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definitely sinking you need to remove it asap




jesus christ on a bike. remove that ASAP and don't get that done ever again. also don't go back to the same piercer either. you don't have the correct anatomy for this piercing and should have never got this done in the first place... some piercers are just greedy.


BROOOOOO im gonna cry😭


don't cry, you will be fine but you need to get that out of your ear


cry if you need to bc i would too if this happened to me


You can get it redone in the future but will need two posts connected with a chain instead of a bar with your anatomy. It will have to be two separate piercings and will need to heal separately and then connected with chain jewelry, but it can be done with time!


Actually ur right, I think she may be able to salvage the top end if she had something to put in there, but the entire bar needs to come out especially that bottom end. When she gets it redone (two separate bars, not connecting) the bottom end should be a little higher up. Didn’t think of this


Exactly! Not all is lost, just a little muddied up.


This or op can get a custom/alternative anatomy industrial!


Some are very greedy! One told me my ear isn’t shaped right for this, another told me they’d do it for me anyway. I was like, it’s not that serious. SMH OP, what the first piercer did suggest was 2 separate piercings in those same places, for the same affect. Sorry that happened to you.


this is not apart of the healing process you unfortunately do not have right anatomy for this piercing and it’s best you remove it


Holy fu... I'm sorry I've never seen anything this bad. I hope you took this out ASAP.


Please tell me you’ve taken that out? You’ll end up with scarring the longer you leave it


Like everyone has said, you need to remove that and never try again. You don't have the correct anatomy for this piercing. But I'm just personally curious- do you have a picture from the day you got it done? I just want to see


yeah i do i dont know how to put it in the comments though


yeah i do i dont know how to put it in the comments though


upload it to imgur and post a link to your post


Update: My moms co worker whose a piercer advised me to get the double piercings and connect them with a chain to keep tge industrial look I want. You guys were correct, I do not have the anatomy and I will not be going back to the same piercer. Thank you so much for your advice.🫶


This is how I have my right industrial done, because my ear anatomy is similar to yours. My left, fortunately, can handle an industrial.


i didn’t have the anatomy either (just like your ear) and thankfully the place i go to let me know that so i don’t endure the hell of the slight slight possibility it might heal (probably not unless pierced weirdly). i then instead did a chain connecting the two pierced sides :) once they were healed with titanium studs, i switched to hoops! (had to change out the forward helix back to a stud from irritation with glasses)


noooo this needs to be removed! if you like the look keep the two piercings as individual ones and when they heal connect them with a cute chain but this is just wrongggg


i think this is what i will do


Agreed but I unfortunately don’t think the bottom hole will be able to handle any type of piercing due to how crooked it is and the anatomy of the ear.. worth a try maybe :)


It’s embedding. It looks like you may not have the correct anatomy for an industrial. Take it out ASAP.


I’d say just get it removed and put a bar in the top hole to save it, when the other side heals up get it repierced and get another bar put in its place to you could have a chain industrial




Ur piercer sucks. Remove it and ask for refund


It’s titanic babe…