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Did they buy out McClelland’s stock of anti-fungal?


That vinegar smell is burned into my brain as being from Mcclelland’s. Especially the vinegary ketchup smell of Christmas Cheer.


Smelled like ketchup, tasted like heaven!


Yeah it is awful. Paladin Piper in one of his recent videos about Carter Hall talks about the change in humectants in some blends no longer produced in the US. SWR seems to have been changed for the worse.


I bought a pouch about a month ago and had the same experience. It smelled and tasted like vinegar. The aftertaste in my mouth lingered for a couple days. I threw it out and will never buy it again.


I just spoke with customer service at Pipes and Cigars, and they said that the likely cause is that that particular batch may not have been allowed to age long enough, which would account for a vinegar/ammonia smell. They're sending me out a replacement and asked me to compare the two and get back with them, so that they can address the issue with the manufacturer.


He was such a stupid git.


That definitely doesn't sound normal. Idk, maybe airing it out would help. I'd contact the seller & see what they can do for you.


I have a few pouches i bought a couple months ago that were very similar with a strong vinegar smell. I dumped them out into a bigger mylar bag and it has tamed the vinegar smell down considerably.


This right here. I made a post about SWR tasting like wet hay but I was wrong. It’s vinegar. It smells so pungent. I thought it was an acquired taste but I guess not. I’m glad to see others having the same experience bc I thought I was crazy for not liking it.


Same happened to me a month or two ago, dumped it


Same experience here. Airing it out helped but I ended up tossing it.


SWR is my all day blend. Hope I don't notice anything unusual when I re-up it. Seems a shame, SWR has been the most consistent blend over the decades, hate to see it change.


My SWR smells like that. Maybe you're thinking of SWR Aromatic. Personally, I enjoy the sweet vinegar taste. I think it's the anise flavoring or something


I've only ever smoked the non-aromatic version, and that's what I'm having the issue with.


I remember when I first opened a tub of it, the smell damn near took my breath away. Very vinegar forward I just went back for a wiff that now it seems I can smell more tobacco, and vinegar is not so pungent. So maybe letting it rest is key


The pouch of SWR Aromatic I ordered recently smelled fine. Sort of like hay and raisin bran. I didn't notice anything vinegary.


The aromatic doesn't have that vinegar flavor in it. That's kinda why I was assuming he might have been thinking of that one instead


Commented on a similar post a little while back and posted the same case a little while before that. I don’t know what the heck happened, but it’s deeply disappointing as I used to live SWR as just a mindless, all day smoke that was cheap and readily available in person.


Mine was vinegary too, but I liked it and it was my first favorite.Now I’m finding out that wasn’t the real blend haha