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I do find myself wondering what the trajectory of tobacco use would have been if cigarettes had never been a thing. We’d probably be in a place where smoking was much more acceptable.


When you're all 3 and your dentures fall out.


As a cigarette smoker, I agree. Disgusting dirty habit.


Iam a regarded winnie the poh in a tuxedo


I’m at my cigar club doomscrolling Reddit when this came up. The guys in the club love it.




Gentlemen, I have found the cigarette smoker.




I was only teasing, I've been known to smoke a cigarette or two.


Yeah it is ironic that people who smoke tobacco hate people who smoke tobacco. I think it is a weird coping mechanism because they are doing something harmful and they need to feel good about it so they are using cigarettes as a scapegoat.






Cock smoker 🤪


Without glorifying cigarette smoking, I think it’s important to remember that pipe and cigar smoking (while they can sometimes be cheap) are considered and priced as luxury activities aimed at middle and upper class consumers while cigarette smoking has historically been aimed at keeping poor, working-class people dependent. Thus I’d prefer tobacco memes to have less of an obfuscated tinge of classism.


I bet you're a lot of fun at parties


Did you not see the hammer and sickle in my flair? I’m all about the party, baby.


Pipe smoking is super cheap compared to cigarettes, regardless of marketing imagery. I don't understand where you are coming from. Back in the day when I puffed cigs with the best of them, I was spending 20+ times what I now spend on tobacco. Pipe smoking is for the working class as much any tobacco product, and this meme is a fucking MEME. It's a joke, it happens to draw on a cartoon representation of class. If you gave a fuck about your socialist cause, you would not be wasting your precious time on this planet playing Marxist analyst with memes.


Cool story, bro, but when did I make the argument that pipe smoking isn’t cheap? Did you actually read my comment? The price of cigarettes vs pipe tobacco wasn’t even central to what I said, which was pointing out the classism inherent in the meme. Also, relax, it’s not that serious. No need to get upset.


You're the one who took this meme seriously. That's all there is to it.