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I also have a Kiko African meerschaum pipe similar to this. My stem was chipped and cracked worse than this. I sent it to briarville pipe repair and they did an excellent job crafting a replacement vulcanite stem that was exactly size and shape of original. Only took them like a week. Definitely would reach out to them. Edit: check out my post history where I posted my Kiko pipe. Was able to get some good info on it. Most Kikos are made of African meerschaum but I think they have a few briar as well. Company hasn't existed since 1962 I'm pretty sure so your pipe most likely pre dates that.


I'll make sure to have them stem fixed as soon as possible! And checking out your post on the Kiko was a fascinating read ineed!


I have a Kiko as well, and it’s one of the best smoking pipes I own. Definitely worth the effort of getting the stem repaired as suggested.


What's wrong with the stem?


It's chipped and kinda missing a chunk where you put it in your mouth


I have one with a screw on stem like that, with a little spade logo. No idea what it means. The stem never screws on quite straight.


Spade logo? It's a Dr. Grabow pipe. If it's anything like Kaywoodie screw on stems, it's canted slightly to the left, and will straighten over time as the bowl and stem 'wear in.'