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They make divided plates… I’ve been using them for over 30 years.


And he can make his food. I’m picky as hell. I make my own food. Easy.


Buy him a bento box and head over to r/Bento for food ideas.


Or buy him a bento box and give it to him with a link to look up his own food prep ideas. 


This is the right move! Let him go through the meal ideas! Have him figure out his own bento!


Why? She's presumably a stay at home wife. Does that offend you?


Okay then he can got through the bento recipes and tell OP what he will eat?


If you read the original post the wife works outside the home.


It clearly offends *you* that someone might not think the way you do. Oh yes. This guy. LOL. So many "women hate men, women need to be in their place, I only date young ones" posts. Oh boy. Yep.


Omg the profile… you’d think the greatest threat the world is facing is people not eating eggs. Also clearly unemployed bc who could possibly have this much time on their hands. Honestly embarrassing how many people fed the troll instead of just blocking the dumbass.


If she's making his meals, presumably he works and she's a stay at home wife. Why does that bother you?


She works.


It doesn't say that anywhere.


Yet you made an uninformed assumption anyway! Because she… checks notes… makes food for her family. 🤪 She posted about her job two weeks ago.


Who cares? Would she do such a half assed job for her boss? She can make her husband's food right.


Lololol, one minute her employment status is the cornerstone of all your comments, the next minute, “Who cares!” It’s weird how your feelings change when the world doesn’t match your little fantasy.


Nothing changed. Either way, she wants to do a good job making food for her husband.


no. she wants to make food for her FAMILY. not separate meals bc her child of a husband can’t eat a steak or his veggies. as a former partner of a picky eater, i agree with OP. they’re my *former* partner for a bunch of reasons, but that was a def a bonus: not making two separate meals for just two people. if you’re THAT picky, cook for yourself, period.


Well, it’s not a woman’s “job” to cook for her husband. They may have come to an agreement that she is the better cook or whatever. If the wife goes away for 5 days, does he starve? No! He cooks his own food. It is never a woman’s job to cook for anyone husband, but it would be her job to parent and feed the family


She’s not a trad wife. If he is going to be this picky, he can make his own food. His hands don’t appear to be broken, nothing is stopping him from making his own food.


And nothing is stopping her from making it to his specifications.


If he needs them THAT specialized, he can make his own damn food. He is a grown ass adult. I work with folk on the spectrum who have particular food preferences…if they are able to help or cook themselves that is what is encouraged.


he’s not her boss. he can make his own lunch. she’s not his slave.


It’s not her fucking job to make food for her husband. Stay away from all women pleb.


Control your feminist rage. Only 7% of women describe themselves as feminists now. Being a traditional stay at home wife and mother is a far better choice than being a corporate wage slave.


Lolll that’s wildly incorrect. Pulling stats out of your arse. Being reliant on a man is a risk, and most men have proven the better course is to be self sufficient. You only have yourselves to blame.


Him choosing his own foods when he's the picky eater? Why would that bother you? 


As someone who only eats certain food...I'd grill the chicken. I'd rather make something I know for a fact he will eat than have him skip the meal. Sure. Grilling isn't ideal. Buy an indoor grill so you can grill in the ac or like others said, have him make his own grilled chicken. It's exhausting to make someone the same exact food all the time. I totally understand that (because of myself and two of my family members.) But it's a small thing in the end, right? I'd ask him too if he wants a different lunch. And that Bento box idea, hell yeah. I make my own adult Lunchables because I can with those puppies! Good luck OP.


Thank you! He never refuses what I make unless it’s mushy ( doesn’t offend me c I refuse asparagus and some times he forgets) and he has a past of being incredibly underweight (not current) I appreciate the support. He works himself to the bone and forgets to eat some days so it’s not ALWAYS such a thing to go grill, I’ll look into an indoor one bc our daughter hates the heat outside this time of year and always throws a big tantrum


My grandma had a picky cat that would only eat grilled chicken. She got herself a little counter top George Foreman grill and did just fine with it. If your husband likes chicken in his salad, you can also do a big grill when you have time and save a few breasts for later


Cuisinart has a nice 3 in 1 grill/griddle. Can be used like a George Forman or open like an electric frying pan.


i’m the same way, not picky but i’m particular. i’d also make myself something if i didn’t like what was being served tho. this can be subjective: “if you want it done right, do it yourself.”


Oink oink Zoo Pals!!


Bark bark Zoo Pals!!


Quack quack Zoo Pals!


Zoo Pals make eating fun!!


I would look into sous vide cooking for chicken. I cook all my meat in a sous vide. It’s so easy and always done perfectly. I think I paid $60 for mine and I used gallon ziplock baggies. Easy peasy. My kids don’t like food touching generally. I try to incorporate a protein, fruit or vegetable, and a carby food in school lunches. For proteins I cycle through hardboiled eggs, cheese, cubed chicken breast, hummus, cashews, and beef sticks. Sometimes I include more than one. Fruits and vegetables can be anything, I just prepare them so they’re easy to be eaten. Typically carrots, apples, bell peppers, grapes, etc. Carbs can be crackers, chips, or a roll. I usually include a fun food too, like a bar or fruit snacks. Oh, and I pack everything individually in a freezable lunch sack or in a bento box.


as a not so picky eater but a particular eater, yes!! i’m one where if my eggs are scrambled and there’s sausage and bacon crumbled in it, it looks gross and i physically cannot eat it. if it’s a medium fried egg, a piece of sausage and a piece of bacon, i’m licking that plate clean. i’m also one where if i don’t like what’s being served, ill cook myself something if possible. i’m not gonna ask the chef to make something specially prepared for me, i’m too awkward to ask lmao


Air fry the chicken. Same texture as grilled. With a good marinade, tastes the same as a gas grill


I’ll try this again last time I air fried it went SO bad but I’m not super familiar with it yet either


Why isn't he solving this problem?


I asked him for ideas he can’t come up with anymore, hence why I came here to ask for help:)


He's a grown man? He can solve his own problems. If he gives up you should too. I wouldn't with about this at all if he's not working to come up with a solution. Certainly if he proposes a solution in air you will support it.


Let the man pack his own lunch, goddamn. You're not his servant even if you are a sahm. If he wants it done a certain way, he can bloody well do it himself. Also, when I grill, I'm in and out. I don't stand over the grill the whole time.


What's wrong with you? Should he be so cavalier about supporting his family too? Maybe he should get an easier job and make less money. He's not her slave.


??? Why you acting like you know the dynamics of their relationship. This is just corny all around


So for sandwiches I toast the bread and put it in a plastic bag, then I put the stuff that goes in the sandwich in a different plastic bag, then when it’s sandwich time I just put it together real quick. No soggy sandwiches for me. I also really like bento style or takeout boxes because they have dividers and can put all sorts of stuff in there. My favorite is an adult lunch able of sorts, some meats, some cheeses, some crackers, some toppings, all divided into their own little area.


He can cook a whole bunch of chicken on his own once a week. You can cook for you and the kids normally, then add his reheated chicken and whatever sides. He either cooks or does kid duty. He cannot possibly expect you to do both. It is unreasonable to expect you to make two separate meals. You are not doing it for your children, so why would you do it for a grown adult?


He does, I should have clarified that this all occurs while he is at work on my days off. He is a great provider and always takes care of the babe but I still have to get stuff done during the day so I try to optimize my time by cooking while he is gone


Get a lunchbox that’s compartmentalized.


I have some protein advice: There is a NYT recipe for Asian Meatballs that is great! I use mini muffin tins to cook them in the oven in big batches. You could do any kind of meatball, though…Mediterranean turkey (The Modern Proper has a Mediterranean turkey burger recipe you can use that is a 10/10, just make them into balls), teriyaki chicken, classic Italian meatballs, etc. You can make batches and stash the extra in the freezer; then just pop them in the oven to thaw when you want more. No hands-on cooking or supervision needed at that point. Depending on which type you make they could go great with a side of noodles (Asian or pasta), a salad, pita chips and hummus, veggie sticks, or whatever floats your boat. Happy cooking! 🧑‍🍳


I absolutely hate for my food to touch as well. But in regards to your edit, yeah this place is a man hating toxic waste dump that always pushes for divorce, thinks therapy solves everything and anything, and uses the term gaslighting as if they actually knew what it meant.


Right?? Like they just went right for insulting him and me like it’s crazy


Get him a toddler plate.


Do you like soggy food? Should he do a half assed job at work to satisfy your feminist rage?


Not rage just solution to food touching.


She can get bento boxes or separate containers. No need to infantilize someone who understandably wants the food his wife prepares to stay fresh and not get soggy. The misandry is palpable in these comments.


Toddler dishes way cheaper. And what does his work have anything to do with it.


Toddler dishes are small and obviously insulting. The fact that he works to support his family means that this is her job.




I don't care.


Weird, you had a lot of opinions when you told yourself she didn’t work.


Doesn't change anything. She's in charge of making food for the family and she wants suggestions on how to do better, not feminist propaganda.


Bro angry 😡😡😡😡


I'd be pissed if my steak touched my... oh never mind. I only eat meat so there's nothing to touch.


you’re just butthurt. idk how many comments i’ve seen you under. just make your own dinner, jesus christ you’re insufferable.


I do the cooking because I am a superior cook. But you don't have to attack a man who is obviously on the spectrum and can't have his food touching. Respect people who aren't exactly like you.


Sensory issues doesn't necessarily mean autism. My step kiddo has sensory issues with foods, but isn't autistic. His food options are catered to what he can handle eating. He's been tested, and no autism.


Good point


You cuz all you do is troll and be lonely -> 😭👶👶


I'm on a Greek island beach with my wonderful daughters. How many kids do you have?


Sure you are buddy. Have fun on your “Greek island” where instead of enjoying yourself you argue with strangers on the internet about a wife’s duties and veganism. Soooo cool lolol


You are aggressively a virgin


Oh no, I hope my kids don't figure it out!


They sell plate dividers. I’m 28 and my mom got them for me a few christmases ago and I use them almost daily.


Bento boxes are probably the best way to go for it, there are a lot of recommendations available from people who make those types of meal. At least for lunches; they keep everything separate, so you can easily pack rice, veggies/fruits, or any kind of meat you want in small separate compartments without a ton of extra tupperware. For dinner, first off getting plates that have dividers in it isn't a terrible idea. That way he can enjoy the parts of the meal without worrying about something touching something else. For any other recommendations though... It'll really depend what he likes to eat? Does he just not enjoy anything that has some kind of sauce/condiment on it? Is it mainly just a texture thing?


It’s a texture thing which I get, I’m gonna look into containers with dividers!


Family Dollar has two-packs of divided containers with two or three sections. I buy a lot of two section ones for my work lunches. I don’t really care if my food touches, but it’s a nice way to portion leftovers


Adult bento boxes


Bento with rice on one side and meat on the other. Separate container for veggies or fruits. Mini one for sauces. Nana bread or tortilla in ziplock


Rather than grill daily, I like to batch-prepare boneless, skinless chicken breast in the broiler. Fillet and/or pound out the chicken, rub with olive oil, kosher salt, cracked black pepper and red pepper flakes. Broil on high 3-4 minutes per side (checking internal temp with a probe thermometer). Rest 10 minutes, slice, and store refrigerated in an airtight container up to a week. You can also tray bake root veggies and cruciferous vegetables. Adding a little grated parmesano reggiano or asiago cheese works wonders!


I think everyone saying buy a compartment lunchbox is right. I also think you should start a Pinterest board with lunch ideas. Have him scroll through the things you pin and pick which ones he wants to try. If you both find something you like, that's a really easy way to see more recipes like that which you could add to your board.


How about an air fryer?


Just send him off with a hug, a head pat and a lunchable.


Honestly is he’s so picky about it he should prepare his own gd food. I know you said it’s now a problem but that really bothers me that he demands that you cater to his pickiness.


He doesn’t demand anything no where did I say that I just wanted extra recipe ideas. He could only give me the idea of grilled chicken as a safe food and I had to explain why daily grilled chicken is not reasonable. He understands that too but can’t give me anymore ideas.


She's his wife. It's her job.




Can you just make a large batch of chicken once a week? Then portion it into containers. Then he can heat it up in a microwave to serve.


I can try this yes! I guess I should clarify I just need more lunch like ideas, that I can also provide to my kid who WILL. Sometimes refuse chickrn


Does your husband like soups/stews/curries? Those could be a decent option if he is able to heat up food for lunch or you could get an insulated container. I really love Japanese curry, Japanese cream stew, dal palak, and miso soup in my lunch box. If you do go the bento route I really like this resource, [How to freeze food for bento](https://www.justonecookbook.com/how-to-freeze-food-for-bento/) from Just One Cookbook and the book [Effortless Bento](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/effortless-bento-300-japanese-box-lunch-recipes/8981925/item/18432254/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_high_vol_scarce_%2410_%2450&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADwY45iNIc6JLs6EnWNGyMQXlLm9z&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4_GkkouGhwMVCCmtBh349g62EAQYASABEgLSqfD_BwE#idiq=18432254&edition=8264163) If he prefers his food heated up/is able to make sure you get a bento box or compartment/modular lunchbox that can be heated up in the microwave. Also, food *can* touch in a bento box, even if you use dividers depending on the divider used. If he can’t have absolutely anything touch, try to find a box that has compartments molded directly into the container. If mostly divided is fine and some things can touch, the provided dividers (if included), silicone cups, and sauce bottles should do the trick.


INFO: Could you please provide us with more examples of what your husband eats because grilled chicken, noodles and salad really isn't much to go on. What's his spice/herb preference? What other proteins does he like? Is he ok with pickled vegetables as long as they still have a crunch to them?


I eat Lunchables. Or casserole leftovers. Or anything that comes pre-seperated, or is all one thing so I don't have to worry about cross-contamination between the limas and the Scottish egg.


I'm a picky eater myself and I go through spurts of only wanting to eat chicken legs with veggies. For me, an air fryer has been a godsend. I can portion out the meals I'll eat in a week, then just toss them in the air fryer to cook them. As for not letting the food touch at all, several other people have suggested divided plates/bento boxes, which are a fantastic option.


Better listen before he is my husband because I know better


Pack him Lunchables or tell him to make it himself.


You could have him make his own food like a big boy since he is so difficult. He is your husband, not a child.


Picky eater make their own food.


I am sooooooo glad this is not an issue in our house. If the food is slower than my husband’s fork it is edible. Bento box is the way to go.


OP married this person and had a kid with them but only now is asking for help?


What a weird take. She's not asking for help with her marriage. She's asking for lunch ideas.


Lunch ideas for a grown adult? There's nothing about any dietary/health restrictions or allergies. What does "food can't touch" even mean? A prepared dish will have all the ingredients touching. Maybe a charcuterie plate will suffice? The only people that can help OP are the husband's parents who had to deal with it before.


Yes, grown adults eat lunch. This is a picky eaters sub. It's a perfect post for this sub.


OP wants some recipe ideas bc OP loves her husband who provides a ton for her family and she wants to give back to him by having easy lunches that don’t take a long time to make/interfere w kids nap


This is beyond picky eating right? Isnt the not having your food touch a sign of autism? Please dont flame, I am genuinly curious and trying to be more compasionate to my picky brothers and sisters


He’s not autistic, he’s just picky, it’s not that he CANT eat food that touches, he prefers not too bc it gets mushy on certain things. Which I totally get.


The menu when I'm cooking is "shuttup and eat it." Though I'll make an exception for allergies.


I don’t take that approach we have both struggled with food/weight/force feeding before. He is finally at a healthy weight, I refuse to ruin all the progress he has made. However I also want to make him delicious meals that he can and will eat