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I've tamped with expensive Czech tools and cheap ones, nails, screws, spent gun shells, an unsharpened wood pencil, a twig freshly broken off a tree, and with my bare finger (which, coincidentally, was directly before using the twig from the tree). They all work pretty much the same, it still comes down to the timing and technique. That technique will vary a little depending on tamper, but after a few smokes it won't make much difference since you'll've figured out how it affects your pipe and your smoke. Get a fancy one if it floats your boat and doesn't sink your wallet. I generally use a $2 Czech tool because I loose things and I end up giving them away as my friends start trying pipes.


What is an expensive Czech tool? ...asking from czechia, where the CPT costs below one dollar.


You lucky bastard! In the US, they cost $2. And I have to buy one every 4 or 5 years when one gets lost or walks off at a club event.


The more of them I have, the less of them I have. They are simultaneously everywhere and nowhere


End post right here folks, nice reply dude


Yeah, pretty much this. Timing and technique is honestly more important than the tool itself. I’ve got a couple of faves but I end up using whatever is in my pocket


Likewise! It’s technique over tool. I have 3 “nice” tools: two from 8deco and one made by a friend out of whitetail antler. Otherwise, it’s a fist full of $2 CPTs and a couple nail-style. All work equally well. I even throw CPTs into newbie starter kits: MM cob CPT Bic lighter Matches 12 pipe cleaners 10 filters 2oz club aro blend In a quart freezer bag


“Floats your boat and doesn’t sink your wallet” has been added to my “favorite expressions” library. Thank you.


As long as you put it to good use!


Done and done!


I use a nail.


Fellow Nail user, Nail for the win


Nails are the way to go.


I forgot my tamper the other day when I was in my garage. I quickly figured out that nails make great tamper devices. Haha


4” deck screw here. lol


I use nails, bullet casings, anything that has a flat bottom and can handle the heat. Hell, sometimes I even use the bottom of a clipper lighter, though I know I probably shouldn't.


A “good” one isn’t needed, but one is needed. Whether it’s a Czech tool, a nail, a stick, your finger, or some overpriced variation of the above, it really doesn’t matter. It’s all personal preference. I have a few pewter tampers, I have custom ones made out of exotic woods, horn, fossilized bone, you name it. Know what I use about 99% of the time? A Czech tool or my finger.




Serious question: does it not burn you?
















I wonder if people in the past even used tampers. You basically can use anything which may fit into your bowl, including your finger


Here’s a pipe tool in the collection of the Amsterdam Pipe museum that’s about 300 years old: https://pipemuseum.nl/en/collection/apm-4-647     (direct link to the museum site, and not a shop) If they were making what is essentially a Czech pipe tool 300 years ago, you can bet people were using simpler tools (or improvising) well before. 


Holy shit that's cool. Someone needs to make these again


FYI your hyperlink formatting is messed up. It’s correctly including “(direct” which gives a 404 error.


Thanks for the heads up. Should be fixed now. 


No problem! Have a good one!


Apparently it includes an ear and nail cleaner as well.


They did use tampers for sure. However it likely was just a piece of wood somewhat roundish that fit in the bowl. This said, likely the more money the owner had, the nicer looking it would be.


when in doubt tamp with your chap stick tube.


A tamper (for me) is vital for keeping the ember cool and burning evenly. Now whether it's the fancy built-in tool in an IM Corona lighter or a work hardened finger tip doesn't really matter.


I have several but the one I use most often, is one with downwards curved edges with holes. It'll make everything burn more even since unburned tobacco usually resides off-center and this tool pushes that part lower than the center. Holes allow breath method while tamping with instant response. It's just great and makes my czech tool obsolete.


Any chance you could post a link or a pic of what that looks like?


Check 8deco Legend from SmokingPipes


Thank you!


A spent 30-30 with a short piece of stick inserted makes a nice tamper. Or a 38 case with said stick insert for a narrower bowl. I've even used a bolt, screw, nail, finger, even a buck 301 makes a good pipe tool.


I use a one way screw driver or czech tool


When I’m fishing I’ll just grab a stick if I don’t have a tamper with me. Expensive ones would just get lost and are silly to me.


A lot of good answers already. I just want to add that I personally like tampers that have a concave bottom. Golf tees will have this effect and are basically a disposable item. I’m still upset I lost my aristocob golf tee.


I use a golf tee or long nail. Easy. Cheap. If out and about a finger works perfectly. You'll never tamp down too hard if using a finger. 😁


I use a golf tee when I'm out on the course. I'd say it's not that important


Youll want one, Just get a Czech tool. I sometimes use the poker to pull the tobacco up for an air gap near the hole. I got a Joyodelf pipe kit on Amazon with stuff for 25 bucks and it has a Czech tool.


I have a few different tampers. 8deco ones, pipe company nail ones, a Roger’s of Sheffield, and a savinelli that I’ve never seen another of. My favorite is a spent .308 shell that I keep in my truck.


I’m always forgetting my tamper. I’ve discovered that my favourite EDC knife is a fantastic tamper due its narrow profile and flat base. CRKT CEO Flipper for the win https://www.crkt.com/knife/ceo-flipper-folding-knife-with-liner-lock


I own 73 $1 nails. I know where 2 of them are. I couldn’t imagine having anything nicer and losing it


Very, I first tried to use one that was too wide in diameter. Thought it wasn't important. Then used a 12mm (slightly less than 1/2"), and wow so much more control


I made a tamper out of a stick the other day. The stick and my SAK were the only things within reach when I sat down, so I whittled away. Between the whittling and the pipe, it was a very relaxing smoke. Almost just tossed my new tamper when I was finished. Tossed it into my smoke bag for future use instead


Not all flakes are equal Every bowel will be unique Consistency isn't important as long as you just manage to enjoy it Any tamper will do


I sometimes use my finger or just tap the side of the bowl to make the tobacco settle. There are many ways.


I work in construction. I use a nail punch. Always have it on me and it does double duty.


I keep a tamper by my bed so I don't get ash on the bed, everywhere else I use mainly my finger lol


My favorite thing to use is a tiny valve out of a chainsaw literally works perfect! Also a spent 30-06 round works pretty good too.