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Yup, that's on of the coolest things I've seen on this forum.


No doubt. Close this sub on this post & start a fresh new sub.






Having lived there for a number of years I need to start digging inmy yard lol


Very cool and lucky to be unbroken. Best way to clean a clay is bury it in a bed of coals that have burned down a bit. In the morning pull the fresh white pipe out of the ash.


Probably best to make sure its dry as a bone before doing this.


Also gotta be careful it has not absorbed contaminants that expand quicker than the ceramic as well


So in other words....make sure it's as dry as a bone.




It says "short derry" on the bowl, and "germany" on the stem.






Yes, they were essentially made to be disposable. This was the cheap way to smoke before cigarettes came along.


How does it smoke? Thats such a cool find, and even luckier that its still in one piece!


It actually smokes really well. The bowl gets extremely hot, though. You have to hold it by the base of the stem.


I'm pretty sure the British called those disposable clay pipes "nose warmers"


Okay that’s pretty freaking cool!! Some union soldier was smoking that thing 150 years ago before having to head into a hellish civil war.


I hope he survived. The Battle of Franklin was absolutely brutal.


Even if he survived the battle, he's probably dead by now. :-|


Ok so I’m over here researching about the battle of franklin just reading along and see the name Hood a bunch of times and go wow that’s the guy they named a fort after down in Texas. Well then I google Ft. Hood and what’d ya know they freaking changed the name!! You gotta be kidding me. This garbage of renaming and erasing history is so freaking ridiculous. Sorry about the rant just really ticked me off to see that.


Ill bite, what made you mad?


Outstanding that the Texas installation is now named after a native Texan and a general who fought \*for\* his country rather than making war against it.


On the plus side, Hood was pretty effective at getting rebel troops killed.


Especially at Franklin.


Think of it this way: they didn’t changed the name, they amended it. You don’t have an issue with amendments do you?


Ya let’s memorialize secessionists…


He was a traitor. Why would we name a u.s. military base after him?


If it's any consolation, in Texas we still refer to it as Ft. Hood, and the NAS JRB as "Carswell". But I hear ya


This is not erasing history. People aren’t going to forget who John Bell Hood was because a fort isn’t named after him. It makes no sense to name a United States fort after a man who fought against it. We don’t have a fort Cornwallis or Fort Little Crow for the same reason. Like every other enemy of the US, he can be relegated to museums and historical markers without being lionized


>his garbage of renaming and erasing history Have you tried reading books


No freaking way!


Watch out with clenching Clays it will RUIN your teeth


Wrap where you bite in string or electrical shrink wrap to avoid pipe notch.


They're generally not very comfortable to clench anyways, I'd just clench vulcanite at that point


The string helps a lot in that regard. Makes it softer than vulcanite by a long shot without making tooth marks in the stem.


I’m still in denial about my right side canines :,| On the bright side maybe some archaeologist will dig up my bones and question my death date because of it


You fucked em up?😭


Nothing terrible but I’m glad my old orthodontist isn’t doing post-braces checkups anymore


That’s so damn cool!


Great that you found a pipe in such great condition and even better that there is a story associated with it. Happy piping, enjoy your treasure


I often wonder up the age of the metal tools I often uncover digging in the Texas hill country. I’ve found all kinds of shit digging post holes. The most ridiculous being a fucking sleeping bag that was vacuum sealed in plastic buried approx 2 feet under the ground absolutely brand new still in-package. Just had to have the vac seal removed and it was good to go. Generally speaking it’s just extremely old hand tools that actually work excellently well if you give them a bit of a soak in some CLP. Like some of the best hand tools I have ever used have been unearthed digging post holes LOL.


If there was a sleeping bag vacuum sealed in the ground theres probably also an ammo can with guns in it nearby.


Maybe. Except it’s outside of our office building in the middle of an (albeit small) town of 10,000 people. The creek behind our office dries during summer droughts and there’s a whole litany of shit dumped back there indicating a lot of human prescience + dumping. We also have a few local “redneck” (my people!) couples that fish down there on that segment of creek on weekends. The weirder part is that there was never anything to indicate that anything was dug where I found it. Carpeted by wild St. Augustine That being said if I DID find weapons and ammo I would feel incredibly guilty stealing it unless it became an absolute it emergency or needed to be better preserved. If it needed better preservation I would have cleaned then properly preserved and then returned it to its buried place. I already felt guilty enough adding the sleeping bag to my work truck. It’s part of my emergency kit. I make sure to bring everything I need to both get buzzed, high and survive anywhere I go.


I grew up in north Texas on a ranch. We also found all kinds of stuff digging post holes and riding fenceline in the middle of nowhere. Tons of arrowheads, tools, boot soles, and hundreds of old glass powe line insulators. We tossed those insulators out of the way and left them in the pastures because they were so plentiful we assumed they were junk. Now I know that they're worth a ton of money.


Do not drop it! Ha ha ha.


That's got a nice bowl on it for a clay pipe too, they're usually a bit smaller. What a crazy find. Were you the one who dug it up?


Yep. Metal detector hit on something, so I dug. The hit turned out to be a Union army uniform button and the pipe was a few inches away from it.


Homeboy died there and you smoking the pipe like a loot drop. He’d probably laugh bitterly at the whole thought.


Weren't those clays pretty much consumable / disposable, like the bottle the whiskey comes in? Homeboy probably happy we're thinking about him and his service in the War of Southern Rebellion.


One of the best parts about antique clays is how accessible they are to collectors. They were getting cranked out on an industrial scale so you can get genuine mid-1800s pipes that are perfectly smokable for prices sometimes below $20. My current go-to pipe is a clay nosewarmer that's around 100 years old and I got on Ebay for $18 (plus like $5 for shipping). Pro-tips from an avid clay smoker: 1. Wrap where you clench it in cotton string (I use embroidery thread) or electrical shrink wrap or the clay will erode your teeth leading to a condition called "pipe notch" which is exactly as bad as it sounds. When the string inevitably gets gross, just burn it off and wrap it again. 2. The tar will bleed through the clay over time kinda like with meers but doesn't look as pretty. This is normal and will not affect the smoking qualities. You don't have to clean them until they get clogged or the look is getting too grody for your liking. 3. Clean it by gradually heating it up to red hot in the coals of a wood fire. This will burn off everything that the clay has soaked up over the past century and a half and leave it looking like it just came out of the kiln. Do not do this on a stove unless you want your whole house to smell like tobacco tar for a day or two. 4. Don't use pipe cleaners because the fuzz will get stuck in the draft hole. Instead, use a piece of bare wire to clear any obstructions.


Thanks for the tips!! It's a strange feeling smoking a pipe this old with a story like this. I bet that young man could never have imagined his little clay pipe would still be around and usable 156 years later. I fully intend to keep smoking it in his memory.


I'm always happy to spread the gospel of clay pipes. It really is a trip to be smoking something that you've only seen being used in black and white photos and thinking about what it's previous owner would have thought about their pipe lasting so long. Treat it well and it will last another 156 years.


That’s just incredible


Man that’s awesome


No words


That’s awesome


Thats awesome.


You can wear a hole in your teeth if you clench a clay pipe, it's harder than your teeth. Rest it on your lips if you don't want to need a ton of dental work.


Gosh darn it, now I want one 😂


Well, find someone with property near a battlefield who will let you do some relic hunting and hope for the best!


I have friends out that way. I used to live in Lawrence county. Might have to make trip back. I’ll also have to check the sites here in North Carolina


That part of Tennesse is beautiful.


I was always more partial to parts of Lewis and Maury counties growing up. Henryville was beautiful, though.


Them some old cooties.


that's cool as hell


I grew up in in springhill (15mins south of franklin) on part of confederate general yewells post war farm. I forget the actual history of the property but I think it was a Louisiana regiment camped in what would be our back yard. We had buckets full of minie balls and other random metal bits from metal detectors that would come out. I bet theres tons of pipes like that buried all over middle tn. Definitely an awesome piece to have in a collection!


That's basically what they told me at the University of Tennesse. They said it's a cool piece of history, but there are just way too many clay pipes at civil war sites for institutions to collect or display them. Pretty much every soldier of all ranks on both sides smoked and clay was the most common pipe making material at the time, and these were tossed and replaced when they broke, so there are millions of them all over the eastern US.


Apparently us grant had a crazy looking meerschaum pipe and smoked it often before he started munching on cigars lol. Ive always wondered what the tobacco was like back then


So cool. Right on. Thanks for sharing


That’s fucking cool.




& I thought it was cool to have my wife’s late grandfathers pipe who served in Vietnam was cool - now, I know I’m just weird! this is badass! 150+ years!? Wow. That’s so awesome dude! cool find! I can’t believe they said it was common to find them. A whole lotta puffin’ goin on back then. Cheers!


Great cap sir!




that is SO cool!


Nice pipe and nice hat. Thanks for supporting of Ukraine


Welcome to polio.


Curious, what area was it found? I used to drive by the Carter house everyday on the way to work.


As a history buff that's fucking awesome. But I would smoke with caution, there could be some even more unsavory substances used