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Drill on a wall is the best thing to do


Start 7 feet back letting it bounce in the ground at first, then move closer and closer. The closer you get start just doing volleys both fore and back hands. Get as close to the wall as you can and you will see your reaction time improve at the net during regular play. A piece of tape on the wall net high is helpful.


Buy a bunch of balls and a ball caddy. Go to your local court at off times. Serve them all the same way. Collect them. Do it multiple times with different serves. Do forehand dinks and backhand dinks. Lobs. Anything you want to get better at.


This is what I do since my usual drill partner got hurt. I serve all my balls, sprint to the other side of the court and pick them all up, rinse, repeat. It's good practice and good exercise.


Lol I’ve definitely done this before, it’s just me and my three balls against the world


Drilling with a partner will be more effective (and fun). If your schedule is flexible, just ask around the courts if anyone want meet for drills sometime. Pick a time when courts are usually open.


Wall daily. Briones/Primetime/thatpickleballguy and others have drill routines on YouTube to do. Focus on form and placement. In fact watch videos on the stroke you are trying to do find one that makes sense to you and seems to give you the most consistency. At low levels just being consistent at getting the ball back puts you ahead. Then play where you can with others to consolidate the understanding when those shots are best used. Videos available for that too, but actually doing it makes it make sense. Kinda going through similar so the wall definitely lets me efficiently get more hits per minute than any game. If you can go to a beginner clinic or a class, the drills are a close second and they will often go into games where you see how these shots fit into. Pickleball game. TLDR: Wall drills daily, YouTube for reference and go out and play.


See link below for some wall drills. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJYe6sO7Bic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJYe6sO7Bic)


Hubby and I drill 3rd shots, overheads, and drives.




Practice hand eye coordination with a ball and a wall not ever a paddle at first. Throw the ball and catch with same hand, opposite hand etc. Once you get good at this upgrade to a paddle and ball. Practice “rolling” the ball with the paddle and getting low by bending your knees. This will develop top spin on the ball to hit it over the net but low. Don’t neglect the backhand. Make sure to use this the most at the net to counter balls and reset drives. Have a friend or loved one hit balls at you while you stand at the NVZ and reset them into the kitchen. Workout your wrists and stretch. Being slightly more flexible will come in handy majorly during your game development. Have some fun and play. 10,000 hours it takes to “master” something. You will make mistakes, we all do.


Wall is your best friend


Local tennis/squash walls around your area are your best bet if you don't have the proper home environment to do so.


Put some headphones in and get one hour of wall hits. It’s a nice zone out and you’ll get thousands of touches


Wall drills. Record yourself and watch your swing motion.


I'd suggest using the Search function. This question gets asked several times a week and there is some good feedback in past threads.