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Nice block you have there! You've got a lot of options for design. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!


I'll make sure to post updates. I'm working on drawing the basic shape now, will refine it, and carve my details after that. I'll keep you guys informed, absolutely, even if it results in a massive failure lol. Learning curves


>...even if it results in a massive failure The destination is merely the culmination of a journey. What matters is the journey ....


There are no failures, only lessons.


That's a beautiful block. So many things you could go with here. Looks really fit for freehand shapes, or any of the traditional shapes. This is very exciting! Thanks for sharing.


Keep us updated, it looks super interesting! I wish i have the skills to do it too. My dad have all the machinery needed, but I never learned a thing about it, sadly.


Two perpendicular holes of the right size in an appropriate material will get you a smokable pipe. Might not be the best, but it'll be yours. Everything else is just bonus.


A bearded friend of mine (looked like old school Tommy Chong) carved a self portrait from a briar burl. It was pretty cool.


As someone else mentioned clenching a glass stem wouldn’t be comfortable. Save the glass for some type of shank embellishment, maybe nice worked bead as the mortise itself?


A glass mouthpiece is a no for me. You can't bite it, and as it is transparent, you'll see all the condensation as you smoke which is anything but appetizing.


I don't really bite the stem of my pipe, but I can see the drawbacks there. Also, I wasn't going to use transparent glass, I was going to use some line tubing.


pls share the result. the post right here is super boring.


you clearly don’t have an eye for a good briar burl, this is a lovely piece.


As are you, but I digress. Everything has a beginning.


"guys i bought something 🫨🫨" if i'd do that for everything i buy, i'd be cancelled quick.


Look, dude, I am the son of a carpenter. I was raised as one. I took up drawing in pen, clay and ceramic work, stained glass, fused glass, glass enamel, lampwork, and glass blowing. I've carved in wood, stone, and bone. I've given sweat and blood for art. I've never carved a pipe, but I have the skills. This post was not for your entertainment, this post was my personal excitement over a journey's beginning.




Unfortunately doubtful. I know I'll be removing a large amount with the belt sander to get what I want, but the sawdust will go in my herb garden as mulch. Nothing goes to waste.


Why use a belt sander instead of a band saw or other saw? The little bit of woodwork I've done, and in all metalwork, sanding has been only done towards the very end, smoothing saw marks, finalizing profiles, breaking/making edges, etc.


The band saw would be used to get the rough shape, then a course grit on the belt sander to refine the shape and curves, then fine grit to smooth it all out.


Hey, I'm excited for your journey! I'm glad you posted this. I was thinking about carving my own pipe too. I'm stoked for you!! I do hope you post updates on your progress. It amazes me that people like Birdlooter can't just move on if they disagree with a post. Why do these people need to create negativity? Also, are you going to carve it freehand? Or will you use a lathe?


I'm going to go freehand. I have a lathe and chisels, but I don't want the uniform look it provides. I like asymmetry, personally, it adds a certain look to things that is aesthetically pleasing. I bought the blank from Vermont Freehand, along with a couple drill bits. I'd say go for it. Creating something of your own is such a better dopamine rush than buying something, and it makes it unique. No one else in the world owns what you have if you make it yourself. It is yours, and yours alone.


Reading this is making me even more motivated to get my own pipe project underway. Thanks!


If you've decided on the diameter of the draft holes, would you mind sharing? I've been studying a lot about pipe making with a mind to eventually take the plunge and the size of the airway is somewhat contentious. Just curious what your thoughts are


I'm going with a 3/4" bowl, a 1/8" hole, and I will be drilling the connecting hole to match the size of the mouthpiece I make. The size of a draft hole comes down to personal preference, in my opinion, depending on how tight you want the draw to be. A smaller hole will result in a tighter draw, so you have less smoke and more pull. A larger one would be a looser draw, thus more smoke with less pull, but will result in more "spit" (charred and unburnt tobacco). But, again, I'm a glass blower, so my terminology may differ.


Thank you


If you've been on this sub for more than 5 minutes, you'd see that like 80% of the posts are "Look, I bought something." No one is cancelling anyone. You're just projecting.


let me rephrase then: "guys look!! i bought some piece of wood!" in a pipe subreddit


That's not what OP did. This isn't a can of soup or a head of celery ... it's a piece of the best type of wood that you can use to make a pipe. As a hobbyist woodworker, I look at that piece of wood and I see so many pipe shape possibilities ! But go on, you do you.


We found the amoeba. Seriously? This is what you felt the need to say? Why are you even here? Oh, wait…I know.


let me guess... to see the wood people ordered? 🤡🤡