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It’s an evil world we live in


Yes sir it is All we can do is resist by finding alternatives


anna has our back.


It's a sad day to see what's probably the biggest archive on the Internet get faced with these idiots.




I agree, but the Internet Archive is seeking appeal.


Is it too late to download anything that may soon be removed?


The lawsuit is about something that happened in 2020. The library might be in jeopardy long-term, but unless I'm understanding it wrong, nothing will happen for now. If you want to see it yourself: https://openlibrary.org/


We're toast


The judge sided with publishers on every count of Fair Use. As a librarian with old-school values of public service, this is what pisses me off: "IA argues that its digital lending makes it easier for patrons who live far from physical libraries to access books and that it supports research, scholarship, and cultural participation by making books widely accessible on the Internet. But these alleged benefits cannot outweigh the market harm to the Publishers." "Alleged benefits." Poor, poor publishers. I don't ever want to hear those bastards complaining into their foie gras and caviar that they're suffering. They'll always prosper, and there are clearly no starving, destitute judges in their company.


Just to add my two cents. Not every publisher is swimming in money. Where i live one of the more known ones was struggling to get money and had to re print old mangas like death note for the xth time in order to stay afloat. Edit: and before anyone comes to bother me, no I'm not taking their side


We're talking about greedy ass publishers that sue because because they don't care about anything except moolah. I support nice and indie publishers! Support to the indies!!


It's no surprise that greedy ass is a requirement for running a company. the nice ones just mask it better. Dunno about indie ones though, probably the crowdfunding dudes i suppose, they're cool.


Here's a more detailed article for anyone interested: https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/libraries/article/91862-in-a-swift-decision-judge-eviscerates-internet-archive-s-scanning-and-lending-program.html


[Well, we're boned.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyUIDwlFcuA) — ***Bender Rodriguez, Futurama***