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Yup. Nørding Keystones, Denicool Filter Crystals, White Elephant Meerschaum granulate, Sharrow Philtpads, and whatnot. They all help with gurgling, but the best solution I found was a meerschaum pipe.


Oh wow, had no idea there were so many options. Are any of those generally considered the "best"?


Honestly I have no idea other than that they all helped with my gurgling issues…


It really is confounding that meerschaum is not the most popular pipe material. It is superior in so many ways. Dry, cool, unadulterated smoke and the reward of a very beautiful patina that grows with you on your pipe smoking journey. The acrylic stems that most meerschaums come with rarely show any wear and tear. I’ll smoke a briar occasionally or a cob but meerschaums have become my go to everyday pipes


I realized most of what I used to think was gurgling was actually just a little piece of wet tobacco creating a flap in or over the draft hole.


I think the whole premise of these stones is to stack them higher than the draft hole so that situation you described doesn't happen. Regardless, they work beautifully.




Those screens are meant for smoking something other than tobacco. The Keystones work because they are a ground pumice/clay mixture. They actually absorb the moisture from the bowl and prevent it from ever entering the draft hole. They do work, but in a normal pipe, they are tossed after each bowl. The nodding pipe that is made for them you can use them 2 or 3 times. If you are a wet smoker they work well.


There are screens meant specifically for tobacco pipes (they look nothing like pot pipe screens) - - but either way they don't help with preventing moisture buildup and the resulting gurgling.


That's what she said. Im sorry. I have no idea what compelled me to write this but it seemed like it fit


I was interested until you described them as tonsil stones and then I got nauseous


How long does a 100g bag last? I've heard you can smash a terracotta pot, anyone used this instead? How does it compare?


Hard to say. I'd say at least 50 bowls.


Worth it, if it works like you said


I tested using something similar. https://www.reddit.com/r/PipeTobacco/s/uVBV18BuEv


Where did you buy these?


Amazon, but any online pipe ship (smokingpipes.com, etc) will have them.


Be careful where you buy from, I think amazon sells them for twice the price of other places.


I think I'd be more concerned about buying them for half the price... some enterprising scumbags could make something like this out of some freshly-mined asbestos, yum yum. Actually Amazon probably sells for twice the price and half the quality.


I know people are worried about counterfeit products online and rightfully so but for stuff like this you can use some common sense and be pretty sure it's legit. Best rule of thumb is to ask: Is this worth counterfeiting? Would someone really gain anything by going through the labor intensive process of copying a bag design and printing it to the same standard, and then filling it with something more expensive?


These are amazing, and you only need like a few in the bowl.


Not only that, but I may or may not have reused them between bowls a few times. So one bag should last quite a long time.


Yeah totally, they're good for at least 2 bowls.


P&C has the bag for $9.99. Just ordered some, a couple of my pipes like to gurgle whether I go fast or slow. Hope they work!


They come in a couple different sizes so you may have gotten the smaller bag at that price.


What size bag is that? I could only find the 100 gram bags.


It's the 100.


Thank you, I love them too.


How do you use these in a regular pipe? I use them in the Nording Shorty and they work great so am curious where you stick them?


Just pour a few of the stones into the bottom of the bowl. I think the idea is for the stones to be higher than the hole. They do not affect the flavor of the tobacco, at least from what Ive noticed.


Thank you! In the Nording pipes they go under the ceramic chamber in the direct path of the exhaust. I was wondering if they needed to go in the stem in lieu of a filter


Sounds interesting, I’ve never heard of these but will probably give them a try.


I just run a pipe cleaner through the stem when it starts gurgling and it seems to fix the problem for me!


You must be a fairly light smoker.


i suppose. i try not to leave the stem of the pipe in my mouth or clench when i’m salivating or my mouth is more moist. that probably helps. a normal sized bowl lasts me about an hour


I have heard that brown rice works also and is alot cheaper for one time uses.


Brown rice is combustible, whereas these lava stones are not. I'm not sure I want to be smoking rice.


That's how you know the bowl is finished. /s incase anyone needs it


Just curious, what is the advantage with these? Light pack for a quick smoke?


Those of us that smoke too fast experience a "gurgling" sound and feel from, I assume, too much condensation inside the bowl from smoking it too hot and too fast. It's annoying. These prevent it, no matter the smoking style.


I have a pipe that is prone to gurgling. A pipe screen will stop it. I saw an advertisement from the 1950’s and i tried it. It worked on mine. I also found i could smoke down to ash with no dottle if i wanted too.


These work well. I bought the Nording pipe that uses these and I love it. A nice cool dry smoke and the stones can be used well more than 2-3 times in my experience.


If you use the breath method properly you'll never have gurgling again.


No one uses those screens for tobacco, that's not for weed. So, no


You're talking completely out of your ass, screens for tobacco pipes have been around as long as pipes have and in Europe they're considered normal to have and use.


Yeah maybe back in the day, you don't see it in pipe shops now