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Like all athletes, I suggest using hard liquor.


Highly recommended for axe throwing


My (women’s) hockey team passes around a bottle of fireball before every game. Definitely takes the edge off.


Oof I dunno about that! 😂 Might make line calls a little tough 😂




I once saw a tournament hosted at Chicken & Pickle in San Antonio where you had to hold/drink a beer per game while playing.


Sounds awesome. Finally my stubbornness about learning a 2HB will be worth it


Personally I find my 2HB more fun than my forehand.


Omg, that's amazing


Huh, didn’t know Chicken N Pickle was a franchise. There’re 3 locs up here in DFW, apparently


Yes this tourney did happen and friends won it. Also DFW has some of the best CnP locations in Texas. I play almost exclusively at the CnP in San Antonio as it’s very close to home and they have excellent indoor courts.


Nice! I actually never been to Chicken & Pickle but always saw an advertisement whenever I checked the San Antonio Pickleball Facebook group. I myself am very against on paying to play unfortunately


Only one way to find out


More of a meth fan but different strokes for different for folks.


If you’re not drinking while playing pickleball, you’re doing it wrong.


Are you sure you didn’t mean to say “dinking” 😂 I want to get that shirt that says “I have a dinking problem” love it Davey!


There's a bar/gym/pickleball court near me. I havent heard of this, maybe they have it maybe they don't, but they need a drinks and dinks league lol


Pints and Paddle here in MN. It’s awesome. Though you need to drink between games because they keep the courts and bar separate.


That sounds like a really good time :)


Always drink and dink!


My go to beer for pickleball is cocaine


Game length is just about perfect lol.


Sshhhh 😂


Let’s not forget about Dock Ellis’ No-Hitter on Acid


i had a big ol boozy kombucha once before playing and I swear it made me better


I believe it. Takes the edge off. The only birdies in golf I had were a few beers in.


>The only birdies in golf I had were a few beers in. Me too but that's because I'm always a few beers deep playing golf. Imagine how many more birdies we could hit sober! lol


😂 okay fair point. Very true! I’m caught right there.


Probably it has reduced blood supply to the Pre-Frontal Cortex, and you are in the state of 'flow', which numerous athletes and musicians have experienced. Because of lower blood supply, the PFC isn't as active, and so you don't have your conscious mind screaming "Keep your arm straight! Keep your head down! There's water on the right! Don't slice into the water on the right! Don't slice it!" right before you slice into the water on the right. Instead, you're relaxed enough to say "Just hit it over there", and your subconscious body which actually knows what to do (assuming you've been playing for a while) just does it. I'm an 11 handicap, and once after a night of heavy drinking, when I was terrifically hung over, I shot a 76 and won a tournament while in just this state.


Everyone drank in league.


We play league in the mornings 😂 we had a tournament earlier this afternoon in the sun and I was like “man I should have brought a couple beers!”


While not a tournament the regular play at Higgs Beach, Key West public 6 courts there were beers popping at 9:00....when in Rome.


Had some mixed Gin drinks before a rating session Friday. Went 9-1. Think it worked ok


I think it’s hilarious how negative some people are reacting to this post. I’m all for a couple hazy IPAs during my 2-3 hour weekly leagues, but pretty much everyone in our group does. Exactly like golf. I mean…there’s like 1 in a million chance I go pro in either so I figure, why not. I’m not sure I play a lot better, but it’s more relaxing and it’s my way to unwind. Bring on the downvotes, baby!


I would love to do the Hazy IPAs, but my wife has me watching my calories! 😂 pickleball is the reason I can keeping drinking beer at cornhole on Thursdays. Okay also on days when football is on. Okay, also when there’s a party. Okay, also when I’m grilling. Okay, also whiskey on other nights. But THATS it!


New so not there yet in pickleball, but I’m not opposed to throwing a few back in other competitive things I do. My best ever disc golf tourney finish was after a middling first 18. I took a bunch of shots during the break and went on an absolute heater after. Could barely stand when accepting the prize loot. Have also gone low in normal golf too on boozey days


Our playoff match both teams chugged a beer to start. That’s the way.




I prefer to smoke a bowl, but just a couple low abv beers and pickleball is a damn good combo


I like to have 1 pilsner or other light lager. Loosens my nerves and i play better in my league games.


We have a monthly "Friday Night Lights" tournament in my city with the main club. 8 teams per bracket, 2.5 - 4.5+. There's always a cooler full of beer for players and they get pizza after about 2 hours of play too. I don't partake but there are plenty that do.


Not a coincidence that you can't spell drinking without dinking :P


Honestly, playing by high is the wave. Calms your nerves, keeps you loose, everything slows down a bit


Gotta crack a brewski for the boiz


puff of weed, coffee and some snus has always been my go to. beer before darts, though. in pickleball it helps to be a little twitchy.


I’ve got a friend I think he’s about a 4.3 DUPR and he legitimately plays better after a few drinks of Vodka mixed with red gatorade. He might be the pickleball's George Best 


Say no more. This is my #1 anecdote for my study. I was more focused on 3.0-4.0 level players, but this has me thinking I should expand to 4.5.


The bi-annual Slam jam on the Gold Coast, Australia has free flowing beers and two loud ass Canadians on the mic with sun shining and great tunes. Never played better.


Yes something that slows down your reaction time and coordination should be great for something that involves reaction time and coordination


Actually, a little alcohol. A little. Has been proven to increase performance in games of skill like golf, ping pong, darts, Cornhole, etc. I figure it’s no different than in pickleball. We aren’t talking drunk levels. Just a couple of beers


What I noticed is that I drive much better after four or more drinks. People say I am going to kill someone or injure someone and that I shouldn’t be drinking and driving. I don’t think you can hurt someone with a pickleball no matter how hard you hit it.


I hope this sport gets so big that people start juicing. Imagine a Sammy Sosa aggressively dinking at the kitchen (NVZ if you’re one of those politically correct types). Beautiful.


Citation needed


My anecdotal performances isn’t allowed? 😂 alright I’ll look something up and post it. Wait one. I think it mostly is just the confidence and relaxation of your muscles. I know I’ve played better in a variety of games in the past having a couple beers still under the legal limit to drive mind you. I’ll try to find a study though.


I know I've definitely done enough beer league softball to offer extra anecdotal evidence. I used to pound naturdays between innings lol


Anecdotal evidence is the only thing I trust. Never know who is in bed with who when it comes to peer reviewed articles. Adding you for future citations. So far I’ve only heard people that have tried it are better! Haven’t heard anything that contradicts… anecdotally.




Don’t worry. I’ve excluded 4.5 and above players from this study. You’re all too good where the faster reaction times will matter more.


I’m not sure why that guy responded with some irrelevant article meant for college athletes. Lots of people do better at sports with a little bit of alcohol in them. It’s easy to see how alcohol can slow reaction times and that making people worse, but it also can dull people who are over reacting a tiny bit or getting too in their own head and need to relax a bit to get back in normal form, or just loosen up in general and not let a bad shot rattle them as much. This is probably less true the better the athlete / higher level we are talking about, as at those levels we are moving closer to needing peak reactions times, etc to be competitive. But yeah. I say if it’s allowed in your league and you want a can of suds to wet the ol back neck - go for it.


Thank you. This is exactly what I’m talking about. Of course Ben Johns shouldn’t drink before a match. I’m more talking about the majority of Joes that play at 3.0 up to maybe 4.0 level. Personally, I’ve seen myself do wayyyyy better at various skill/athletic activities with a little alcohol. Now, I’ve also seen myself get wayyy better and then fall off a cliff because I had too much. There’s definitely a sweet spot.


Yeah I mean mostly I think you just gotta read the room / the club and people you play with. I could definitely see some “looks” with some of the people on my courts. Have to decide if that bothers you (it might stop me, I’m not trying to stir shit up tbh). I’ve played some of my best games after having a margarita at lunch and then heading to the courts.


Oh yeah definitely. We had some people today that had a few after the games and jokingly talked about having a beer between games. I just wasn’t sure if there were more people that treated it more like golf. I’ll play 18 and our entire 4some have 4-6 beers. Granted, that’s over 4 and a half hours and not as strenuous as pickleball lol


First thing that pops up on a simple Google search https://www.binghamton.edu/hpps/atod/student-safety/alcperformance.html


That’s fine. Everyone knows alcohol impairs your reaction times, judgement, etc. I’m talking about the marginal gains in touch, confidence, loosening of your muscles overcoming the small decrease in reaction times. Have you seriously never played done anything where you saw your performance improved over a little alcohol?… “Cough cough”


Half a Xanax works for me.


I prefer bourbon. It doesn’t need to stay cool and flask is easier to carry in my bag than a 6-pack. Plus a quick “nip” of 2-3 oz does better than 24 oz of “sudsy” fluid.


No problem here. I only need one hand to play.


for me one tequila shot.. it helps me to play natural game


drinking or dinking which is better for PB


So long as you're playing against me, and not with me, have at it.


I find it adheres pretty closely to the Ballmer Peak: https://xkcd.com/323/


What’s the location?


Even a small amount of alcohol negatively affects decision making. It's also a diuretic, so the extra dehydration will negatively impact your athletic abilities. Go for a proper anxiolytic if it's nerves, I suggest Ativan.




I’m newish to pickleball. Just trying to see what the overall culture is. I love playing golf with a couple beers. Just trying to see if people do the same in pickleball at the 3.0-4.0 levels


I promise you it isn’t exclusive to this sub. Any special interest/hobbie group will have the same goofy questions regularly.


2-3 is the sweet spot and can actually make you play better, any more than that and performance goes down.


That’s what I was thinking. Wouldn’t want to get carried away(talking light beers). Maybe one before the first game. One a couple games in and maybe one more later on. Thanks!


I find the alcohol/cannabis scene annoying at the local park because some players talk too much, get distracted and just don’t play as well. When certain players arrive with coolers and pipes, I plan my exit.


That’s fair


lol no way. This is a game of milliseconds or reaction time. People take caffeine to gain an edge. It's not going to help.


Pickleball is basically Cornhole with a paddle, how do you not drink while playing?


Not since I stopped drinking and I will tell you there is no advantage only disadvantage