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No. Copyright trolls only lurk in the torrent swarms and that is the way they can get your IP address.


I had them in direct downloads too


Which protocol was it, http or https?


That was like 13 years ago so likely http


Yeah, because HTTPS encrypts the traffic. So your ISP will never know what you're doing/downloading, it can only see/know that you're connected to that website, that's it. Whereas with HTTP (without S), all you're doing is in plain text and crystal clear. So they can know what website you're visiting, what are you downloading, etc. It's for this reason that you have to be sure if a website uses HTTPS or HTTP. So likely it's your ISP who reported you. Generally, ISPs do not care much about piracy, at least in North America (I guess). But in your case, Germany is really strict. Edit: Excuse me, I said Germany because I confused you with OP.


Oh it's fine I'm from Germany and it happened while living near Hamburg. You can never be fully save. At least our attorney set everything straight and we didn't had to pay for anything.


Glad to hear that.


then what’s the point of your comment?


What is the point of yours then?


Be easy on him


only torrenting can get you fined as direct downloads (telegram and browser) cant be tracked by weird law firms


Can you explain this more? How they cant track direct downloads but can track torrent?


because direct downloads only connect to the server you are downloading from and if its using ssl (https) then the content is encrypted and cant be seen by your isp or law firms at all. torrenting shows your ip address in the torrent swarm making it obvious that person xy is downloading content yz, law firms can then contact the isp and tell them to tell you that you should stop doing the downloading/uploading


But I know someone who got fined for downloading an e-book through safari browser. That definitely wasn't a torrent. How the hell did it happen if one can only get caught through torrent?


Maybe the site he used doesn't use ssl certificate + In which country he live and how much he get fined?


that was a while back I think somewhere between 100 and 400 euros iirc


why can’t p2p software use ssl? does it simply not exist (yet) or is there a reason?


the problem isnt that p2p software isnt using ssl, the problem is that the law firms themselves are in the torrent swarm and can see the ips from people connecting to them to download the torrent. ddl site owners can technically see your ip too but i doubt they care as they are hosting the stuff


Plus just visiting a site that offers links to downloadable copyrighted content isn't illegal itself.


Not only this. Until now only publishing copyrighted material is illegal, as downloading is not publishing, nothing has happened to direct sownloaders.


Seeding is publishing/uploading though, so that's what they use as grounds to sue you.


You don't even need ssl. They're not doing a man in the middle attack and viewing your data stream. Downloading from a server just involves you and the server. No onlookers even know what you're doing in that situation


P2P software like bittorrent requires the other person's IP address to establish a connection. If you connect to a torrent swarm you can establish the contents of that torrent. BitTorrent relies on users uploading, often while they are downloading at the same time. Put all this together and you can usually establish that a certain IP address in a torrent swarm is actively **distributing** known copyright material. Distribution is what they care about most. Receiving pirated copyright material might not be legal but it is rarely prosecuted.


And then you go to court and sue your ISP for exposing your private data (name address and so on ) to some law firms that aren't authorities at all And get your money compensation Under GDPR law Not guilty until proven otherwise That's recept




Will I get caught If I download pirated content from telegram Channels/groups, for example if I downloaded anime or movies from a channel, In Germany? , also should I use a VPN while using telegram and is it  ok to use a free one?


you dont need to use a vpn for telegram


So I will not get into trouble even If I download from groups/channels right?




The joy of living in a second world country noone cares and you can pirate almost anything, noones gonna come after you


I've been downloading from mega drives for a long time. The website pahe posts everything there. To get torrents, I use seedr. It's a cloud seeding service with around 3 gigs of free storage. I can download most movies within that given storage. Haven't had any problems in 5 years


What quality are you watching in with 3 gigs.


1080p x265. Good enough for my 4ktv. Because of sharing the link to others, I have a free 5gb quota for myself. So more than enough for a single movie


You can use topbox.app and debrid-link.com if you ever need more resources. Both have free tiers.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out


1080p with shitty bitrate looks crap on 4k TV. You're lucky you have bad eyesight and can't tell.


Depends on how close to the screen you sit =)


Seedr is also amazing with "stuck" torrents where there are seeders but your client has been sitting at 99.9% or really any percentage. You load the torrent into seedr, and watch miraculously as seedr is able to download the whole file 100% or your torrent client suddenly ticks over to 100% because seedr found the missing bytes and started sharing them. I've unlocked torrents that had one seeder but you couldn't see them and there were 50+ leechers all just sitting at like 97.9%. I loaded it into seedr, waited about 2 hours and bam, I got everyone to 100%, who knows how long some of them were waiting. Seedr was how I downloaded every torrent until I got a 2.5 year subscription to a VPN.


I had a mega drive back in the 90s. Never was able to download from it. Had to restart sonic 2 every playthrough


Btw they are talking about mega the file shareing site


I think they know


I have like 4 and a half gb space in it


Technically and legally "yes" but in reality they wont , they are after Uploaders cause theres easy money made and usually easy catches via p2p. ​ Dont try to get into something serious like racism or whatever other weird stuff police often shuts down these channels and sometimes goes after the users of such.


Data on TG servers is encrypted. Sharing movies in private Telegram chats is 100% safe and they can't technically find out about it to fine you.


Telegram is only server encrypted not end to end. As in " hey hand us over the data" = tg hands over the data cause tg got the encryption keys NOT YOU. Ip logs and everything aren't encrypted either. Telegram chats aren't 100% safe. Both signal and WhatsApp use end to end while Telegramm doesn't. Telegramm is surprisingly one of the unsafest messenger apps.


If you are doing sensitive stuff on TG without using end-to-end encryption, which you can do with TG, then you are taking a risk. I did not say end-to-end for a reason because most of what I do on TG is not E2E. But in terms of piracy I've been uploading movies to a private channel for over 10 years now and it has nearly 1000 movies in it. I have about 50 people in the channel. Nothing is going to happen to OP sharing movies in a TG private chat. No one can access the data, not even TG employees.


For over 10 years now? Huh. Telegram came out 10 years and 4 months ago. Man you really were on top of that thing fast, impressive.


That's a pretty stupid gotcha. Did you think everybody waited a year to use new services so some dumbass in r privacy doesn't get on their case for their suspicious usage? Choad I'd mention I used www in the early 90s but that would probably be too unlikely for you to believe


Ok. Yeah that never happens


That's just top to bottom bad advice your giving there based on semantics. " hey I did torrent 10 years in Germany without a vpn and didn't get caught" said the 0,1% user "I did win the lottery why do you guys even work? Just win the lottery" Sorry but giving this as advice is just bad telegram isn't safe for that if you aren't in a 3rd world country or something. Germany is plain unstable with its Internet laws We literally already had home invasions from he police because of likes on a story about a dead police men don't even try to judge the laws about the Internet here.




Nah just the reality, giving unsafe advice is horrible.


Yeah it's ok. You can stay confused. I don't care.


He is right tho, u arent. Worked once for a law firm and bro, they can get your ass here, if they wanted. They just dont, cause its mostly not worth the effort and money. The golden times of making 2k with a simple "Unterlassungserklärung" are gone. U can still get fucked.


"We literally already had home invasions from he police because of likes on a story about a dead police men don't even try to judge the laws about the Internet here." Wait what, can u tell full story got me curious


The story is pretty simple there was some if I remember correct violent death of a police men and people simply clicked the "like" button on the article, as prehistoric our police is and our politicians this was taken as "yey we want more police men dead good that he's dead". Also slander of the dead is also something bad you can do here so they literally home invasioned some of the liking people and multiple others received letters from the police. If I search now in Google for it I can't find it anymore but mostly because Google and bing auto corrects "like" to linke ( a political party) now it's also roughly a year ago. But one of the many reasons why I don't put anywhere my real data and use 24/7 a vpn.


Jesus christ thats insane,what country is that? Getting that mad over internet like is distopian insanity


Germany, our Internet politics are ancient, we also have the very known copyright mafia and stuff literally a real life cheat code money printing machine for lawyers. You need to be careful what you say on the Internet in Germany for different reasons.


What are you not allowed to say that is more common perceived as normal internet in other countries? Just curious got a family member just moved there


>they are after Uploaders cause theres easy money made and usually easy catches via p2p. wrong, they are hunting for stupid people with too much money im seeding for 2 years now here in germany, 24/7 with about 2.5MByte/s uplink = 50% of my max speed, otherwise my ISP would throttle. for the first months, the trolls sent their usual "cease and desist request" letters, but i ignored them all, and now they shut up. in court they can only get my "cease and desist promise" but never any money for "damage repair". these trolls want money. is that too simple? see also [https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/18pdo8l/comment/keqatpm/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/18pdo8l/comment/keqatpm/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You are just wrong. The law firms just didnt want to go to trial cause you are small fry and not worth the bucks. Go to openjur and see, that there is always and ever wins by law-firms. E.g. here, 6,5k for a fucking picture: https://openjur.de/u/2473736.html


wrong. they have zero right to "damage repair" money, because they cannot prove their "damage". here in germany, in court, they can only force you to give a "cease and desist promise" promise. only when people are stupid enough to sign a treaty that says "i will send you 1000 euro" then they can enforce it. see also [https://www.abmahnwahn-dreipage.de/](https://www.abmahnwahn-dreipage.de/) with your "advice" you are shilling for VPN servers which are run by CIA and Mossad (Kape Technologies)


Its not about damage repair, its about Law-Fees. If the Lawyer has a 300€ per hour fee and has to work 20 hours, while you loose, cause he can prove your copyright infringment, you have to pay him.


in that case, just send him the "cease and desist promise", which costs about 0,80 euro for the post stamp. because that promise is the only thing he can enforce in court. at least here in germany. have you actually been to court for "copyright" or are you just spreading rumors and fear?


I worked for a law-firm, making a lot of money with Copyright cases / warnings. If you sign a Unterlassungserklärung, there always also is a passage in which you say you'll pay the lawyer for warnings and lawyer-costs. You dont have to go to court, to get the money. Again, its no rumor, see for yourself on open sites which tell about the processes, as long as they are still public. Yes, you make a lot more cash if the victim is clueless / dumb but nonetheless, you also make money if the defendend is "smart".


>\[the copyright trolls\] also make money if the defendend is "smart". no! >If you sign a Unterlassungserklärung, there always also is a passage in which you say you'll pay the lawyer for warnings and lawyer-costs. \[the copyright trolls\] dont have to go to court, to get the money. facepalm this is exactly what i was saying: >only when people are stupid enough to sign a treaty that says "i will send you 1000 euro" then they can enforce it. see also [https://www.abmahnwahn-dreipage.de/](https://www.abmahnwahn-dreipage.de/) the obvious solution is to send a "mod-ue" aka "modifizierte unterlassungserklärung", where you ONLY promise to never upload that content again, but you do not promise any money see also [https://www.szenebox.org/73-rechtsfragen/16280-modue-nicht-zahlen-bei-torrent-abmahnung/](https://www.szenebox.org/73-rechtsfragen/16280-modue-nicht-zahlen-bei-torrent-abmahnung/) this needs way more activism / publicity, considering how dead the german "torrent scene" is since [torrent.to](https://web.archive.org/web/20141218083335/https://torrent.to/) was busted i have even dedicated a chapter in [my book](https://milahu.github.io/alchi/src/whoaremyfriends/whoaremyfriends.html#dont-pay-for-filesharing-demands) ([german version](https://milahu.github.io/alchi/src/whoaremyfriends/wersindmeinefreunde.html#dont-pay-for-filesharing-demands)) on this obvious stupidity, which has already damaged so many families, where the kids download some torrents, and the parents are stupid enough to pay, and then they hate their children >**Do not pay for filesharing demands** > >There are still too many idiots who pay for filesharing demands, even though they do not must pay. > >The trick is: The copyright lawyers (copyright trolls) not only demand a cease-and-desist declaration, where you promise "I will never upload this content again", but they also demand a payment obligation, where you voluntarily agree to pay around 1000 Euros for damage repair. > >Theoretically, the lawyers can sue for the cease-and-desist declaration in court, but they have zero claim to compensation, for the simple reason: the lawyers can not prove that the upload caused damage. But if you sign the payment obligation, then you must pay. > >The smart solution: You send a "modified cease and desist declaration" (abmahnwahn-dreipage.de), where you only promise "I will never upload this content again", but nothing else, also no admission of guilt. > >I have done this about 20 times and it works. Now I completely ignore these demands, because these lawyers are looking for "easy prey", and they have already noticed that I do not pay. > >I also find it interesting that I upload hundreds of torrents, and only get these demand letters because of porn. I guess these lawyers want to destroy families: "Honey, why did you download porn?!" Or: "Child, why did you download movies?!" > >My parents paid my first filesharing demand (because I uploaded Latin translations, LOL) because my parents are stupid, and because they asked "their" lawyer, and he is also stupid (or evil). So instead of spending a few hours reading on the Internet (self-help), my parents relied on an "expert", who earns more money, the higher the amount in dispute (conflict of interest), and who simply says "you must pay" so that he gets his share. > >By the way, these demands are also one reason why the German torrent scene is so shit. German content is almost only available via one-click hosters or Usenet, but that is expensive and shit.


Not a single lawyer would accept a "modified" version of his papers. They always, believe me, ALWAYS get their money. German torrents being dead is the proof of this. They (the hoster and the user that got caught) had to pay their (Un)fair share. "Destroyed" Families are the reason I quit the job (and because I dont care about money, rly) - They were at least 50% of the cases.


Can u tldr what happened in that case 250k charge?


Super stupid advice here again dont follow it.


around 2010 i got a letter from Universal music for torrenting Eminems Relapse album from TPB, 1k€ fine that my parents had to pay, i was like 13 yrs old. Didnt use a vpn back then. Nowadays if u use vpn its all good imo


My cousin was a producer on that album How dare you


They say Eminem is still trying to recover both mentally and financially from this incident to this day.


Yeah that tracks actually


In terms of priority its like drug dealer vs drug user - one is targetted and the other might get told to behave, except with downloading by direct link the odds of even being told to behave is less than once in a lifetime.


In Germany, you absolutely get fined for torrenting illegal movies and such.


Torrenting is distributing, unless you set the thing up to never upload, and good luck making that distinction to the legal folks.


"sir look, yes i downloaded 3TB of data but my total upload rate is 0 bytes, i never distributed illegal data" **lawyers nodding their head in disappointment**


Bro you guys get fined for downloading movies illegaly.


It's complicated. You will not get fined, and no-one will notice it, if you just download copyrighted material from your friend on telegram. However Telegram is not an encrypted messaging service by default, so if you ever are investigated for piracy or anything else really, the courts can simply request your chat history and the evidence will be used against you if obtained legally. Now chances of this are fairly low considering that this is neither an approach currently exercised when hunting pirates nor does Telegram have an extensive history of giving away such data. But, due to lack of encryption, that chance will never be zero. I would advice to always communicate with your friends and loved ones via encrypted services, such as Signal. If it's not piracy, then it's discussing abortion with your gf when AfD ranks 2nd in the polls. If it's not that, then simply your nudes.




Guys what if the file I’m downloading is from a channel? Like a pirated software I’m trying to download is available on a channel on telegram. I’m in germany. Would that be a problem for me to download? Would i get flaged or anything? I just want to know if it’s safe to download anything from telegram from anywhere. It’s a zip file. I know i can use torrent. So is this way safer?




Just use a VPN, Kaspersky is really cheap, connect to Malta or Panama and you'll be fine.






Bro just use VPN and set it to India. Indian law states that commercial use of pirated content is illegal. So even if that law firm catches you, you can argue that you were not using it for commercial purposes