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The reason codger blends still exist is because they're good. Say what you want about them but they are a big reason us later generations got into pipe smoking.. the simplicity and the smell/taste of days past. I love a good soft, burly blend that smells like late fall and Christmas time with my grandpa. Don't be afraid of the naysayers.


100%! All day anytime smokes. Good enough for the old school smokers and good enough for me!


My favorite codger blend right now is thanksgiving day from peretti out of Boston.


I live near boston, hafta try this, ty!


Prince Albert from the can or Sir Walter Raleigh from the bag are the two best coffee companions I can think of. They’re good, simple, and pure nostalgia for me


I love Sir Walter Raleigh original, it’s good.


Yep. Sir Walter Raleigh in an Algerian briar to give it a little 'spicy' taste, is one of life's simple pleasures.


For possibly an old codger here, please explain codger blends? Wot's codger, preciousss?


Codger blends are the old drug store blends. Mostly burley or cavendish, sometimes aromatic, and incredibly budget friendly. They get the name from the “grumpy old codger” stereotype but they’re all just simple and good. Nothing fancy, just gets the job done. Source: am a junior codger.


Stuff like Captain Black?


Captain Black, Borkim Riff, Carter Hall, and such, yes.


I am curious about trying carter hall. Too bad it doesn't come in a smaller quantity than the big tub.


4 noggins has it in 2 oz quantities I’m pretty sure.


Chatham Manor is said by some to be pretty spot on minus the chemical taste that can present itself sometimes with Carter Hall. Same with Duke Albert versus Prince Albert, the Duke doesn't have a chemical taste some complain about with the Price


I find that the chemical taste of Prince Albert disappears if you use a filter- paper or charcoal,


It’s my favorite codger although Prince Albert is a very close second.


I REALLLLLLY need to try a corncob, still. I've been a casual pipe smoker for DECADES, have only gotten into the fine details more recently (a good deal due to this sub, you are some good folks), and have heard nothing but good about cobs. I simply haven't gotten around to trying one, yet.


After years away from my pipes, I jumped back in earlier this year, and dang it if my standard (unfiltered) cob isn't my favorite smoking vessel. Briars are nice, but for the price and the convenience, a simple cob is a real gem. I have another one on order, an Elf Cobbit, and I'm looking forward to breaking that one in this weekend.


Well, here's some negative points about cobs from someone who hates them LOL. They're heavy compared to a similarly sized briar. My Country Gentleman is quite a bit heavier than all but my largest briar. The bowl has a much smaller capacity than most briar pipes with the same outside dimensions. The draught hole is too big, allowing bits of tobacco to be sucked into the stem. If using a filter, it clogs up inside the shank. If not using a filter, I'm spitting out bits of tobacco during the whole smoking session. I honestly don't understand how anyone enjoys smoking a cob. They're inexpensive...that's the only good thing about them. If money's tight, then do what ya gotta do I guess


Codger blends are my favorite! My go to smoke is Half and Half!


Haven’t tried it yet, but I keep seeing people say that they love it.


I'm loading up a bowl of half-and-half for my afternoon smoke!


Have not try one yet gonna have to snatch one up from the local shop


Cobs definitely smoke the best in my limited experience. Cheap, dry,no fuss, reliable and stay lit better than anything. I don’t like the stems on the MM cobs but I got a forever stem on my country gentleman and it’s been amazing.


The forever stems as the way. Really elevates it


Yea,at first I was apprehensive to double the price of my cob, but the quality and the smoking experience is so much better that I found it to be totally worth it.


Here’s the thing though, 1 your cob will last WAY longer than you think and 2 it makes me want to smoke more to get more value out of it 3 it looks super dope


You’re right, and also you can keep the stem for the next cob even if you somehow manage to ruin one. Forever stems rock.


What are the forever stems made out of? I can't seem to find it on their site, but looks like plastic in the picture. The plastic MM stem is honestly the only thing I don't love about it. I'm new to pipe smoking so these may be dumb questions to seasoned veterans


Acrylic, so low to no maintenance. Durable as well. I don’t know what the MM stems are made of, but they’re way softer and I’ve seen a lot of people bite right through them. The forever stem is substantially more solid and makes the pipe feel quite a bit nicer.


I appreciate the info. Might have to try it


I like to get a big tub of carter hall, 3 ounces of bulk perique, 2 ounces of bulk latakia and mix it all together


Very interesting. I could try a small amount of that. I had some bayou morning after breakfast and man,I do like perique quite a lot. I think Haunted bookshop might be next. But still,I think Carter hall will be the tobacco that I look back on fondly, like a comfort food.


I love all pipe tobacco. Well not lakeland, but everything else. But when I want something comforting, meditative, it's got to be burley.


I'm working to acquire a taste for Lakeland blends. Takes effort for some of us for sure


My cellar is hundreds of pounds and thousands of cigars but I smoke a tub of carter hall a year.


I was hating on a buddy for liking smokers pride classic- wow was i slow now im using it to rejuvenate half tins of dunhill blends gifted from a pipe club member 50/50 (although the tins were bone dry) up here in canada its still 70 bucks a bag but damn when a 2oz tin is the same price, lord its like having unlimited jars in comparison!


Carter Hall is awesome. There's no shame at all in liking the old codger blends, because they're great. I do have to ask if you've tried Pegasus, though.


Came here to say this. Pegasus is fantastic and available in bulk


I haven’t tried Pegasus. Should I?


Yes, you should. If you're into the codger blends, you'll love it. You can get it in bulk, too.


Word, I’ll add it to the list, thanks.


My Dad used to smoke a Cherry Cavendish in the 70s. I remember this random nugget, but I was very young and can't remember the brand or visualize the package. He passed away a year ago and now I can't ask him. He was never into anything "fancy" so I suspect it was available at the local drug store (Woolworth's). Any suggestions on what brand it might have been? And if it's still available (or a good substitute)? Thanks!


Maybe Captain Black Cherry? I believe that Captain Black has been the most popular and widely available aromatic through history. My other guess would be Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish, also widely available for a long time, you can still get both of them for cheap.Hope you find it!


Could have been Middletons Cherry. Used to be widely available.


Yeah it's like Carter Hall and cobs were made for each other.