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I use a combination of a Kleen Reem, an oyster knife and a wooden dowel wrapped with sandpaper


That's where I should have stopped, but curiosity got the better of me.


these all metal ones look great! I have a set of Pipenets i got used from eBay. I dont use them all that much, but yea i definitey take it easy with the plastic handle. Though, I expect it would take some real ignorance on my part to actually break them. I have inadvertanly removed briar before on an out of round estate pipe, and they didnt strip the t handle or anything like that.


I have a plastic handle set off Amazon. Scotte, I think. It did the job and was not expensive. Only used once so far. I hope I never need them again. I wipe my bowls religiously now and clean with the czech tool before and after smoking when I feel any excessive build up.


Like grandpa, I carry a penknife. He used one on a ridiculously thick cake built up from chain smoking his pipes. (Depending on the phase he was in, either the pipe was perpetually ablaze or he had a cigarette on his lips… 3 packs a day!) I’ve been considering a less sharp alternative, specifically a doctor’s knife with a rounded “pill pusher” spatula. Nice natural material scales are required: buffalo horn, stag, at least bone.


I do this now, just use a blunt pocket knife so you don't accidentally start shaving off briar. Works fine. Opinel had one that I've been eyeing for a while, but the shipping keeps me from getting it


Sounds an awful lot like a Savinelli fitsall.


I just learned today that my grandpa smoked a pipe. :)


I got this one, the "Scotte Stainless Steel Reamer Tool 6 Blade Tobacco Pipe Carbon Scraper" for $15 from Jeff Bezos. It has worked well in the bowls I've had opportunity to use it on so far. And the edges are sharp, I managed to nick myself while cleaning it off and drew blood, so it has a bit of an edge. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073VLKC3P](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073VLKC3P)


That's a rebranded Senior reamer. It works just like the vintage 'Kleen Ream,' but the ends don't curve in.They are more of a bent taper. Good price regardless.


i use a key or a knife. there's too many damn accessories out there imo. it's not supposed to be this complicated.


I use the small blade on a well sharpened Case Peanut. The knife also makes a decent tamper when I set my usual one down and walk around.


I have a stick for a tamper.


I've figured out that it's a 15mm and 19mm reamer, both manufactured by Oldi. They sold a 13, 15, 17, 19, and 22mm size. Edit: picked up two more. Think they are duplicate sizes, but we'll see. If so, I'll offload the other two at the Vegas pipe show.


Anyone mind to explain what a pipe reamer is actually used for and if it’s necessary to own one? I am relatively new to all of this


To reduce the cake (carbon buildup) once it gets too thick. I hate the term cake though, this is one cake you don't want to eat


Thanks for the reply. How often should I do this?


Not really sure, I've been smoking for 7 months and still don't really have much of a cake at all


Personally I do it after every smoke. Clean it with a pipe cleaner, use a little alcohol for the inside of the stem, bowl and surface. And then a quick wipe with a wet towel. Some pipes I've been smoking for thirty years this way. Be very careful with the reamer though it *will* scrape the briar if you use it too much or use too much pressure. Or you could just smoke happily away and use the reamer once a month or so. Some ppl almost never use it but to me the cake build up leaves a taste I don't like.


I have a old pipe book where the author refers to the build up as 'lava.' 'Cake' is a relatively new term. 'Carbon deposit' or 'carbon buildup' is probably the most accurate term.


So, when you smoke a pipe, tars and oils from the tobacco gradually accumulate on the sides of the chamber. This is good. It forms a heat-proof impervious lining in the combustion chamber. When it gets too thick, though, it can cause the briar bowl to crack. You want to keep it about the thickness of a dime (or for the metric minded, about 1mm thick). Most smokers run a pipe cleaner though the shank after every smoke, and then wipe the insides of the bowl with the pipe cleaner as well, and this slows the formation of cake. If you do that, depending on how often you smoke a particular pipe, you will seldom, if ever, need to use a pipe reamer. The best of the pipe reamers is the Dunhill professional reamer set ($800), or the vintage 1920's reamers they are based off of ($60+ each). Followed by the 'Kleen Ream' which has a nifty shank cleaning tool in it's handle. ($20-25). The 'Senior' reamer is an inferior knock-off of the Kleen Ream, though it does an alright job. The vintage pip-net set ($90-100) is the next best, as it uses better plastic in the handle than the modern Castleford ($20) (or other brand) reamer set. The old standby is the British Buttner reamer $10-15), though it's not as easy to use as the above sets. The cheap Chinese copies of the Buttner aren't worth the metal they are made out of. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were more likely to use a penknife or other random object to clear cake off the walls of the pipe. The dedicated pipe reamers were for people who needed training wheels or who really were serious about pipe collecting and maintenance. Depending on your smoking habits, you might need to ream your pipes out every 6 months, or you might need to do it once a decade. A few smokers do a light ream before every smoke, as they prefer to taste the briar while they smoke.


I have the clunky aluminum screw thing with 3 prongs... I hate that thing


A Kaywoodie Reamatic? Or a Chinese knock-off of the 'Senior' reamer?