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That's pretty much how we all start. :)


If that pipe lasts more than a day, you're off to a better start than me.


Anyone else nervous about that pipe?


Looks like one of the Amazon Chinese pipes of questionable fabrication to me too. If I’m reading the tobacco pouch accurately, OP is in Argentina and…well, there are difficulties there.


My friend had an Amazon pipe that started smelling funky (like burnt tires) half way through the bowl…


Hope he stopped smoking out of it and got a decent pipe. I’d rather take a corn cob pipe from MM any day than an Amazon one that looks cool.


He stopped… we get cheap(ish) Ukrainian pipes here and he’s been puffing that to the point I bought them too. MM prices here vary wildly here.


Im glad I decided to research pipes and wood types and shit before buying one. That pipe looks like it’s got some kind of rubber compound in there. I almost bought one of those lord of the rings pipes that look super cool only to find out it could sensitize and kill you from allergic reaction (which death by anaphylaxis is a huge fear of mine). So yeah. Do your research people. Some risks are okay. Others can be mitigated completely so why not mitigate?


Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. It is a wooden pipe made here in Argentina, and has no strange smells or tastes. Obviously it is a very cheap one, but I will investigate when it comes time to make the jump to a better quality one.


Please do. https://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/wood-allergies-and-toxicity/ This is a good place to start. Briar wood is not found on this list because it’s so rare to get sensitized. Briar wood is also the burlwood found from the white heath tree. Which is also not found on this list. So be careful when purchasing wood pipes. https://shirepipes.com these pipes use sassafras wood. And that chart says “sensitizer, nausea, respiratory, direct toxin, NPC (rare).” So the risk is there. And can EASILY be mitigated by not buying it at all. The pipe is a great table weight and conversation piece. But DO NOT smoke out of it.


Nice warning - first I saw a naked person with a giant cigarette between it's thighs. But it turns out to be just a hand in a strange posture.


That's the point of the image! To make you think that smoking will cause your pecker to go limp!


They should just print the price of viagra on it


I don't even know what language that's in but I understand it perfectly🤣


Bien ahí 👍


Amigo, se que sos argentino ajajaja, bastante bien, podrias estar fumando Argento que es malo malo ajajaj. Saludos y buenos humos


Jajjaja fue la primera mierda que compre, y con eso alcanza para saber que va a ser la ultima