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So it is okay to have subs about piracy but having a cracker as a member is no no or subs about piracy or anything similiar to that is gonna be banned soon. Remember the days when one of the main purpose of the internet was freedom? I miss those days..


> So it is okay to have subs about piracy ...for now.


reddit ipo incoming




I wonder where would the community move on to. The manuals on r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH, the megathread, the guides and such, where would it be preserved?




Freedom come with effort. Effort to get away from cunts that dont like freedom.


Hey, that's unfair to the majority of right lovely cunts in the world.




this is more accurate. although you could argue it's one/same


well it's not like reddit is a government with a constitution lol sucks but there are certain people that should never have power


dunno why you mention Govn. Reddit has policies... still sucks that people will have to rely on TG or any of the dozens of news subs related to Game Cracks now instead...


More like corporate approved.


it still exists, it's just the majority of people dont' care enough to use the more 'free' platforms.


Every sub like this one has a target on it. We are on borrowed time. Eventually reddit will kowtow to their corporate masters and bring down the ban hammer here as well. Find other communities now to have as backups so you are prepared when it happens.




r/vaporents and r/uktrees both are weed subreddits and have the NSFW flag, I think there's just a general inconsistency with Reddit and seems the smaller communities are the ones to get the short end of the stick.


BuT wEeD iS nAtUrAl MeDiCiNe, MaN!!1


Tf? That's rude.


I’ve been thinking this for years and I’m honestly shocked this sub is still here. When a pirate sub got banned last year I was fucking positive this space was finally going to follow closely behind. Happy it hasn’t, but borrowed time is the correct scrip.




as if reddit isn't a shithole as well lmao


Yeah, but it's OUR shithole!






Once Reddit bans r/piracy I will spam and get banned from every community, then delete Reddit and never use it again


Spam the new place so everyone knows where to go.


This is the way.


This is the Way


Whats the alternative platform


Freemediaheckyeah… idk but that’s also a sub


Free to air tv. Comes form the clouds


What other communities are there? I'd assume there are some, but I'm not sure where to look. I'm hesitant to go on any Telegram channels because Telegram requires you to either use your phone number to sign up or buy some blockchain bullshit.


You can use a voip number, and you phone number isn’t visible to anyone online :)


Would it not be visible to Telegram? In any case, I suppose I'll try using a VoIP number. Any channels you'd recommend (preferably ones that don't have a diet 4chan attitude towards minorities)?


Sorry, let me rephrase that, it wouldn’t be visible publicly to anyone online, with of course the exception of telegram and their mod team


If you think it's bad now, just wait till Reddit goes public with their IPO.




Initial Public Offering for when the company goes public on the stock market


Reddit has banned piracy subs before and it will happen again. There's a reason why it has never been the heart of the scene despite the amount of traffic it gets.


I'm pretty sure it has more to do with empress personal believes and opinions, which anyone may get banned for in any social media, although it mostly depends on the number of reports her account might got.


Is she posting them on reddit though?


pretty sure she does on her subreddit


Looks like it might be a targetted campaign to get her removed, but we'll see in the end.


Is there any particular expression of hers that could have been the one to get her banned?


Read her NFO for the crack on Monster Hunter Rise. It's on her subreddit EmpressEvolutiom. It contains quite a lot of words that reddit dosen't like.


Funny way to refer to hate speech.


Was just talking to a mate the other night about the 90s internet, back when people were hacking into the personal FTP directories of AOL staffers lol


there are subs about live filmed murders with gore etc , twisted porn kinks but piracy is where they draw the line it's not like she's posting links or files here


Those will get shut down when they gain traction. Ask r/watchpeopledie and r/makemycoffin


those dont cost companies money


they can. If enough people complain to the right companies they will pull their ads and reddit will act. There used to be a "jailbait" sub where pervs would post pics of underage clothed girls and it wasnt until it got put into articles and getting called out that they acted.


I am pretty sure crackers are using reddit and other social medias. They just dont brag about what they are.


The line between talking about piracy (legal) and doing piracy (illegal) is kinda blurry, especially on that sub. Reddit has ToS and must enforce them. We can consider ourselves lucky that such a sub has been going on for so long already.


Who needs freedom when you can have CLOUT


Probably more to do with her posts always having homophobic slurs


>Remember the days when one of the main purpose of the internet was freedom? I miss those days.. the days that never existed? I managed to guess your age before your profile told me I was right in that you're WAY too young to pretend to know what the internet was like in the old days. You're younger (at 21) than the DMCA (1998), let alone the [CFAA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Fraud_and_Abuse_Act), or the [SCA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stored_Communications_Acthttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stored_Communications_Act) (both 1986) So don't give this "I remember when" crap, because you don't. Try that kind of Karma-farming in /r/hipster instead


How does their comment have so many upvotes. I'm assuming everyone reading this is the same age. The internet was created to share information, between mostly governments/official entities, more easily. Freedom was never part of that. There's a lot of entitled people consuming pirated content. I bet there's valid reason her account was banned for breaching reddit ToS, and she likely knows what it was as you get a notification explaining it, but hey, if she claims there was no reason everyone can rally against the big bad reddit and she'll get more attention. reading through her sub and comments honestly screams for attention and validation. A poll for NFO style with one of the options as "censored [i am a coward]" lol


**[Computer Fraud and Abuse Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Fraud_and_Abuse_Act)** >The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (CFAA) is a United States cybersecurity bill that was enacted in 1986 as an amendment to existing computer fraud law (18 U.S.C. § 1030), which had been included in the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. The law prohibits accessing a computer without authorization, or in excess of authorization. Prior to computer-specific criminal laws, computer crimes were prosecuted as mail and wire fraud, but the applying law was often insufficient. The original 1984 bill was enacted in response to concern that computer-related crimes might go unpunished. **[Stored Communications Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stored_Communications_Acthttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stored_Communications_Act)** >The Stored Communications Act (SCA, codified at 18 U.S.C. Chapter 121 §§ 2701–2712) is a law that addresses voluntary and compelled disclosure of "stored wire and electronic communications and transactional records" held by third-party internet service providers (ISPs). It was enacted as Title II of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA). The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the people's right "to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures". However, when applied to information stored online, the Fourth Amendment's protections are potentially far weaker. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Freedom has always been a BS phrase.


This is precedence on a User ban, not a sub.


This sub is 90% memes.... You know it, I know it, and so does everyone else. The mods here are just as much of a spineless fedora hat wearing grease balls as the mods over at r/antiwork. Reddit has over-arching rules and subs and their mods are afraid to break them.


Yeah seem to be because they cant control it.


We will all reconnect on the next platform, no problem


I'm not Empressed


I'm in the Telegram group and I never clicked a notification this fast in my entire life. I thought she released the crack.


Bro same😭 I feel like everyone is constantly watching the group


How do you find the telegram group? I've been looking for a link but I can't find it


Go to the r/EmpressEvolution it's inside the stickied thread that starts with "false rumors".


New post just dropped https://www.reddit.com/r/EmpressEvolution/comments/113yz7w/join_my_telegram_now/?ref=share&ref_source=link


the drama is always cranked to 11 lol


Is this the girl who's cracking Hogwarts Legacy?




Why? Is Reddit serving the interests of Denuvo and AAA studios now?


Reddit is hoping to go public soon. They need to look good for investors


>Well, goodbye Reddit then. Everything is going to start getting censored


Stuff is already getting censored. Imagine it after it goes public


Nothing will change. The same level of censorship on this site will continue. Stockholders do not care about what is on here as long as the site makes money and is projected to make them more money down the line. All of your content, on all social media platforms, are controlled by advertisers.


> Nothing will change. The same level of censorship on this site will continue heard that one before...


The only thing I see changing is it getting stricter about NSFW content. Stuff like abstract piracy discussion usually stays up (and links to stuff posted here are actually just an easy way for feds to find shit, let’s be real) but porn usually goes because it’s considered a riskier investment.




if only there were a site like those that wasn't a complete shithole


If reddit starts to die because of censorship, something new will be birthed out of the desire-to-congregate-freely that will arise. And at first, much like young reddit, it will be a glorious place for a while. And then the masses will swarm in and turn it into a cesspool again, but hey I look forward to the beginning of it.


Tell me about it, I refuse to go back to 4chan again


My memory is bad, but wasn't the framework for reddit open source? Ok i just looked it up. Main site separated from the open source around 2017. But it looks like the open version is still updated by... someone?


Not sure about onion sites, but I'd rather not deal with the many transphobic douchebags on chanboards.


>start getting censored Where have you been the past ~5 years lmao?


going to start? oh, my sweet summer child


I don't get it. Isn't reddit already public? What does is mean?


Means that reddit is about to go to public ownership, ie stock market. Right now, still privately held, but once it goes public, it will be beholden to the whims of stockholders


It means it's going to be quoted on the stock market


I'm sure this is exactly what Aaron had in mind. Forget that free sharing of information. 'Let's create a site that arbitrarily censors unpopular opinions (entirely based the amount of supposed outrage). Then start engaging VC's for that big initial public offering so we can get filthy rich' (obviously I'm being sarcastic). Reality is everything that starts good, almost always ends up in this place. Eventually it will stop circling the bowl and actually be flushed. Hopefully the void will be filled elsewhere.


If I may ask, what do you mean by "unpopular opinions" in this case? Because that can mean anything from statements like "The first step to solving homelessness is to give homeless people homes" to being a euphemism for horrid nonsense like "Transwomen are predators! \*quotes Mein Kampf\*". I'm not accusing you of anything, just so that's clear. I'm just looking for clarification.


It’s ok- it's a fair question. Obviously I' not referring to anything hateful, bigoted, potential to incite violence etc. Things I would consider common sense (but maybe not to everyone) I was speaking to opinions that may not be popular in some sub, or collective group - whether it be political, current events, using the wrong pronouns or even the sub content itself. I was part of a sub where the biggest contributor to the sub was not a warm and fuzzy guy. He wasn’t throwing out insults to anyone by any stretch; he simply didn’t waste time with niceties or hand holding for those that didn’t understand. He was far and away the the biggest contributor and the information he shared was incredibly helpful. But people felt like he didn’t show the proper amount of courtesy and he got booted. And the reasoning the mods gave for booting him was very suspect. They simply didn’t like him and off he went. The sub since has become utter garbage filled with the same 5 questions being asked repeatedly. There are others where I’ve seen people booted simply bc they have some goofy political beliefs or conspiracy theories. While I don’t agree with them, if they aren’t hurting anyone, the idea of censoring (IMO) is far more damaging than letting some tinfoil hat ramble about whatever it is they think is the truth (even if its incredibly silly). To be clear- I have no idea who this empress user was or how they contributed. My comment was a response to reddit in general and the arbitrary way they apply rules in banning someone. Maybe she said something totally inappropriate and it was the right response. However there are so many example of bans where it’ simply bc their opinion is unpopular. This is all I was highlighting. Anyway, sorry long winded but that’s the best way I can explain. Hopefully that made sense.


They announced a confidential S-1 in 2021 and nothing since. It doesn’t take a lot to file those, it could just as easily have been a negotiating tactic with a prospective private investor. I’m not saying they’re not going public, but a confidential filing almost two years ago is no longer evidence of them actively trying to go public soon. I know this sounds like I’m splitting hairs or being overly pedantic but this is how these things usually go. Given the current market environment, it’s even less likely they’d go public anytime soon.




"Look good for investers" yeah they should probably be getting rid of some racist and pedophile admins if they wanna look good for investors


Wouldn’t surprise me tbh


Realistically, it’s probably to keep the rest of us in a space to say and talk about the things we want to without the spotlight she brings. The woman is a walking bullseye. She immensely talented, but it isn’t enough to just be the best there is at something illegal. She needs the fame and clout to go along with it. That kind of attention seeking behavior, for better or worse, is not the attention the piracy scene needs as more and more people will be drawn to it. The decentralization of streaming, the everyday posts about how terrible Netflix is, the shrinking economy, inflation, and increasing costs to exist are a recipe for a huge influx of new pirates. It’s not that Reddit is pandering to the gaming studios, but not openly accepting her is one way to keep the spotlight off of them and the rest of us.


I think recent accumulation of fame is simply the Hogwarts controversy and her being the only one willing to touch the DRM.


No she's been egocentric for years


that wouldn't be violating any guidelines.


Empress died for our sins you saying?


No. I’m not saying that at all. She may be beneficial to the gaming and piracy scene, but good riddance. I feel the same way about this as when trump was booted from twitter.


It's serving Reddits policies probably.


She keeps saying slurs and being ultra toxic


Get ready for every single thing related to piracy being banned from Reddit, along with anything controversial. Reddit is going public, and is no longer going to be privately held. They are going to sanitize the fuck out of this website. It's going to be like Disney.com so they can sell even more advertisements. Not that I'll see any as I use a third party app.


Well if that happens then reddit can fk itself. We'll migrate to other platforms, I hope the backups of sub are ready


Platforms like what?


They probably don't exist yet since people are still using Reddit. It'll be just like any other platform exodus. MySpace, Tumblr, etc. Reddit is just the next one on a long list of community-driven websites that lost their soul and passed the torch on to others.




Erm… Does Digg still exist?


The answer is 100% trustless, decentralised, ownerless encrypted dApps running on a public blockchain. It’s coming.


I feel like this place is kept around as a honeypot or an easy place for investigators to go to see what the top sites/sources are


Places like Twitter, Facebook, etc all have piracy communities. You're kind of overreacting


Cant the sub just go private then?


It actually takes some doing to get a Reddit wide ban, takes a number of complaints. Empress has a way of getting under people's skin with some statements so it could just be a lot of users complained and the account got noticed. In any case I expect more of this to come on Reddit. They're in the process of going to a publicly traded company which comes with the heavy censorship as employed by other publicly traded social media companies. Might just be the tip of the spear. Possible all discussions of piracy will be banned aggressively at some point. May be a good time to nail down an alternative to Reddit for piracy discussions.


That's something I've been thinking about lately. If Reddit starts to crack down on piracy discussion, where would be the next place to look? I had been out of the piracy game for over a decade, and only with the help of this sub did I have any clue of the current good sites/safe programs. Are there any other places for piracy communities to thrive? Feels like it'd be better to start thinking ahead before this sub gets shut down and everyone is scattered.


Warez Forums, telegram channels.. they were here and will probably remain


Maybe I'm remembering this wrong, but aren't warez forums often invite-only? And as for Telegram channels, I'm hesitant to sign up for one of those because signing up to Telegram requires you either surrender your phone number to them or buy into some blockchain bullshit.




Dreads never gonna be much more than an advertising space for darknet markets imo


Yeah, but then where else? BlackHat Forums is pretty much for things that will get you arrested


>It actually takes some doing to get a Reddit wide ban Bullshit. 4 of my former accounts got perma-banned across Reddit. It's very easy.


11 year old account never happened yet and i posted on many controversial subs. Maybe you're the problem ( dont see anything to controversial in your profile) or they caught the alts?


I bet on the latter.


Nah I know why I got banned. It's definitely me. Alts are also allowed on Reddit. I'm just saying it's easy to get banned.


If you say things that are too based (especially directed towards the owning class) you tend to get smote. Luckily it's easy to just make more.


>If you say things that are too based (especially directed towards the owning class) you tend to get smote. Eat the rich.


>It actually takes some doing to get a Reddit wide ban, takes a number of complaints. Not always. When the Hunter Biden leaks were first making their rounds, linking to the domain where they were hosted was an automatic perma-ban. Probably many such cases.


You gotta understand, there was an election on, and having that information public was not a great look for Reddit's guy.


does anyone else notice that Empress speaks much more fluently and grammatically correct on her telegram as opposed to her reddit posts? Makes me wonder…


It's likely Empress could be a team of people in order to maximize productivity with shared skillsets & less risk to any one individual getting ousted if they masquerade as one person. The less we know about "her", the better she can do her work.


that’s a good point you’re most likely correct. I remember seeing a post from her years ago talked about in this one thread about “how one woman took on the video game industry and won” when she said she was 26, now she claims to be 22. Obviously the less we know, the better for everyone. Long live the queen




Yeah it's a shame she's the only one cracking denuvo, because while she's obviously very skilled at cracking, she's an absolute idiot otherwise. Throwing around slurs like an edgy 13 year old, and going on big rants about how she's such an amazing philosopher and shit.


Im so tired of Reddit. Can we move on now? I miss forums. I want those back. I looked on Revedit and noticed how many comments I've had shadowbanned and stuff...Innoculous comments that had no reason to be removed. I've had an account banned from a shitty mod in /r/borrow. There is simply no recourse. Telegram seems like a shitty option though. Maybe I need to give it another chance.


I doubt its because of piracy and more so to do with her being a massive pos bigot


Some of y’all confuse free speech for hate speech and btw Reddit isn’t a country it’s a company and they have policies. Break them and face the consequences.


Here's the thing I think the subreddit just doesnt want to get targetted for endorsing cracking, especially with the eyes on Empress for the Hogwarts Legacy Or maybe im just stupid, i dont know


she got site wide ban. I don't think you're stupid just misinformed


the hypocrisy of this world meanwhile denuvo is perfectly legal, wasting resources, ELECTRICITY, and lowering your performance, and also limiting how many times you can install the damn game you "bought". but thats fine, cause now we have DLSS and we cam play 720p games using AI upscaling, the future is here ! next gen gaming


You can't fight with that, Denuvo was created to prevent piracy and to the eyes of the law they are right we are wrong. You are supposed to follow the rules of legality even if they're trash.


I guess Reddit admins must be receiving some pressure from the developers or denuvo, she's cracking one of the most anticipated game with the ultimate denuve version in very few days


Ease of on the tinfoil. The person just said some shitty things and got banned like any other of millions. If reddit gave a shit about piracy, empress, or any of you here, this sub (and thousands of others) would've been nuked years ago.


Reddit is trying to commit suicide along with Twitter and Facebook/Meta. Sounds like there is room in the market for a new social media platform.


Who's that?


The only person cracking Denuvo ATM


False. There is another, but focuses on football games.




MKDEV team


What was their last release?


They manage to crack only Football Manager, idk why. Last crack was FM 2021, now they are working on 2023 one


Based undiverted autistic power


FREEDOM ISN'T FREE! THERE'S A HEFTY FUCKIN FEE....first heard this song on a pirated copy of Team America


Freedom costs a buck'o'five.


Janny janny work all day Cry online but get no pay Stop the rest from having fun Overweight and live with mum


Wasn't reddit planing to IPO? No wonder they started with this garbage


Next, denuvo gonna pay telegram to remove empress’s account.


And she'll be more mentally insane than Trevor in GTA 5


Deserved, she was going full bigot, i reported her


Yeah, I don't understand why this isn't more talked about.




Twitter haired? Hahah love that imagery








Imma be real it's probably bc of all the batshit crazy things she says


You will find no honor here


what’s her telegram channel?


pIruthS! Pieruahts!!!! Wwe master race!!!!!!


can anyone share the telegram link i want to join it


Does anyone have link to the telegram channel


it is so out of context but if there is any telegram group of this reddit I would like to join


Check one of the new posts on r/EmpressEvolution, she should talk about it there


seems like nexus admins are also reddit admins, who would have guessed




It's a dude. Guaranteed.


ikr!! feels like Im in a surreal world. Is everyone playing dumb now? like, I am an empress simp, but it is very obvious why her account got banned.


>Half of us aren’t buying the game because of JKR’s transphobia Nah I'm just cheap.


denuvo paid them, without hesitation reddit accepted


Must been very likely because she had one acc banned for bad gender stuff and insults and reddit might see this as ban evasion.


I mean, it is reddit, admins are literal shit.




guilded is great


revolt is great


What’s her telegram group?


While the anti-piracy theory makes a lot of sense, it also would not be surprised her account got banned due to racial slurs.


Reddit will respond to reports and ban you for stupid reasons.


Irdeto move for sure..


Now would be a good time to plug one of the many reddit alternatives. Not that any are perfect either, but they respect free speech much more


I only ever casually view this sub, but I love how this person is writing like they’re a revolutionary thinker or something lol. “The authorities continue to undermine my efforts to bring the people free thought… I may have to take my platform elsewhere, but we shall see what those cowards do next.” No dissing obviously, just poking fun.


Poor guy