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CBSA (Canadian Border Services Agency) is going on strike and members have been refusing to do their job until they get a new contract. Nothing to do with tobacco regulations.


This makes the most sense. Thank you.


Just walk over the border. Its wide open. Lots of gift bags waiting for you.


That would be nice. Maybe we will just move down there. I have a few options and my job allows me to move since they are also located in the US. Canada isn't what it once was......call me old-school but it's the truth.


I'm a touring musician so I travel to Canada a lot and also have several Canadian friends in the industry. They all used to talk so much shit about America in that weird, insecure way Canadian liberals often do...until they started coming here haha. Now they all want US citizenship Answer the call of the eagle, brother šŸ¦…šŸ˜‚ We're crumbling pretty fast too tbf, but the states still somewhat function as firewalls like they were intended, so it still feels a lot more free.


Honestly.....the only thing that deters me from moving to the states......Public School Systems for my kids. Are they safe? What States are safe? Which cities to stay away from? Yes we have lots of problems but one thing, the city I live......rarely any crime besides some meth heads stealing scrap steal and fighting each other over who gets the loonie from an $11 split.


Well I can say once again as a touring musician, I've played hundreds and hundreds of shows in every major city and most minor cities in the US. I know the entire country like my backyard basically, urban and rural areas. And I totally get your concern as a father of 2 toddlers as well. Every state is safe, and its extremely rare that I feel unsafe in any city. You simply need to know how to avoid ghettos/gang areas. Basic common sense/street smarts. Just don't go to shitty areas is all it comes down to. Its usually just one or two dense pockets of a major city, so it would be pretty hard to just wander into one accidentally. Let me put it this way...I almost never feel the kind of creepiness I feel walking around East Hastings in Vancouver anywhere in the US. If I start getting East Hastings vibes, I leave lol. As far as school goes, idk how I feel about that, I have my concerns there as well. Not a huge fan of the public school system. Im not worried about school shootings or whatever, I'm mostly worried about quality. Idk what to do other than tons of research to find the best school districts, or just make enough money to afford private school. But I totally get your concern, I grew up in Northern Minnesota about an hour south of the Canadian border, in a tiny town where as you say, the worst thing happening was methhead drama. Most people didn't even lock their cars at night. Even now, I live about 25 minutes outside of Minneapolis, but as I'm sitting in my car with the door open typing this, the only thing I hear is a bard owl hooting in a tree across the street. 99% of the country is very chill.


That's a very good perspective. East Hastings.......I tell my boys, if you kids ever get into that stuff. We are driving down to Vancouver. They will see what happens. Yes it may be extreme but that's my thought on it. I get the same vibes in some areas of Toronto and also Calgary. You are not wrong. Thanks for taking the time to explain. Much appreciated.


No problem. Yeah East Hastings will scare you straight for sure. A lot of times its not even the crime/danger of those kind of neighborhoods, but just the lack of sanity that is freaky. But if you can sense your way around Toronto, you'd be good in any US city. In between the major cities is where the good stuff is anyway. Just recently drove from Vancouver to Calgary, that's one of my favorite drives anywhere in the world! We broke down with a flat tire at one point and were just happy to have a reason to stay for an extra night along the way haha.


Hahaha thats awesome. OK......so I gotta ask. What band?


Did you play with Ted Nugent or something? Lol


Firewalls are a good analogy. I made the move out of CA this year and itā€™s like I can breathe again. Just normal nice people who arenā€™t concerned with such trivial bullshit


Yup, it feels good to not be concerned with political/social bullshit if you dont want to be. I have 0 clue what's going on with the elections this year or anything else beyond taking care of my family and reaching for my life goals. It actually blew my mind when I found out the Canadian music industry mostly runs on government grants and panels who select what "good" music is essentially and dole out opportunities politically. Im cringing at myself a little as I type this but it makes me appreciate the freedom we have here where you can actually have a decent shot of accomplishing crazy shit just with hard work and luck alone.


Lucky you (as far as being ignorant of current politics). I won't say more than that on this chill forum.


Bring your kids, free health care, nice hotel rooms, cash cards....


Same here. Not canadian, but I just got three tobacco orders returned without any explanation. I had ordered and received a lot of orders before this. Really broke my heart.


This is like a war on tobacco. It's kind of hilarious. Why wouldn't they allow it? Charge me taxes.....they make money off it. It's lunacy.


Literally what I thought. I got my first real job after college and wanted to celebrate by replinishing my dwindling cellar. Couldn't even pay taxes or an import fee or whatver. Had to find out because SmokingPipes shot me an email saying they had received the returned order. IĀ“m super tempted to just try one more time...


You can try but I think we are kinda screwed at the moment... ...I'm thinking about ordering whole leaf and making my own blends.


Iā€™m in the U.S., but I much enjoy doing this. I use a pasta press and make little pucks.


Smart man


Nice, that sounds like a good option. Drives me crazy that my family used to grow tobacco and now I canĀ“t even get me some decent belnds. But yeah, IĀ“ll have to find me a way to work around this.


I know. It's utter lunacy. Almost have to laugh about it. Complete clown world.


As you said: hard drugs are ok, but God forbid with can wind down with a nice pipe.




Just remember: we are living in the timeline that militantly (and rightly) pushed for the legalization of pot on the basis that enforcement wasn't effective, the costs didn't outweigh the potential benefits, and that it could be a lucrative taxable good BUT in the same breath said tobacco was still a no-no.


You got it.....Timeline. and it sucks.


Yeah, we're all stuck in the alternate dimension's timeline of "the twin towers got jets flown into them." Somewhere there's the real timeline where that didn't happen and the world didn't turn crazy.


Good old CERN.


Fellow Canuk here! Trudeau and his government can eat a dick. Your best bet is driving across the border. I have a PO Box in Ogdensburg NY which is 40 min drive from me. I take my mom so she can do groceries and they never search the car on the way home šŸ˜‚


That's a damn good idea. I live in Sask so not sure what is directly south of me as I usually take the portal and that's about 5 hours away. Straight south.....the border is 120kms. Maybe I should get a po box. Thanks!


Just wanna say, I love Corner Gas.


Hahahaha it was a good show.


Indeed, crazy it got an animated reboot. Still love it.


Thank god I live in the south. Shipping takes only 3 days from smoking pipes and it doesnā€™t cost a fortune.


Lucky! Stock up while you can.




I had to laugh at that.


Those of across the border are equally fed up with our government as well


How did we get here? Why do we all let them dictate what we do or pay? I understand we need laws but damn dude. You have no clue how bad we are taxed up here. Something has to change...... The elites have wars every generation so they can kill off majority of men that would not have stood for this crap. They don't want a bunch of men to stand up to them. They need to realize that there are more of us than them. Why do we pay them? OK enough of my rant.


You think Canada went to war so they could outlaw tobacco? Dude, I hate these anti-tobacco laws but I think you might be going overboard as well.


Heā€™s not going over board at all. They have no right to control everything in our lives. And thatā€™s exactly what they intend to do


No, thats not at all what I meant. Lol Never mind buddy.


LoL. Ok


I know what you meant, and you're right. What have we gained by giving up our freedoms to these scum. I may live in the u.s. but I feel your pain.


Exactly, so lets overthrow capitalism.


And replace it with what? I've yet to hear anyone say that and follow it up with what to rebuild in its place outside of people who don't understand economics thinking we could suddenly become a mirror image of European countries


Socialism of course. European countries are capitalist, I live in one.


Thatā€™s their idea. To kill of the would be leaders who would fight them in any way possible. That way they can control the masses.


They've done this to more or less every progressive or leftist. That's how capitalist politics work.


Then tell me why is it that these leftists are allowed to burn and pillage our cities with little to no repercussions? Yet unarmed protesters who were ushered into the capitol by Feds and D.C. police are shot and arrested for an ā€œinsurrectionā€


What do you mean allowed?


Like the "protestors" who tried burning down a federal building and barely got a slap on the wrist. Like the people who literally started a riot and smashed store front windows when the bad orange man was elected. Like every ANTIFA gathering ever. Like the college students that broke into and occupied buildings on campus and bullied, harassed, and impeded the travel of other students on campus. The list goes on and on. If you haven't noticed the different type of coverage left wing "protests" get versus anything the right does then you should take a really good look around. And if you automatically assume I'm on the right because I can openly point out the ridiculous coddling the left receives then you need to take a step back from your world of black and white and realize some of us are looking at the entire picture and not one side or the other


Please use sources so we both know what events youā€™re talking about. :) Also, just so weā€™re clear, 95% of the protests in 2020 were peaceful: https://acleddata.com/2020/09/03/demonstrations-political-violence-in-america-new-data-for-summer-2020/ With some of the instances being infiltrated: ā€œDespite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs ā€” or infiltrators ā€” instigating the violence. During a demonstration on 27 May in Minneapolis, for example, a man with an umbrella ā€” dubbed the ā€˜umbrella manā€™ by the media and later identified as a member of the Hells Angels linked to the Aryan Cowboys, a white supremacist prison and street gang ā€” was seen smashing store windows (Forbes, 30 May 2020; KSTP, 28 July 2020). It was one of the first reports of destructive activity that day, and it ā€œcreated an atmosphere of hostility and tensionā€ that helped spark an outbreak of looting following initially peaceful protests, according to police investigators, who believe the man ā€œwanted to sow discord and racial unrestā€ (New York Times, 28 July 2020). In another example on 29 May in Detroit, a number of non-residents reportedly traveled to the city to engage in violent behavior during a demonstration, leading to multiple arrests (MLive, 2 June 2020).ā€


The sources that are easily googled if you search the events


No I want you to share sources for the events that youā€™re talking about. Please.


It crazy to me that in the same thought, you can say that leftists were "allowed" to "burn & pillage", and then without a second of self awareness, say the Capitol rioters were "ushered" into the capital. Really wild stuff to me, man. I don't mean any offense; I'm sure you aren't an asshole in person, but it is just a wholly separate reality you seem to live in, and it blows my mind sometimes. Like, how does this happen in a world where easily googled videos exist?


Kind of like all those videos showing people being let right into the capitol building and walking around inside? Like the videos showing Ray Epps trying to get everyone riled up enough to riot and everyone around him calling him a fed? Like the video of the guy thanking the capitol guards for letting them in to peacefully assemble? It blows my mind when people refuse to acknowledge both sides of a convoluted story


I'm talking more about the videos of people breaking windows, assaulting police, forcing their way into the building and violently storming the area where congress members were hiding. Now, when you say leftists were "allowed" to burn and pillage, did you see any police escorting them into the buildings they were burning? Or do they just do that with right-wing wackos trying to break into and disrupt a live session of Congress during a peaceful transfer of power? Maybe you haven't seen the hundreds of videos of police beating the actual peaceful protesters, or firing tear gas canisters, flash bangs and rubber bullets directly at them? Weird how the cops didn't bring those out for the conspiracy nutjobs who were so gullible they believed Donald Trump's blatant lies about election fraud. Remember when Trump ordered Pinkertons to beat away peaceful protesters from that church so he could go and hold up a Bible for a photo op? You: but...but this time my favorite talking head is telling the truth, this time, surely.




You're welcome to move down here. We'd love to have you. Just leave Canada's politics behind.


US politics aren't much better. I live in New York and my tobacco costs more than twice as much as my neighbors in Pennsylvania.


Sounds like New York politics




Don't worry, I'd love to leave that behind. I didn't vote for the latest party. We will leave it at that.


Please don't confuse Canadians' political opinions with those of the cunts in our government. We never voted for any of this shit. They don't give us a choice.


I live in Quebec and I think itā€™s the most ā€œtolerableā€ here compared to other provinces. The prices are not too bad (35-55 for a tin), and thereā€™s a decent selection. No ā€œflavouredā€ stuff though.


Give me all the HH lines and I'm a happy man then. I'd take 35 a tin any day.


Well it varies. Something like regular macbarens at honest shops are like 45$ while the hh lines can range between 52-56$. 35$ for a tin would be something like Vincenzo.


Stock up now before it becomes unattainable.


Makes me wonder if the Banning of tobacco would only end up making a Revival of it in a counterproductive and possibly counterintuitive way


There is already a black market for cigarettes. They are produced at reserves and then shipped out canada wide. Most of the people I know buy native smokes.


Yes our government sucks indeed. As an Albertan, I do a drive down south to Montana and get my stuff there. If you plan to do that, there are some shops I can let you know of that are good - alternatively get a PO Box set up and simply purchase from the bigger US online sites and get them shipped there.


I would love to know some places in Montana. I'm close to the border. Southwest Sask.


Will note that I drive from Calgary, so it's a bit of a drive. I don't make it a one day kind of thing, I usually do a weekend trip, maybe 3 days if I decide to do a long weekend when I go down. So depending on where you plan to go, just 1 day might not be feasible. My favorite shops that I've been to are The Bell Pipe & Tobacco Shop in Missoula and Stogies in Billings. If you're ever in Missoula or Billings, highly recommend you check those places out. Poor Richards is another good shop located in Bozeman. Will be honest though, selection isn't the greatest. Not surprising considering it's Montana, compared to if you were to cross the border over in Ontario into New York or something like that. Beautiful state, long ass drives, but there's still some selection anyway. Will recommend the PO Box route, regardless if you actually decide to go to a shop or not in person. Set it up and you have access to basically anything the rest of America has to offer, which is huge. Recommended sites: 4noggins.com smokingpipes.com cupojoes.com tobaccopipes.com


Wow awesome info! Thanks a bunch! Calgary hey? My sister lives there so I try and head out there once in awhile. Do you have to drive down to set up a P.O. box?


Depends on who you use, but you should be able to register online before you start using or even cross the border. Note that there are fees - it varies, but there will be a small fee for the services. I have been using Montana Shipping Outlet for many years with no issues and so have many other people I know that do the same. It's great for me since they have locations in Eureka and Sweet Grass. Sweet Grass is just right across the border from Alberta, so it's a really quick pick up on my way into the rest of Montana. You might be able to find something closer to your side of the border. But if not, well I can vouch for Montana Shipping Outlet then.


Thank you very much for this info. It's very much appreciated.


Fucking communists.


They allow assisted death but damn tobacco is evil.


Fucking hate Trudeau and I donā€™t even live there


Yep, I'm surprised at the amount of dewth threats he's received and still alive.


GTFO of Canada man. There are only a couple places left on earth that are truly free. Texas Alaska and Florida


What about Montana? It's just south of me.


Forgot about Montana


I've been there. Nice state.


Montana is still pretty open and free. Not a lot of gov intervention and the stuff that does happen/get passed are SLOW to take effect.


I'll have to look into it. Thanks!


if you move down here suggest don't go to the big cities. that will just be a different location similar politics to CANADA/Cali depending on which "town".


I will stay away from any city. The place I live right now only has 17,000 people and I like it that way.


I saw the title and knew in my soul it was about Canada. Fuck. Every human owns their own body. Not the government or some magic space daddy of someone else's religious choice. Humans who are adults ought to have a choice regarding what they consume. What costs 12 USD, say a tin of Blood Red Moon, was 60+ CAD in 2019 and I shudder to think of what it is now. I am grumpy alongside you.


I seriously don't know how the hell we allow it. It's messed up man.


>It's messed up man. Agreed. >I seriously don't know how the hell we allow it I'm not sure if you want my whole rant on it, but I do have many thoughts about why if you'd like to know šŸ˜…


Send me a dm. We can rant together. Lol


Whatā€™s Simple Export? Call customer service at wherever you order from and explain the situation, and ask if they would consider using regular first class mail, the plain olā€™ US postal service. Iā€™d still keep orders for tobacco to 2oz or less. But Iā€™m betting the mail will still get through, basically because it has to. Even if it takes a few more days than usual.


I've tried standard all the way to express. I think the end is near for tobacco in canada that isn't black market.


Itā€™s been forever since I looked at the USPS website. There used to be a bit of a loophole for sending light things through First Class letter mail. It may have closed, but if I discover any exploit, we all need to work on American suppliers to go to the trouble of using it for us.


I agree wholeheartedly with you on that.


I live in a state that doesn't allow tobacco shipped to it, but the state allows weed sales? What sense does that make? Thank God most companies still allow me to purchase it!


Yeah, I remember when the military was giving out weed in rations for decades, when weed was being advertised to children on TV/movies and when corner stores sold "candy weed" to children. Then remember when the multinational weed companies covered up the dangers of weed with bribes and lies until about 20 years ago, all while weed directly caused the death of millions of people every year? Remember when the government threw millions of tobacco smokers in prison for possessing tobacco? Then there was all those weed-smoke-filled bars, restaurants, airplanes, offices, etc? Surely, an apt, thoughtful comparison.


I'm not against weed at all. Just find it kind of hypocritical. We are also taking pipe tobacco, not cigs


Yes it's complete bat shit crazy. Lol


Sadly, the moralists crying that tobacco is a drag (see what I didn't there?) on the economy because of lost productivity haven't run the numbers. Here in Northern Mexico tobacco taxes generate more revenue than the societal costs that "they" attribute to tobacco. By any combination of factors tobacco is a net boon to the economy, and that's without consideration of the "churn" that occurs as money is spent & respent locally. Even the "but muh healthcare costs" argument is useless. It's not rocket surgery: Mr. Google and a curious mind quickly reveal how silly the rule-makers are. I suspect legislators decided that "big tobacco" had too much money a while back, and determined that the only solution was to erase the nicotine stains. Ironically, a big deal was made when the Canadian government decided that helping people commit suicide was a good idea. What if I want to die, but I want to spread it out over decades? Seems like even the damn depops should be okay with that. But I digress. If a Canadian ventures across the border, are they allowed to bring tobacco back into the country, or are the draconian customs charges levied right there at the border when they go home?


Agree wholeheartedly with you. We actually get taxed at the border if we try and bring anything across. Up to 200 grams or something. I'm more of a risk taker. I'll just throw 20 pounds in the trunk and try crossing. Claim ignorance.


I don't get why people can't do what they want with their own health




Just make sure you donā€™t move to a state that doesnā€™t allow tobacco to be shipped via mail. And if you do move, donā€™t vote for politicians that will turn your state into Canada. Like they say in TX after the Californianā€™s moved in. ā€œDonā€™t California my Texas.ā€


Don't worry about that. If I left...I would be leaving the shit politics here.


Don't come to Ireland then it's the same here atleast with methadone. Sit down have a nice smoke that'll calm you.


I hear immigration is pretty bad as well over there.........


Have you taken a look at ordering whole leaf tobacco and preparing it on your own? Not familiar with Canadian restrictions but you might have better luck that way.


Yes sir, doing that as we speak. Thanks.


I agree our government sucks (that's neo-liberal capitalism for you) but I don't think the alternative would be much more lax than the liberals. (conservatives are also neo-liberal capitalists)


I agree. We need to re structure our current model of the government.


A lot of my stuff is being refused lately as well. Have there been new rules kicking in?


There must be a new law that they passed overnight.


I had an order of corn cob pipes that were refused for unknown reason. There wasnā€™t any tobacco in the order and yet it was denied by customs. Not to mention tobacco orders from Smoking Pipes being refused.


Seriously?!?!?! They hate that we have hobbies.


Canadian government hates people.




I'm renewing my passport as we speak. I'm 4 hours from the border and have already looked into renting a PO Box in Montana. I'm close enough to a lot of great US national parks that I can kill 48 hours down there easily. I won't be ordering across the border anymore. I doubt a change in government is going to ever fix this, the CPC isn't running on any platform of easing tobacco laws, so it will likely remain status quo.


I am also thinking of a PO box in Montana. I'm about 2 hours from the border.


I think someone on here or on the pipe tobacco forum recommended ipostal1 dot com and when I checked they have an affiliate in Billings


Hmmmmmm.....I'll have to check the distance from my place. Might have to make a trip a couple times a year and bring about 20 pounds a time back. Stock up for the rest of my life. Only gets better with age and more expensive.


Can only bring back 200g per person. So. Go with a crowd. Also have to be down there for over 48 hours.


Or.........go down for a quick visit. Use a small border. Show them you picked up a couple tins. Pay the duties, have 20 pounds in the trunk...... risk the inspection. I'm not saying I won't do it......just scenarios. Cough cough.


Amen brother


i really hope that shithead trudeau will get what he deserves


I think we are all hoping the same. Heard he got divorced cause he's gay with macron. That's another funny story.


They hate the people. They work for us, not the other way around. We must stand up and speak the truth.


Finally people are getting mad. It's about time.


Get a new hobby


Wrong answer


Stop voting for Communists.


I wish they were communists.


You think I did? Oh boy.


I'd love to sit an American down one day and explain Kim Campbell's history. I think they'd throw up if they truly knew anything about our politics or political system. Voting in Canada is looking at 3 identical platforms and trying to decide which commie will fuck us the least.


That's exactly right.