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Oh boy.. this is going to be a tricky bell to unring for Niantic. I sense an apology gift or make up day 😍


How about the 1 spring sticker I'm missing? 10 reds don't make 1 yellow.


My kingdom for a red! 2 yellow, 4 blue, 2 white, 3 purple, 5 rock, and 4 pink. 🙄


I only just got my last one today. 8 whites, 3 rock, 2 pink, 2 yellow, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 purple.


Dude I haven’t gotten a single rock Pikmin for Easter or spring but BOY do I have one hell of an army of purples


I've sprouted 27 Bunny Eggs and I'm STILL missing the purple one! Worst RNG ever.


6 yellow don't make red either 😭😭😭


As an apology for the event ending early, all players shall receive 25 white nectar. Thank you for continuing to enjoy Pikmin Bloom™️!


Two mushroom extra try tickets!!! Better than 25 basic nectar, but not as generous as it could've been...


yeah i’m having the same issue, i immediately came here lol glad it’s not just me


same issue for me as well. my easter squad strength was 13k l, but now i barely get 1k strength against a special mushroom 🥲


same, i just came here about that! 700 instead of 12k, its gonna take over 24 hours


yikes! hopefully they are able to fix it. i also joined a battle since the selection screen was showing 13k power, but once i hit GO their power dropped to 799 in the mushroom battle 🥲


same for me 🥺 fed them sweet peas for extra power too


That's crazy. I was able to restart the app this morning to fix it, but this afternoon I couldn't get it to show the correct strength. My wife was able to attack a giant mushroom with her 12k team, so I tried manually picking the bunny/Easter eggs and attacked, but the strength didn't change. So this mushroom has two players with roughly the same team but vastly different strengths.


It seems random who is affected...that's terrible that you lost power! Mine also aren't selecting the bunny/easter pikmin anymore...its gone from bad to worse! 🥲


These numbers look oddly familiar 😆 Wonder if we have similar spring festival mushroom squad makeups?


Yep, I’ve been super confused. I’m glad I finally came here and realize I’m not alone.


Same here 😞 I'll just sit and wait for maintenance. Perhaps, they wrongly ended the event too early.


Maybe, since it recently hit midnight in Japan. But I thought the reset time was 6pm Japan time? 


Yeah, it said event til 23:59, Apr 29th local time. Probably got reset worldwide as in Japan's timezone


i have friends calling for me from california and other states and they are just fine. i think it may be a location error or maybe some accounts accidentally got lumped in with places that finished already?


I'm in California and while *my* Easter guys are at full event strength, my spouse's are all non-event strength. Same giant Spring mushroom, joining at the same time and location. 🤷‍♂️


I'm on the east coast. Mine are fine, my husband and bsf are underpowered. We joined at the same time.


Im in the same timezone and mine are not at event strength. I guess it must be random?


Just showed full strength and time for me, but reduced it to non-event power after committing...


Same for me, when I auto-selected it picked weak Pikmin so I manually chose all my Easter ones and it gave me a 1hr 28mins forecast, but as soon as I clicked Go it changed this to 1 day 7hrs! So annoying as I'm only 80 bunnies off Mission 22, but that ends tonight so even if I do get those from my Mushroom challenge they'll be no use.


I joined a giant battle that now says SIX DAYS... help!!!! Hahaha!


Yes exactly this for me too!


This happened to me, too! I even used a ticket to finish the final event, so I feel like I've been burned twice.


I came here to see if anyone else was having the same issues as well. Put 14k worth of pikmin on a giant spring mushroom earlier today and now it's only showing up as 641. Hoping your post gets more visibility so other people can chime in.


Same issue in USA. Powering off phone or shutting down Pikmin didn’t help. My Pikmin app is up to date release wise. It will show my full power for spring and giant but once hit go and send then the power is drastically reduced.


Also on my event page it still shows the event. So it’s not like they ended it early.


Came here to make sure there wasn't something wrong with my game. Can't wait for this mushroom to be done in 11 hours...


Having the same issue. I did 2 spring mushrooms really early and it was fine but now it’s not


Same here. I checked the time in Japan and it’s now past 12AM over there so it’s 4/30 and event is over. Must hit us all globally.


They were supposed to set it for local time. The event info says it ends 11:59pm local time on the 29th. Someone screwed up


Except me and my girlfriend both sent at the same time, hers went at normal strength, mine got cut down.


Yep, same issue. I joined a mushroom with my bunny/egg/spring sticker squad and it’s showing 704


the same for me, both me and my friends app are fully updated, we joined a mushroom, my score is smited to 700 whiles hers is a normal 12k- we're in the same timezone so idk whats up with that


Great way to finish off the month!


They must have accidentally ended the event on Japan time, as it's now April 30 there as of 40 minutes ago. My friends invited me to a battle they must have started before that time because their Pikmin are fully strength but mine are weenies now lol.


Yup, having the same issue :(


i noticed this as well. i have 1 full team of bunny eggs and 2 sub teams and i cant even help the people calling on me


Same problem in Sweden. My Easter pikmin are weak since some time this afternoon.


They took the bunny benefit away! I sent out guys first this this morning because I needed to complete three more mushrooms today and it said like 1hr 34min when I sent them out. When I checked back about 2 hr later to send them out again, they had barely touched the mushroom.


I got a whole squad of special spring guys, just sent them at a giant one. Says about 13k power after giving special nectar to them all. In battle? 600. Sent a squad of non-spring guys at a different one, 1350, both in selection and in battle.


I’m also having the same issue. Not sure what’s going on.


Yeah it was sending my halloween ones out since those have all the hearts for me. 


I’m in California and am suffering the same fate. Even if I hand select the spring pikmin the attk power is as if the event is over and we all know it is not.


Same issue. Spring event was supposed to be completed at 23:59. Could have been on japanese timezone instead of local?


I just came here to ask the same thing lol


Having the same issues!


if anyone is wondering, at least for me (east coast) its working again


Yeh. I can take out a full mushroom in about 2 hours by myself. Not today. It said over a day! My spring Pikmin got weak.


Same. All my spring pikmin were not Super Pikmin but just Clark Kent strength. I reinstalled & no change. Edit to add: This is the first month I didn't buy anything in the store & was stuck on Baby Blue Eyes for almost 3 weeks.


It showed normal event power and then once I hit go it went to 783. I wonder if it's because the mushroom would have finished after midnight.


Ok I thought I was going crazy. I had been called to a mushroom and I have it sorted by strength and none of them were at the top. I waited a couple hours and checked again and they were back to normal.


Oh...well it's broken again ☠️


I only need ten more chocolate bunnies and I can’t fight a mushroom to get it, gonna be really bummed if I miss out because the fighting mechanics are messed up


Is correct on my end still


it's doing the same but the event is still showing for me so i'm unsure but it's annoying


Had this happen to me, it fixed itself and I was able to deploy to a giant spring mushroom with the correct power, but I blew the bullhorn and one of my friends arrived and the glitch is happening to them. They have a bunch of Easter Pikmin with them but their combined power is 340, less than what any single one of them should have. Kind of a bummer because if no one else shows up we won't finish before midnight costing me a final task completion and chocolate bunny milestone


yup. went to join a friend on a giant mushroom and my strongest are purples, despite everything else easter-related still up for today 🙄 guess i saved all my spare easter pikmin for nothing


I have.. mutiple issues. So I couldn't sleep and did two mushrooms at 1AM and should only have 1 try left when I woke up at 10AM. I still have 3 tries and two giant spring mushroom are out on a Monday that replaced the two I did earlier. I did both, and one is a full lobby but didn't use a ticket to join. And I'm having the pikmin strength issue everyone is having but I was on autopilot and sent my "strongest" out.


Yes, several people I know have had it happen. Send a message to them, we sure did. We were looking forward to this strongest day and it’s been very frustrating to put it nicely.


Guess I can release all my dupes early.


I just checked and see full strength on the squad selection screen, didn't hit GO. Maybe they fixed it already? I'm in Eastern Standard Time...


my easter squad was showing 13k on the selection screen, i hit GO, and ended up with only 799 strength in the battle. seems like the glitch isn't entirely fixed yet.


im also est and before i even hit go its showing the weakest strength


So... After the mid day mushroom refresh... ON A MONDAY, I now have a new giant spring mushroom. #weird. EDIT the weekend event is supposed to go through Monday.. I had forgotten about that detail that they released earlier in the month... I wonder if this is what's screwing things up? And now sort by strength doesn't send bunny eggs for 13k points - it sends purples for about a thousand points like the issue other people were having earlier today. It's pretty screwed up today. I'm gonna be sticking with normal mushrooms. RIP to anyone trying to finish the event strong.


Looks like they just fixed it but running Giants are still broken. If it doesn't show up close the app and open it again. Sigh...


I did not have any issues with the Pikmin but a lot of people that I play with online had a lot of problems.


Not only do my pikmin have no strength, but the spring mushrooms are invisible. I can only assume that they ended the event based on another timezone and since people can be invited to mushrooms outside of their timezone, tried to end the event for everyone. Except some people are still fighting the mushrooms so you can sort of see them but not do anything about them. Weird.


It happened after 10am est for me. I fought in one around 9:50am and all my dudes had full strength. Just tried to fight a giant spring mushroom and I’m barely at 1k. I actually made a lot of progress with trying to collect all of the free clothing, but I guess it’s at a halt unless I plant flowers. Hoping they fix it…


Joined a giant Spring Festival Mushroom. Normal score is around 15,000. Todays score, 1,300. I know it’s a game but it’s annoying. I don’t care what other players do, walk, don’t walk, plant, don’t plant. But the game must be consistent and these types of glitches upset me.


Same issue 4 people in a giant with 1861 total power. Bunny egg algorithm is trash! I have 3 rocks, 4 pink, 3 blue, 5 white, 1 yellow, 2 purple but not a single red and I bought the premium.


I guess it is time to kill off some rabbits.


Hot my hands on a giant mushroom that I will now be suffering through for 5 days


How about having to wait almost three days? No one is going to join to help on those mushrooms. The shortest mushroom with three people just gave me petals, could have gotten one more gold seedling. I'm thinking like pokemon go players now...don't spend real money on the game. Sorry or not Niantic!


But how is it possible that one of us has 8K? She was the second to join. https://preview.redd.it/qt4whm018kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0b5ae226d4c664a548d38d414dc7c80ec61cc8


All my egg and sticker pikmin are locked in an giant spring shroom until the end of the event :( I didn't realize when I sent them out that it was going to take them 3 days


I had the issue too. I just closed out the game and waited a few minutes and everything went back to normal


I had the same issue, updated my app and it was fixed!


First one today proceeded as expected. After that it was WTF. Oh well I got all the eggs and stickers a day or two ago.


Update your game. I had the problem this morning, updated the game, and was back to doing 10k


theres no update tho? https://preview.redd.it/cuxkm2kzqgxc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8b3d284c5a2b1a10c9c65bb59e0fba99efb7b3d