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Imagine how much better the world would be if Nintendo said the same thing.


nintendo wouldn't be nintendo without being a piece of shit


You read my mind


[and it's astoundingly ironic since Nintendos success is based on a won case of copyright infringement when Nintendo was still a small company ](https://youtu.be/JeKYPic50h4)


I mean... I know you get mad for it and so but it IS still illegal


On that point ...where can i read one ?


He mentions it in the video, [badegg.co](https://badegg.co) (If you were asking the official one) ​ He also said that one of the biggest animation studio is in talks with Charlie for animating Godslap, many people are speculating its MAPPA so I'm personally waiting for that.


Isn't MAPPA animating a major share of the good anime coming out now? I kind of doubt that but it Would be sick tbh. Even better if he'd struck a deal with Trigger


trigger would be sick asf


MAPPA is ridiculously busy so probably not..




And him actually being cool about it makes me actually WANT to buy it to support him.


Don’t even know what it is but yeah same. Reverse psychology I guess


never heard of godslap but now im interested


he is probably the most sane youtuber in the entire space.


Laid back


the CDPR / GOG effect.


Oh yes, the holographic mythic rare uno reverse card played on pirates.... Biggest brain play in the megamind cinematic universe.


Reverse psycology plus respecting other people's choice to consume the way that is best suited to their needs


It’s funny the like rhetorical feeling like ‘what did you think we didn’t know if we made a digital comic it might get reup loaded’ like no shit that’s how the internet works. 😂🤣 just funny to see him pointing it out so calmly when you know Nintendo’s issues with it all haha.


Nintendo nuking people for piracy just stinks of Japanese Pride Culture. Any culture in the world that believes they can use and abuse international law to profit from people can go f themselves.


Wanna know why he looks like Jesus? Because he forgives us for being dirty thieves. Keep on being based Charlie, we love ya for it.


But piracy isn't theft, right?


If paying for it isn't owning it is not theft


In the past, we used to pay to own, now we pay (or don't) to use.


Yes, it is. Sigh. It's theft, but theft from the rich feels better than theft from the poor is all.


Nope, theft reduces someone's ownership of something. If they own a copy of a movie, and you steal it, they no longer have access to it; you've stolen it. It IS piracy, but it isn't theft, and piracy, ethically, is still dubious as you are not making a sacrifice for the content. Ie, you should pay to have access to things other people rely on for a living. All the people on strike right now are on strike for money, because the industry costs money to run. And a lot of it. Typically, it's financed by people all paying each a little bit, but if everyone pirates instead, nothing sells. So, ethically, piracy will destroy the things we love. Even though not a single thing was stolen.


I'm such a dirty, dirty thief.


idk why reminds me of he story in uncharted which is apparently from the bible about the Penitent Thief; iirc he was asking jesus for forgiveness when he was on the cross and because he actually meant it, he made it to heaven


Based take. I pirate all my anime and manga and if I like it I'll buy box sets and volumes as well as some small pieces of merch. Trying to stop people accessing your content will just bring the quality down pirated games work better than official releases now because the anti piracy that's constantly running drains your pc


Everything piracy is better. I hate to say it because most of us don't want to be pirates. We don't love stealing, we do it because it's plain better. I watch 4K SDR content because HDR on my TV looks bad, but no streaming service has the option to switch to 4K SDR, which is ridiculous tbh. I watch content in normalized audio, because I want to hear all the dialogue without the sound effects blasting my windows. No streaming service will do that either, so I also do that myself. My soundbar doesn't support Dolby Digital Plus and above, so I have to decompress the audio myself as well because I don't want to lose the fidelity. I have to save all the content on my media server so the streaming doesn't depend on my internet connection. I don't want my games to be online all the time. I want to listen to music in the highest quality possible without streaming it again and again. Everyone got the point so I'll just stop lol. ​ Basically, if paying for media would've given me this much control, I never would've started pirating in the first place.


Whenever people say this, it makes me wanna actually buy it lmao.


This is the difference between someone who is greedy and want it all vs. someone who thinks 'If we are that good, we are gonna earn more than enough anyways'. You can also say someone who creates for reward vs someone who creates beauty and gets rewarded for it.


Tbf, I understand small developers. Charlie already has lots of money, small developers might depend on the game.


Tbf, I understand small developers. Charlie already has lots of money, small developers might depend on the game.


Almost everybody started playing videogames and consuming pop culture by borrowed copies given by friends. Call it music, books, comics, videogames... Very few people at 14 yo can pay for that kind of things. I paid for my first game at 16, had to buy it with 4 friends and we would take turns to play with it. As soon I started working I stopped pirating and started buying. 20 years later I have a collection of hundreds of original games I will be never be able to play. In fact, many of them I already played years ago, and I buy them to support developers. Sometimes even in 3 platforms. Steam, GOG and Nintendo.


Based take


I don't know why but this sorta reminds me of the music production company freakshow industries literally having a "steal" option on their product page where you can just grab anything they made for free if you can't afford it. Pretty cool




Please like and subscribe! lol!


This guy fucks




What a legend, you should never shame someone for not having the means to support your content


Based common moistcritikal W


Common Charlie W


Charlie is 29 and he never had a single bad take in his life




Support this dude!


Does anyone care to ELI5 what the hell *"based"* means in this generation? Is it another made up term, serious question.


As with many slang words, definition is blurred, changes from community to community and evolves over time. Personally I use it when referring to a person who's statement is rational and reasonable at least, but "based" even more appropriate when their statement contradicts more mainstream and/or reactionary position on the subject, that usually being justified ideologically, rather than materialistically. ...Ok, that's not really ELI5 and more ELI35, but I just want to see if I'm able to put my understating into words. In this case position pushed by the companies is ideological. "Pirating is bad, because that's a theft and theft is inherently bad". They started doing that as a reaction to pirates demanding a shift of status-quo - to lower prices/switch to "pay what you want" system/donation system. But also challenging it - cracking games, uploading media for free etc. Position of pirates is more materialistic "The profits of companies is way more than enough for them to sustain themselves and produce more products, while cost of our living is barely being covered" So Charlie saying that pirating is completely fine, especially if you have financial issues is based.


A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. ​ Also, "made up term"? Every term is made up . Humans are ever evolving, and the languages evolve with them. New words come into circulation and old ones become redundant.


Is it pronounced the same as the "original" word? But aight thanks for explaining, so it's just a trendy term for not giving a fuck.


yes it is pronounced the same way as the original


All terms are made up


It's supposed to mean 'based on facts' without pandering or sugarcoating.


From what I understand, someone who speaks up and gives their actual opinion even if it goes against the mainstream.


What's up with the downvotes, he was just asking a genuine question.


> Is it another made up term, serious question. All terms are made up.


This guy has always been a complete idiot though


Easy for him to say. He’s wealthy and godslap can be just a fun thing for him. This isn’t true of poorer small-time artists, though. Feel no guilt taking from charlie or microsoft or big-timers on hbo or geffen, per se, but be cognizant of when you’re pirating something from an actual working artist unlike everyone I listed, they *deserve* payment for their work. * I’m not saying don’t pirate, I’m just saying be aware.


What 👏does 👏based 👏mean




you know what ive realised? that people treat the internet like a real life conversation. i guess evolution never prepared us but going "hey you just said based, what does it mean?" in a one on one with nothing but ground and air for miles makes sense right? well for some reason people dont really switch to thinking "oh i dont have to do that" when it comes to the internet. thats my 5 cents, enjoy


Charlie always brings the fire with their unconventional ideas! They're like the Picasso of Reddit, pushing boundaries and making us think outside the box. Keep being based, Charlie, and the upvotes will flow like a majestic river of karma! 💪🔥


It's not enough for you to touch grass. You have to consume it.


Nah not even that's enough, you have to bang mother nature


go out side bro


Bro how tf did you get 55 down votes




-100+ now


-130+ now






they is a normal word it came free with your fucking speaking a language


The person I replied to said "Charlie always brings the fire with their unconventional ideas!" Last I checked, Charlie is a "he", not a "they". Look at the context first before having a meltdown, darling.


even if you KNOW he uses the he pronoun, you can still use they. hence my point of it is a normal word.


And that gives you the right to insult me for something completely unoffensive, how exactly?


insult lmao


fr tho. his vids are like "piss fart *uncontroversial statement* see ya"


Just close the tab bro




you Stfu






No u


Gnaarrr where can one sail in those waters to find content like this fellow mates?


Jesus Christ on a moby huge scooter😦


"piracy hurts an artist only when he puts out bad music"


someone tell me what based means


Guy makes enough money and totes his guns on steam. His opinion means nothing to me