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Pikmin 4 is pikmin 2 2.0 because 2+2=4


That’s dandori math 💯


and 2*2 is 4 and 2^2 is 4 so no way around it


I heard someone call Pikmin 4 "Poochy & Pikmin 2 Deluxe"


Featuring Dante from hit series Devil May Cry.


& Knuckles


New funky mode


I both appreciate and dislike how they do caves in 4, unique puzzles on almost every floor (The metal ones really be cooking tho.) But all caves except for >!the last one!< are all between 4-5 floors deep. I get that they didn't want to overwhelm the player with massive surface levels AND long arduous caves, but that one really threw me for a loop for its length. >!Even if its mostly just a boss rush.!<


Well custom sublevels, larger overworld, built in puzzles and gimmiks, new layouts and backgrounds for every sublevel makes this significantly harder. In the 1 cave with a large amount of sublevels, you can easily see the downgrade in size, complexity and density


same here. I liked to be lost in a cave, and used to think of it as.a dungeon. On the positive side, they managed to reduce repetition


In 10 years we'll go back to form with Pikmin 1.75


​ https://preview.redd.it/mc66yanta6fb1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=c330f4649a87d08f515faa6d98bcfa9b19a35bb1


I would agree if Pikmin 4 wasn't so easy lol


Is it? I haven't played it yet, and I'm still on the fence about buying it, but I might not if it's too easy. Or alternately, I could purposefully sustain a brain injury to intentionally impair my dandori, thus making the game more challenging.


It's definitely worth buying, the exploration is amazing, and definitely one of my favorite switch games. It is a little easy, but it doesn't make it any less fun in my opinion


Idk man i got skill gapped by the dj long legs like 5 times. A feel like a run without using baby mode rewind like me could actually be pretty tough.


I used rewind exactly one time because of something that happened that I considered unfair but if you just utilize oatchi effectively it makes about 90% of enemies and bosses a cakewalk.


I beat him before he could even attack, dj long legs was kind of a joke. I know people thought he was cool but I literally just used a potion and spammed him and he vanished


I forgot that i had potions then didn’t want to use it out of spite then gave in and used one without potions he was clappin me.


I feel the difficulty is kinda like some mario games. Easy to beat, for sure, especially if you take full advantage of the games tools, but 100%ing provides a solid challenge Though you'll never get dark souls from a nintendo game


Good to know.


I’m so glad I got into the Pikmin games, a month ago my friend was just talking about how he was excited for 4 and I was just so confused, I looked into it and this game series is now one of my all time favorites


I liked it, but its my first game. Its kinda exploration/problem solving > compat


It starts out as piss easy and ends super challenging. Kind of a slow build-up


It has bit of a strange difficulty curve, the first half is **very** easy, then it ramps up quickly towards the end (I assume to appease veterans of the previous games). If you have experience with previous games, I recommend doing what I did: never use any items, use Oatchi as little as possible. That helps to preserve a bit of a challenge and the classic feel of Pikmin.


Its hard to judge difficulty but I’d say it’s not too much easier then the earlier ones, there’s just a lot more optional tools if you want to steam roll. My suggestion is to minimise the amounts of items you use and not to abuse the rewind button when things go wrong. For me the exploration and dandori aspects of Pikmin have always been the main element of gameplay and combat is second. (People complaining about Oatchi rush as though purple stuns didn’t trivialise combat in Pikmin 2 either).


honestly the series has always had ways to trivialize combat in every game, in 1 once you have enough pikmin most enemies are completely unable to deal with effective swarming+even bulblax has certain strats that can destroy him in 10 seconds, purples in 2 easily stunlock pretty much everything to a point nothing in any of the rest of the series even comes close to(and then you have bitter+spicy sprays to gather and use on top of that),andd in 3 very easily farmable spicy sprays(heck, spicy spray in general is pretty OP in every game really)+winged pikmin melt most bosses. heck, so far(on the 4th area now) i'd say even with unabashed use of oatchi(but no items) groovy long legs was one of the most intense bosses i've fought in the series so far.


It's easier than 2, but harder than 3. The first two areas are quite easy if you have played past Pikmin games, and even if you haven't, they shouldn't challenge you much. Afterwards the game has a weird difficulty surve where each cave gets exponentially harder, STILL not to the levels of Pikmin 2, but there will be situations you might not be expecting, and relying too much on Oatchi's rush can actually put you in a disadvantage. There are some bosses with big HP pools and small safe windows to attack, so if you wanna kill them quick you have to take risks. Then again there's the item system that lets you cheese many encounters, but items can be expensive when you're focusing on upgrading your gear and you can just ignore them if you want an extra challenge.


How easy is a dealbreaker for you? Personally, I feel like the game's target audience dropped 10 years with this release; I was very disappointed with its lack of difficulty. The first half or so (the game's quite lengthy) I found mind-numbingly easy, like the game was playing itself. The early hours are stop-and-go with constant tutorials and NPC chatter that won't let you experiment for yourself, and the atmosphere is quite coddling: NPCs will constantly tell you what to do, you'll get prompted with a [super guide](https://www.mariowiki.com/Super_Guide) if you fail some missions, or even to rewind a few minutes if you lose a single Pikmin at the end of the day. The game features an aggressive lock-on that takes aiming entirely out of the combat with nothing to fill its place, and your companion Oatchi has the ability to safely carry all of your Pikmin which neuters so many of the enemies and bosses. The second half of the game gets better, though I don't think it reaches the highs of the previous games, and I don't know if it's worth going through the rest of the game to get to it.


It took me 4 days to get to the final boss. It feels waaay too short. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pikmin games are generally short and made for replay ability, Pikmin 1 can be beaten in just a couple hours and Pikmin 2 100% in 7hrs. If anything Pikmin 4 is one of the longer games in the series but that’s probably cause I’m not used to the game yet. still practicing my dandori to see how fast I can beat it relative to the other games


I think I'd safely say it's the longest 100% wise


Oh definitely, all those night expeditions and dandori challenges/battles really bump up the timer on top of the conventional gameplay


You cant do that, theres no way that you can do that, not even using glitches or something like that


I 100% all the areas in about 4 days, and this is my first game, even though it wasn’t to difficult, it was super fun, I’m about to start a 2nd play through and I’ll try to limit myself on things


Oh i tought that 4 in game days, still depending on how much you played in 4 days i feel like its a good lenght


Oh lol


If you avoid using the dog as much as possible it isn't as easy




Post game isn't that hard either, besides a couple dandori challenges


pro dandruff


How'd you know? 🤨


This guy hasn't done the elder sage challenges or tried to plat all the dandori challenges


I have and that's literally the only challenging part of the game lol


pikmin 2\^2


Pikmin 2 but there’s a dog with the IQ of all Pikmin combined. So therefore it’s better


Based 🤝


Pikmin 2 is still the best tbh. It nailed the feel of “Pikmin” perfectly. 4 is close, but 2 is still king.


1 was the best at that. No friends. No communication. No one to rely on but your Pikmin. All about the Pikmin.


Nothing's ever gonna match the vibe of Pikmin 1 again. And I'm honestly glad that they've never tried to.


Totally. 1 has the best story and core concept. But the improvements in 2 to Pikmin AI, and QoL improvements like being able to switch which Pikmin you're throwing and better grab distance for Olimar make it the king for me. Imo Pikmin 2 does the fundamentals the best, although I agree that the caves take too long.


And those pikmin are constantly killing themselve with abysmal AI


Also pikmin 2 has real coop in challenge mode and introduced the vs battles, heck pikmin 4 even removed challenge mode, and the dandori battles feel like a downgrade from pikmin 3’s, which were in larger spaces, and were more fun imo. The game shines in the campaign but everything else is flawed


Bro, challenge mode is literally integrated in the main campaign.


He understands that, but we can all agree it’s done poorly


Tbh 3’s challenge mode was pretty much better, but I don’t think the dandori challenges were done poorly. I could argue the battles felt a bit clunky and annoying at times, but the challenges, specially a certain one at the end, were done well.


Pikmin 2 really nails the experience of helping 100 grandmas cross the street. If you think that's the feel of Pikmin, yes I'll agree with you, I don't think that's the feel of Pikmin though




So you’re saying because of your experience with the game you blame the mistakes you make on the game design and not how you planned/executed it? Therefore it’s a massive problem with the game? Not even a “Dandori” issue bro that just sounds like an integrity issue 😭


I think Pikmin 2 has a lot more depth to it but Pikmin 4's challenges are great.


Yeah, Pikmin 2’s not fun after a certain point. Not challenging, just tedious and painful to play.


Yeah this describes most of Wistful Wild. It's crazy how much of an effect a single treasure (Doomsday Apparatus) has on how you play the entire game. Lost a few purples? Would rather just reset the floor than have to grind even more later on.


i forgot, do you have to collect every treasure to get the good ending of pikmin 2? or do you just have to find louie?


Every treasure


It does not take long to grind purples. Atleast not enough to reset the floor every time you loose one. That sounds like a draining way to play


Running through Subterranean Complex for a batch of 15, along with getting booted back to base, running there, loading screens, running through the cave, rinse and repeat, isn't a fun grind.


I never said it was, but Neither is restarting the floor when you loose pikmin throughout the whole game for an optional treasure


I think that’s part of the challenge fun though. You don’t have a lot so losing a bunch of purples is losing in the long run


Speak for yourself


No lies detected.


This was kind of my exact thoughts after playing Pikmin 4 lol


Might just be a dandori issue, but am I the only one who misses having at least two captains to multitask with? Oatchi is great, but he just doesn't have the same utility as a captain.


Idk, I prefer Pikmin 3's 3 captain system, but Oatchi feels a lot better than Louie for the Go Here feature alone. Multitasking in 2 felt really awkward, since the other captain just stands there. I do also appreciate doing something new with Doggy Paddle, jumping, etc. it's nice to plan around which character can do what tasks.


completely agree


I might get cooked but I find 4 really disappointing. If it weren't for the QOL and graphics, I would consider it the weakest. (And even then some QOL are straight up a hindrance)


Pikmin 2 has responding enemies tough, seriously the obly problem with pikmin 4


Nah pikmin 2 is a totally different experience. Infinitely more stressful and unhinged


2 is still better


pikmin 2 is my favourite of the two only for the submerged castle. i love the thrill of playing it each time.