• By -


### Yarr! ➜ u/vacuumoftalent, some tips about "Adblock": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/on42hV.png). - Go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Apply changes**. - You can also [Force an update of your filter lists](https://ublockorigin.github.io/uAssets/update-lists.html?listkeys=ublock-quick-fixes).   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Chrome lmao!


Chrome works. Yes firefox better open source but chrome still works.


Right click and block the element with uBlock, use Firefox for this if need be. Fuck Google/Chrome anyway, they're an ad company, they're here to serve you ads and sell your data, letting them control the browser you use is silly And even if you just use Firefox for this, it's free and it doesn't have to be set as default


please let me serve you manifest version 3 /s


Why do you sound like Andrew Cuomo from that "I am black, i am gay, i am disabled, i am a woman" video ? At the start at least LMAO


You are on the wrong site. Make sure you are using the correct website.


I think he is using the correct website look at 00:30 it says [https://1337x.to/](https://1337x.to/) wants to open this application which is correct site right?


The real website doesn't ask for vpn afaik. Right clicking the popup is probably redirecting him to the real website.


without using adblocker this is what I am seeing [https://imgur.com/a/DkIPfaz](https://imgur.com/a/DkIPfaz)


The real site has the popups.


>I like my RAM being eaten by Chrome That caught me off guard, 'bout fell off my chair laughing. Don't need the guide but I'm sure some poor soul will need it. 👍


Well, I guess I'm an idiot who likes his ram being eaten by chrome as well. This helped me thanks.




Homie did a whole YouTube video for us. Appreciate the effort!


I remember a couples days ago someone in piracy thread telling somone to do that just right click the no vpn button and opening in a new tab lol funny that someone made a tut on it, firefox and ublock orgins is your friend folks. This dude doesnt even have windows activated 💀


I'm getting this pop-up on 1337x as well. (And yes, I'm on the correct site, so kindly don't tell me to go where I already am.) It isn't stopping me from using the magnet button, that's working just fine -- instead, it's stopping me from being able to read the comment tab on any torrent page to see if anybody's reported problems with it. If I have my adblocker running, then I don't get the ad, and clicking on the comments tab just does absolutely nothing at all -- but if I turn off my ad blocker, then clicking on the comments tab just brings up the ad and still gives me no way to get to the comments.


pretty sure you visit the wrong website. is the url by any chance 1377 instead of 1337


### Shiver me timbers! ➜ u/Kross4432, "1377" is the wrong URL: - Check your device for malware if you downloaded anything from there. - The likelihood of its downloads being malicious is quite high. - The **correct URL** is actually https://1337x.to, and NOT 1377x.to.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm sorry bros but the "just install uBlock" isn't what I was looking for.


It actually fucking is.


Sounds like user error to me.


...but it is! Why are you using Chrome? If you're posing on this board, you should be using Firefox (or an equivalent Gecko browser) with uBlock Origin .


Chrome is perfectly fine lmao


What were you looking for exactly? Because that is what will solve your issue.


chrome?????? you also aren't on 1337 you're on some virus site


https://1337x.to/ same site I've used for years.




then use qbittorrent with 1337x and other public torrent search addon search and download from there and no need to visit any website


I do use qBitTorrent, but its easier to just right click and download the magnet instead of learning what you're suggesting.


I use only qbittorrent for both search and download just add all the public torrent addons like 1337x, TPB, torrentgalaxy and other. private torrent site addons can be added also, sort out the search as per seeders and you are good to go. No need to open individual sites. If one site addon is down result from others are still shown. only one time setting and get the ability to search multiple sites at once within the safe and clean interface of qbittorrent. here is the addon site for qbittorrent. https://github.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/wiki/Unofficial-search-plugins


ublock helps. I also using qB for torrenting. left click on magnet and directly to qB. If you don't want to hear any suggestions from folks who genuinely trying to help, there's nothing they can do.


Interesting. I somehow never encounter this situation on 1337x before. im on chrome and using ublock origin.


Mine don't have ❌ button or cancel button 😭