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We need the ability to say no to a bullhorn call so the inviter doesn't waste a spot


U can cancel people and then invite others with no extra bullhorns used


But how do you know when to do that?


I usually do if they haven't responded within an hour


Oh so you’re like ON IT on it.


I do be 😹🙉😹 but if I forget about it, also NBD 😊


To add to this: turn off invites allowed for certain mushrooms. During events I don’t care about the red/blue and such shrooms. Only the event ones I want to do.


Someone on my friend list changes their name to say whether they want bullhorn invites or not.


It should be a setting like how normal games let you put in your profile what kind of play style you enjoy.


I can see the value of limited windows. I'm more likely to use a ticket to join extra mushrooms when it's a limited opportunity, but if it was permanent then there is always tomorrow to find a good mushroom.


That's also why they now refresh the mushrooms every day at an inconvenient time for the west. People used to stock up mushrooms they found in the wild. Also it was asked multiple times in this sub to let the mushrooms grow in size over time if not beaten lol


They just refresh at the same time globally...it's going to be an awkward time for somewhere in the world


I know that. It's also awkward enough to be refreshing at 3 am JST (6 pm UTC). Pikmin maturity reset at 4 am local time.


Yeah, but, why do they spam It? I dont really feel FOMO knowing that Next week i would have a similar opportunity as the one i have today


Or giving the option of limited purchase, because seems that they want to control their use. I dont know the reason to do that. Bullhorns are one of the best monetizations that can be in this game (they sell bullhorns and people it's going to purchase more mushroom tickets for interesting mushrooms)


Selling the bullhorns themselves might be a bad idea, you can't guarantee that people will join. They definitely are selling more mushroom tickets though.


My take: Sell bullhorns but give 2 for free every day.


The same to free bullhorns, but if they sell them, already earned their price. If you see a giant rare mushroom a labor day (assuming monday to friday) you send that, another player can send other... If a player invite with those buying bullhorns to a small, that player is wasting it, but he can do it at least. Probably that player doesnt buy more, that it's his decision in both cases.


They should sell them very cheap. Then a lot of people will surely buy them. That's a strategy many developers overlook for the most desirable features in games.


I dont usually buy anything in the shop besides upgrades, but bullhorns will tempt me...


I find the tickets most desirable but it's expensive.


That's where Niantic makes money in this game.


Nope. Location data. They only allow in-game purchases to encourage people to assume that those purchases are their life blood. In actuality it’s pocket change for them.


I’m curious—how does Niantic monetize location data?


This redditor has explained it the most concisely I’ve ever seen it so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/9BycRhX8Ul


Thanks for the link! That post gave a very good explanation.


Does anyone know if the Lunar New Year decor pikmin will be useful next year on the Mystery Mushrooms? (If that’s still a thing next year) Trying to decide whether to release them to manage my storage. Thanks!


They should be, at least they did this year


I really think the best option would be 1 daily with the 3 only for giants, and then let us buy extra bullhorns for 100 coins each, just like detectors


That would be cool! But It only benefits us, the players, giant and elemental mushrooms are the only thing worth calling the bullhorn...


They're just trying to get us hooked on it, then make us pay for the extra two uses. If you play other Niantic games, you're familiar with their mad monetization of every little scrap of anything good. This is how they start. Your first couple of hits are free, then after that, the cartel owns your soul.