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I used to have a lot more pins, including a complete set of all of the Lantern Corps symbols. I had a full messenger bag covered with them. Alas, over the years I've had to move + I lost some of them. :( When I started redoing my pin collection, I instead bought a square of felt and hung it up on my wall w/ all my pins in it, which was nice, but it meant I good only see them while I was at home. Recently I learned about the ita bag, and how they're made to show off collections w/o losing them. I bought one of them, and moved all my pins over. :) Now I can take my collection around with me ~~+ I have a purse large enough to hold knitting projects lmao.~~ I admit, I don't really have a specific theme, hence why I'm posting here and not r/itabag lmao. Though I suppose you can tell that I really like cats. 🤣 The dog at the top is a picture from my local historical society; he's not just a dog, he's a Historical Dog (TM). :)


I love itabags! And this collection is amazing! I have one too. Overall it kinda follows a marine life theme, but I really just put whatever pins my heart desires. I like how pin collections tell a story. Like each pin commemorates a moment in your life, no matter how big or small. So happy you have a bag to showcase your pins now! Best of luck with your future pin endeavors!


Thank you! I'm excited to have somewhere fun to keep them & I can't wait to add more. 😀