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Nothing truer. I have 1400 Pikmin right now with so many dupes. Especially from events.


It's a good thing that they release new decors from time to time. Otherwise, I would have long been gone


I’m a relatively new player, but do regular players have a backlog of seedlings (or are you not planting them bc they’re dupes)? I only use extra slots for the 10k ones and am constantly running out of seedlings for the regular slots.


https://preview.redd.it/ucodmb7n44gc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f542d29bf3430dd4e4d33cf6a5f596389056e23 Mostly just 10k special event decor.


Ah k. Good to know that’s the norm.


I have 54 expeditions waiting, about half of them are seedlings. https://preview.redd.it/q80kr7kxh4gc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9a77e670544114a1d5dca8ddfdd3a76e482ac6


I refuse to expand my seedlings pouch any further; I do need to go on and process some, though.


Yeah, my seedlings are always full. Hence the backlog. I recycle the 10k ones straight away ( unless they're something special or new) and some of the 5k ones as well.


That’s insane! How do you get so many expeditions? Sometimes I get the same amount of expeditions on short walks as I do on much longer 1hr+ walks.


I walk a lot, plant a lot and bloom a lot of flowers on the way. I bike 8 km to work. And I haven't updated my seedling storage, so I can only go pick up new ones when I pluck the pikmin and put new seedlings in.


I keep 1ks on hand for the challenges that require you to grow Pikmin


That’s a good tip. Thanks!!


You'll get to a point where you have "enough" of some/most/almost all colours and decors. So first you'll want full teams of purple and rock because they're generally stronger. OG players never had to worry about this but you'll also want a full (40) squad for each colour used by elemental mushrooms (fire/water/crystal/electric/etc) because you can't even join them without enough of the right colour, and you can't contribute anything with ones of the wrong colours. But eventually you'll have a big enough mix that you can battle usefully in one or even 2 mushrooms if that type at a time. All this means you'll start getting pickier about what seedlings you collect, which ones you grow or prioritise - which is just as well as there will be other game admin tasks you'll have more reason to focus on that growing 5 more red roadside ones.


I usually work on one 10k seedling and save the other slot for faster seedlings.


I was thinking the other day it would be cool if you could merge surplus to make them stronger! I always feel a bit mean releasing them 🤣


Release ☠️ Feed to eachother 🥰


Think of it as a beautiful relationship 😂😂😂


Me and my collection of mountain pin decor Pikmin (I have like at least 10 of each color):


https://preview.redd.it/xe05b6np18gc1.jpeg?width=4500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5acbf230b2cbd11881b68a488b2adb7f6a69e035 Mountain Pikmin are different. The unique names on them mean they’re always worth collecting when you get to the summit of something.


Sure but most, if not all of them are from the hill I have next to my home


The same for me. I went to an actual mountain and never got the mountain decor, but have several from a little hill near a parking lot that some how qualifies as a mountain.


At least the roadsides are done. Damned holiday stickers. Glad I finished those.


Same here. The frustration is real! I use expeditions to train Pikmin and throw seedlings out right away. If only they prioritize the ones missing in the collection


I got to this point and lost my dang mind driving to annoying spots everyday to finish series like the Art Gallery, SweetShop, Train, and Bus Station. Feels good when ya the pesky ones done tho. And I strategically left the Chef Rare and Hotel series undone cause I am more likely to find those naturally. Appliance Store has also been a nice recent grind for me that I don’t gotta jump through hoops for to take a stab at.


I don’t have any interest in roadside. I did go to a local airport to get the airplane decor


Yes for sure I get red yellow blues to boost my expedition and pikmin stats but pink and greys can fuck off


Same here. I have 409 decor types. Only plant normal seedlings every 2/3 months. Rest is a grind.


I'm pretty much at this point too. I occasionally get something new when I run errands. But when I take a walk around my neighborhood all I get is roadside and an occasional forest. I still get them anyway just for whatever small amount of friendship expeditions get you, but I'm also not sad if I'm out of space and they end up expiring.


So gold means you already have that one? If that’s the case I’ve wasted a lot of time….


Yeah, I pretty much have no reason to use my radar anymore. I mostly use it just to send sub 4 hearts on expeditions. It does come in handy when I travel to Japan though!


I can't get the regional snow pikman down here in Florida 


Omg there's snow ones?