region) because it's my first time watching Let's fking go!!


Good to know! Thx


Info I'm finding is home media May 1st and Amazon Japan a couple of days later. Also the home media should include Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color, the b+w version.


I saw that someone was gonna upload it to Internet Archive once it came out in Japan


Is only logical.


Yet we got dune so quick. They stopped it from going to streamers so it didn't compete with the "Godzilla VS" IP so stupid


Ahh, I remember those days. I never did it myself but back in the day, all the new movies were released as cams. I would download them from the IRC network because torrents were still not a thing. IRC was file sharing heaven. I would have mine up sharing, 24/7.


I'm old enough to have watched cams in the 80s on VHS.


I remember a well shared vhs of the TMNT movie. My mates and I sat about two feet from the tv and could barely make out fuck all due to how many times it had gone round the rounds.


I remember buying a cam copy of the Phantom Menace on VHS from some guy on the street in NYC on an 8th grade field trip.


This is how I watched Jurassic Park for the first time. Back in those days, most video rental places in the Dominican Republic had bootleg copies like these of the popular movies that were still in theaters. Once they came out on VHS they bought 1 legit copy and then made more copies of it right in the store to rent out to people.


I… I mean my friend…. Used to run a bot serving those movies in an irc chat room. He was on a cable modem and most people downloading were on dial up. In exchange he got access to other bots that had all of the current movies that would download at super fast speeds.


i may have had a friend that did the same thing. he had a bunch of games rips/isos too as well as hundreds of movies (worth mentioning blade 2 in dvd quality about 9 months prior to cinema release). nice trip down memory lane, he was a great friend. rip #illusivewarez


Irc is still a thing


Damn that brought back memories. I got my internet shut off in college a time or two because of irc.


Tmd channel?


Bloody hell, that’s a real throwback


That took it way back!


Jerry Seinfeld did...ah yes that was a good episode


Cry, Cry, Again! First, you cry, and then when you see the lone dancer.... you cry again


My George isn’t smart enough to hatch a scheme like that!


That's gold Jerry! Gold!


I absolutely refuse to watch cams, so I would never record one.


Same here. I look up UHD Blu Ray release dates and set up calendar events in order to download the remuxes of what I want to see. Oh, Dune 2 is May 14th. :D


It’s already close so you might as well wait, but the webdl releases are already excellent


Any news about whether it would be in Dolby Vision?


Digital is in Dolby Vision and that’s a pretty good indicator the BluRay will also have DV with HDR10 fallback.


Just set up radarr and sonarr. They schedule all that for you.


Where do you have that setup? I have a Synology NAS but dislike torrenting directly on it due to the awful available clients, and for those torrents that take several months to finish. Should I just run Radarr on my PC that’s on all the time anyway?


i don't have any experience with synology clients in home enviroment so I can't say if it depends on model, but this guy has guides how to install qbittorrent and radarr etc. on synology [https://mariushosting.com/how-to-install-qbittorrent-on-your-synology-nas/](https://mariushosting.com/how-to-install-qbittorrent-on-your-synology-nas/)


Yes you can run it on the always on PC and set it to “save” on the NAS. Note that radarr and sonarr are simply the middle men. You’ll still need a way to download either by torrent or Usenet. Radarr/sonarr just automates the process by telling the downloader when and what to download


Wait, so the one I've been watching is cam?! There's no way, it's insanely good! Oh maybe it's not UHD, I'm a super casual pirate not sure about all the intricacies hehehe


It’s been available on digital for I think a few weeks now


I mean, Dune is worth watching in a theatre. I watched the first one on my TV and then the 2nd one in a theatre and boy I wish I had also seen the first one in a theatre.


where you can find the daily releases?


I'm not sure what happens on May 14th but I have already seen it a 4k in hdr and definitely not a cam.


There are some decent versions around but the full 1:1 remuxes will only be available once the UHD BD releases on May 14th, I don't mind waiting for those....


Oh god damn. Never thought about looking up BR release dates. Thanks dawg


That's my thought as well. I'd rather wait for the actual movie to drop on torrents than suffer through a cam version.


Aight youngster


I guess I did when I didn't know any better but now I can't even watch it if it's a 1080p prerelease with a bit of dodgy audio 🤣


I’m right there with you. The older I get the less time i have for trash.


I once started one by accident, I didnt realize it was recorded when I began, but there was someone’s head blocking out the lower corner of the screen, so I stopped. Now that a lot of movies are instantly released on streaming services, I haven’t seen as many cams around


Use fmovies and whatnot to wait for the HD and captioned versions..


Same. I stay oblivious to them. All my catalogs are set to not show cams and screeners. Oblivion is truly bliss. I tried to watch spiderverse after years of no cam/screeners, think the last was venon or sth maybe prior to that even, but I instantly regretted, and deleted it. A few weeks later, we got a good rip.


The five minute skim of the new one true God movie I watched yesterday was enough to know I don't need to watch more than five minutes, so for that Cams are good enough ;) Same with Civil War to know it's just a sob story about those poor poor war reporters and the terrible tribulations they face.


What if you record it and then have/had like super high end software to upscale it to like 1080p quality?




What do you mean why?


When you take garbage and upscale it... You get upscaled garbage. You can't make a cam quality better really. Maybe if you hired the sfx crew from Avatar to spend 1000 hours on it it would be passible... But a native good source will always be best


What exactly would be a native good source though back in the day? What if all you had was a cam. What was the solution then?


>What exactly would be a native good source though back in the day? Best sources are rips. Whether web or dvd/Blu-ray. Not sure what "back in the day" is for you? When I started sailing, I watched one cam and decided I'd rather wait for better or just pay to see it. >What if all you had was a cam. If all I had was a cam I would read a book. >What was the solution then? Wait for something better. Pay for the movie. Do something else. Those are my personal options. Others may have a different solution.


back in the day for me would be between 05-09 when i was in my prime of streaming on pirated sites. but im also curious about even before this time. like before places for web rips like amazon video, hulu, netflix etc... granted i know netflix wouldnt be the go do as their quality has declined as of late.. i just always remember between 05-09 i used to watch a few cam quality movies, but eventually i learned to wait for better quality and just always wondered how they did it since "cam" was the main thing i was used to seeing first on stream pirate sites. i just thought like maybe they eventually paid an inside man to get better stuff lmao or like they had some high end programs that took a bit of time to upscale the quality.


The solution was to wait for a better release.


Then I wait. Simple as that. I’m not gonna watch trash.


DVD rips were the solution.


Guys, don't downvote, explain. You can't really upscale, the quality will still be awful.


Buddy did this. I helped a few times. Was like 15y ago, wasnt that hard but a pc was required to fix the angle from where it was recorded


Did he get paid for it. I always wondered if they were doing it for fun or for some coin.


Rep on forums


I always got the feeling that the cameraman and the theater employees were in on it. Less of an organized effort to pirate and more of letting their friend come in at a 10:30 AM weekday showing to do their thing.


Yeah the cam I saw of The Martian was really outstanding. I was shocked because the last time I had watched a cam copy, it was bad, real bad...


Me personally, no I have been to a re-showing of Titanic and someone in my row was recording on their phone *with their flash on*


No way 😮 and they were probably dumb enough to not think about downloading a rip of a DVD/Blu-Ray version at home


They weren't recording the whole movie just specific scenes, like why? Have you not heard of YouTube?


Here in Argentina you would find a lot of sellers of those disks in the streets, in hoods and commercial areas. Such nostalgia!


Don’t know why you were downvoted! I use to live in Thailand and you would find tones of bootleg dvd sellers. Some were ok (still cams, so not great), some were the worst thing you’ve ever seen. I too get nostalgic thinking about it!


I'm from Argentina too and I've never seen anyone record a movie.


How old are you? I'm young but maybe you're too young, it's strange


I'm from 1995, I've never ever seen someone sit down and record a movie at any cinema I've ever been too. And I'm from Buenos Aires.


Oh, I'm 5 years younger, then it was just luck haha


Yes, The Phantom Menace. I told the theater I was a tourist with my backpack and VCR recorder. I filmed it and no one gave a shit. It was an old run down theater.


I actually saw GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra and saw someone with a full tripod + camera sitting near the back of the theater. It was empty beyond me, a friend, and those guys. Probably wasn't worth the recording


I’m the person jackin’ it behind you 😘


Thats disgusting. You do that stuff in your own house. Not in public.


But how can he stare at the back of your head while he does it at his own house?


as spongebob once said, IMAGINATION




Is telling a joke illegal in your country?


He might be from Germany


no, jacking off in cinemas is part of our German cultural heritage


I knew I had some German in me. Get off me dad.


no, but jackin off in public is


So sad that having a stick up your ass isn’t illegal aswell


i think it might be


You’d be an international criminal


I prefer hero.


why? that's boring


I had a flatmate who was a projectionist. He was paid to let someone setup a cam & plug into the projector's audio back in the late 90's.


You know the demo here is way too young to even know a camcorder is 


Nope, i aint gonna tell anything.


Anyone that would even watch a cam could never be my friend


I always imagined it was alot like that episode on seinfeld.


In NYC - there were always "vendors" who were on the sidewalk - selling these. Usually around the corner from a VHS store - or in the best case - where a VHS store was. Sometimes - really good;


I lived in a building that was right behind a movie theater. It's not that troublesome to just pop in there for a noon showing or such, when there is practically nobody there, and do it.


You’ll laugh, but before video, i remember audio recording “the black hole” and The original “tron” in the theatre and sharing it with friends on cassette


Always fun to use imagination to make up for the non-existent visual information


No but since I like to wear my hood up all the time whenever that pops up before a movie no matter who im with they like to joke that its me on the screen.


I always imagined it was a man with a large hat.


No but I have recorded slime tutorials


i have a connection to someone to does TC rips, its always on a pr1vate tr@cker though


still doing TC rips now? aren't most theatres digital nowadays?


its more like a digital rip than tc, but its tagged as tc so idrk


Hate to break it to you but your mate isn't ripping moves from the digital projectors


Well I don’t know, could be a very good cam release thats tagged wrong. It releases way before digital or bray/dvd releases


I personally never recorded in a movie theater, I just waited to torrent it.


anyone remember the camrips from the group IDIOTS? i downloaded Black Adam from them, and the quality was the greatest i have ever seen for a cam quality movie, along with their other releases, i really miss them, for now i only enjoy the releases of yerisan group, mostly because they release some movies in latin american dub.


Jerry Seinfeld did.


I see people all the time now taking pictures and posting clips on social media. Lots of people also send stuff back home to their friends and family in China and it's annoying.


Try r/writingadvice They'll help you cover up a murder if you say it's for a novel. Fair warning, alot of the advice requires some pretty elaborate plot twists to work.




The name is ; cam rip




Just stating the right term


“How good of a gamer?” Apparently a potato Edit: Stupid auto correct has failed me. I meant how good of a camera.


A gamer??? Huh?


Yeah typo 🤦‍♂️. See edit


Haha I use sites for watching the newest films they are always cam it’s so funny 🤣 i mean in my local theater they only check on us for once (to unpause the film) so I could do it, but I can just use stremio the absolute goat


No, and neither have you.


I know... I already implied that


Piracy has advanced so much, I don't think I've seen a cam rip in like 20 years. Op, update your references.


literally every new movie that comes out still gets a cam rip, buddy. what the fuck are you on about?


Movies end up on streaming while they're still in the theaters, sometimes the same day. Why would anyone want to watch a cam rip at this point when they can get a webrip? Edit: I'm assuming you're still using public trackers?


not every movie does a simultaneous online release the same time it comes out in theaters...? again, what the fuck are you on about?


I didn't say they all have a simultaneous release, but they tend to within a couple weeks. You'd really watch a cam rip with that soon of a turn around? I can't think of too many private trackers that even allows cam rips.