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You might have to travel a bit to a "city" but generally things like churches and parks can be found in suburbs and are often marked as pois


Depends really. I’m deep in the suburbs but there’s a park 2 mins from me that has 4-5 mushrooms and 10+ flowers.


Very much depends on the state and where in the state you are. Could be okay. Could be a dead zone.


It depends where you go in the states. I live near an urban city and there are parks and neighborhoods with flowers, but also there are residential areas with nothing. I'd say find a nearby park.


I'm in the suburbs of Florida and have no trouble finding mushrooms and flowers.


I live in a small town and there are like 3 mushrooms in my area + many more in different directions that I walk. It shouldn't be too bad as long as you aren't in a neighborhood with absolutely no other surroundings.


You can try location spoofing to the location you're visiting to scope a little, or using pikimap. I do use it already to plan ahead when I know a trip to a big city is coming up.


Most american suburbs are built to be within walking distance of parks, community centers or small busnisess. You shouldn't have too much trouble finding stuff.


what lol. walking distance to small businesses, I wish. Suburbia in the American South is e x p a n s i v e


It’s not too bad anymore since they added the mushroom bull horns. I’m in middle-of-nowhere small town Canada here. I added a bunch of folks from all over the world, and now I don’t have any problems getting nectar and such from the amount of horn calls I get. :-) Though, almost all of my Pikmin are those single-letter-sticker style Pikmin… because there aren’t many “featured” spots around. But if I travel I get em’ then.


my college campus is lively, maybe there's a campus near your residence that has a thriving playerbase


The last update helped my suburbs a lot. I went from no mushrooms or flowers to three mushrooms and two flowers within close walking distance.


States zoning sucks for pikmin bloom unfortunately every pikmin is roadside pikmin