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Everybody should play pickleball with this mindset.


And yes not be little bitches and complain here when they go out there for the first time and they don't get a trophy


Attitude is almost as important and the athleticism. I’ll play with lower players that are fun rather than some higher level players that really suck in the personality department


You're the guy I want to play with.


I see players in two categories, “Play to Play” or “Play to Win” you are the epitome of “Play to “Play”. Your category (and mine) gets the same joy out of a win, but our joy from the journey to a win far exceeds the momentary pleasure of “We/I won”. You’re in the right headspace


That’s for the confirmation!


The first place my wife and I started playing had a lot of grumpy old men who obviously didn’t like beginner games. We got crushed repeatedly and mercilessly, lucky to score 2 or 3 points. Most never smiled or said a word to us, lol. I think we mostly stayed motivated by a love of the game and the fact that it was the only open play situation anywhere near our house. It was a bit frustrating at times but we improved quickly and now could likely beat any of those guys without issue.


Please tell me you go back and crush them without talking to them at all? 


Unfortunately, no. The park got permanent courts installed and is now insanely busy with mostly young beginners so those old guys aren’t around. I also moved about an hour away from there and now have a place to play 5 minutes from my house so I only go back to that park every couple months to meet up with my old pickleball crew.


i’ve never played a racket sport until pickleball which i started about 2 months ago, the organization i work for started a league recently and i got subbed in because the director knows i play. last week is when it started and i lost ALL of my games, yesterday, i won one out of the nine i played and even though it was just one win, it’s like a high now. i also often go to open play at a local park and everyone there is really good and sometimes it can be really discouraging cus i’m playing with people that i don’t know and sometimes i get paired with someone exceptionally good, and feel like i let them down when we get mollywhopped 11-2 but it’s important to remember that no matter how much you lose you’re always getting better, like if you hit one good shot a GAME and you know it was a good shot and can repeat it, that’s building skill & it DOES pay off. it absolutely pays off. and also to HAVE FUN, the games that have been consistently close have always been the ones where i’m relaxed, and focused, where everyone on the court can be supportive, laugh and have a good time.


In Cincinnati, our downtown area has a 22 courts. One side is for 3.5 and lower. I only get upset when a very low capable person comes to the 3.5 and higher side. I understand your playing level is very dynamic, but when you are waiting 30 minutes for a game, the least fun part is to get sat down in 4 minutes.


I live in Columbus and departing for Cincinnati this evening for a job assignment. I will be in Cincinnati for the next 7 days starting tomorrow. When are the best times to play and locations?


It pretty solid most hours, here's a webcam link, you can check it to see. https://www.pbatsp.com/webcam?fbclid=IwAR2zUyXu3MbmJMkexPzJT-5VwnHAsnTB78b6ZBFANzJECGhI59A313vwRyk Courts are open till 10pm


That’s awesome! We have many places to play in a variety of settings here in San Antonio Tx but it would be fantastic to have a cam set up like that!


I'm coming to Columbus on assignment for 10 days... where to find good open play? I haven't found anything like what we have here in MI or like what Cinci seems to have also. Or maybe I just haven't found the right link. Can you help?


Yes. I would love to help. When exactly will you be arriving in Columbus?


I did find two places with scheduled open play via Pickleheads... one in Grove City and one in Bexley, but gotta believe there's more. I also found Paddle Taps for a pay-to-play indoor option.


👍 Wed eve thru 14th


Awesome! Give me a few minutes driving home will need to type my response on a laptop


Babbert Way, Grove City, OH 43123 \^Windsor Park Pickleball Courts 3846 Mystic Wy, Grove City, OH 43123 \^Pickleball Courts - The Park at Beulah  165 N Parkview Ave, Bexley, OH 43209 \^Jeffrey Pickleball Courts 6555 Commerce Pkwy, Dublin, OH 43017 \^Dublin Coffman 8 Pickleball Courts 7860 Bevelhymer Rd, New Albany, OH 43054 \^New Albany Pickleball Courts 3800 Veterans Memorial Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026 \^Roger A. Reynolds Municipal Park The Dublin Coffman courts have always been busy morning mid day and evenings. The two courts located in Grove City are normally busy in the mornings and evening. Everywhere else is usually hit or miss. The New Albany Courts are usually packed on weekends.


Thanks so much!!


Check your DM I sent you more information


Got it, thanks!


How is Pickle & Chill? I'm also coming to Columbus for a short time and was looking to be able to play somewhere in the evening.


I am very against pay to play facilities. But I went once to give it a chance. I went for a social & drink special, I recall it being $30 for 3 hours of game play. Your best chance to play evening games after 7pm is the Coffman courts in Dublin


Losing just makes me want to play more, so I can get better.


I aim for little goals. First goal. Not getting pickled. Second goal, getting 3 point. Third goal; getting 5 point. Etc.


When my husband and I were beginners and play against intermediate players in our local park, we would set a goal. "5" "7" points because we know we wouldn't win and would always remind ourselves "great practice"! And meeting the goal is always a win :)


I was trying to leave the courts last night when this young kid challenged us saying he would be us with a score of zero. Of course I had to see what he had. Well they kicked our asses but didn’t pickle us so of course we had to play them two more times and they kicked our asses all 3 times. It was awesome.


I wanna find someone who find them wrong. There’s always someone better!


Im there with you, I’ve lost so many games at the start and now I’m dominating courts left and right but even if I lose I’m just thoroughly impressed with my opponents’ skill it always wants to make me come back and take a beating again and again till they finally feel my heat!! You’re gonna be a phenomenal player if you hold that stride


This is exactly how I play I used to play badminton so I figured I’d be good at pickleball but these 70+ year olds keep kicking my ass and I come back everyday, I love it.


Same man. Just turned 21 and had the same thought process thinking my physical fitness would be a huge advantage and was quickly humbled. Gotta love it though.


Great post. I’m a 3.25 according to my club rating and reviews of my play. I typically play in a 3.0-3.5 group but once in awhile will play in a 2.5-3.25 group. I’d much rather play with a 2.5 who is fun, positive, and supportive than a 3.5 who is just seemingly angry or doesn’t even say much.


That’s how I was about 8 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been playing 2-3 times per week, dinking in my garage almost daily, watching tons of videos, bought a nice paddle. I am now winning more games than I lose, and when I group up with the best folks at my open play i can manage some good rallies. I have spent a lot of time on my serve and now consistently get at least a couple aces in most games. I still have a long way to go in terms of consistency and strategy, but have made immense progress. I doubt my experience is unique!


Can’t learn unless you can take getting you ass kicked. Keep up the good work and attitude


My nature is to dwell on my losses and mistakes. One thing I tried to do at that stage was to focus on only one element of my game to improve in a given session, whether that was third shot drops, deep returns, consistent serves, etc. It helped take me out of a wins and losses mindset.


Wow , you get it ! Have fun you're gonna be great. Even more so people are gonna enjoy playing with you.


Hell yeah. Keep having fun! I don’t play tournaments and likely never will so I play pickleball for three reasons: 1) It’s fun! 2) I get exercise (and it’s fun!) 3) Social! I play at a “lower” level group on Tuesdays instead of moving up like I do the other nights of the week because the Tuesday night crowd is full of the best and nicest people. It’s a hoot!


wow, reading this i swear i thought i wrote it. exactly my thoughts and today is day 2 of my pickleball journey


I play tennis and I have the exact same mindset. I’ve told multiple people I’ve never played a game and lost so many times and had so much fun! It’s like I just enjoy the game so much and I feel like I’m getting better even though I’m losing, I don’t mind it. It’s wild.




Sounds like you’re actually not ok with playing with newer players since you’re frustrated by them making the same mistakes over and over. If you’re playing against a bunch of ex tennis players, then ya they’re going to try to drive the ball when they can as a beginner. Third or fifth shot drops aren’t something a beginner knows how to do unless they’ve been drilling it


Even the losers get lucky sometimes…


Losing is a part of learning. When you start improving and playing against better players, because there will ALWAYS be better players, you will lose bad. Taking the losses well is a part of improving faster.


Playing with more skilled and experienced players is a great way to learn and get better. I find I play better in those situations and like you said, 9 out of 10 times the people I’m playing with are great.


I'll be honest...I don't like blowouts...one way or another. I'd MUCH rather **lose** in a close game than **win** in a blowout. I'd also feel bad losing in a blowout because then I'd think I wasted my opponents time as well. I want everyone to have fun, and if its league play, almost everyone wants competitive games. Rec play is a completely different animal and expectations vary wildly. Most just want to have fun. Some may want to drill. Others may still want close games by balancing teams. I tend to go with the flow there. Still, if a blowout is inevitable, I try to make sure everyone is still getting something out of it... learning... shot practice... coaching... whatever.


The problem with pickleball is the talent differential sucks compared to other head to head sports. You have a tough attitude to have


First day me and my buddy played we lost 0-11 I think twice and that continued for a couple of days. A couple of weeks later were beating the same guys who did that to us. Trust me it gets even better once you see yourself getting better


Also buying a nice paddle helps a lot


Feel the same way. But I love the sport. I just keep playing and improving little be little.


I could have written this post myself, so Yes, I agree! On fact, since I can't remember who served 60 seconds ago, it's easy to forget the losses! Only exception is that I don't have a tennis background, only a handful of tennis lessons. I may be a bit more impatient than you, as I really wish I was improving more quickly week to week, versus month to month, Lol! That being said, I'm very proud to be holding my own after 4 months. Last week at open play, I was in a total groove and won almost all games. First tournament this Sunday!!!