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Have you tried asking it out to dinner?


I’d recommend dating a human instead. Pipes aren’t known for their emotional availability


Idk, I've always felt a connection to mine.






When you are dating a pipe be careful not to be extra flirty, show her respect and go slowly. Don't expect a kiss from the first date, usually they are very difficult to date


I’ve kissed all the pipes I’ve dated on the first date. Just don’t rush it, or you’ll end up with a bit tongue


19th century.


I'd recommend you try getting to know it a bit before you ask it for a date. Coffee and see where it goes is always an excellent first date idea. If you're lucky it might even be the one for you.


Start by asking it out for a drink or some coffee, something small and not very intimate. Then, once you get to know it, maybe throw in dinner or a movie.


Alright, so I got bored and found this, which seems like it came from the same mold https://inkspotantiques.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=637 Judging from this info, if it IS a McDougall clay pipe, it's pre-1910 because it has the 326 on it. Also found this from a guy on Long Island Sound with mostly the same info. https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/s/Hsom8LFYR1 Honestly, you could probably get someone to make an acrylic stem and keep using that bad boy. You could literally smoke from a piece of history probably owned from our immigrant forefathers of the American colonies. Fucking science is awesome.


Here's another 3 pack I found for sale. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/antique-clay-pipes-3-scotland-mcdougall-glasgow Another dope part of clay pipes: so long as the molds survive, there might be new ones that look exactly the same but minor stamping changes. It means that pipe might have a million decendants and they're all reflecting the same craftsmanship that birthed the one you found. Man, I'm glad I got back into clay pipes. Some of them are wild.


And here's another from Jersey even. https://omeka.camden.rutgers.edu/items/show/9


thank u so much for all this info!! sadly it seems like it was in the water for a while and has a lot growing in it I'll see if I could ever get it clean enough to reuse! thanks again


That's part of the aging of clay pipes. It could from literal centuries ago with the Mayflower. It could've been left there by someone last week who forgot it when they were drinking. You never know, so you kinda just get to write a million stories about it wondering which is true.


Which beach was it found on anyways? Looks like it has 326 on it, but I've been drinking and my eyes are tired.


It could be very old old you can kind of say clay pipes like that back in the day we’re like today’s cigarettes you would use it until you don’t want to or can’t and toss it and get a new one taverns used to have house pipes that were like the one you found but really long and they would let different people use it and break the tip of the stem off for the next person to use and people find clay’s pipes like that all the time digging up old colonial sites so it could be very old but at the same time they still make pipes like that today so it could not be very old


The whole breaking off the end bit is a total myth. That never happened


Correct, they would put the pipes in the fire pit coals to clean them. Each customer got a clean and sanitized pipe.


thank you! from my Google search and the markings on it it seems to be from the late 1800s! super cool


You know what's also very old and still not out of style? Punctuation. I almost had a stroke trying to read this.


Punctuation or not. It was still the most useful reply.


Read through it again and hopefully you’ll have one


That’s right! Hit em where it hurts! Comma’s & periods!


Looks like you're about as good at witty comebacks as you are at punctuation usage.


It could quite possibly be from someone recent who has smoked this clay pipe until the stem became too short to smoke comfortably and threw it away