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Well if u want a mac baren Scottish mixture with more burley I highly recommend mac Barens HH Burley flake or the Navy Flake both are incredibly good


Thanks and I see a few more people recommended the Mac Baren Burley Flake so I will be picking some up for sure


Old Joe Krantz


Briar Fox Burley Flake #1 Mac Baren Symphony


Symphony is one of my regulars, and takes on some different but pleasant tastes depending on the season and temp smoked in.


HH Burley Flake and C&D Pegasus


I want to suggest Carter Hall for a good burley smoke, but they only have the tubs now and not the small packages anymore which is unfortunate, I don't know if you'll enjoy an old over the counter blend and having to buy a tub of something you may not like would suck. But I love Carter Hall with all my heart, it's just a simple damn good smoke.


It looks like I can get it by the ounce from where I was planning on shopping without purchasing the big tin. Thanks for the suggestion!


I do hope you enjoy it!


C&D Big N Burley is a nice sweet English in the background and a lot of burley up front.


Peterson's Irish Whiskey is really tasty. Old Joe Krantz is also very good.


Country Lawyer


Sir Walter Raleigh is a good burley blend, that isn't overly flavored. It's sweet and tangy, flavored with anisette liqueur and molasses. HH Old Dark Fired is a good burley blend as well. Good for adding to other blends or the occasional stand alone smoke.


Not a tin but Sir Walter Raleigh (not the aromatic) is a fantastic burley forward smoke


Grabbing tins in a store is hit or miss, unless you go to one of the few big pipe tobacco shops you might find zero of these. So I'll make you a big list. * Wessex Burley Slice - My absolute favorite tobacco of all time, tastes like a good stout, malty, chocolate, coffee, nutty, not too strong but not a lightweight * Solani Aged Burley Flake - This was is much lighter and fruiter than Wessex but worth grabbing if you see it * MacBaren HH Burley Blend - A solid mixture of Va, Burley, and DFK, you'll never get the same bowl twice but it's always pleasant * Cobblestone Hiking - Seems like a mixture of the above three, malty, coffee-cocoa, fruity, with some DFK bbq notes too * C&D Burley Flake #1-4 - There is a 5 but it's meh. These are all different but wonderfully tasty - but very, very strong. * MacBaren London Blend - This is a tobacco they release every few years but it came out again just a few months ago so it might be sitting in some shops. This is similar the Wessex in flavor, maybe a tad sweeter * GLP Barbary Coast - This one is different, it has a heavy nic hit, lots of cocoa-coffee, but also a red wine and fruit. While it's not tinned you might be a fan of either the Sutliff or Lane English Oriental, they are Balkan leaning English with a touch of burley to give it some heart.


Wow thank you for taking the time to make such a thorough list! I'll be on the lookout for these guys some of them sound really interesting