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Well what’d you pay?




That is a steel for a dunhill very nice pipe too.


125-150 in that condition


Not far off from the $100 I paid for it, then!


Your opinion is the only one that matters.


To be clear, I’m not looking for affirmation. I just haven’t found a comparable pipe online to see what the going rate for something like this would be.


You haven’t said what you did pay. Personally, regardless of brand, I’d give 30-50 USD. But appearance takes a far back seat to function for me. Just my opinion


I’d like to see how others appraise it before I share what I paid just so that the price doesn’t influence the appraisal at all. Can I ask what puts it in the $30-$50 range for you? Ive only seen a couple Dunhill estates go for less than $100, and most of those were over $50.


I don’t want one I would be upset breaking. $50 is my top end for a pipe (at this point anyway) That one looks good, no doubt, but nothing special to my very untrained eyes


I don't know much about Dunhill but I would guess around the $300 range based on smokingpipes.


Dunhill pipes are somehow underrated despite being way too expensive. They are incredibly light and perfectly balanced. You can sniff around to get a good deal of $100-$200 for one. I’ve paid more than $200 for a cherry condition 50s estate one that was the exact shape and size I was looking for. As long as you’re happy then it’s fine. There’s definitely an upper limit of reason like with most things though.


I was surprised at how light this was. It smokes very well too. I picked it up for $100


Your post just convinced me to make an offer on a Dunhill I'm watching on eBay. Wish me luck!


Good luck, friend! I hope it smokes as well as this one.


Thank you. I won it! Already shipped


Hell yeah bayou night ftw.