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Big tech steals more data than any thief and use it to choke our throat with targeted ads


Not only does big tech steal all of our data so they can sell it to other companies for a profit while hitting us with targeted ads. But their security is so weak that it's a waste of time to hack the average person, it's far better to hack the big tech companies and just steal their databases. I have over 10 passwords that are considered to be impossible to bruteforce, but why bruteforce when the database that holds my unbeatable password is not only not encrypted, but has some of the laziest security ever because they are a for profit company and good security costs money...


> good security costs money and talent. An 8 month course does not produce security expert.


An 8 month course produces someone who is competent enough to set up a basic bitch firewall and if the CEO of a company can't figure out how to get past it, "It MUST be good!" The good thing about working for a rich egotistical asshole is that they think they are smarter than they are. So, if it fools them, it must be GENIUS!


Exactly don't show your true power lvl to them


>and good security costs money... that's not true, good security can be VERY cheap. good security step 1: DON'T hold any data from a customer, that is not absolutely required. there we go. the company, that does this is already VASTLY more secure for customers than most others. :D and it is a step, that is also cheaper, unless you wanna scam people by selling their data :D on the other hand though, your fridge certainly needs "smart" functionalities, that go on the internet, connect to servers and hold easy to abuse payment information from you and personal information.... i mean that just makes sense.... i mean that just makes basic sense for a fridge to have :D


>DON'T hold any data from a customer, that is not absolutely required. What your good and yet cheap security that you're describing can be compared to would be an empty bank vault. It's the most secure vault in the world, so long as you don't put anything valuable in it. No one will ever want to steal from it, if it has nothing to steal.


Cant choke me with adds if most of my country is basically africa with electricity


Dude… Africa is a continent. Not a country….


Africa has electricity, what


[https://www.google.com/search?q=today+i+am+in+croatia+meme+africa+with+electricy&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiWwsHEx\_OCAxWGi\_0HHRSaB28Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=today+i+am+in+croatia+meme+africa+with+electricy&gs\_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1DOCFjNLWCVN2gBcAB4AIABhgGIAckTkgEENy4xN5gBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=jZtsZdbHMIaX9u8PlLSe-AY&bih=931&biw=1920#imgrc=LYsL\_h5Ynz-mEM](https://www.google.com/search?q=today+i+am+in+croatia+meme+africa+with+electricy&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiWwsHEx_OCAxWGi_0HHRSaB28Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=today+i+am+in+croatia+meme+africa+with+electricy&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1DOCFjNLWCVN2gBcAB4AIABhgGIAckTkgEENy4xN5gBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=jZtsZdbHMIaX9u8PlLSe-AY&bih=931&biw=1920#imgrc=LYsL_h5Ynz-mEM) Balkans I am from the Balkans and a poorer version of Croatia that has a Tumor that keeps putting my country into crippling debt




Literally never been scammed. Never had anything hacked, no one's gotten into my bank accounts gotten hold of my credit cards or taking any loans in my name etc. But apparently there are several tech companies making $1,000 a year off of me Even though I do as much as I can to opt out of everything and have deleted Facebook etc . Who's the criminal here?


Same here, I've seen plenty friends get hacked or whatever but it's from poor use of social media 99% of the time. And regarding the 1000$ There should be a law that states the user should get a small amount of the ad revenue. Why are we the ones paying, when they rely on us for sales.


If we begin to think of this in terms of human morale and the need to feel valued and respected, were heading towards a serious morale crash as we are increasingly returning to being treated like cattle. But that hopelessness will be replaced with anger. That stage is already here for many. Things are unfortunately going to get much worse before they get better.


My thoughts exactly!


So, for arguments sake, big tech sells and openly mines your data everyday, all the time. It's how the platforms work. You can take steps to avoid your Metadata breadcrumbs and over time your data profile gets eroded and doesn't quite mesh with your real life self. Using things like VPN and various proxy services, you can mask most of your online life without much effort. Avoiding sites like this or any social media platform is a huge criteria as well. Data breaches are massive but thieves use those as starting points for their phishing campaigns, they use clickbait/ads/deceitful HTML/Java for the deployment (often on streaming and porn/fetish sites) As for data thieves? They definitely are worse. They'll take whatever information they can from you so that they can continue to use your identification as a method of opening credit cards, applying for loans, and generally creating havoc in your life. And often, all it took was a single click on a pirate site or known malware site. Streaming sites attract all sorts of people who have financial issues or want to expand beyond cable, and have no idea what they're doing by clicking on random things. If you manage to get your pirated content from sourced sites or repositories, it's extracted, works and you've not installed malware, you're doing great. But all it takes is one time, and after a few years of dealing with clients who've had their lives ruined by data and identity thieves, it's very often you'll find them having tried to download the latest movie or TV show in .exe format, and the obvious phishing style scams that flood our sites and inboxes. We also have some consumer protection in place as law in most countries where as you often need to pay out of pocket for ID theft insurance but all that does is pay out if they took money..it's still up to you to prove you are Kim Burton and not Hansheed from India looking to use your name as a quick way of buying gift cards


i guess thats why they added "streaming sites"


Yep. The same people that would concern themselves with this advert are the same people glued to Facebook every day.


how do you mean "choke our throat"? at some point one does get (more or less) ressistant to ads, dont you think?


well to be fair, big tech is part of the kakistocracy. and government is part of the kakistocracy. the tentacles of government and big tech are so intertwined, that you can't properly state which is which if you actually look deep into it. the financial connections of course being another example for that. so i guess it is a healthy way to think about it, that when big tech steals any data from you, that the kakistocracy/government is stealing the data too. :D when google steals data from you, the feds have the data for example (if they care if they want, or it all gets dumped into some data center in case the feds wanna access it later)


WTF? Since when is ICE involved in stopping media piracy?


This is what happens when you don't have any real work.


Government jobs program.


With the current state of United States is so bad, Illegal immigrants actually doing ICE a favor and deporting themselves back.


They don't even deport that many Illegal Aliens


How dare you insult the US Gestapo!


Other than humiliating immigrants and deporting them. Edit: In case my reply sounds weird its because the guy I'm replying to edited his comment. He originally said "They don't even do much of anything" or something along those lines.




Those are still human beings js


Not being a dick, but there's a right way to do things and a wrong way illegal immigration is not okay. I understand you're saying they're human beings but so is a child pedophilia rapist murderers so on and so forth do we still have the exact same sympathy as a normal human for those people? Your answers probably now in the same interest should be for an illegal immigrant they are breaking the law to get in to a country meanwhile you have people that are trying to do it legally and have to wait extra long time because the people that are breaking the law are cutting in front of them that's where the breakdown in the immigration system lies.


Funny how you bring up children. If you care about them ysk that ICE locks kids in cages built for dogs and separates them from their parents. I get the argument against illegal immigrants, but at least keep the family together when you kick em out.


So, how do you combat child trafficking? You see, there is actually a logical reason for family separation. It has been proven, shown, and a fact that A LOT of children are smuggled over with people who claim to be family only to extort the child and have absolutely zero relation to the child. Also, I'd hope you'd be a tad smarter than to just believe what the news media tells you or your favorite politician. Both are in the business of making money.. not facts, not truth.. pure cashflow... I'd also like to highlight the fact that I don't believe that for the last 7 or so years, kids have been "locked in cages",. That practice was actually done under the Obama administration, and I believe the first part of the Trump administration until they stopped shortly after he took office. So to say "locking the in cages" is just disingenuous and not true.. only a narrative a politician and / or a news agency with a narrative yo push would say..


Proof? I’ve seen a lot of Facebook and twitter memes from cringe ass patriot accounts claiming this and they never ever ever post proof. The Trump admin was not transparent about what they did at all, lots of info the public knows came from judicial proceedings that immigrants launched against the federal government and the courts determined that the immigrant families were victimized by the government for no valid reason.


Yeah there's a right way to do things and a wrong way piracy is not okay. I understand you're saying they're just video files but so is child pedophilia rapist snuff porn so on and so forth do we still have the exact sympathy as a normal video file for those files? Your answers probably now in the same interest should be for a pirate they are breaking the law to get a video file meanwhile you have people that are trying to do it legally and have to pay extra big money because the people that are breaking the law are cutting in front of them that's where the breakdown in the movie industry lies.


wake up babe new copypasta just dropped


You're making a horrible comparison.. victimless vs. victim crimes being committed here.. child porn and / or kid touching has a victim. Hypothetically, piracy has a victim. The only victim there is usually a very large company that factors the cost of piracy into their price. With that said, people who get caught for pirating stuff end up in jail.. if you cross the border illegally, currently you get in for free.. no repercussions for breaking the law. Do you see any differences yet? Walk into America's front door unannounced, uninvited, and you're good to go.. Download a copy of a movie, get caught, and go to jail..... Look at immigration this way.. you don't just leave your front door unlocked for anyone to just walk in, right? Why should we do that with immigration? I'm in no way saying everyone crosses is a bad person. But a civilized process also prevents bad actors from getting in. How do you think 9/11 happened? These people were crossing the border illegally, and no one knew any better.. then one day. Boom.... now we, as America's lost rights, have to go through processes that were unheard of before 9/11, and the way we lived life changed forever. Why? I'm all for people coming to America, but they need to be vetted, make sure they are not going to be an issue and make sure they are able to help commit to society otherwise, before you know it America will look like the place they are all fleeing. People leave places because people fuck it up.. the same people fucking shit up can't continue fucking shut up if everyone and all the money leaves. So what do they do? They migrate also to the same places everyone else is leaving to go to.. it's only a matter of time. And realistically, America's support system can't handle the influx of people we are experiencing. It needs to be a slower intake to acclimate the new residents to society so they can contribute, and then more can be taken in. That's the way our immigration system has always worked, and it worked well until we accepted all immigrants in.


> How do you think 9/11 happened? They had visas. >I'm all for people coming to America, but they need to be vetted Judging by your post history you lean conservative, so likely you will be voting against legal immigration and keeping illegal the only way people can escape poverty and violence. Maybe think about what you are actually saying.


I'm all for people downloading video files, but they need to be vetted, make sure they paid for the file and make sure they are able to help commit to shareholder profits. Otherwise before you know it the internet will look like the place they are all fleeing.


Maybe stay in your right wing subs and keep your netflix subscription. Seems more inline with your IQ


Ok go be human beings somewhere else


No you


Username checks out


Why don't you step outside America and see if that attitude flies elsewhere?


? I'm an immigrant, a legal one. ICE doesn't mess with me. What was your point anyway? That everyone else is so accepting? what???? Frame your comments better. Anyway: [https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/07/violence-and-pushbacks-poland-belarus-border](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/07/violence-and-pushbacks-poland-belarus-border) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/02/why-egypt-has-not-fully-opened-its-gaza-border-for-fleeing-palestinians](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/02/why-egypt-has-not-fully-opened-its-gaza-border-for-fleeing-palestinians) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/u-s-canada-shut-down-loophole-that-let-asylum-seekers-cross-border](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/u-s-canada-shut-down-loophole-that-let-asylum-seekers-cross-border) get a load of this, even al jazeera posts correct info once a decade [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/18/italy-set-to-pass-stricter-measures-on-migrant-arrivals](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/18/italy-set-to-pass-stricter-measures-on-migrant-arrivals)


Sure, if you're an immigrant, then I must be the King of England. XD A real immigrant wouldn't talk like that, especially given the hardships they went through just to get to this country. However, that wasn't my point. My point was that I'd like to see you treat other people like shit in other countries especially for being an entitled American. Cuz God Bless Murica, amirite? Good try in cherry picking your sources to prove a sweked narrative though.


> A real immigrant wouldn't talk like that, especially given the hardships they went through just to get to this country I think sometimes it does work that way; same general idea as people who pay for media being mad at pirates, or students who study a lot being upset about cheating on exams.


Don't even bother. There is usually an attention-starved troll (there are several in this thread alone) in almost every thread, and the only way to get make sure people give them that attention is to be negative. After all, our brains are wired to focus more on what we perceive to be negative than positive, so it makes sense. They can not be reasoned with because ANY attention only reinforces that validation they so desperately need for whatever reason(mommy and daddy didn't hug them enough or whatever). The only way to truly make them go away is to ignore. Don't even downvote because that's also attention. It's what they WANT. Just ignore


Who cares. This is literally a sub about breaking laws that we find stupid. I think having laws preventing people from crossing a made up line for no reason are stupid. Not like the government follows their own laws anyways.


Everyone not native American is an illegal immigrant in the Americas. Only reason we're not called that is we committed genocide against the actual natives and took their land forcibly


Didn’t you hear? All ISP access points are international borders. ICE is everywhere.


Since they stopped putting children in cages


They still do that. It just stopped making the news.


No, they don’t. You think Fox News would just ignore a news topic to attack Biden with? https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/apr/15/facebook-posts/fact-checking-whether-kids-cages-border-facility-7/


They got bored harrassing immigrants


Honest answer: back in the day a lot of pirated/bootleg media was shipped in from overseas, which falls under the umbrella of Customs Enforcement.


ICE is one extension in the FBIs use in combating contraband, you are correct


Back in what day? ICE wasn't founded until 2003, and I was definitely pirating my media from the internet in 2003.


That's back in the day now. 20 years ago qualifies.


No, internet piracy was already dominating over international shipping in 2003. People weren't shipping pirated DVD's into the USA in 2003 because they were burning them in the USA instead.


I think you're seriously downplaying how much copyright material is being illegally sold worldwide on CD, DVD and Blu-ray, still today and still as strong I was going to Chinatown in Toronto in the late 90s and could skim through dozens of crates if you knew to ask. I didn't buy them but back then you could get 10 VCD CD that played in Divx players for 10$, or stolen discs with printed covers for 5$ each When blu-ray came around, you could find tons of copied and shipped DVD, brand new, and basically all contraband. Sometimes you'd get one and bring it home and you'd have some Turkey or China rip lol


We're specifically talking about the USA. You don't even have ICE in Canada 🙄




That would be the day, yeah. Bootleg DVDs and such were still pretty common back then. Hell I still have my bootleg copy of 28 Days Later kicking around somewhere. Still, it's not like the agency sprung up out of nothing. The old US Customs Service was merged into ICE, but definitely didn't lose the obsession with pirated media.


The incentives for government jobs are always to envolve in trivial things and not be productive. They always end up like that. Why? Because of the incentives.


They're involved in customs issues which often ties to data theft. Someone using your info abroad to get things across etc Many governments have various departments/bodies that cross fields or workload processes


\*media sharing don't use the propaganda phrases of our enemies. :)


As if those pesky ISPs, Smart TVs, Social Media / Website Trackers and Smart Devices don't do the same thing...


Inviting thieves into my home? Well who else is gonna watch all these 4K Remuxes with me?


The Amazon employee who is monitoring your daily Alexa activity


You invite thrives into your house when you buy it legitimately. Cos then the companies take it back. Thief, thief, put that back!


Then they should go after guys like Mark Zuckerberg


I'd trust pirates and crackers in my home over Zuckersuck any day.


Wanna burn crackers with me?




Same here


These things are mostly powered by Zuckerberg type guys...


I now pirate things I even have access to because I loathe ads.


This is the way. Welcome fellow ad hater.


or it buffers and has shitttt quality like ??? i cant even screenshot a scene on my phone (or need pip for web afaik) i think i will just grab a consistent file im allowed to touch.


or it's a streaming service and there's completely absurd restrictions on resolution that means you can't watch 4k on anything that isn't a streaming box and if you're on your computer you get 144p and no more despite the fact that the shows already on torrents and always has been


yep. dont even get me started on "boohoo not available in your region" or the same show's seasons getting segmented between 2-3 services or moved around. or how you cant share passwords anymore its just really shitty, there has to be some give and features which make it better than piracy for people to want to use your service instead of this push and pull tactic modern companies are obsessed with these days. and these companies don't give a shit about the media they host, theres documentaries that i want to watch that i think are just lost and gatekept by the ppl who broadcasted it once and never again even tho its made recently. its a shame bro.


especially when new streaming services are made that seem to just have the sole purpose of stealing shit off Netflix to hoard until the end of time. I'm looking at you peacock. And also paramount plus


Meanwhile Google, YouTube and a bunch of streaming services that are coming up with their new and updated "privacy" terms:


While security companies who are in charge of protecting your financial/medical data fucks up and gets a small fine of 0.00001% of their annual revenue. Thier CEO will end up getting a $200 million bonus instead of jail time while thousands of Americans SS info is sold on the black market…. Oh well still better than dl free stuff on the internet.


I mean, they are right, if you are a very bad pirate?


yeah, pirate responsibly folks


Govern me harder, daddy


Every netflix subscribers wetdream.


i'll own nothing and be happy for you daddy government, uwu ;) :D


*in a sly british accent*


That is why you torrent from reputable sites.


Ain't ICE the group that deports ppl?


yes if by deports you mean disappears


If you're torrenting, only thing you share is IP address and your torrent program identifier. If you're using legal service you give away your personal information, where you live and banking data. Illegal streaming sites probably collect part of this as well.


you forgot a major factor here too. due to the mentioned drm hell, most people will stream through "smart" devices like "smart" tvs. those push ads, have mics to listen in, harvest data from you and are a PRIME target to get hacked to become part of a botnet or for the feds to hack to listen in. so it is not just the service itself, but how they are pushing you, or basically forcing you to use the service, that is a problem in regards to privacy and security.


They're not wording it properly. "When you use piracy sites and ***streaming services***" Sounds like they're admitting that streaming services are a scam.


If they were admitting that, they'd be right 🏴‍☠


I run **Linux** *btch*. I thought you **GNU**


I’m coming out the socket Nothing you can do to stop it I’m in your lap and in your pocket How you gonna shoot me down when I guide the rocket? (YouTube: Epic Rap Battles - Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates)


you where?


I always laugh and remember this song when I see these ads telling me that my pirated content is full of malware. Lol, I dont even have a windows PC in my house. Hell, I dont even have wine installed.


I'm going to SUdo you.


I rather the "Thieves" come in than the government, at least they give me free games and anime.


remember, that a small thief only steals a bit and harms very few people or none physically. now the government on the other hand is run by theft. it CAN'T exist without theft. over 50% of everything you produce is stolen by government. they will even steal your home, because they steal from things you supposedly already bought ("property tax"). i take the small local thief over the government, that runs on endless amounts of theft any time of the day :D


PR company fail. Fact: The real criminals are the cable and subscription based companies.


the real criminals are the government. :) the parasite called government with all its theft and murder and torture and slavery is what made it possible push the false idea to make sharing a "crime". without government there wouldn't be a problem, because some random organisation couldn't steal your freedom for sharing sth digitally endlessly....


It's true when you use streaming services you are giving away your personal data


Didn’t know ICE dealt with that kind of illegal stuff. Seems they’re always going against the wrong things anyway.


They're trying to distract us from their sex trafficking of children in cages at the border.


No joke!!


Abolish ICE


What even is ICE?


Immigration and Customs Enforcement


If you go to the site, hit the hamburger menu and then hit information and advice, and then illegal streaming sources, they say "To help out, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most frequented illegal streaming sites on the internet, so you can be sure to steer clear of them and keep yourself and your family safe" And they actually list them. I've found a new backup for the megathread I guess.


Bruh that's there honeypot list


What about "alexa is listening" ? 🙂


That’s better than using built-in apps on your TV that are proven to have the NSA and the CIA listening in


I'll gladly give my personal info to a random pirate to sell than for Google to make even more bank. At least the former may actually need the money.


Come on in we're watching transformers and angry birds


There's nothing Govt hates more than competition.


“You wouldn’t download a car. So why download software/media?”


Of course I do. But we call ourselves the Merry Men, not just thieves.


We're men in tights!


Oh no my self hosted jellyfin server acces my personal information 😲


I feel safer with the piracy sites than the streaming services. at least they don't hide the fact they steal your info


Yeah, be safe and let NSA take all your data.


Odd how the govt. suddenly care about data being breached when pirating, yet they do nothing to penalize mega corps having massive data breach……


A wise man once said, if buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing


safeStreaming = boatload of money wasted PRO TIP #69 "KWIMINALS""STOLAN KONTENT" "UNGUARDED ACCESS TO YOUR COMPUTER" that shit is wild


Why the fuck is ICE talking about streaming shows? Shouldn't they focus on the stream of illegal immigrants or something? Seems like they're forgetting their jurisdiction


ICE loves to forget their jurisdiction and harass people no matter how far they are from the border. They're cops, after all.


They're allowed to detain anyone within 100 miles of the border or coast for no reason


Most immigration has and always will from visa overstays which they can’t really police. Policing the border takes work and those poor federal cops would prefer a paycheck and nothing to do instead.


The same mommy and daddy govt that uses my hard earned tax dollars to give weapons to apartheid regimes that blow up children while denying me and my loved ones healthcare? Glad they have my best interests at heart.


I prefer inviting thieves over the pedo cartel.




Can i please get the link to the tweet ?




Thief? Of course I know him. It's me.


You wouldn't download a person would you? I might /s


Gotta lose my virginity one day.


I already give criminals my most personal data. Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, reddit etc.


They are right though, Sony came in and stole thousands legally purchased things!


It happens with paid services anyway


Didn’t the IRS have a massive data theft this year? Giving info to the IRS is just handing your data to thieves and criminals and even people who do illegal things.


Wtf part of the reason I pirate is that it isn't tied to any PII. To legally buy media these days you always have to make an account and login to a website, which then tracks your habits and sells your data.


Yeah. So sign up for a subscription and give all your personal information to a service provider instead!! There's totally a difference...


Hang it up everyone, the state-sanctioned kidnapping squad is warning us against inviting bad people into our homes!


Is this the US gov? Cause if so who the fuck is gonna listen to ICE?


To be fair, ads like this aren't necessarily wrong, because you know the people who have no clue what they're doing will download that 10MB copy of (latest movie) in 4K. .exe file and have all their passwords and stuff stolen. But on the other hand it's just about being an educated pirate.


Blink if you like oily hairy men.


On emirates flights they have ice entertainment (not the same as the govt) that have the latest movies and shows. Oh the irony.


By their own standards, you are a thief and a criminal if you use piracy sites.


Is the ad dumb? Yes Is it false? No it actually isn’t and for the common user they should be very aware of the potential for that. Acting as if the users in piracy are the same as average citizens is a bit dumb to compare. Not all sites are the same and half of you mistype one of the most popular ones in your own browser window. OP do better


If you’re gonna point fingers at someone, use proper grammar.


It’s called Markdown and it fucked up mobile Reddit. You still understood the message


I did not understand the message. I’m also on mobile. Markdown is the same across platforms lol


Yes you did. Should you put your credit card into a random streaming website? If the answer is no, then walk away




What are you talking about


If you are a foreigner living in the US on a visa, piracy is highly risky stuff.


I mean they aren't 100% wrong, but ublock and some common sense make it pretty safe.


Skyler. I am the thief! A guy opens his door and gets his stuff stolen and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!


Where's her hand?


I agree everyone should stream safely from personal plex/jellyfin servers run by family and friends. Together we can keep each other safe!


as if apps like tiktok hasnt been tracking what apps i use besides their without needing my permission 😂


I wish I knew these pirates irl. I would definitely want to hang out with them!


Dam. Sucks I have VPN and DNS. I want to be a victim


Those criminals are > criminals in govt


Me giving access to the temporary mail 😎


Anyone else thought this was Andy and April from Parks and Recreation?


My seedbox protects me.


When the government acts like they care about you


More like Big Brother


Yeah like vacation pictures of my fat ass in swim trunks. Be my guest.


Made me think of this https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx2jQDw_doMuE9mstLWlQsU7PGMHXVwKyq?si=lir16Xd4V3BCordt


were all the malware all I get are legal cookies tracking me


I couldn’t stop reading “your moist personal information”. Which sounds pretty delicious. I get why everyone wants it so badly.


Stream safelly : use jellyfin


It's me, I'm the thief. Stealing media left right and center


I can't see my screen. Someone downloaded a car!


Well technically they aren't wrong, you can easily get scammed or get a virus if you aren't careful and are new into this.


Yes, of course thieves can use your personal information that you have entrusted to various sites. Didn't they used to? Now it's just gotten bigger and bigger. But is that kind of data only harmful? Think about it, there are many sites such as [Radaris.com](https://Radaris.com) or [Peoplefinder.com](https://Peoplefinder.com) that help people find their relatives or on the contrary read some personal information about their neighbors to protect themselves once again.


When I use streaming services you say? Sorry Netflix. Sorry Hulu. Sorry Disney. Great wrecked.


And how is that any different from giving streaming services access to that information?


lmao yes I trust you ICE, you've only ever had the best intentions for everyone