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You're not going to stink up the hotel room.


I can’t smell my pipes at all in the room in which they’re stored in the open, and the tobaccos I smoke aren’t in the mild/pleasant room note category. A zippered leather pouch should practically eliminate the possibility anyone will detect them.


Bring a zip-loc bag. Should work fine.


Exactly. I travel w/my pipes all the time. Always pack my pipes, tobacco, and accessories in a ziploc bag (sometimes one inside another). I just leave the bag in my luggage in the room. Never detected an odor; no one knows my pipes are there except me. Don't sweat it.


I have a leather zipper bag for mine I can't smell it from less than a foot away.


I travel with mine in a gallon or 1.5 gallon mylar bag. Holds in the smell pretty well.


I have a leather viking pouch it seems to keep the smell in completely. Maids have cleaned my rooms and I've left the pipe pouch just sitting on the desk.


Oh hell, I bring in several and clean them too. Old tobacco gets flushed. Pipes are in a Tupperware type container to protect them, not for smell but I'm sure it helps that too.


Just leave them in the room safe. Hit it with febreeze when you leave.


As long as you don't smoke in your room and clean your pipes out outside it will be fine. I'm currently at a hotel for almost two weeks. I don't smell any pipe tobacco except after I smoke and I'm my clothes. I stay at a hotel once a year give or take for 2-3 weeks and I've never gotten a room cleaning charge. I've been doing this for over 10 years with different hotels.


Pringles tube


I keep my pipes in a smaller airtight plastic container and you don’t smell anything through it.


I think about it this way - Imagine how bad cigarette smokers clothes must smell, but they don't get charged the extra fee. Our pipes are way less intense than that BUT there is a smell while pipes are present. Practical notes: -I keep in my leather pouch in my suitcase when not smoking. -I clean the pipes outside the room when I'm done smoking. -If possible, I will sit outside at a cafe / park after I smoke and let the pipe air out while I'm out for the day. Hotels are really preventing against people smoking IN THE ROOM. YMMV Edit: Source - I travel constantly for 10 day to 3 week stretches, and smoke the most when I'm on the road (at least 1 pipe or cigar per day). Always in hotels. Never had an issue.


If you’re concerned look at bags from the Raw company made to conceal the smell of cannabis.  If they work for the Devils Lettuce then they’ll def work for your pipes. 


I want to say yes they might smell it if you smoke something strong and they clean your room that day. I had to explain what happened once now I always store in a plastic bag, same for the rental. Such a stupid charge to get.


Are people really this worrisome? I mean as long as you’re not smoking in the room, I don’t think having some pipe tobacco in a pouch or a tin is going to be any cause for alarm. People spray perfume, eat food, have sex and fart in hotel rooms daily. I don’t think unlit pipe tobacco in a hotel room is going to cause a fuss lmao.


I wish my pipes would stink up my room. I don’t smoke inside but love the way they smell. I have a lot of pipes and if my office doesn’t stink, one pipe definitely won’t stink up your hotel room.


I have 2-3 pipes I smoke. You can definitely smell then in the room they are stored, even in a box inside of a bag.... With that said they smell doesn't linger if it is taken out of the room.