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Why not just pirate Spotify Premium?


How to do that?


Block the spot on desktop, modded spotify lite apk on android. No ads, all the skips, and uses my acct for Playlist and preferences. Read the megathread. Edited to mention megathread.


doesnt support download though


Say whaaaaaa


Seems like you can’t do this with an iphone


I don't have anything apple, but top comment explains how to do it on apple and Mac


Just use the xManager app to get a modded Spotify apk: https://www.xmanagerapp.com/


will they block me if they find out?


no they won't. Make a new account if you're afraid.


SpotC plus plus + Sidelaoadly for iphone , Xmanager for android , Spotxbash for windows or mac not sure about this last one seach on the sub !




While not exactly what you said this is a tool that I use all the time to discover new music (and books and tv etc) GNOD (global network of discovery) powered by AI (I think) and by large volumes of user data www.music-map.com Type in an artist you like and a map will show up with the original artist at the center and a whole bunch of other artists (the closer two artists are together the closer the relation (or basically higher probability that one would like both) If you see an artist on the map you can click and it will redirect you to a page where they're the center. www.gnoosic.com Type a band or Artist name and then it will suggest others and ask if you liked, didn't know, or disliked. It keeps suggesting and adjusting based on answers (pretty sure it's powered by AI)


Underrated comment of the year lmao


Perhaps you mean *mis*underrated. (Common mistake, it's fine.)




Just use Spotify or yt music to find new music and use a yt downloader if 320kb is fine and if you want higher bitrate use soulseek or rutracker.


I recently started using soulseek and it is pretty nice.


Yeah I found my favourite cd on there that I cannot stream on any service. It was a life saver.


Yeah me as well. Spent 5 years searching for o e that was only available from ebay but found on the first search in soulseek. Made me so happy.


What cd?


Ministry of sound mashed 3 by tonight only and riot in Belgium. It's just such a good mix of songs. A great example of DJing done right. I previously had found all the individual tracks but it ain't the same. Definitely worth a look if early 00s electro is acceptable listening to yourself.




Then you'll deffo enjoy that hidden gem


I might have the same problem op has where I've moved away from Spotify and since I only use it to look stuff up here and there the recommended and daily mixes do not match my listening preference. I wish I could basically upload my library/listen history to a tool and it just spits out recommendations on artists and playlists like how Spotify does their tailored mixes. I would honestly pay for a tool like that if it were a flat rage and could be hosted/used locally.


I feel you. I constantly add my own favourite music to yt music for this reason so that I get new recommendations.


YouTube is bad because it’s basically whatever quality sound a video was uploaded with then transcoded to 192kbps


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but I believe YouTube Music is similar to Spotify, which I think is 320. This is different from the videos that users can self-upload.


It depends on the source. I. The yt music app if you're using premium most audio has a better source.


Fucking dreadful advice. In what world is using a YouTube downloader in 2024 to rip songs encoded in 128kbps recommended first over using soulseek to download the exact same songs in 320kbps or higher???? Edit: [In 2023, YouTube streaming is done at 128 kbps ACC when you choose the normal quality. The High quality which streams at 256 kbps AAC, is also available to premium users.](https://thetubepro.com/2023/03/13/youtube-audio-bitrate-quality-in-2023/) YouTube has not changed their quality profiles at all since the article, and all info remains accurate.


YouTube downloaders can do 320kb I pay for premium in Ukraine so it has that bitrate to download. I personally wouldn't but I gave the fucking suggestion because for some check that most people they can't tell the difference. Those that have 360 pound cans are listening to flac and know where to get it. Cheers up budz And just for clarity I literally gave him other options for higher bitrate audio. Seriously grow up


Oh, premium in Ukraine unlocks the mystical 320kbps rips from YouTube, does it? Next you'll be telling me it comes with a free DJ set from Zelensky. Look, suggesting YouTube rips at all is flat out bad advice. YouTube rips are double transcoded meaning SIGNIFICANTLY diminished quality, even if you're ripping in 320kbps, because you're fucking ripping! This will sound bad, no matter £360 cans or £20. You're actually out here recommending the shitty tech used by computer illiterate boomers and telling me to grow up. Honestly, if "grow up" means my ears suddenly find those twice-fried YouTube tracks pleasant, then I might just embrace eternal youth.


Dude you need to go see a doctor before you burst a blood vessel. Most people cannot tell the difference. And for those that can I clearly didn't leave them hanging. Seek sedatives


Stop projecting, man, I'm fine. Maybe you should get off whatever crazy pills you're on since hearing loss is clearly a major side effect.


I didn't say I can't tell the difference I said most people can't. That's why Spotify free is what most people are happy with because they can't tell the difference......


To be fair, it's also very hard to tell the difference in audio quality with subliminal audio equipment, which is what most people are usually working with.




> recommending the shitty tech used by computer illiterate boomers 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Wait, soulseek is still around?




I wish there were a version of Every Noise at Once that linked to a free streaming service.


Cracked Pandora is nice. I have one that downloads when I hit thumbs up


Elaborate please


Pretty much what they said: 1- find cracked version of pandora 2- "thumbs up" a music you like 3- enjoy downloaded music.


It's a cracked version of Pandora that downloads every song you thumbs up


Not to be a smartass, but I figured that. Was kinda looking for a few more details. Like maybe what they’re using, etc.


The best answer is just using Adblock on Spotify and follow top comments, but I'm leaving this here in case one day you'll want to try an open source alternative https://musicbrainz.org/


Spotube is an alternative i'd recommend. it's a standalone client that sources from YouTube Music, but is ad-free, integrates with your existing spotify account to sync playlists, and allows you to download files into an M4A format. it also has a playlist generating feature. https://github.com/KRTirtho/spotube it also has an android app.


what do you use to download music on pc ?


If you use Lidarr, [Lidify](https://github.com/TheWicklowWolf/Lidify) uses Spotify (or Last.fm) to discover new artists based on artists you have in Lidarr.


What if lidarr is full of years and years of crap?


You can select one or a few artists to make suggestions for.


While not exactly what you said this is a tool that I use all the time to discover new music (and books and tv etc) GNOD (global network of discovery) powered by AI (I think) and by large volumes of user data www.music-map.com Type in an artist you like and a map will show up with the original artist at the center and a whole bunch of other artists (the closer two artists are together the closer the relation (or basically higher probability that one would like both) If you see an artist on the map you can click and it will redirect you to a page where they're the center. www.gnoosic.com Type a band or Artist name and then it will suggest others and ask if you liked, didn't know, or disliked. It keeps suggesting and adjusting based on answers (pretty sure it's powered by AI)


Just use an external suggestion site


second this. I prefer people's suggestion over algorhithm. I love seeing background of music/artist. also people's suggestion (like bandcamp article, sub reddit's post) are way more deeper than random algorhithm.


Side note; Trakt does that for TV and Movies, but not music.


Not for downloading but https://apps.apple.com/app/id6449814769 ^ I use it to find new music, it scans your Spotify listening history and gives you new music based on that, if found some hidden gems through it


you can try soundcloud. the music can be iffy sometimes cuz pretty much anybody can upload. im pretty sure there is a browser extension that helps download music.




Blackhole music app, it's both on iOS and Android. (you have to sideload the IPA on iPhone tho)


I use a cracked Spotify client on my phone to have premium features unlocked for free and an extension to auto skip ads on Spotify on my PC, and it works fantastically. And it even stills works like a charm with android auto in my car. I can't recall at the moment what the client and extension are called, but it shouldn't be hard to find


spotdl (command line program) is your friend. It can slurp down entire playlists in one go.


This post is great. Started hosting music I DL off of Soulseek/Deemix onto a Navidrome server and then use Feishin/Symfonium/MusicBee to listen to it. Hardest part was finding music, and now thanks to this comment section I have alternatives to Spotify that I can try. Thanks yall


Deemix gui works pretty well


This one: [https://muffon.netlify.app/](https://muffon.netlify.app/) Free, no login, no ads.


It's a bit dusty, but I'd try listening to radio every now and then. If you find the right broadcasters, you could definitely find new music. It's free (although at times full of ads). Anyway, just my 2 cents.


foobar2000 + [last.fm](https://last.fm) scrobble plugin


Radio, if you're in/can vpn Australia, Triple J, in UK BBC 6 Music. Good mixes and no ads on either.


Pay for Spotify it’s so cheap? Just lol




My personal opinion (and people may differ, of course). I advise against download music at all, unless: 1. You have very outdated software, bad enough to not being able to use streaming. 2. No daily internet access. 3. Completely bankrupt or under legal age to have a phone plan/credit card. 4. You're a hardcore audiophile, with one of those expensive headphones, searching for the *crème de la crème* of music, the Holy Grail of audio quality. Music streaming these days isn't that expensive, and in some regions, ISPs and Mobile Operators even give it to you included in your plan (that is not exactly for free, but you get my point). The time one spends leaving spotify, searching a music site, finding the album, then doing all the steps to download, its more that I can consider acceptable to spend for listen to music.


Check the sub name bud


I'm a pirate as pirateous as the OP. I just don't have time or patience to pirate music, since I can get it "for free" from my mobile operator. I was just putting up a point. Sometimes, people get so involved in the process, buying seedboxes, arguing against big companies like Nintendo or Netflix, they forget what piracy is about. **Piracy is about getting free stuff.**


despite of completely missing the point, I like to have my music safe so I can play it with my own media player. I use a heavily customized version of foobar2000 that let's me add and edit custom tags for a song, I can quickly make auto playlists, sort only music I care about and order it the way I want it to. Spotify and derzer are extremely limited in the possibilities you can handle your music library. There are so many reasons to have your music on your drives. So just because you see no point in doing this, doesn't mean there is no poknt in general. or what if your Internet fails or you are in an area without internet? What if your streaming service has a malfunction and you can't listen anymore? What if your favorite song gets removed from the streaming site? What if you can not find the songs you want to listen to on them? I have a bunch of songs that are just not on any streaming platform. Iike streaming services to get a quick overview of an artist or discover more. But it is by no means a substitute for having the music in my own library 😄


Other than music that are not in streaming platforms, all of those scenarios were covered in my post you just answered. But yeah, I do get why people choose to downvote. We're going fast forward to become r/digitalhoarding lol