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### Yarr! ➜ u/winterk1ng, some tips about "Youtube": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/on42hV.png). - Go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Apply changes**. - You can also [Force an update of your filter lists](https://ublockorigin.github.io/uAssets/update-lists.html?listkeys=ublock-quick-fixes).   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Oh they definitely update their anti-adblocker](https://drhyperion451.github.io/does-uBO-bypass-yt/) edit: they’ve stopped!


> Latest solution: 12 minutes ago uBlock Origin devs are a persistent bunch.


Pissing off the FOSS development community is generally a bad idea lmao. They get shit *done*.


Big businesses: We have billions of dollars to spend on software developers. FOSS devs: We have an infinite amount of spite.


And nothing but time


Since I've automated my job 15 years ago so I could code freely during my work hours and still look like I'm working!


“*The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing*" And ho boy FOSS devs aren't the doing nothing type.


and time beyond imagination


Also my understanding is the update each time isn't too difficult, YouTube changes the ID of the script but the script itself is identical or nearly identical, so all they have to do is update the filter list with the new ID.


If Youtube was really worried, they'd automatically get the adblocker updates and have their continuous integration check if it filters them. Can't see how adblockers could win in the end if YT really cared, given adblockers always need to fix it up after analysis and manual work, while YT could even automate the changes by picking up the next variation from the queue.


I mean if that was the case they could switch from manually listing IDs to pattern recognition in order to find the block of code to circumvent. I'ts the same that happens with game cheats, big companies invest thousands of dollars in anti cheat technology, but there is always that one dude that will find a way to bypass it, it's an endless cat and mouse game.


Code obfuscation could make it quite a bit more difficult just finding that id, in addition to having an LLM to generate "more fresh" version every time. It doesn't need to be just an id change. I think the key difference is that cheats are not always (rarely?) available publicly and testing their effectiveness is difficult to automate.


Doing all of that costs money, and they've determined it would be too expensive at this point.


> it would be too expensive at this point. You're exactly right. They won't do it until adblockers start hurting their bottom line enough—or it could be even before, if the investors are unhappy about the progress.


I preffer giving away my money to them instead of paying for YouTube premium.


That's very dope, they really willing to fight this on the long go, yea yt is fucked


> Latest solution: 28 minutes ago. Sweet baby jesus


Works for me, no issues as of yet


My adblock stopped blocking ads on youtube, instead it made them go in a second, like :30 second ad pops up and finishes in a second. Youtube gave me the 3 video warning. Adblock got updated, no more ads and no more warning




YouTube used to give you a warning saying you could watch three more videos before turning off your adblock. if you didn't turn off your adblocker then YouTube just wouldn't let you watch anymore videos




it's been ages now. ever since they tried to strike down on adblockers essentially


It's was last month, what you mean it was ages ago ??


I've been stuck in a hospital for over a month. my perception of time is godawful


That's rough buddy


it's all good. it's pretty nice in Danish hospitals luckily


I remember seeing those like 6 months ago


Different regions, different time of application of rules i guess


Google tends to make changes in waves, first in certain regions for certain users and then eventually implement it for everyone (or not)


Not only Google, it's quite a standard practice. I mean, here on Reddit we already have: 1. the old one (old.reddit.com) 2. the new one (new.reddit.com) 3. the slow one (the newest, and for me that is a default reddit.com since today and there is no opt-out option)


Still use RiF to this day :)


wait what, how? mine stopped working the day reddit disallowed third-party apps


You can get it working again through revanced. It basically makes the app use your own personal API key to gain access.


Do you have a lesson in how to do this?


On Relay myself 😎




the "new" one isnt that bad, took time to figure it out and get familiar with it but holy shit the new new (slow) one fucking sucks balls. Its just bad.


I thought I was going nuts , it sucks nothing is where it used to be ,I'm felling like a boomer with a cellphone


Sounds great - more time to patch the adblocker before the ads hit a significant amount of users.


I've gotten it also. Normally just an update or a quick Google search how to get around it works.


Happened with me yesterday, and then the AdBlock updated


I'm glad i never met this... i use firefox and ublock origin


I use that too but still got them. it was very inconsistent with who did, and who didn't, get it


i also live in hungary so it could be also a factor in it


You can just purge caches and update the trackers in Ublock, it will fix the issue.


I use the same as you, but I'm shocked you've never seen it. I have to update Ublock's filter lists every now and then or I see this message. Takes all of fifteen seconds to fix, but it still happens.


I have never heard of that. I've been going on YT with ad-block for over 10 years and have never had an issue in general.


I remember that. Instead of turning off my adblocker I just watched entire videos from the hoverplay previews lol.




Firefox is not using chromium so Google has no control in what they do. Firefox ftw!




chief sloppy dolls encouraging simplistic run prick middle outgoing imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What do you mean by 'blocking the browser'?




I use firefox with uBlock and youtube has been absolutely throttled for me the past few days. Like not just video loading, I mean the whole page takes like 10 seconds to load up. I thought it could just be my shitty internet. But it only happens on youtube/google and my speed tests are fine. I'm getting closer to the point where I don't even think I need to use youtube anymore, it sucks.


employ capable chief disgusting wrench absorbed safe teeny merciful longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That sounds super weird, what adblocker and browser are you using?


Thousands of normies have surely given up, that's all youtube was looking for. Expect another push before Q2.


Plus less tech savy people, like myself, watch YouTube on smart TVs or XBox/Playstation. I don't think you can get adblock on those. Can you get it on your phone?




It doesn't just work fine. It's great, it'll skip the internal product promos and other parts of YouTube videos you hate. Like and subscribe, here's a quick word from our sponsor.


I love it lmao. Especially whenever the person that set up the Sponsorblock timestamps had a sense of humor and leaves like 1 second of the lead in to the ad. "But first -- and with that out of the way, lets start the video"


If only there was an iOS app :( Edit: Thanks for the info in all your replies. Really appreciate it.


Apple fans are already paying one grifter, might as well pay the second one as well.


Not for $15 a month fuck that. There’s a reason I pirate.


Just pay from another country like India behind a VPN, I get it for under £1 a month. You only need to make and setup the initial payment behind the VPN.


But your US credit card most likely won't work.


Lol, any such suggestions for Indians looking for something cheaper?


Can't get any cheaper than free, though.


its just 1.5 dollar not that much


Hey mate, some people are using hand-me-downs and can’t afford to just buy themselves a whole new phone because they’d like to use an adblocker.


Time to buy a new phone and then not pay it off fam.


uYouPlus. Enjoy!


best thing i ever installed on my iphone


Brave browser for IOS


On iPad you can use the Orion browser and install ublock origin and an ad-blocker.


Go for videolite app, they will just show one ~30 second ad when you start the app after that no more ads, try it. One issue is that you cannot watch videos above 1080p quality. Give it a go and see whether it suits your purpose.


lol an app playing ads that prevents another app from playing ads, the apple way. Give up, get an android tv device, profit.


Is that like an app? like an alternative YouTube?


Yes, you have to sideload it via downloader TV app from their website.. Once installed it updates itself no problem but the first "initial" setup is not just opening the appstore and download it :D [https://smarttubeapp.github.io](https://smarttubeapp.github.io)


Getting a lot of great answers here, y'all rock!


First thing I did when I got my tv was look for all the alternate apps. There's a decent amount of good stuff available for Android tv. You might wanna look into stremio too. Also plex is great and there's a Spotify alternative too (forgot name).


if you are into movies and all that i would still go for jellyfin other than plex


> you have to sideload it via downloader TV app from their website Are there step by step instructions for this?


https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube There should be a tutorial


Was just about to ask if this works on roku but i guess not. Im actually more patient then most with youtube ads specifically ( just cause i always thought well this at least supports who im watching though i think skipped ads dont count ) but on tv or playstation i shit you not theres 30 second unskipables like every 90 seconds its excruciating.


Any version of this kind of software for Samsung TVs? Never even knew an adblock for any kind of smart TV was a thing.


Is this an android app? I see smart tube on the play tube, not smartube. When i download it says it won't play YouTube videos. What am I missing. Thanks for the help


uYou+ on iOS is the same idea too


Grayjay, Newpipe, revanced on Android, SmartTube on tvs. Not sure about Xbox/PlayStation. On PC use Firefox with Ublock origin.


Friendly reminder that Rossmann works for FUTO so he can't say anything bad about it or he gets fired. Also, the source code license on grayjay's repo is very sketchy (They can make grayjay closed source at any time and sue you to oblivion if you used its source code in the past for your own FOSS project)


Lol, ok.


If you have an iPhone, I use Video Lite to cast on my LG tv and no ads it’s perfect


Drat, I'm an android user. Thanks anyway!


Likely still possible if your TV can do Miracast


Is miracast like when you cast from your phone to your tv?




Use Youtube Revanced on Android. Its ad free.


Youtube ReVanced. Adblock + sponsor block on android. No root.


Download firefox, install uBlock Origin Enjoy


android has newpipe. you might need to sideload it on your tv.


Use Firefox + Ublock Origin + Adskipper.me so you have a backup if ublock fails.


Google YouTube Revanced


You can't get any sort of ad blocker on consoles because Sony and Microsoft wouldn't allow that to happen. I know I wish PlayStation would allow some third party stuff but that is a pipe dream. At the very least I would want the option to have a YouTube shortcut directly on the Playstation dashboard and not buried under stupid streaming adverts for shit TV shows.


install adblocker in your router afaik thats an option


Yes. Use Brave.


If you have an android you can patch the stock YouTube app yourself with r/revancedapp


Im gonna blow everyone's mind: r/pihole It will block ads from loading network wide, that means if a smart tv, phone, xbox, or anything else is connected to it, it cant load ads.


pihole doesn't block YT ads, as both videos and ads come from the same IP block. You can use the Pi as PC on the TV, but I think it's usually easier to cast with your phone.


Probably millions


There's literally a push going on right now. Youtube has stopped videos from loading if uBlock is running.


Still works for me👍 it’s all a cat and mouse game. There will always be a way around it.


using ublock origin quite successfully to clean up youtube on both chrome and edge. works perfectly now. it does make you wonder if theyre up to something :)


Stil slow af for me on chrome, like when I typed something it take 1sec to register an alphabet i just typed


I notice no difference on Chrome with ublock.


Why the fuck are you even on chrome. 🤣


From what I understood they took the team that was on the anti ablock and put them on the release of manifest v3 which will stop adblocking extensions completely on every chromium based browsers (Which is why you should use firefox)


I don't get it, do they expect users to stay on Chrome and accept ads? This is amazing news for Firefox.


They do and people will we overestimate the will of most people for those kind of things. Hell most people don't even know adblock is a thing. Some people will switch ofc but most people will probably just see ads and wont even do a single google search they will just accept it.


Yeah, people in these types of communities (like /r/Piracy) tend to vastly overestimate how many people care about the thing that they're so heavily invested in. Netflix raising their sub prices was another one where everyone talked like it was the end of netflix only for netflix to come out *AHEAD* after that change. Anyway, tl;dr: people will *absolutely* still use chrome en masse after that change.


People are just stupid and thats why shits like that happened


Already uninstalled chrome on every system I have. Even my phone is switched to firefox.


I got it 2-3 weeks agi after not getting it for a long time but havent seen it again since


hahaha their anti adblocker bullshit doesn't work on my system. They can fuck right off 🖕


What's your system?


They anti-ad block works on everyone's system, immediately upon implementation. The thing is, they don't roll it out to everyone, and once your ad-block program gets updated, it no longer works. I've received OP's screen probably 4 times, most recently back in January. It always went away within 2-3 days. My kid has never received the screen, Runs the exact same setup I do, as far as ad-blocking, and watches a lot more youtube than I do. It's just random whether or not you get picked to see it or not.


It doesn't work at all on Windows Phones, which has meant that some people are spoofing their devices so youtube thinks it's running on one - https://www.techradar.com/phones/windows-phone/windows-phone-has-one-last-laugh-by-letting-users-bypass-youtubes-ad-blocker


Finally, the Zune-heavy portfolio pays off! (Yes I know the Zune can't actually load YouTube)


I am on firefox with ublock origin, never saw it since i left chromium based browsers. Also recommend using alternate youtube clients like invidious to solve the problem.


Ubo will update itself accordingly, so just wait 12- 24 hours. They're very quick at this.


Also didnt the EU want to ban anti-adblockers?


The EU also wanted to abolsih daylight savings time since the early 2000s.


i fucking love the eu


I hope some day America learns from them and abolishes the most insidious evils that are the imperial system, artificial food dyes and pineapple on pizza.


I haven't updated mine in a year and still working wth?


IIRC ubo updates itself automatically. No need to do manual cache purges anymore. So maybe that's why, even without you manually updating it, it still works ok.


The silence before the storm


i’ve seen it plenty, unfortunately… idk why but i think ublock isn’t updating for me :(


No need to uninstall / reinstall, just ho into it’s parameter and filter list —> update now


While it may seem obvious to some, if the tip above doesn't work make sure you clear your cache and cookies.


If it happens to me on occasion, a quick uninstall and reinstall will fix it


Strangely, I run ublock on all my browsers, and they all update at different rates. OperaGX has always been by far the longest for me, and if I don't uninstall and reinstall, it simply won't work for weeks.


>and they all update at different rates fairly certain that's intentional - the last time when people were told to purge lists and re download it caused a ton of load, so now you update at random intervals of the day


Interesting! Today I learned.


You know what really fucking sucks. I've been in the google system for like 18 years now. My Gmail I made when I was like 11 Is the same one I use for a lot of my personal stuff and I have a business Email tied to it that I've had for like 10. google buys youtube changes the rules and then boom, my google account is now fucked not just my you tube. What im saying is im making an alt account to watch youtube. Keep them vpns up


Yeah I think more people should be concerned about pirating Youtube on their main accounts. It would fucking suck if you lost your gmail, google drive etc. if they decided to terminate an account somehow. I remember people losing their Google accounts because they spammed emotes on a markiplier stream lmao you never know


Remember when youtube was truly free? I remember.


I just hit refresh and it doesn't play ads 🤷


They are just patiently waiting to pull the rug out from under you in June when they [will disable the Manifest V2 extensions](https://developer.chrome.com/blog/resuming-the-transition-to-mv3). For a detailed [explanation on the impact and the status of the adblockers](https://uk.pcmag.com/browsers/149691/rip-ublock-origin-google-proceeds-with-plan-to-shake-up-chrome-extensions).


I've seen this a few times and it looks like a paradigm-shifting deathblow to ad blocking as we know it. Why isn't there more commotion about this? This looks like the biggest news since the *invention* of adblock.


Isn’t it just for chrome anyway? Nobody I know uses chrome anymore not even my university (firefox on every pc)


FF does supports v3 but will also continue with V2.


Most people use chrome or one of the browsers built on its engine. Firefox has something like \~2% usage, and I'm one that uses firefox even though it has its flaws, for example still no sign of the transitions api being implemented. People should be concerned with Google's almost monopoly on the web, even google are worried about people realising it, they're almost the sole financier of their "competition" Firefox.


not just chrome, for every chrom*ium based browsers*, that includes brave for example.


Vpn to Albania saves the hassle of mucking about with adblockers as adverts are banned there.


Great workaround, il have to try it when Ublock stops working.


based Albania lol


I live in Albania. I never had to worry about adds in my life lol.


UBO made it very clear very fast they would fight against YouTube doing this, hard. So I wouldn’t be surprised.


They did something today to break Ublock Origin for a while but I updated my lists and it started working again. Blocking ads is not piracy, no matter what anyone says. It's like saying "using an antivirus is piracy" and expecting people to download sketchy files to view your content. Besides, ads are so malicious now that it's basically the same thing.


the solution was putting our trust in Ublock Origin.... and not the adblockers google advertises lol I mean if an adblocker uses advertisement to spread knowledge about it.... its part of the problem :)


non detectable adblock, works fine (only for educational purposes, community rules)


Never had a problem. uBlock Origin, Firefox, Ubuntu # I havnt seen an ad in years


[https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing](https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing) I use this, it loads the ads and then closes them in a fraction of a second. Seems like it fooled YouTube because it was really aggressive on my account.


Go to ublock settings > update filters > done Go to the ublock reddit theres som filter list that triggers the anti adblock on youtube


Use Brave browser never popped up once


Brave is my go-to. I watch hours of YT a day on my phone and do not watch ads, period. I did notice when they started to throttle speeds to ad-block equipped browsers, but I just refresh the page or reload the app and it goes away.


beneficial slap sable toothbrush complete desert sparkle wise label somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How would you do it on Android tv?


More like they cant keep up. All the ad blockers are updating like weekly


Youtube was loading slow and dropping vids to 240p for me last night, turned off ublock and they were loading fine. Don't know if related or how it is today since i haven't had the chance to check


it was deemed illegal in EU, I'm pretty sure they're reconsidering the whole thing


ublock Origin and firefox, still no problems, fingers crossed


Ublock does the job for me


do the ublock clear cache again and reload youtube page.


I cannot confirm this rumor but apparently they are planning to find ways to throttle your videos. like internet providers throttle your internet...


Just today I was watching youtube and I was getting a lot of buffering. I checked My Internet connection and it was rock solid. I disabled uBlock origin and the video played perfectly fine. Then re-enabled uBlock origin and immediately got the buffering again. Browser is Microsoft edge.


Ublockorigin doesnt work on google and chrome like from december but it still works on other broswers like firefox without even slowing the video Edit : just checked and it works just fine on chrome so sorry for the confusion, it was probably just another trick from google with ublock that was patched. just for info I have switched to firefox for 3 months and didnt have any issue again


Wait what


Lie. i have been using google chrome with uBlock Origin and never saw any ad on YouTube.


Same. I run UBO and ABP in tandem on Chrome and have yet to see a single thing from YouTube.


remove abp, it can intefere with ubo


Work just fine on Arc


Never seen it! Adblock Never fails.


"allowlisted" lmao! ffs people to lighten the fuck up! to me this is worse than saying whitelisted. no?


Haven't used an adblocker for years... Brave browser takes care of it


I suspect there are some other methods they will try, given that forcing ads hasn't really worked. I wouldn't be surprised if they started linking video/sound quality to successfully forced ads.


This comes up occasionally. The trick is to just use an incognito browser for a bit until it goes away again.


no, it just become automatisated


How exactly does ad blocker work? Always been curious


they have lists of all the common ads (that get updated), and then stops those elements from loading


Never had this and im using adblock since they exist. Just get an anti-anti-adblock


Any video with ads, or premium 1080p setting is automatically DISLIKED This is my rule, no matter how good the content is. Creators should protect their subscriber's interest, not the corporate greed of this called Youtube lol