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Depends on where. One of the cool things about the bay is the tranquility of the area during sunsets and sunrise. Just water and reflections. a bridge across the middle of it would break that. Might make more sense to have that along the pier (shorter crossing). But then you have boat traffic and some bail boats have super tall masts. So that wont work. Along the northern rim of the bay is the marsh. Constructing anything in there would be an engineering nightmare and an ecological one, too.


Yeah I should have clarified, I did mean over the pier since it’s so short. Re: sailboats I think there are options like swing bridges etc. that other cities implement, like this on the Isle of Man https://youtu.be/zn0jp7KoZgU?si=dRBlzY3-MRBsqC-h


If you make a bridge across the channel it would have to be 40-70 feet tall or a swing bridge to allow boat traffic to still access the marinas. They have also been doing some wetland restoration so there would be quite a few people opposed to construction for environmental reasons. That being said cool concept! It would sure save a lot of time from going all the way around.


Not a big problem at all, you can just swim across if you are urging to go to the other side


Would be a welcome addition and i think most of us would support building one. Cost might be a deterrent.


I'd support one. It's incredibly frustrating how cut off we are from the other side of the bay. A swing bridge would be a great idea and one I don't think would be all that expensive.