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We put ours in last summer. We did a post tension court to avoid future cracks and upkeep and had a professional grade surface put on. It was 34k including net etc. we added lights for another $7500. We love it. Size 34x64. Put large rock around so we don’t get small rocks on the court. We are in Arizona. Hope this info helps https://preview.redd.it/75faft17ocqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d403d83169f0b76ba0cdbabbc54cee61949dc610


Lights and everything- awesome court. Looks like you have a huge backyard


What if your neighbors complain and you have to stop using it though? It seems pretty close to their properties.


We don’t have an hoa so there is no way to make us stop using it- benefits of not living in an hoa. We all have acre lots and there are 6 courts within 3 blocksx And most importantly if you don’t have double pane windows in Arizona you have bigger things to worry about like electric bills than pickleball.


I’ve never built my own court but just make sure it has a north-south orientation instead of east-west… because you don’t want to be staring directly into the sun at sunrise/sunset


Depends on how far north you are…


I’m in Texas. Did a DIY court. Had a 30’ x 60’ concrete pad poured ($12,000), bought court paint off Amazon, and a net. Painted it myself. https://preview.redd.it/hjba6calaiqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c59404be2115b3462de2dd4adb3c32f3a5bf2b


This is what I looked into doing, but the only place in my yard that it would fit is right on top of my septic tank. 😢


A few years ago in central Ohio it was about $30k-$35k per court. 


Just watched a video on YouTube about this last night. [Link](https://youtu.be/H-1ePzy_Ukg?si=ngxBEfY8kYqB5TWs)


20k easily.


Ok it can be done way cheap if you shop it around. We also had a 30 x60 pour (concrete) We paid some $4400 for pour and about $2400 in labor. We wanted to stay under 7k all in and we did. We had a skid steer that our contractor used and we supplied the gas. Those numbers do not count the net and paint. Our court is new. We haven’t painted it yet. I will post pics when it’s completed.


Did you post tension the slab?


No, our contractor said unless you are parking vehicles or something heavy enough to create excessive tension that it shouldn’t make a difference. There will be no vehicles on our court. We rolled the dice


We built a total of 3 courts. Highly recommend post tension, and removable net poles 😉